10 research outputs found

    Zoysiagrass plant named ‘DALZ 0102’

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    ‘DALZ 0102’ is a new variety of zoysiagrass distinguished by having superior turf quality, rapid rate of establishment, rapid recovery rate following damage, comparable cold hardiness, good shade tolerance, good fall color retention, high shoot density, low seedhead number, good resistance to bluegrass billbug, excellent resistance to zoysiagrass mite, good resistance to dollar spot, and good resistance to take-all patch, as disclosed herein.U

    Zoysiagrass plant named ‘DALZ 0102’

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    ‘DALZ 0102’ is a new variety of zoysiagrass distinguished by having superior turf quality, rapid rate of establishment, rapid recovery rate following damage, comparable cold hardiness, good shade tolerance, good fall color retention, high shoot density, low seedhead number, good resistance to bluegrass billbug, excellent resistance to zoysiagrass mite, good resistance to dollar spot, and good resistance to take-all patch, as disclosed herein.U

    St. Augustinegrass plant named ?DALSA 0605?

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    ?DALSA 0605? is a new variety of St. Augustinegrass distinguished by having high tolerance to grey leaf spot disease, significantly reduced levels of fecundity and juvenile development of Southern chinch bugs, and superior drought resistance conferred through a combination of tolerance to drying soil, deep genetic rooting potential, and rapid recovery following drought, as disclosed herein.U

    St. Augustinegrass plant named ?DALSA 0605?

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    ?DALSA 0605? is a new variety of St. Augustinegrass distinguished by having high tolerance to grey leaf spot disease, significantly reduced levels of fecundity and juvenile development of Southern chinch bugs, and superior drought resistance conferred through a combination of tolerance to drying soil, deep genetic rooting potential, and rapid recovery following drought, as disclosed herein.U

    St. Augustinegrass plant named ‘DALSA 0605’

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    β-Lactamase substrates and methods for using the substrates to detect β-lactamase and to diagnose tuberculosis.U

    Zoysiagrass named 'KSUZ 0802'â„¢

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    The new and distinct zoysiagrass variety described herein is a Z. matrella x Z. japonica F1 hybrid named 'KSUZ 0802'â„¢. 'KSUZ 0802'â„¢ can be distinguished by its superior turf quality, fine-textured leaves, increased resistance to bluegrass billbug (Sphenophorus parvulus Ghyllenhaal), and cold tolerance that is comparable to zoysiagrass varieties adapted to the transition zone growing region in the U.S.U

    Zoysiagrass named 'KSUZ 0802'â„¢

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    The new and distinct zoysiagrass variety described herein is a Z. matrella x Z. japonica F1 hybrid named 'KSUZ 0802'â„¢. 'KSUZ 0802'â„¢ can be distinguished by its superior turf quality, fine-textured leaves, increased resistance to bluegrass billbug (Sphenophorus parvulus Ghyllenhaal), and cold tolerance that is comparable to zoysiagrass varieties adapted to the transition zone growing region in the U.S.U

    United States Patent: 315 Buffalograss

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    A vegetatively reproduced buffalograss cultivar, named 315 Buffalograss, is distinguished by its excellent dark green color, high density, low growth habit, drought resistance, heat and cold tolerance, wear tolerance, low maintenance requirements and slow rate of establishment