3,526 research outputs found

    Energy Density of Vortices in the Schroedinger Picture

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    The one-loop energy density of an infinitely thin static magnetic vortex in SU(2) Yang-Mills theory is evaluated using the Schroedinger picture. Both the gluonic fluctuations as well as the quarks in the vortex background are included. The energy density of the magnetic vortex is discussed as a function of the magnetic flux. The center vortices correspond to local minima in the effective potential. These minima are degenerated with the perturbative vacuum if the fermions are ignored. Inclusion of fermions lifts this degeneracy, raising the vortex energy above the energy of the perturbative vacuum.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    Writhe of center vortices and topological charge -- an explicit example

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    The manner in which continuum center vortices generate topological charge density is elucidated using an explicit example. The example vortex world-surface contains one lone self-intersection point, which contributes a quantum 1/2 to the topological charge. On the other hand, the surface in question is orientable and thus must carry global topological charge zero due to general arguments. Therefore, there must be another contribution, coming from vortex writhe. The latter is known for the lattice analogue of the example vortex considered, where it is quite intuitive. For the vortex in the continuum, including the limit of an infinitely thin vortex, a careful analysis is performed and it is shown how the contribution to the topological charge induced by writhe is distributed over the vortex surface.Comment: 33 latex pages, 10 figures incorporating 14 ps files. Furthermore, the time evolution of the vortex line discussed in this work can be viewed as a gif movie, available for download by following the PostScript link below -- watch for the cute feature at the self-intersection poin

    Dissection of the amyloid formation pathway in AL amyloidosis

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    In antibody light chain (AL) amyloidosis, overproduced light chain (LC) fragments accumulate as fibrils in organs and tissues of patients. In vitro, AL fibril formation is a slow process, characterized by a pronounced lag phase. The events occurring during this lag phase are largely unknown. We have dissected the lag phase of a patient-derived LC truncation and identified structural transitions that precede fibril formation. The process starts with partial unfolding of the V-L domain and the formation of small amounts of dimers. This is a prerequisite for the formation of an ensemble of oligomers, which are the precursors of fibrils. During oligomerization, the hydrophobic core of the LC domain rearranges which leads to changes in solvent accessibility and rigidity. Structural transitions from an anti-parallel to a parallel beta-sheet secondary structure occur in the oligomers prior to amyloid formation. Together, our results reveal a rate-limiting multi-step mechanism of structural transitions prior to fibril formation in AL amyloidosis, which offers, in the long run, opportunities for therapeutic intervention. AL amyloidosis is caused by the accumulation of overproduced light chain (LC) fragments as fibrils in patient organs and it is the most prevalent systemic amyloidosis. Here, the authors combine biochemical and biophysical experiments to characterise the lag phase of a patient-derived truncated LC and they identify structural transitions that precede fibril formation

    Restorative Justice-Informed Moral Acquaintance: Resolving the Dual Role Problem in Correctional and Forensic Practice

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    The issue of dual roles within forensic and correctional fields has typically been conceptualized as dissonance—experienced by practitioners— when attempting to adhere to the conflicting ethical requirements associated with client well-being and community protection. In this paper, we argue that the dual role problem should be conceptualized more broadly; to incorporate the relationship between the offender and their victim. We also propose that Restorative Justice (RJ) is able to provide a preliminary ethical framework to deal with this common ethical oversight. Furthermore, we unite the RJ framework with that of Ward’s (2013) moral acquaintance model to provide a more powerful approach—RJ informed moral acquaintance—aimed at addressing the ethical challenges faced by practitioners within forensic and correctional roles

    A Minimum-Labeling Approach for Reconstructing Protein Networks across Multiple Conditions

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    The sheer amounts of biological data that are generated in recent years have driven the development of network analysis tools to facilitate the interpretation and representation of these data. A fundamental challenge in this domain is the reconstruction of a protein-protein subnetwork that underlies a process of interest from a genome-wide screen of associated genes. Despite intense work in this area, current algorithmic approaches are largely limited to analyzing a single screen and are, thus, unable to account for information on condition-specific genes, or reveal the dynamics (over time or condition) of the process in question. Here we propose a novel formulation for network reconstruction from multiple-condition data and devise an efficient integer program solution for it. We apply our algorithm to analyze the response to influenza infection in humans over time as well as to analyze a pair of ER export related screens in humans. By comparing to an extant, single-condition tool we demonstrate the power of our new approach in integrating data from multiple conditions in a compact and coherent manner, capturing the dynamics of the underlying processes.Comment: Peer-reviewed and presented as part of the 13th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI2013

    Advanced ASDEX Upgrade pellet guiding system design

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    Topological Susceptibility of Yang-Mills Center Projection Vortices

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    The topological susceptibility induced by center projection vortices extracted from SU(2) lattice Yang-Mills configurations via the maximal center gauge is measured. Two different smoothing procedures, designed to eliminate spurious ultraviolet fluctuations of these vortices before evaluating the topological charge, are explored. They result in consistent estimates of the topological susceptibility carried by the physical thick vortices characterizing the Yang-Mills vacuum in the vortex picture. This susceptibility is comparable to the one obtained from the full lattice Yang-Mills configurations. The topological properties of the SU(2) Yang-Mills vacuum can thus be accounted for in terms of its vortex content.Comment: 12 revtex pages, 6 ps figures included using eps

    Vortex critical behavior at the de-confinement phase transition

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    The de-confinement phase transition in SU(2) Yang-Mills theory is revisited in the vortex picture. Defining the world sheets of the confining vortices by maximal center projection, the percolation properties of the vortex lines in the hypercube consisting of the time axis and two spatial axis are studied. Using the percolation cumulant, the temperature for the percolation transition is seen to be in good agreement with the critical temperature of the thermal transition. The finite size scaling function for the cumulant is obtained. The critical index of the finite size scaling function is consistent with the index of the 3D Ising model.Comment: 4 pages, 4 PS figures, using revtex4, paragraph and refs added, typo correcte

    Ice XII in its second regime of metastability

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    We present neutron powder diffraction results which give unambiguous evidence for the formation of the recently identified new crystalline ice phase[Lobban et al.,Nature, 391, 268, (1998)], labeled ice XII, at completely different conditions. Ice XII is produced here by compressing hexagonal ice I_h at T = 77, 100, 140 and 160 K up to 1.8 GPa. It can be maintained at ambient pressure in the temperature range 1.5 < T < 135 K. High resolution diffraction is carried out at T = 1.5 K and ambient pressure on ice XII and accurate structural properties are obtained from Rietveld refinement. At T = 140 and 160 K additionally ice III/IX is formed. The increasing amount of ice III/IX with increasing temperature gives an upper limit of T ~ 150 K for the successful formation of ice XII with the presented procedure.Comment: 3 Pages of RevTeX, 3 tables, 3 figures (submitted to Physical Review Letters

    Vortex waistlines and long range fluctuations

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    We examine the manner in which a linear potential results from fluctuations due to vortices linked with the Wilson loop. Our discussion is based on exact relations and inequalities between the Wilson loop and the vortex and electric flux order parameters. We show that, contrary to the customary naive picture, only vortex fluctuations of thickness of the order of the spatial linear size of the loop are capable of producing a strictly linear potential. An effective theory of these long range fluctuations emerges naturally in the form of a strongly coupled Z(N) lattice gauge theory. We also point out that dynamical fermions introduced in this medium undergo chiral symmetry breaking.Comment: 17 pages, LaTex file with 7 eps figures, revised references, minor comments adde
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