477 research outputs found

    The Dilworth Number of Auto-Chordal-Bipartite Graphs

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    The mirror (or bipartite complement) mir(B) of a bipartite graph B=(X,Y,E) has the same color classes X and Y as B, and two vertices x in X and y in Y are adjacent in mir(B) if and only if xy is not in E. A bipartite graph is chordal bipartite if none of its induced subgraphs is a chordless cycle with at least six vertices. In this paper, we deal with chordal bipartite graphs whose mirror is chordal bipartite as well; we call these graphs auto-chordal bipartite graphs (ACB graphs for short). We describe the relationship to some known graph classes such as interval and strongly chordal graphs and we present several characterizations of ACB graphs. We show that ACB graphs have unbounded Dilworth number, and we characterize ACB graphs with Dilworth number k

    An identity theorem for the Fourier transform of polytopes on rationally parameterisable hypersurfaces

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    A set S\mathcal{S} of points in Rn\mathbb{R}^n is called a rationally parameterisable hypersurface if S={σ(t):tD}\mathcal{S}=\{\boldsymbol{\sigma}(\mathbf{t}): \mathbf{t} \in D\}, where σ:Rn1Rn\boldsymbol{\sigma}: \mathbb{R}^{n-1} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n is a vector function with domain DD and rational functions as components. A generalized nn-dimensional polytope in Rn\mathbb{R}^n is a union of a finite number of convex nn-dimensional polytopes in Rn\mathbb{R}^n. The Fourier transform of such a generalized polytope P\mathcal{P} in Rn\mathbb{R}^n is defined by FP(s)=PeisxdxF_{\mathcal{P}}(\mathbf{s})=\int_{\mathcal{P}} e^{-i\mathbf{s}\cdot\mathbf{x}} \,\mathbf{dx}. We prove that FP1(σ(t))=FP2(σ(t)) tOF_{\mathcal{P}_1}(\boldsymbol{\sigma}(\mathbf{t})) = F_{\mathcal{P}_2}(\boldsymbol{\sigma}(\mathbf{t}))\ \forall \mathbf{t} \in O implies P1=P2\mathcal{P}_1=\mathcal{P}_2 if OO is an open subset of DD satisfying some well-defined conditions. Moreover we show that this theorem can be applied to quadric hypersurfaces that do not contain a line, but at least two points, i.e., in particular to spheres.Comment: 20 page

    Incremental Network Design with Minimum Spanning Trees

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    Given an edge-weighted graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) and a set E0EE_0\subset E, the incremental network design problem with minimum spanning trees asks for a sequence of edges e1,,eTEE0e'_1,\ldots,e'_T\in E\setminus E_0 minimizing t=1Tw(Xt)\sum_{t=1}^Tw(X_t) where w(Xt)w(X_t) is the weight of a minimum spanning tree XtX_t for the subgraph (V,E0{e1,,et})(V,E_0\cup\{e'_1,\ldots,e'_t\}) and T=EE0T=\lvert E\setminus E_0\rvert. We prove that this problem can be solved by a greedy algorithm.Comment: 9 pages, minor revision based on reviewer comment

    An asymptotic formula for the maximum size of an h-family in products of partially ordered sets

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    AbstractAn h-family of a partially ordered set P is a subset of P such that no h + 1 elements of the h-family lie on any single chain. Let S1, S2,… be a sequence of partially ordered sets which are not antichains and have cardinality less than a given finite value. Let Pn be the direct product of S1,…, Sn. An asymptotic formula of the maximum size of an h-family in Pn is given, where h=o(n) and n → ∞