218 research outputs found

    Fallstudien : Theorie - Geschichte - Methode

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    Tagungsbericht: Veranstalter: Zentrum zur Erforschung der Frühen Neuzeit; Historisches Seminar; Institut für England und Amerika-Studien; Fachbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main Datum, Ort: 15.09.2005-17.09.2005, Frankfurt am Mai

    The immunologic tumor microenvironment in endometrioid endometrial cancer in the morphomolecular context: mutual correlations and prognostic impact depending on molecular alterations

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    OBJECTIVE POLE-mutant, microsatellite-instable (MSI), p53-mutant and non-specific molecular profile (NSMP) are TCGA-defined molecular subgroups of endometrial cancer (EC). Hypothesizing that morphology and tumor immunology might differ depending on molecular background concerning composition and prognostic impact, we aimed to comprehensively interconnect morphologic, immunologic and molecular data. METHODS TCGA-defined molecular groups were determined by immunohistochemistry and sequencing in n = 142 endometrioid EC. WHO-defined histopathological grading was performed. The immunologic microenvironment (iTME) was characterised by the quantification of intraepithelial and stromal populations of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL: overall T-cells; T-Killer cells; regulatory T-cells (Treg)). Immunologic parameters were correlated with WHO-grading, TCGA-subgroups and prognosis. RESULTS High density TIL were significantly more frequent in high-grade (G3) compared to low-grade (G1/2) EC in the whole cohort and in the subgroup of POLE-wildtype-/microsatellite-stable-EC. MSI was associated with high-level TIL-infiltration when taking into account the type of mismatch repair defect (MLH1/PMS2; MSH2/MSH6). Prognostic impact of biomarkers depended on molecular subgroups: In p53-mutant EC, Treg were independently prognostic, in NSMP, the unique independently prognostic biomarker was WHO-grading. CONCLUSIONS EC morphology and immunology differ depending on genetics. Our study delineated two molecularly distinct subgroups of immunogenic EC characterized by high-density TIL-infiltration: MSI EC and high-grade POLE-wildtype/microsatellite-stable-EC. Prognostic impact of TIL-populations relied on TCGA-subgroups indicating specific roles for TIL depending on molecular background. In NSMP, histopathological grading was the only prognostic biomarker demonstrating the relevance of WHO-grading in an era of molecular subtyping

    Safety evaluation of buffered vinegar as a food additive

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    [EN] The EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Flavourings (FAF) provides a scientific opinion on the safety of buffered vinegar as a new food additive. Buffered vinegar is a liquid or dried product prepared by adding sodium/potassium hydroxides (E 524 to E 525) and sodium/potassium carbonates (E 500 to E 501) to vinegar, compliant with European Standard EN 13188:2000 and exclusively obtained from an agricultural source origin (except wood/cellulose). The primary constituents of buffered vinegar are acetic acid and its salts. No biological or toxicological data obtained with the proposed food additive were submitted by the applicant as part of the dossier as, following oral ingestion, buffered vinegar dissociates into the acetic anion and acetate a natural constituent of the diet, and of the human body for which extensive data on their biological effects exist and for which EFSA in 2013 has previously concluded that the establishment of an acceptable daily intake (ADI) is not considered necessary. At the proposed maximum/typical use levels, the mean exposure to buffered vinegar from its use as a food additive expressed as acetic acid equivalents ranged from 8.9 mg/kg body weight (bw) per day in infants to 280.3 mg/kg bw per day in children. The 95th percentile of exposure to buffered vinegar ranged from 27.9 mg/kg bw per day in infants to 1,078 mg/kg bw per day in toddlers. The Panel concluded that there is no safety concern for the use of buffered vinegar as a food additive at the proposed maximum/typical use levels. The Panel could not conclude on the safety for the proposed uses at quantum satis as Group I food additive since the resulting exposure could not be estimated.The Panel wishes to thank the following for the support provided to this scientific output: Alkiviadis Stagkos-Georgiadis.Younes, M.; Aquilina, G.; Degen, G.; Engel, K.; Fowler, P.; Frutos Fernandez, MJ.; Fürst, P.... (2022). Safety evaluation of buffered vinegar as a food additive. EFSA Journal. 20(7):1-21. https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2022.735112120

    Caloric restriction is associated with preservation of muscle strength in experimental cancer cachexia

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    Caloric restriction increases lifespan and healthspan, and limits age-associated muscle wasting. In this study, we investigate the impact of 30% caloric restriction (CR) in a murine cancer cachexia model. Forty CD2F1 mice were allocated as C26 tumor-bearing (TB) + ad libitum food intake (dietary reference intake [DRI]), TB CR, non-TB (NTB) CR, or NTB matched intake (MI). TB groups were inoculated subcutaneously with 0.5x106 C26 cells 14 days after initiating CR. Bodyweight, food intake, and grip-strength were recorded periodically. Gastrocnemius (GCM) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles were resected and weighed 3 weeks after tumor inoculation. mRNA expression of MuRF1, Atrogin-1, myogenin, and MyoD was determined. At tumor inoculation, the mean body weight of TB CR was 88.6% of initial body weight and remained stable until sacrifice. TB DRI showed wasting befor

    Quercetin supplementation attenuates muscle wasting in cancer-associated cachexia in mice

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    BACKGROUND: Quercetin is a flavonoid with reported antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects, and may limit muscle wasting in cancer cachexia. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of quercetin on muscle wasting in the murine C26 cancer-cachexia model and assess the feasibility of non-invasive micro-CT analysis of skeletal muscle. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Custom CRM(P) diets supplemented with 250 mg/kg quercetin (Q) were obtained. Thirty CD2F1 mice were equally randomized to non-tumor-bearing (NTB), C26 tumor-bearing (TB), TB + Q. All groups started their allocated diet and underwent hindlimb micro-CT. Bodyweight, food intake, and grip-strength were recorded periodically. After 21 days, repeat micro-CT was performed. Gastrocnemius (GCM) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles were resected. mRNA expression of MuRF1, Atrogin-1, myogenin, and MyoD was determined

    Scientific opinion on flavouring group evaluation 415 (FGE.415): (E)-3-benzo[1,3]dioxol-5-yl-N,N-diphenyl-2-propenamide

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    The EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Flavourings (FAF) was requested to evaluate the safety of the substance (E)-3-benzo[1,3]dioxol-5-yl-N,N-diphenyl-2-propenamide [FL-no: 16.135] as a new flavouring substance, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1331/2008. The substance has not been reported to occur naturally and it is chemically synthesised. It is intended to be used as a flavouring substance in specific categories of food, but not intended to be used in beverages. The chronic dietary exposure to [FL-no: 16.135] estimated using the added portions exposure technique (APET), is calculated to be 780 mu g/person per day for a 60-kg adult and 480 mu g/person per day for a 15-kg 3-year-old child. [FL-no: 16.135] did not show genotoxic effects in bacterial mutagenicity and mammalian cell micronucleus assays in vitro. Developmental toxicity was not observed in a study in rats at the dose levels up to 1,000 mg/kg body weight (bw) per day. The Panel derived a BMDL of 101 mg/kg bw per day from a 90-day toxicity study. Based on this BMDL, adequate margins of exposure of 7,800 and 3,200 could be calculated for adults and children, respectively. The Panel concluded that there is no safety concern for [FL-no: 16.135], when used as a flavouring substance at the estimated level of dietary exposure calculated using the APET approach, based on the intended uses and use levels as specified in Appendix B. The Panel further concluded that the combined exposure to [FL-no: 16.135] from its use as a food flavouring substance and from its presence in toothpaste is also not of safety concern. (C) 2022 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KgaA on behalf of the European Food Safety Authority