22 research outputs found

    A Simple and Efficient Protocol of RNA Extraction from Apple Leaves (Malus x domestica); A Silica Column-Based Method

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    Extracting total RNA from plant tissue using the conventional isolation method is time-consuming, requires expensive reagents and produces low-quality RNA. Over time, researchers have used many commercial RNA extraction kits on silica column-based to obtain high-quality RNA so that the isolated RNA can further use for sequencing and quantitative PCR analysis. This study aimed to identify the efficient apple leaf extraction method with high concentration and good quality RNA extraction. In this study, we applied four isolation kits to extract RNA from apple leaves, such as NucleoSpin® RNA Plant Kit (Macherey-Nagel), Quick-RNA™ Miniprep Kit (Zymo Research), PureLink® RNA Mini Kit (Ambion), and RibospinTM Plant Kit (GeneAll). The results showed that apple leaves RNA isolation successfully using the RibospinTM Plant Kit (Geneall) reagent with a concentration of 59.9±12.3 ng/µl in good RNA integrity. So, these isolated RNA can be used for further analysis

    Biochemical characterization and identification of ferulenol and embelin as potent inhibitors of malate:quinone oxidoreductase from Campylobacter jejuni

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    Campylobacter jejuni infection poses a serious global threat to public health. The increasing incidence and antibiotic resistance of this bacterial infection have necessitated the adoption of various strategies to curb this trend, primarily through developing new drugs with new mechanisms of action. The enzyme malate:quinone oxidoreductase (MQO) has been shown to be essential for the survival of several bacteria and parasites. MQO is a peripheral membrane protein that catalyses the oxidation of malate to oxaloacetate, a crucial step in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. In addition, MQO is involved in the reduction of the quinone pool in the electron transport chain and thus contributes to cellular bioenergetics. The enzyme is an attractive drug target as it is not conserved in mammals. As a preliminary step in assessing the potential application of MQO from C. jejuni (CjMQO) as a new drug target, we purified active recombinant CjMQO and conducted, for the first time, biochemical analyses of MQO from a pathogenic bacterium. Our study showed that ferulenol, a submicromolar mitochondrial MQO inhibitor, and embelin are nanomolar inhibitors of CjMQO. We showed that both inhibitors are mixed-type inhibitors versus malate and noncompetitive versus quinone, suggesting the existence of a third binding site to accommodate these inhibitors; indeed, such a trait appears to be conserved between mitochondrial and bacterial MQOs. Interestingly, ferulenol and embelin also inhibit the in vitro growth of C. jejuni, supporting the hypothesis that MQO is essential for C. jejuni survival and is therefore an important drug target

    Biochemical characterization and identification of ferulenol and embelin as potent inhibitors of malate:quinone oxidoreductase from Campylobacter jejuni

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    Campylobacter jejuni infection poses a serious global threat to public health. The increasing incidence and antibiotic resistance of this bacterial infection have necessitated the adoption of various strategies to curb this trend, primarily through developing new drugs with new mechanisms of action. The enzyme malate:quinone oxidoreductase (MQO) has been shown to be essential for the survival of several bacteria and parasites. MQO is a peripheral membrane protein that catalyses the oxidation of malate to oxaloacetate, a crucial step in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. In addition, MQO is involved in the reduction of the quinone pool in the electron transport chain and thus contributes to cellular bioenergetics. The enzyme is an attractive drug target as it is not conserved in mammals. As a preliminary step in assessing the potential application of MQO from C. jejuni (CjMQO) as a new drug target, we purified active recombinant CjMQO and conducted, for the first time, biochemical analyses of MQO from a pathogenic bacterium. Our study showed that ferulenol, a submicromolar mitochondrial MQO inhibitor, and embelin are nanomolar inhibitors of CjMQO. We showed that both inhibitors are mixed-type inhibitors versus malate and noncompetitive versus quinone, suggesting the existence of a third binding site to accommodate these inhibitors; indeed, such a trait appears to be conserved between mitochondrial and bacterial MQOs. Interestingly, ferulenol and embelin also inhibit the in vitro growth of C. jejuni, supporting the hypothesis that MQO is essential for C. jejuni survival and is therefore an important drug target

    Biochemical characterization and identification of ferulenol and embelin as potent inhibitors of malate:quinone oxidoreductase from Campylobacter jejuni

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    Campylobacter jejuni infection poses a serious global threat to public health. The increasing incidence and antibiotic resistance of this bacterial infection have necessitated the adoption of various strategies to curb this trend, primarily through developing new drugs with new mechanisms of action. The enzyme malate:quinone oxidoreductase (MQO) has been shown to be essential for the survival of several bacteria and parasites. MQO is a peripheral membrane protein that catalyses the oxidation of malate to oxaloacetate, a crucial step in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. In addition, MQO is involved in the reduction of the quinone pool in the electron transport chain and thus contributes to cellular bioenergetics. The enzyme is an attractive drug target as it is not conserved in mammals. As a preliminary step in assessing the potential application of MQO from C. jejuni (CjMQO) as a new drug target, we purified active recombinant CjMQO and conducted, for the first time, biochemical analyses of MQO from a pathogenic bacterium. Our study showed that ferulenol, a submicromolar mitochondrial MQO inhibitor, and embelin are nanomolar inhibitors of CjMQO. We showed that both inhibitors are mixed-type inhibitors versus malate and noncompetitive versus quinone, suggesting the existence of a third binding site to accommodate these inhibitors; indeed, such a trait appears to be conserved between mitochondrial and bacterial MQOs. Interestingly, ferulenol and embelin also inhibit the in vitro growth of C. jejuni, supporting the hypothesis that MQO is essential for C. jejuni survival and is therefore an important drug target

    Structural and Biochemical Features of Eimeria tenella Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase, a Potential Drug Target

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    Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH) is a mitochondrial monotopic membrane protein that plays an essential role in the pyrimidine de novo biosynthesis and electron transport chain pathways. In Eimeria tenella, an intracellular apicomplexan parasite that causes the most severe form of chicken coccidiosis, the activity of pyrimidine salvage pathway at the intracellular stage is negligible and it relies on the pyrimidine de novo biosynthesis pathway. Therefore, the enzymes of the de novo pathway are considered potential drug target candidates for the design of compounds with activity against this parasite. Although, DHODHs from E. tenella (EtDHODH), Plasmodium falciparum (PfDHODH), and human (HsDHODH) show distinct sensitivities to classical DHODH inhibitors, in this paper,we identify ferulenol as a potent inhibitor of both EtDHODH and HsDHODH. Additionally, we report the crystal structures of EtDHODH and HsDHODH in the absence and presence of ferulenol. Comparison of these enzymes showed that despite similar overall structures, the EtDHODH has a long insertion in the N-terminal helix region that assumes a disordered configuration. In addition, the crystal structures revealed that the ferulenol binding pocket of EtDHODH is larger than that of HsDHODH. These differences can be explored to accelerate structure-based design of inhibitors specifically targeting EtDHODH

    Anxiety and its risk factors among non-Japanese residents living in Japan undergoing COVID-19 situation: A cross-sectional survey

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    Introduction In the context of collective efforts taken in Japan to control the spread of COVID-19, the state of emergency and social distancing have caused a negative impact on the mental health of all residents, including foreign communities in Japan. This study aimed to evaluate the level of anxiety and its associated factors among non-Japanese residents residing in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods A web-based survey in 13 languages was conducted among non-Japanese residents living in Japan during the COVID-19 situation. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory assessed the level of anxiety–State (STAI-S) scores prorated from its six-item version. The multivariable logistic regression using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) method was performed to identify the associated factors of anxiety among participants. Results From January to March 2021, we collected 392 responses. A total of 357 valid responses were analyzed. 54.6% of participants suffered from clinically significant anxiety (CSA). In multivariable logistic model analysis, the CSA status or the high level of anxiety was associated with three factors, including having troubles/difficulties in learning or working, decreased sleep duration, and decreased overall physical health (p<0.05). Conclusion Our study suggests several possible risk factors of anxiety among non-Japanese residents living in Japan undergoing the COVID-19 pandemic, including the troubles or difficulties in learning or working, the decrease in sleep duration, and the decrease in overall physical health.Revisión por pare


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    長崎大学学位論文 [学位記番号]博(医歯薬)甲第1370号 [学位授与年月日]令和3年9月17

    Structural and Biochemical Features of Eimeria tenella Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase, a Potential Drug Target

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    Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH) is a mitochondrial monotopic membrane protein that plays an essential role in the pyrimidine de novo biosynthesis and electron transport chain pathways. In Eimeria tenella, an intracellular apicomplexan parasite that causes the most severe form of chicken coccidiosis, the activity of pyrimidine salvage pathway at the intracellular stage is negligible and it relies on the pyrimidine de novo biosynthesis pathway. Therefore, the enzymes of the de novo pathway are considered potential drug target candidates for the design of compounds with activity against this parasite. Although, DHODHs from E. tenella (EtDHODH), Plasmodium falciparum (PfDHODH), and human (HsDHODH) show distinct sensitivities to classical DHODH inhibitors, in this paper, we identify ferulenol as a potent inhibitor of both EtDHODH and HsDHODH. Additionally, we report the crystal structures of EtDHODH and HsDHODH in the absence and presence of ferulenol. Comparison of these enzymes showed that despite similar overall structures, the EtDHODH has a long insertion in the N-terminal helix region that assumes a disordered configuration. In addition, the crystal structures revealed that the ferulenol binding pocket of EtDHODH is larger than that of HsDHODH. These differences can be explored to accelerate structure-based design of inhibitors specifically targeting EtDHODH