98 research outputs found

    Distance education with Moodle in engineering education: online programming assignments compilation

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    The concept of distance education systems is a concept that applies to all levels of education, including universities. The use of distance education systems has increased considerably in universities today. M any faculties in many universities use distance education systems for their courses. The purpose of this paper is to design and develop a system that can be used to upload lecture notes and assignments online via the Internet, to do online exams, to provide a compilation control of all the assignments written, especially in the C programming language, by instructors who are primarily in the Engineering Department, then all instructors in the universities using the Moodle platform. Moreover, the aim of this paper is to design and develop a system in which the students primarily in the Engineering Department using the Moodle platform and then students in all the universities can follow the course contents, upload the assignments, and discuss their questions about the course with their instructors and their friends. As a result of this paper, a scheme is provided to easily compile, run and grade the programming assignments (source codes) given in the Programming courses using the Moodle website collected in a single place

    Determination and Classification of Crew Productivity with Data Mining Methods

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    Turkey is a developing country and the main axis of development is “construction.” The construction sector is in a position to create demand for goods and services produced by more than 200 subsectors, and this widespread impact is the most basic indicator of the sector’s “locomotive of the economy.” In the development of the construction industry, crew productivity plays a very important role. While businesses that do not measure their employees’ needs, their locations, and so on are suffering from various losses, rare businesses that take these parameters into account can profit. The identification of leadership types that will motivate employees has great importance in terms of construction businesses where the human element is the foreground. For this purpose, in the province of Adana, the relationship of productivity between the engineers working in construction companies and workers who work at lower departments of these engineers was examined. In this study, bidirectional multiple leadership questionnaire (MLQ) was applied to construction site managers and employees, and according to this survey data, leadership and motivations/productivities were classified using data mining methods. According to the classification analysis results, the most successful data mining algorithm was random forest algorithm with a rate of 81.3725%


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    International Congress of Management Economy And Policy, 26-27 Kasım 2016, İstanbulÜniversite sanayi işbirliği, modern sanayinin çıkış noktası olan İngiliz sanayi devrimiyle birlikte oluşmaya başlamıştır. 1975-1985 döneminde 1970’lerden bu yana gittikçe yaygınlaşan üniversite-sanayi araştırma işbirliğinin önemi günümüzde bir kat daha artmıştır. Yeni bilimsel bilgiye duyulan ihtiyaç, sanayi ve akademik kurumlar arasındaki bağlantıyı artırmaktadır. Özellikle Küçük ve Orta Boy İşletmeler (KOBİ) içinde bilimsel ve teknik bilginin önemli ölçüde dağılımına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu çalışmada dünyada üniversite-sanayi işbirliği önce ele alınacak, daha sonra Türkiye’de üniversite-sanayi işbirliğinin gelişimi incelenecektir.The construction sector is a dynamic sector needs to work with different and compelling a large number of stakeholders. This dynamism leads to the acquisition, use and management of a large number of data. The data mining is one of the branches that help to get useful data from the data stacks. Data Mining can be defined, including outnumber large amounts of information the data access to meaningful data as a business purpose. Especially in recent years, data mining applications has been among the relevance topics such as the construction sector installed on a discipline that involves the amount and volume data. From this perspective in this study, was examined the researches which interesting in this subject in the construction industry. The obtained findings are intended basis for the following studies. At the same time, data mining methods of the application economic contribution in the construction sector were overviewed brought to the business

    Erişkinde iki taraflı primer reflüksif ve obstrüktif olmayan megaüreter: Çok nadir bir olgu

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    Reflüksif ve obstrüktif olmayan megaürter genellikle yeni doğanlarda teşhis edilir. Yetişkinlerde çok nadirdir. Bu olgu sunumunda makroskopik hematüri ile başvuran 45 yaşındaki bir erkek hasta sunuldu. Klinik değerlendirmelerden sonra primer reflüksif ve obstrüktif olmayan megaüreter teşhisi kondu. Buna ek olarak, bu çok ender vaka eşliğinde mevcut literatürü gözden geçirdik.Non-refluxing and non-obstructive megaureter is usually diagnosed in neonates. It is very rare in adults. Herein we presented a 45 year-old man with macroscopic hematuria. He was diagnosed primary non-refluxing non-obstructive megaureter after clinical evaluations. In addition we reviewed current literature in the light of this very rare condition

    Follicular flushing using double lumen needle yields more oocytes in mono-follicular poor responders

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    Objective: To compare the efficacy of follicular flushing (FF) with double lumen needle and direct follicularaspiration with single lumen needle in terms of oocyte yield in mono-follicular responder patients undergo ing assisted reproduction techniques (ART).Materials and Methods: Prospective ‘quasi-experimental’ study was carried out in an IVF center. Infertilewomen 18-42 years of age with diminished ovarian reserve who revealed a single follicle >17 mm on theday of oocyte retrieval were included in the study. Follicular flushing up to 8 times was performed in FFgroup using an 17-G double lumen needle. Direct follicular aspiration using a 17-G single lumen needle with out FF was performed in direct aspiration group. Total numbers of collected oocytes, metaphase 2 oocytes,fertilization and pregnancy rates were compared among groups.Results: A total of 206 women underwent oocyte retrieval procedure; 106 women were assigned to FF and 100women into direct aspiration arm. Overall oocyte retrieval rate was 50.4% in all cases. The total oocyte retrievalrate was higher (65/106, 61.9%) in FF group, than in direct aspiration group (39/100, 39%, p = 0.001). Metaphase 2oocyte rate was also higher in FF group (47/106, 44.3% vs 29/100, 29% p = 0.04). Fertilization rates, total number ofpatients with a cleavage stage embryo and grade 1 cleavage embryo were similar among the groups (p>0.5).Numbers of positive hCG, ongoing pregnancy and miscarriage rates were similar among groups.Conclusion: Follicular flushing using double lumen needle in mono-follicular responder patients with dimin ished ovarian reserve yields more oocytes and mature oocytes than direct aspiration of follicles

    Comparison of Apically Extruded Debris Associated with Different Nickel–Titanium Systems

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    ABSTRACTObjective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of different instrument systems on the amount of extruded debris. Materials and methods: A total of 30 extracted mandibular molars with two separate canals and apical foramina in the mesial roots were selected. The root canals (n=10) were randomly assigned to the six groups of file systems as follows: ProTaper Next (PTN), WaveOne (WO), WaveOne Gold (WOG), One Shape (OS), Reciproc (R) and Reciproc Blue (RB). The extruded debris during the instrumentation was collected into Eppendorf tubes, which were weighed and then stored in an incubator at 70°C over a period of five days to evaporate the irrigant. After the incubation process, the Eppendorf tubes were weighed again. The difference between these two measurements, the first one before and the second one after the incubation process, was calculated. Data were statistically analyzed, and the significance level was set at p<0.05. Results: R produced less debris compared to WO. R and PTN files produced significantly less debris compared to the OS files (p < 0.05). Extruded debris in RB and WO groups were not significantly different, while RB produced less debris than WOG and OS (p<0.05). Conclusions: All instrumentation systems allowed for the apical extrusion of the debris. Keywords: Apically extruded debris, Endodontics, Ni-Ti systems   ÖZ Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı nikel titanyum eğe sistemlerini apikalden taşan debris miktarı açısından değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmada mesial köklerinde iki ayrı kanal ve apikal foramene sahip toplam 30 adet mandibular molar diş seçildi. Kök kanalları (n = 10) aşağıdaki altı eğe sistemine göre rastgele ayrılmıştır: ProTaper Next (PTN), WaveOne (WO), WaveOne Gold (WOG), One Shape (OS), Reciproc (R) ve Reciproc Blue (RB). İnstrümantasyon sırasında ekstrüde edilmiş debrisler önceden boş ağırlıkları ölçülmüş eppendorf tüplerinde toplandı ve sonra irrigantı buharlaştırmak için beş günlük bir süre boyunca 70 ° C'de bir inkübatörde saklandı. İnkübasyon sürecinden sonra, eppendorf tüpleri tekrar tartıldı. Bu iki ölçüm arasındaki fark hesaplandı. Veriler istatistiksel olarak analiz edildi ve anlamlılık düzeyi p <0,05 olarak belirlendi. Bulgular: R, WO ile karşılaştırıldığında daha az debris taşmasına sebep oldu. R ve PTN eğeleri, OS eğelere göre anlamlı derecede daha az debris taşımına sebep oldu (p <0,05). RB ve WO gruplarında apikalden taşan debris miktarı anlamlı ölçüde farklı değildi ancak RB WOG ve OS'den daha az debris taşmasına sebep oldu (p <0.05). Sonuç: Bütün eğe sistemleri apikalden debris taşırmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Apikal taşma, Endodonti, Ni-Ti sistemler

    A case of scorpion sting which caused toxic myocardit and acute heart failure

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    Akrep sokmalarının pek çogu zararsızdır ve birtakımbasit klinik bulgularla seyreder.Ancak bazen ciddi ve hayatı tehdit edici komplikasyonlara neden olur. Akrep çesitliligi açısından zengin olan ülkemizde akrep sokması hala ciddi saglık problemlerine sebeb olmaktadır. Akrep zehri lokal olarak sisme, agrı ve hissizlige neden olur. Sistemik isaretleri de nörolojik (koma, tremor, solunum kaslarında paraliz, inme), kardiyak (hipertansiyon, aritmi, akut kalp yetmezligi, pulmoner ödem) ve pankreatik olabilir. Kardiyovasküler tutulum en önemli mortalite ve morbidite nedenidir.Vakamızda, akrep sokmasına sekonder kardiyak komplikasyonlar ve pulmoner ödem gelismis, 17 yasında bir erkek hasta sunulmustur. Tedavi sonrası, hastaneye yatısının dokuzuncu gününde, hastanın kardiyak fonksiyonları ve diger komplikasyonları düzelmistirMost of the scorpion stings are harmless and follow a benign clinical course. But sometimes they cause serious and life-threatening complications. Scorpion stings are still among serious health problems in our country due to its rich variety of scorpion population. Scorpion venom causes local swelling, pain, and numbness. Systemic signs may be neurologic (e.g., coma, tremor, paralysis of respiratory muscles, seizures), cardiac (e.g., hypertension, arrhythmias, acute heart failure, pulmonary oedema), and pancreatic. The cardiovascular involvement is the major cause of mortality and morbidity. In our case, a 17 years old male patient, cardiac complications and pulmonary oedema developed secondary to scorpion sting, had been presented. After the treatment, ninth day of the hospitalization, cardiac functions and other complications of the patient had been improved

    Cause of nephrotıc syndrome at a case admitted about leukocytoclastic vasculitis: focal segmental glomerulosclerosis

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    Lökositoklastik vaskulit vücuttaki küçük damarların inflamasyonu anlamına gelmektedir. Genellikle ciltte özellikle bacaklarda belirti verir ancak vücudun diğer bölgelerinde de ortaya çıkabilir. Klinik pratikte en yaygın görülen vaskulittir. Lökositoklastik vaskulit pek çok nefrolojik hastalıklarla birlikte seyredebilir. Ancak lökositoklastik vaskulit olarak gelen nefrotik sendromlu hastada fokal segmental glomerüloskleroz görülmesi beklenmeyen bir durumdur. Fokal segmental glomerülosklerozda glomerüler hasara ve glomerüloskleroza yol açan etyolojik ajanlar veya mekanizmaların çoğu bilinmemektedir. Onsekiz yaşında her iki üst ve alt ekstremitelerde döküntü ve kızarıklık, her iki bacaklarda şişlik şikayetleri ile kliniğimize başvuran hastaya lökositoklastik vaskulit tanısı konuldu. Nefrotik düzeyde proteinürisi olan hastanın böbrek biyopsisinde ise fokal segmental glomeruloskleroz tespit edildi.Leukocytoclastic vasculitis refers to the inflammation of small blood vessels in the body. It usually manifests in the skin, particularly in the legs, but it may also occur in other areas. It is the most common vasculitis seen in clinical practice. Leukocytoclastic vasculitis can progress together with many nephrological diseases. However, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis is unexpected cause of nephrotic syndrome at a case admitted about leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Etiologic agents or mechanisms that initiate glomerular injury and lead to glomerulosclerosis are largely unknown in focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. An eighteen years old patient who presented to our clinic with skin eruption and rushes of both lower and upper extremities and edema of lower extermities had been diagnosed leukocytoclastic vasculitis. The patient with nephrotic range proteinuria, renal biopsy reveal

    Overview of Environmental Problems Caused by Logistics Transportation: Example of European Union Countries

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    Logistic transportation works is considered the main pollutant for the environment, with over 25 per cent CO2 emissions in the EU. This situation has raised concerns for the EU and governments to find solutions and impose regulations to diminish the environmental impact. The purpose of this paper is to investigate two questions regarding environmental issues connected to transportation; “What are the recent trends for establishing sustainable logistics for different transportation methods?” “Which alternatives can be incentivized to decrease the environmental impact of transportation activities?” These projects among the most noteworthy environmental benefits, which are also the case studies of this research are The Viking Concept, The WestMed Bridge, Scandinavian Shuttle and Baxter Inland Sea Transport. The result highlighted in this research is that shifting transportation modes has been successfully implemented, with considerable positive outcomes in terms of environment impact, cost and lead times in several European Union funded projects