7 research outputs found

    Comparison of depression and anxiety levels in patients between Behçet’s disease and recurrent aphtous stomatitis

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    The aim of this study was to determine the existing relation between the Behçet’s Disease (BD), Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAU) and psychological alterations of the patient, such as depression and anxiety. 30 patients with RAU, and 30 patients with BD, and 15 patients with healthy subjects were participated in the study. Systemic, dental and aphthous ulceration anamnesias of all the patients in the study group have been taken in detail and neckhead, oral mucosa and dental examinations have been made and data has been recorded. Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and Beck Depression Inventory have been applied. It was observed that the depression level is higher in patient with BD and RAU in comparison with healthy subjects (p<0.05). Depression may play a role in manifestations of BD and RAU

    Comparison of Genial Tubercule Anatomy Based on Age and Gender

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    Objective: In our study, it was aimed to determine whether there were differences in genial tubercle dimensions depending on age and gender.Methods: In this study, 220 cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images of patients (110 female and 110 male) between the ages of 20-80 years were obtained from the archive of İzmir Katip Çelebi University Faculty of Dentistry. All patients were divided into decade groups according to their age, and each decade group was divided into two subgroups according to gender. The genial tubercle was defined radiologically using axial, coronal and sagittal sections as well as 3D reconstruction image with NNT software program. Sagittal, vertical and horizontal dimensions of the genial tubercle were measured and statistically analyzed.Results: There was a weak negative correlation between age groups and vertical values (r=-0.142; p=0.036) whereas the correlation coefficients between age groups and sagittal and horizontal values were not statistically significant (r=-0.043; p=0.530 and r=-0.039; p=0.563). There was a strong positive correlation between vertical and sagittal values in men (r=0.705, p<0.001) and women (r=0.714, p<0.001) in the whole group. There was a weak positive correlation between horizontal and sagittal, horizontal and vertical values in men (r=0.362, p<0.001; r=0.231, p<0.001) and women (r=0.304, p<0.001; r=0.257, p=0.007) in the whole group.Conclusion: The vertical and horizontal dimensions of genial tubercle of men were higher than that of women. As the age of the patients increased, a decrease in the vertical values of the genial tubercle was observed

    Rekürrent Aftöz Ülserasyonlu Behçet hastalığı olan ve olmayan bireylerde olası etyolojik faktörlerden HLA alt tipleri, İnterlökin-2, İnterlökin-6 ve T-Regülatör hücre değerinin karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirilmesi

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    ÖZET REKÜRRENT AFTÖZ ÜLSERASYONLUBEHÇET HASTALIĞI OLAN VE OLMAYAN BİREYLERDEOLASI ETYOLOJİK FAKTÖRLERDEN HLA ALT TİPLERİ,İNTERLÖKİN-2, İNTERLÖKİN-6 VE T-REGÜLATÖR HÜCREDEĞERLERİNİN KARŞILAŞTIRMALI OLARAKDEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ EMRE AYTUĞARÇalışmanın amacı etyopatogenezi henüz belli olmayan Rekürrent Aftöz Ülserasyon (RAÜ)’un olası etyolojik faktörlerinden HLA alttiplerinin, IL-2/IL-6 ve T-regülatör hücre değerleri gibi genetik ve immünolojik faktörlerin rolünü araştırmak ve bu faktörlerin Behçet Hastalığı (BH) olan ve olmayan RAÜ’lü bireylerde değişkenlik gösterip göstermediğini saptamaktır. Tekrarlayan ağız yarası şikayeti ile başvuran ve Rekürrent Aftöz Ülserasyon ön tanısı koyulmuş bireyler hasta grubunu oluşturmuştur. Bu hasta grubundan çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden Behçet Hastalığı tanısı koyulan 30 ve Behçet Hastalığı olmayan 30 birey çalışma grubuna dahil edilmiştir. Rekürrent Aftöz Ülserasyon anamnezi ve şikayeti olmayan 15 sağlıklı birey ise kontrol grubunu oluşturmuştur. BH olgularında HLA-B50, HLA-B63, HLA-DR10; RAÜ olgularında HLA-A23, HLA¬B13; ve kontrol grubu olgularında HLA-A30 ile HLA-DR17 doku antijen pozitifliğinin gruplara göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı şekilde yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır (p<0.05). CD4+CD25+ hücre düzeyi BH ve RAÜ olgularında kontrol grubu olgularına göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmaktadır (p<0.01). Elde edilen tüm bu bulgular BH ve RAÜ’nün otoimmün hastalıklar olduğunu destekler niteliktedir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Behçet Hastalığı, HLA ve alttipleri, İnterlökin-2, İnterlökin-6, Rekürrent Aftöz Ülserasyon, T-regülatör Hücreler SUMMARY THE COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE PROBABLE ETHIOLOGICAL FACTORS OF HLA SUBTYPES, INTERLEUKIN-2, INTERLEUKIN-6 AND T-REGULATORY CELL VALUES IN PERSONS WITH OR WITHOUT RECURRENT APHTHOUS ULCERATION BEHÇET’S DISEASEEMRE AYTUĞARThe purpose of this study is to research the role of genetical and immunological factors such as IL-2/IL-6 and T-regulatory cell values of the probable ethiological factors of HLA subtypes of the RAU patients whose ethiopathogenesis is yet unknown and to determine whether these factors vary in RAU’s with BD. The patient base is made up of patients with oral ulcers and who are pre-diagnosed with recurrent aphthous ulceration. 30 individuals with Behçet’s disease and 30 patients who are without this disease who have accepted to be in this study are included in the study group. 15 healthy individuals who do not have recurrent aphthous ulceration anamnesis and complaints for the control group. In BD cases HLA-B50, HLA-B63, HLA-DR10; in RAU cases HLA-A23, HLA-B13; and in the control group cases HLA-A30 and HLA-DR17 tissue antigen positivity has been found statistically significant for all the groups (p<0.05). CD4+CD25+ cell level in BD and RAU cases have statistically significant difference for control group cases (p<0.01). All the findings show that BD and RAU should be considered autoimmune diseases. Key words: Behçet’s Disease, HLA and subtypes, Interleukin-2, Interleukin-6, Recurrent Aphthous Ulceration, T- regulatory cell

    Rekürrent Aftöz Ülserasyonlu Behçet hastalığı olan ve olmayan bireylerde olası etyolojik faktörlerden HLA alt tipleri, İnterlökin-2, İnterlökin-6 ve T-Regülatör hücre değerinin karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirilmesi

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    REKÜRRENT AFTÖZ ÜLSERASYONLU BEHÇET HASTALIĞI OLAN VE OLMAYAN BİREYLERDE OLASI ETYOLOJİK FAKTÖRLERDEN HLA ALT TİPLERİ, İNTERLÖKİN-2, İNTERLÖKİN-6 VE T-REGÜLATÖR HÜCRE DEĞERLERİNİN KARŞILAŞTIRMALI OLARAK DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ EMRE AYTUĞAR Çalışmanın amacı etyopatogenezi henüz belli olmayan Rekürrent Aftöz Ülserasyon (RAÜ)’un olası etyolojik faktörlerinden HLA alttiplerinin, IL-2/IL-6 ve T-regülatör hücre değerleri gibi genetik ve immünolojik faktörlerin rolünü araştırmak ve bu faktörlerin Behçet Hastalığı (BH) olan ve olmayan RAÜ’lü bireylerde değişkenlik gösterip göstermediğini saptamaktır. Tekrarlayan ağız yarası şikayeti ile başvuran ve Rekürrent Aftöz Ülserasyon ön tanısı koyulmuş bireyler hasta grubunu oluşturmuştur. Bu hasta grubundan çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden Behçet Hastalığı tanısı koyulan 30 ve Behçet Hastalığı olmayan 30 birey çalışma grubuna dahil edilmiştir. Rekürrent Aftöz Ülserasyon anamnezi ve şikayeti olmayan 15 sağlıklı birey ise kontrol grubunu oluşturmuştur. BH olgularında HLA-B50, HLA-B63, HLA-DR10; RAÜ olgularında HLA-A23, HLA¬B13; ve kontrol grubu olgularında HLA-A30 ile HLA-DR17 doku antijen pozitifliğinin gruplara göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı şekilde yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır (p<0.05). CD4+CD25+ hücre düzeyi BH ve RAÜ olgularında kontrol grubu olgularına göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmaktadır (p<0.01). Elde edilen tüm bu bulgular BH ve RAÜ’nün otoimmün hastalıklar olduğunu destekler niteliktedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Behçet Hastalığı, HLA ve alttipleri, İnterlökin-2, İnterlökin-6, Rekürrent Aftöz Ülserasyon, T-regülatör Hücreler SUMMARY THE COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE PROBABLE ETHIOLOGICAL FACTORS OF HLA SUBTYPES, INTERLEUKIN-2, INTERLEUKIN-6 AND T-REGULATORY CELL VALUES IN PERSONS WITH OR WITHOUT RECURRENT APHTHOUS ULCERATION BEHÇET’S DISEASE EMRE AYTUĞAR The purpose of this study is to research the role of genetical and immunological factors such as IL-2/IL-6 and T-regulatory cell values of the probable ethiological factors of HLA subtypes of the RAU patients whose ethiopathogenesis is yet unknown and to determine whether these factors vary in RAU’s with BD. The patient base is made up of patients with oral ulcers and who are pre-diagnosed with recurrent aphthous ulceration. 30 individuals with Behçet’s disease and 30 patients who are without this disease who have accepted to be in this study are included in the study group. 15 healthy individuals who do not have recurrent aphthous ulceration anamnesis and complaints for the control group. In BD cases HLA-B50, HLA-B63, HLA-DR10; in RAU cases HLA-A23, HLA-B13; and in the control group cases HLA-A30 and HLA-DR17 tissue antigen positivity has been found statistically significant for all the groups (p<0.05). CD4+CD25+ cell level in BD and RAU cases have statistically significant difference for control group cases (p<0.01). All the findings show that BD and RAU should be considered autoimmune diseases. Key words: Behçet’s Disease, HLA and subtypes, Interleukin-2, Interleukin-6, Recurrent Aphthous Ulceration, T- regulatory cell

    Behçet hastalığı

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    Behçet Hastalığı (BH) ilk olarak 1937 yılında Türk Dermatolog Hulusi Behçet (1889-1948) tarafından tanımlanan kronik vasküler- enflamatuar multisistemik bir hastalıktır. Oto-immün olduğu düşünülen hastalık, ataklarla seyreden oral ve genital aftlar, artrit, kutanöz lezyonlar, göz lezyonları, gastrointestinal sistem ve merkezi sinir sistem tutulumuyla karakterizedir. BH’nin etyolojisi günümüzde hala bilinmemekle birlikte olası etyolojik faktörler arasında enfeksiyöz, psikolojik, genetik ve immünolojik faktörler sayılabilmektedir. Bu derleme BH’yi epidemiyolojik, klinik belirtiler, diagnoz, prognoz ve etyopatogenetik bakımdan güncellemektedir

    Are Bismuth Shields Useful in Dentomaxillofacial Radiology Practice for the Protection of Eyes and Thyroid Glands from Ionizing Radiation?

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    Background: The eye lens and thyroid gland are sensitive to radiation and have a risk of being exposed to primary beams and scattered radiation during dental radiographic examinations

    A comparison of panoramic radiography and cone beam computed tomography in the detection of osteosynthesis complications in sheep mandibular angle fractures.

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    Objective. The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic efficacy of panoramic radiography (PANO) and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in detecting simulated complications of plate osteosynthesis applied to mandibular angle fractures (MAFs)