6 research outputs found

    Spectroscopy of elementary excitations from quench dynamics in a dipolar XY Rydberg simulator

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    We use a Rydberg quantum simulator to demonstrate a new form of spectroscopy, called quench spectroscopy, which probes the low-energy excitations of a many-body system. We illustrate the method on a two-dimensional simulation of the spin-1/2 dipolar XY model. Through microscopic measurements of the spatial spin correlation dynamics following a quench, we extract the dispersion relation of the elementary excitations for both ferro- and anti-ferromagnetic couplings. We observe qualitatively different behaviors between the two cases that result from the long-range nature of the interactions, and the frustration inherent in the antiferromagnet. In particular, the ferromagnet exhibits elementary excitations behaving as linear spin waves. In the anti-ferromagnet, spin waves appear to decay, suggesting the presence of strong nonlinearities. Our demonstration highlights the importance of power-law interactions on the excitation spectrum of a many-body system.Comment: Main text 6 pages with 4 figures ; Supplemental Material 12 pages and 10 figure

    Scalable spin squeezing in a dipolar Rydberg atom array

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    The standard quantum limit bounds the precision of measurements that can be achieved by ensembles of uncorrelated particles. Fundamentally, this limit arises from the non-commuting nature of quantum mechanics, leading to the presence of fluctuations often referred to as quantum projection noise. Quantum metrology relies on the use of non-classical states of many-body systems in order to enhance the precision of measurements beyond the standard quantum limit. To do so, one can reshape the quantum projection noise -- a strategy known as squeezing. In the context of many-body spin systems, one typically utilizes all-to-all interactions (e.g. the one-axis twisting model) between the constituents to generate the structured entanglement characteristic of spin squeezing. Motivated by recent theoretical work, here we explore the prediction that short-range interactions -- and in particular, the two-dimensional dipolar XY model -- can also enable the realization of scalable spin squeezing. Working with a dipolar Rydberg quantum simulator of up to 100 atoms, we demonstrate that quench dynamics from a polarized initial state lead to spin squeezing that improves with increasing system size up to a maximum of -3.5 dB (prior to correcting for detection errors, or approximately -5 dB after correction). Finally, we present two independent refinements: first, using a multistep spin-squeezing protocol allows us to further enhance the squeezing by approximately 1 dB, and second, leveraging Floquet engineering to realize Heisenberg interactions, we demonstrate the ability to extend the lifetime of the squeezed state by freezing its dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Continuous Symmetry Breaking in a Two-dimensional Rydberg Array

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    Spontaneous symmetry breaking underlies much of our classification of phases of matter and their associated transitions. The nature of the underlying symmetry being broken determines many of the qualitative properties of the phase; this is illustrated by the case of discrete versus continuous symmetry breaking. Indeed, in contrast to the discrete case, the breaking of a continuous symmetry leads to the emergence of gapless Goldstone modes controlling, for instance, the thermodynamic stability of the ordered phase. Here, we realize a two-dimensional dipolar XY model -- which exhibits a continuous spin-rotational symmetry -- utilizing a programmable Rydberg quantum simulator. We demonstrate the adiabatic preparation of correlated low-temperature states of both the XY ferromagnet and the XY antiferromagnet. In the ferromagnetic case, we characterize the presence of long-range XY order, a feature prohibited in the absence of long-range dipolar interaction. Our exploration of the many-body physics of XY interactions complements recent works utilizing the Rydberg-blockade mechanism to realize Ising-type interactions exhibiting discrete spin rotation symmetry.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures in main text, 9 figures in supplemental method

    Continuous symmetry breaking in a two-dimensional Rydberg array

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    Spontaneous symmetry breaking underlies much of our classification of phases of matter and their associated transitions. The nature of the underlying symmetry being broken determines many of the qualitative properties of the phase; this is illustrated by the case of discrete versus continuous symmetry breaking. Indeed, in contrast to the discrete case, the breaking of a continuous symmetry leads to the emergence of gapless Goldstone modes controlling, for instance, the thermodynamic stability of the ordered phase. Here, we realize a two-dimensional dipolar XY model that shows a continuous spin-rotational symmetry using a programmable Rydberg quantum simulator. We demonstrate the adiabatic preparation of correlated low-temperature states of both the XY ferromagnet and the XY antiferromagnet. In the ferromagnetic case, we characterize the presence of a long-range XY order, a feature prohibited in the absence of long-range dipolar interaction. Our exploration of the many-body physics of XY interactions complements recent works using the Rydberg-blockade mechanism to realize Ising-type interactions showing discrete spin rotation symmetry.This work is supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 817482 (PASQuanS), the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, project nos. RYBOTIN and ANR-22-PETQ-0004, project QuBitAF) and the European Research Council (advanced grant no. 101018511-ATARAXIA). J.H. acknowledges support from the NSF OIA Convergence Accelerator programme under award number 2040549, and the Munich Quantum Valley, which is supported by the Bavarian state government with funds from the Hightech Agenda Bayern Plus. M.S. and A.M.L. acknowledge support by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) through grant no. I 4548. D.B. acknowledges support from grant no. MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (grant nos. RYC2018- 025348-I, PID2020-119667GA-I00 and European Union NextGenerationEU PRTR-C17.I1). M.P.Z. acknowledges support from the Department of the Environment (DOE) Early Career programme and the Alfred P. Sloan foundation. N.Y.Y. acknowledges support from the Army Research Office (ARO) (grant no. W911NF-21-1-0262), the AFOSR MURI programme (grant no. W911NF-20-1-0136), the David and Lucile Packard foundation, and the Alfred P. Sloan foundation. M.B. and V.L. acknowledge support from NSF QLCI programme (grant no. OMA-2016245). S.C. acknowledges support from the ARO through the MURI programme (grant no. W911NF-17-1-0323) and from the US DOE, Office of Science, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, under the Accelerated Research in Quantum Computing programme.Peer reviewe

    Spectroscopy of elementary excitations from quench dynamics in a dipolar XY Rydberg simulator

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    International audienceWe use a Rydberg quantum simulator to demonstrate a new form of spectroscopy, called quench spectroscopy, which probes the low-energy excitations of a many-body system. We illustrate the method on a two-dimensional simulation of the spin-1/2 dipolar XY model. Through microscopic measurements of the spatial spin correlation dynamics following a quench, we extract the dispersion relation of the elementary excitations for both ferro- and anti-ferromagnetic couplings. We observe qualitatively different behaviors between the two cases that result from the long-range nature of the interactions, and the frustration inherent in the antiferromagnet. In particular, the ferromagnet exhibits elementary excitations behaving as linear spin waves. In the anti-ferromagnet, spin waves appear to decay, suggesting the presence of strong nonlinearities. Our demonstration highlights the importance of power-law interactions on the excitation spectrum of a many-body system