6 research outputs found

    Eficacia de un programa de prevención del consumo de tabaco entre escolares de enseñanza secundaria obligatoria

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    Datos recientes muestran que la prevalencia del consumo de tabaco en España entre los jóvenes de 16 a 24 años es uno de los más altos de la Unión Europea. La encuesta ESTUDES 2010 observó que el 40% de los estudiantes entre 14 y 18 años habían fumado tabaco al menos una vez, el 32% en los 12 meses anteriores, y el 12% (25,2% entre los de 18 años de edad) habían fumado todos los días en el mes anterior. La búsqueda de estrategias de prevención eficaces que ayuden a los jóvenes a evitar el inicio y / o convertirse en tabaco dependientes es un objetivo todavía sin conseguir en nuestro entorno, y la efectividad de las intervenciones de educación de salud preventiva siguen siendo controvertidas. En una revisión reciente sobre 134 estudios con más de 428.000 participantes, concluyeron que las intervenciones realizadas en el contexto escolar eran eficaces a largo plazo, mostrando 12% menos de nuevos fumadores en el grupo de intervención, en comparación con el grupo control. En este estudio se planteó la hipótesis de que las intervenciones de educación para la salud en un programa integrado en el plan de estudios escolar serían más eficaces en la disminución de la incidencia y la prevalencia de tabaquismo en los adolescentes si se llevaron a cabo con el liderazgo, el apoyo, la participación y coordinación de los profesionales de enfermería en las escuelas secundarias. R e s u m e n Objetivo Esta tesis tuvo como principal objetivo evaluar la eficacia de un programa educativo en la escuela para reducir la incidencia y prevalencia de tabaquismo en escolares de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) de Tarragona (Cataluña, España) durante el período 2007-2010. Metodología DISEÑO: Ensayo clínico aleatorizado por conglomerados. EMPLAZAMIENTO: Región Sanitaria de Tarragona. PARTICIPANTES: Todos los alumnos matriculados en 1º ESO durante el curso 2007-2008 de los 29 Centros Educativos n=2,245. MEDICIONES E INTERVENCIONES PRINCIPALES: Se asignaron 15 colegios aleatoriamente al grupo intervención (GI) y 14 al grupo control (GC). La intervención fue realizada por enfermeras y consistió en una intervención integrada dividida en 3 bloques anuales implementados en los 3 primeros cursos de ESO. Se definió fumador “cuando existió consumo de cigarrillos a diario o de forma ocasional en los últimos 30 días”, estimándose la prevalencia inicial y la incidencia acumulada de tabaquismo. Resultados Del total de 2663 alumnos de 1º ESO matriculados, 2245 (84.3%) fueron inicialmente incluidos en el estudio. Al inicio del estudio, 157 (7%) alumnos fueron clasificados como fumadores mientras que los restantes 2088 (93%) fueron clasificados como no fumadores. Entre los no fumadores, un 14% eran contemplativos y un 86% no contemplativos. Un total de 1583 niños (804 en el grupo control y 779 en el grupo intervención) completaron el seguimiento en 4º ESO. A la finalización de la ESO, la prevalencia de fumadores fue inferior entre los alumnos del grupo intervención en todos los subgrupos analizados. La incidencia acumulada fue de 230,6 casos por 1000 en el grupo control y de 183.6 por 1000 en El grupo intervención, lo cual supuso una significativa reducción del 20,1% en el riesgo de haberse convertido en nuevo fumador durante el seguimiento en el grupo intervención en relación al grupo control (RR: 0,76; IC 95%: 0,58-0,99; p=0,042). En consecuencia, el RA fue de 47 casos por 1000, con un NNT de 21,27 (IC 95%: 12 a 95)

    Factors associated with commencing smoking in 12-year-old students in Catalonia (Spain): a cross-sectional population-based study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Over the last decade notable progress has been made in developed countries on monitoring smoking although experimenting with cigarettes and smoking in young people remains a serious public health problem. This paper reports a cross-sectional study at the beginning of the 3-year follow-up community study TA_BES. The aim was to study the prevalence of smoking in addition to determining predictive factors for when smoking commences in a representative population of 12-year-old first year compulsory secondary education students.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-nine secondary schools (N = 29) from an area of Catalonia participated in the study. In these schools 2245 students answered a questionnaire to study the attitudes, behaviors, and tobacco consumption in the subject's surrounding circle and family in relation to smoking; carbon monoxide measurements were taken by means of co-oximetry on 2 different occasions. A smoker was defined as a student who had smoked daily or occasionally in the last 30 days. For non-smokers the criteria of not considering was set up for those who answered that in the future they would not be smokers and considering those who answered that they did not rule out becoming a smoker in the future.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among the total 2245 students included in the analysis 157(7%) were classified as smokers. Among non-smokers we differentiated between those not considering smoking 1757 (78.3%) and those considering smoking 288 (12.8%).</p> <p>Age is among the factors related to commencing smoking. The risk of becoming a smoker increases 2.27 times/year. The influence of the group of friends with a very high risk for boys OR 149.5 and lower, albeit high, in girls OR 38.1. Tobacco consumption of parents produces different effects in young people. A smoking father does not produce alterations in the smoking behavior of young people. However having a smoking mother or former smoking is a risk factor for boys and a protective factor for girls.</p> <p>We detected a gradual risk of becoming a smoker by means of the co-oximetry test. A boy/girl with a test between 6 p.p.m and 10 p.p.m increased the probability of smoking by 2.29 and co-oximetry values > 10 p.p.m multiplied the risk 4 times over.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Results indicate that the age of commencing smoking is maintained in spite of prevalence having decreased in the last few years. The risk factors identified should be used to involve families and the educational community by offering them tobacco weaning programmes.</p

    Efficacy of a smoking prevention programme in Catalan secondary schools: a cluster-randomized controlled trial in Spain

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    Efficacy of a smoking prevention programme in Catalan secondary schools: A cluster-randomized controlled trial in SpainAims: To evaluate the efficacy of a school-based educational programme in reducing the incidence and prevalence of smoking in secondary school students (compulsory secondary education: CSE) in Catalonia (Spain). Design: Cluster-randomized controlled trial. Setting: Schools in the Tarragona Health Care Region of Spain. Participants: All students enrolled in the first year of CSE during the 2007-08 school year in the 29 participating schools (n=2245); 1583 students completed the follow-up over the 4-year study period (804 and 779 in the control and intervention groups, respectively). Measures: Self-reported questionnaires were administered during the first quarter of the 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 school years. A smoker was defined as 'smoking cigarettes daily or occasionally within the past 30days'. Multi-level logistic regression analysis was conducted to analyse the prevalence and incidence of smoking between the intervention and control groups. Intervention: A school-based educational programme comprising seven modules, each with a different approach to smoking habits. Each module included activities, work-shops and/or class sessions. Findings: The initial prevalence of smokers in the control and intervention groups who completed the follow-up was 3.9% and 4.2%, respectively. At the end of the study, the prevalence of smokers was 24.4% in the control group and 19.9% in the intervention group. The accumulated incidence of new smokers was 230.57/1000 in the control group and 183.65/1000 in the intervention group. The adjusted odds ratio (OR) comparing the intervention group with the control group was 0.75 [95% confidence interval (CI)=0.49, 1.15] for smoking prevalence, and 0.74 (95% CI=0.48, 1.14) for smoking incidence. Conclusions: A school-based educational intervent