86 research outputs found

    Zelfgestuurd leren kun je niet zelfgestuurd leren

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    Er komt steeds meer aandacht voor zelfgestuurd leren (ZGL) als manier om studenten actiever en bewuster te laten leren. Omdat het echter niet eenvoudig is om ZGL te implementeren, is vanuit een promotietraject (zie ook de bespreking van het proefschrift in editie 34(4) 2013 van dit Tijdschrift) een methodiek ontwikkeld en beproefd voor lerarenopleidingen primair onderwijs (pabo). Deze methodiek bestaat uit een model met zeven ontwerpprincipes en een diagnostisch instrument, op basis waarvan een trainings- en begeleidingsaanpak voor lerarenopleiders is uitgewerkt. Ook het effect van deze aanpak op het gebruik van metacognitieve leerstrategieën en de studiemotivatie van pabostudenten is onderzocht in verschillende deelstudies. De aanpak blijkt effect te hebben. Zo wordt het gebruik van metacognitieve leerstrategieën door studenten significant hoger. Ook de studiemotivatie van studenten wordt aangemoedigd, in het bijzonder op het vlak van hun zelfvertrouwen voor leren. De ontwikkelde aanpak biedt praktische aanknopingspunten voor lerarenopleidingen die mogelijkheden tot ZGL willen introduceren in hun curricula

    Designing networked learning for innovation in teacher learning groups

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    This study searches for guidelines to facilitate teacher-learning groups (TLGs) that aim to create sustainable knowledge (i.e., knowledge-creating TLGs). The ‘Dimensions of Social Learning (DSL) Framework’ is applied as a starting point to analyse the groups’ social configuration. The study explores the integration of two theories (social capital and value creation) into the DSL Framework in order to broaden the sustainable knowledge-creation perspective. To test the usability of the extended framework we conducted a case study in a primary teacher training college in the Netherlands. We found that both theories added features of knowledge creation to the DSL Framework: social capital in a process-oriented manner and value creation in a product-oriented way. For the facilitation of knowledge-creating TLGs, the collective knowledge working identity is an important indicator. A gradual development of both spread leadership and an inquiry-based attitude are important for this indicator. Institutional value creation is a second indicator. This indicator says that TLGs should involve all stakeholders when starting a joint enterprise and connect actions to institutional goals right from the start

    Zelfgestuurd leren kun je niet zelfgestuurd leren

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    In deze presentatie komen onderstaande punten aan de orde: -Wat is zelfgestuurd leren? -Aanleiding -Doelen -Zeven ontwerpprincipes -Diagnostisch instrument -Interventies op basis van vraagsturing -Zelfgestuurde leermogelijkheden, motivatie en metacognitie -Aan de slag met het instrument -Zelfgestuurd leren en reflectiekwaliteit -Lopend onderzoek -Vrage

    Process-oriented design principles for promoting self-regulated learning in primary teacher education

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    Many recent studies have stressed the importance of students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) skills for successful learning. Consequently, primary teacher educators are stimulated by their policy makers to increase their students’ SRL opportunities in the educational pre-service program. However, primary teacher educators often find it difficult to implement these innovations in their teaching. In the present study, a literature search concerning SRL was conducted. Based on this search, seven process-oriented design principles were formulated, resulting in a SRL model for primary teacher education. This SRL model provides more insight into relevant SRL aspects and can support SRL implementation in pre-service teacher education

    The ‘Self-Regulated Learning Opportunities Questionnaire’: a Diagnostic Instrument for Teacher Educators’ Professional Development

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    Many recent studies have stressed the importance of students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) skills for successful learning. Although primary teacher educators are aware of the importance of SRL for their students, they often find it difficult to implement SRL opportunities in their teaching. To support teacher professional development, an SRL model was described in a previous theoretical study. In the present article, this SRL model is elaborated towards the ‘SRL Opportunities Questionnaire’ (SRLOQ) that can be applied by primary teacher educators as a diagnostic instrument for classroom settings. A four-phase research design is applied consisting of scale development, score validation, further validation of the SRLOQ in primary teacher education, and a confirmatory factor analysis. Finally, a single case study is described that illustrates the usefulness of the SRLOQ in classroom practice

    Kritische vragen ter bevordering van de reflectiekwaliteit van pabostudenten

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    Er komt steeds meer aandacht voor zelfgestuurd leren (ZGL) als manier om studenten actiever en bewuster te laten leren. Vanuit het beleidskader Opleiden in School zijn in het studiejaar 2013-2014 intervisiemomenten voor pabostudenten op de werkplek georganiseerd met de intentie de mogelijkheden tot ZGL van de studenten geleidelijk te implementeren op de werkplek. Om hierbij een verdieping in reflectiekwaliteit van pabostudenten (n=28) te bewerkstelligen, hebben twee pabodocenten, vier leerkrachten basisonderwijs en drie onderzoekers samengewerkt aan een instrument met stimulerende vragen, gericht op toenemende verdieping in reflectieniveaus. Een belangrijk principe is er dat er een geleidelijke ontwikkeling plaatsvindt van docentsturing naar studentsturing. De eerste bevindingen laten zien dat het instrument (aanstaande) leraren ondersteunt bij het stellen van betekenisgerichte vragen ter bevordering van het reflectieniveau. Tevens stijgt het percentage betekenisgerichte reflectie

    Dimensions of social learning in teacher education: an exemplary case study

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    Growing attention can be noticed for social learning in teacher groups as a stimulus for teachers’ professional development. Research shows the importance of understanding the role and impact of informal social networks on teacher professional development. This paper describes a rich case study of student teachers, in-service teachers and teacher training educators collaborating in networks. Based on the ‘Dimensions of Social Learning (DSL)-Framework’ that includes 4 dimensions and 11 indicators of social learning, the present study observes and facilitates the social configuration of a learning group of primary (student) teachers and their educators. The purpose of the case study is 1) to translate the theoretical DSL-Framework into a form recognized by educational practice, and 2) find social configurations that support roles of (student) teachers in learning networks. The following research questions were formulated: 1) In what way can the DSL-Framework help to bring the group configuration into focus? 2) Which social configuration on dimensions and indicators supports student teachers’ role in a group together with teachers and educators? These questions are answered by video-recordings of group activities, reflective notes, the use of an online learning environment and semi-structured interviews. Data analyses were accompanied by an intervention with the purpose to translate the theoretical DSL-framework to a practice-based tool for evaluating and guiding learning networks. The research findings demonstrate that teacher groups can reflect on the learning group's social configuration by means of compiling an image with the DSL-framework. The resulting image allows teachers to analyse whether their group's configuration fits its learning goals, or that adjustments are required. In this way, professional development within teacher learning groups can be improved. Besides general recommendations for facilitating social learning in teacher groups, the study explicitly searches for ways to optimise student teachers’ role in a group of teacher experts
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