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    Abstract This article aims to describe the types of illocutionary acts of main character in “Midnight in Paris” movie. It also aims to describe the type of illocutionary acts which is mostly used by the main character. It is a content analysis where the source of data is the “Midnight in Paris” movie directed by Woody Allen in 2011 which consisted of 245 utterances. The data are in the form of   main character’s 44 utterances and categorized into types of illocutionary acts based on Searle’s theory. Based on data analysis, the finding shows five types of illocutionary acts in main character’s utterances, namely assertive, directive, commissive, declarative and expressive. Assertive is mostly used by the main character. Key words: illocutionary acts, utterances, pragmatics, Midnight in Paris movie Abstrak Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang jenis-jenis tindak ilokusi dari tokoh utama dalam film “Midnight in Paris” yang disutradarai oleh Woody Allen pada tahun 2011. Artikel ini juga menggambarkan jenis tindak ilokusi yang palingt banyak digunakan oleh tokoh utama. Dengan menggunakan analisis isi,data yang berupa 44 ujaran yang diungkapkan oleh tokoh utama dikategorikan ke dalam jenis-jenis tindak ilokusi berdasarkan teori yang dikemukakan oleh Searle. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lima jenis tindak ilokusi dari tokoh utama film tersebut, yaitu assertive, directive, commissive, declarative dan expressive. Assertive merupakan tindak ilokusi yang paling banyak digunakan oleh tokoh utama.  Kata kunci: tindak ilokusi, ujaran, pragmatic, film Midnight in Paris             


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    Discourse Markers Used by Non-Native Speakers in Good Morning America Talk Show

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    Discourse markers have been studied extensively in linguistics and communication studies. Its use is very helpful in understanding the message conveyed, both in formal and informal situations.  This study examines the discourse markers used by non-native speakers in Good Morning America Talk Show. Unveil the types and their functions, this study uses a qualitative descriptive method in identifying the use of discourse markers. The data were taken from conversations of non-native speakers using Biber et al (1999) theory to determine the types and functions of discourse markers. The results of this study showed that there are ten types of discourse markers interjection, greetings and farewells, linking adverbials, stance adverbials, vocatives, response elicitors, response forms, hesitators, various polite speech-act formulas and expletives. Those markers have variations functions as marker of information management, marker of response, marker of connectives, marker of cause and effect, marker of temporal adverb and marker of information participation. This study has shown that the use of discourse markers varies across languages and cultures. Moreover, the use of discourse markers can also vary depending on the context of the communication.Penanda wacana telah dipelajari secara luas dalam studi bidang linguistik dan komunikasi. Penggunaanya sangat membantu dalam memahami pesan yang disampaikan, baik disituasi formal ataupun informal. Penelitian ini mengacu pada penggunaan penanda wacana yang digunakan oleh non -penutur asli di acara gelar wicara Good Morning America. Untuk mengetahui tipe-tipe dan fungsinya, penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dalam mengidentifikasi penggunaan penanda wacana dalam konteks percakapan. Data penelitian diperoleh dari percakapan non-penutur asli dengan menggunakan teori Biber et al (1999) dalam menentukan setiap jenis dan fungsinya. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat sepuluh penanda wacana yaitu interjection, greetings and farewells, linking adverials, stance adverbials, vocatives, response elicitiors, respon forms, hesitators, various-polite speech act, dan expletives. Penanda-penanda tersebut memiliki fungsi yang bervariasi, diantaranya sebagai marker of information management, marker of response, marker of connetives, marker of cause and effect, marker of temporal adverb, dan marker of information-participation. Penelitian ini telah menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan penanda wacana bervariasi antar bahasa dan budaya. Selain itu, penggunaan penanda wacana juga dapat bervariasi tergantung pada konteks komunikasi

    Shifts in Indonesian Translation of Red Queen Novel

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    Shift may occur in translating the text from source language into target language, especially when the two languages have different characteristics both linguistically and culturally. This study aimed to describe the kinds of shift in the Indonesian translation of Red Queen novel, a novel written in English by Victoria Aveyard in which it was translated by Nuraini Mastura. A descriptive qualitative approach was used in collecting and analyzing the data. The data were specifically the uttrances of the main characters in the  novel both in the original novel written in English and its Indonesian translation. The data were analyzed referring to Newmark’s theory of transposition or shift of translation. This study revealed that   all kinds of transposition or shift occur in translation of Red Queen novel. They are automatic transposition, no grammar equivalence, different ways to express idea, and lexical gap replaced by grammar structure


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    This thesis is about impoliteness strategies in Peter Rabbit movie. It aims to find out the impoliteness strategies and the response of interlocutors in the movie. This study used the theory of Culpeper (1996) about the 5 strategies of impoliteness and Culpeper, et.al (2003) 4 types of impoliteness responses. The researcher utilised descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data and to describe the results of this analysis. The source of the data is Peter Rabbit movie and the script of the movie. From read, watch, check the accuracy between the movie and the script, identify characters’ utterances, identify the impoliteness strategies of the utterances and identify the response of the impoliteness are the procedures of data collection. The results of this study indicate that there are 75 impoliteness strategies used by the characters in Peter Rabbit movie. The most commonly strategy used is Bald on Record strategy with total usage of 30 times. Meanwhile, Positive Impoliteness and Sarcasm or Mock Politeness were used 15 times Total usage of Negative Impoliteness is 12 times. The most rarely strategy found is Withhold Politeness with the number of usage 4 times. The response found consisted of 4 types of responses namely Accepting face attack, Offensive Countering, Defensive Countering, and No response whether it is in the form of verbal and nonverbal responses. This analysis shows that the Impoliteness Strategy in Peter Rabbit movie is quite a lot because the characteristic of the characters in the movie is classified as aggressive and active. In addition, the use of impoliteness strategies was influenced by different cultural backgrounds such as urban people and country people.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini tentang strategi ketidaksopanan di dalam film Peter Rabbit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan stratgei ketidaksopanan dan respons lawan bicara yang ada di dalam film. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Culpeper (1996) tentang 5 strategi ketidaksopanan dan teori Culpeper dan temannya (2003) tentang 4 tipe respon ketidaksopanan. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk menganalisa data dan mendeskripsikan hasil dari analisis ini. Sumber data berupa film dan skrip dari Peter Rabbit. Dari membaca, menonton, mengecek keakuratan  film da skrip, mengidentifikasi percakapan-percaakapan para karakter, mengidentifikasi strategi ketidaksopanan pada percakapan  para karakter  dan mengidentifikasi respon dari pendengar merupakan prosedur dari data yang dikumpulkan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa strategi yang paling sering di gunakan adalah strategi Bald on Record  dengan jumlah penggunaannya 30 kali. Sementara itu, Positive Impoliteness dan Sarcasm or Mock Politeness di gunakan 15 kali. Jumlah penggunaan  Negative impoliteness 12 kali. Strategi yang paling jarang di temukan adalah Withold Politeness dengan total penggunaannya 4 kali. Respons yang di temukan terdiri dari 4 tipe respons yakni Accepting face attack, Offensive Countering, Defensive Countering, and No response baik dari segi  respon verbal dan non verbal. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa strategi ketidaksopanan di dalam film Peter Rabbit cukup banyak karena sifat para karakter  di dalam film agresif dan aktif. Selain itu, penggunaan ketidaksopanan di pengaruhi oleh perbedaan latar belakang budaya seperti orang dari perkotaan dan orang dari pedesaan.Kata Kunci: Pragmatik, Strategi, Strategi Ketidaksopanan, Respons, Peter Rabbi

    Gender Differences in Self-Determination Motivation to Learn English

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    The focus of the study was to investigate the students’ self-determination motivation in learning English on the basis of gender. This was a descriptive quantitative research. The participants of the study were 839 students consisted of 369 male students and 470 female students. The questionnaire of self-determination motivation in learning English was applied in collecting the data. The results of data analysis revealed that the students’ difference on the basis of gender, in general, the male students were significantly higher in amotivation than the female students. In extrinsic type of self-determination motivation, the male students were not significantly different with the female students. The female students were significantly higher than the male students in intrinsic motivation

    Discourse Analysis

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    The purpose of preparation of this instructional material is to provide the students as well as the lecturers a reference related to the subject of Discourse Analysis. Generally, this instructional material also provides the students both the knowledge of how to interpret the language in use and to use language properly and appropriately. I hope, the publication of this instructional material contributes to the development of academic culture in Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar

    Work Stress and Psychological Consequences in The Workplace: Study on Elementary School Teachers

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    There are very limited studies examining the relationships between work stress and psychological consequences of the teachers, especially elementary school teachers. Therefore, the primary purpose of conducting this research is to understand the correlation between teachers work stress, and burnout and job satisfaction. It also aims to understand sources and levels of teachers work stress. The findings of the study showed that there was no correlation between teachers work stress and burnout, and between teachers work stress and job satisfactio

    Jargon Remaja di Media Sosial Snapchat

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    Snapchat has become one of the most popular social media platforms among teenagers, and its use is often accompanied by quirky terms or jargon. This study aims to examine the forms and functions of this jargon. The research method used is a qualitative approach by conducting observation participants where the researcher acts as a participant in the activity or situation being observed and used two theories; Halligan's theory (2004) as a form of jargon suggests that the use of jargon in teenagers can reflect their efforts to convey their group identity and shows a sense of closeness in the Snapchat community and Jakobson's theory (1960) as a language of function to analyze the terms of jargon in teenagers communication on the Snapchat. The data were obtained from Snapchat conversations that featured jargon. The researcher found 37 jargon items across ten accounts with an even split of five boys and five girls from various countries, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, England, Norway, New York, United States, and Finland, with the identified users ranged in age from 18 to 24 years old. The jargon forms that the researcher has found were categorized into words (8), phrases (7), acronyms (5), and abbreviations (17), while the functions were identified as referential (9), poetic (1), conative (9), emotive (7), phatic (8), and metalingual (3). Keywords: Jargon, Snapchat, Social MediaSnapchat telah menjadi salah satu platform media sosial paling populer di kalangan remaja, serta penggunaannya yang sering disertai dengan istilah atau jargon yang nyentrik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bentuk dan fungsi dari jargon tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan melakukan observasi partisipan dimana peneliti berperan sebagai partisipan dalam kegiatan atau situasi yang diamati dan menggunakan dua teori; Teori Halligan (2004) sebagai bentuk jargon yang menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan jargon pada remaja dapat mencerminkan upaya mereka untuk menyampaikan identitas kelompok mereka dan menunjukkan rasa kedekatan dalam komunitas Snapchat dan teori Jakobson (1960) sebagai fungsi bahasa untuk menganalisis istilah jargon dalam komunikasi remaja di Snapchat sesuai konteks percakapan. Data diperoleh dari percakapan Snapchat yang terdapat jargon. Peneliti menemukan 37 item jargon di sepuluh akun dengan pembagian rata antara lima laki-laki dan lima perempuan dari berbagai negara, Malaysia, Filipina, Indonesia, Inggris, Norwegia, New York, Amerika Serikat, dan Finlandia, dengan usia pengguna yang teridentifikasi berkisar dari 18 sampai 24 tahun. Bentuk jargon yang ditemukan peneliti dikategorikan menjadi kata (8), frase (7), akronim (5), dan singkatan (17), sedangkan fungsinya diidentifikasi sebagai Referensial (9), Puitis (1), konatif ( 9), emosional (7), fatis (8), dan metalingual (3). Kata Kunci: Jargon, Snapchat, Sosial Medi