14 research outputs found

    Regulation of metabolism and inflammation by two protein kinases - AMPK and STK25

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a widespread metabolic disorder that has reached epidemic proportions globally, and is now considered to be one of the main threats to human health. The currently available treatment options in T2DM suffer from inadequate efficacy and durability, as well as liabilities, including hypoglycemia, weight gain, edema and gastrointestinal intolerance. Since the efficacy and patient compliance of existing treatments are in many cases unsatisfactory, there is a pronounced need for novel targets, which could complement current treatment. Evidence accumulated during the last two decades indicates that excessive caloric intake and obesity lead to a chronic low-grade inflammation in metabolic tissues, and increased inflammation may be directly involved in the pathogenesis of T2DM. Therefore, novel pharmacological treatments targeting both the metabolic and inflammatory disruptions seen in T2DM are warranted. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a central master switch important for regulating energy homeostasis at cellular as well as whole body level. Recently, evidence for a role of AMPK in regulation of inflammatory balance has emerged. By using AMPK agonists AICAR and metformin in liver cell lines, primary hepatocytes and in mouse model system in vivo, we demonstrate that AMPK activation in liver leads to decreased inflammatory response to the proinflammatory cytokine IL-6. We further show that the anti-inflammatory action of AMPK was mediated via decreased phosphorylation of several downstream components of the canonical IL-6 receptor signalling pathway. Inhibition of the IL-6 signalling cascade in liver by AMPK supports a role of this kinase as a crucial point of convergence of metabolic and inflammatory pathways in hepatocytes. Serine/threonine protein kinase 25 (STK25) is broadly expressed in mouse, rat and human tissues. When activated, this kinase is part of several cell processes, such as development, migration and apoptosis. We, for the first time, show that STK25 also has metabolic effects. By using small interfering RNA for Stk25 in rodent muscle cell line L6, we demonstrate that STK25 is involved in regulation of glucose uptake and lipid oxidation. Furthermore, mice overexpressing STK25, when challenged with a high-fat diet, develop reduced glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity compared to wild-type siblings. Increased triglyceride deposition in liver and skeletal muscle, and adipocyte hypertrophy, as observed in Stk25 transgenic mice, suggest that the underlying cause of insulin resistance in conditions of excess dietary fuels is a shift in the metabolic balance from lipid oxidation toward lipid storage in peripheral tissues. Furthermore, Stk25 transgenic mice show increased infiltration of inflammatory cells in liver. Taken together, both AMPK and STK25 emerge as interesting targets for future treatment of T2DM, enabling to target the dysregulation of both metabolism and inflammation seen in connection with this disease

    Genetic Ablation of STE20-Type Kinase MST4 Does Not Alleviate Diet-Induced MASLD Susceptibility in Mice

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    Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) and its advanced subtype, metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH), have emerged as the most common chronic liver disease worldwide, yet there is no targeted pharmacotherapy presently available. This study aimed to investigate the possible in vivo function of STE20-type protein kinase MST4, which was earlier implicated in the regulation of hepatocellular lipotoxic milieu in vitro, in the control of the diet-induced impairment of systemic glucose and insulin homeostasis as well as MASLD susceptibility. Whole-body and liver-specific Mst4 knockout mice were generated by crossbreeding conditional Mst4fl/fl mice with mice expressing Cre recombinase under the Sox2 or Alb promoters, respectively. To replicate the environment in high-risk subjects, Mst4–/– mice and their wild-type littermates were fed a high-fat or a methionine–choline-deficient (MCD) diet. Different in vivo tests were conducted in obese mice to describe the whole-body metabolism. MASLD progression in the liver and lipotoxic damage to adipose tissue, kidney, and skeletal muscle were analyzed by histological and immunofluorescence analysis, biochemical assays, and protein and gene expression profiling. In parallel, intracellular fat storage and oxidative stress were assessed in primary mouse hepatocytes, where MST4 was silenced by small interfering RNA. We found that global MST4 depletion had no effect on body weight or composition, locomotor activity, whole-body glucose tolerance or insulin sensitivity in obese mice. Furthermore, we observed no alterations in lipotoxic injuries to the liver, adipose, kidney, or skeletal muscle tissue in high-fat diet-fed whole-body Mst4–/– vs. wild-type mice. Liver-specific Mst4–/– mice and wild-type littermates displayed a similar severity of MASLD when subjected to an MCD diet, as evidenced by equal levels of steatosis, inflammation, hepatic stellate cell activation, fibrosis, oxidative/ER stress, and apoptosis in the liver. In contrast, the in vitro silencing of MST4 effectively protected primary mouse hepatocytes against ectopic lipid accumulation and oxidative cell injury triggered by exposure to fatty acids. In summary, these results suggest that the genetic ablation of MST4 in mice does not mitigate the initiation or progression of MASLD and has no effect on systemic glucose or insulin homeostasis in the context of nutritional stress. The functional compensation for the genetic loss of MST4 by yet undefined mechanisms may contribute to the apparent discrepancy between in vivo and in vitro phenotypic consequences of MST4 silencing

    Silencing of STE20-type kinase MST3 in mice with antisense oligonucleotide treatment ameliorates diet-induced nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is emerging as a leading cause of chronic liver disease worldwide. Despite intensive nonclinical and clinical research in this field, no specific pharmacological therapy is currently approved to treat NAFLD, which has been recognized as one of the major unmet medical needs of the 21st century. Our recent studies have identified STE20-type kinase MST3, which localizes to intracellular lipid droplets, as a critical regulator of ectopic fat accumulation in human hepatocytes. Here, we explored whether treatment with Mst3-targeting antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) can promote hepatic lipid clearance and mitigate NAFLD progression in mice in the context of obesity. We found that administration of Mst3-targeting ASOs in mice effectively ameliorated the full spectrum of high-fat diet-induced NAFLD including liver steatosis, inflammation, fibrosis, and hepatocellular damage. Mechanistically, Mst3 ASOs suppressed lipogenic gene expression, as well as acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) protein abundance, and substantially reduced lipotoxicity-mediated oxidative and endoplasmic reticulum stress in the livers of obese mice. Furthermore, we found that MST3 protein levels correlated positively with the severity of NAFLD in human liver biopsies. In summary, this study provides the first in vivo evidence that antagonizing MST3 signaling is sufficient to mitigate NAFLD progression in conditions of excess dietary fuels and warrants future investigations to assess whether MST3 inhibitors may provide a new strategy for the treatment of patients with NAFLD

    Targeted Delivery of Stk25 Antisense Oligonucleotides to Hepatocytes Protects Mice Against Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseSummary

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    Background & Aims: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) are emerging as leading causes of liver disease worldwide. Currently, no specific pharmacologic therapy is available for NAFLD/NASH, which has been recognized as one of the major unmet medical needs of the 21st century. Our recent studies in genetic mouse models, human cell lines, and well-characterized patient cohorts have identified serine/threonine protein kinase (STK)25 as a critical regulator of hepatic lipid partitioning and NAFLD/NASH. Here, we studied the metabolic benefit of liver-specific STK25 inhibitors on NAFLD development and progression in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity. Methods: We developed a hepatocyte-specific triantennary N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc)-conjugated antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) targeting Stk25 and evaluated its effect on NAFLD features in mice after chronic exposure to dietary lipids. Results: We found that systemic administration of hepatocyte-targeting GalNAc-Stk25 ASO in obese mice effectively ameliorated steatosis, inflammatory infiltration, hepatic stellate cell activation, nutritional fibrosis, and hepatocellular damage in the liver compared with mice treated with GalNAc-conjugated nontargeting ASO, without any systemic toxicity or local tolerability concerns. We also observed protection against high-fat-diet–induced hepatic oxidative stress and improved mitochondrial function with Stk25 ASO treatment in mice. Moreover, GalNAc-Stk25 ASO suppressed lipogenic gene expression and acetyl-CoA carboxylase protein abundance in the liver, providing insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying repression of hepatic steatosis. Conclusions: This study provides in vivo nonclinical proof-of-principle for the metabolic benefit of liver-specific inhibition of STK25 in the context of obesity and warrants future investigations to address the therapeutic potential of GalNAc-Stk25 ASO in the prevention and treatment of NAFLD. Keywords: NAFLD, NASH, Hepatic Steatosis, Liver Fibrosis, Antisense Oligonucleotide Therap

    Knockout of STE20-type kinase TAOK3 does not attenuate diet-induced NAFLD development in mice

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    Abstract Objective Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), the primary hepatic consequence of obesity, is affecting about 25% of the global adult population. The aim of this study was to examine the in vivo role of STE20-type protein kinase TAOK3, which has been previously reported to regulate hepatocellular lipotoxicity in vitro, in the development of NAFLD and systemic insulin resistance in the context of obesity. Methods Taok3 knockout mice and wild-type littermates were challenged with a high-fat diet. Various in vivo tests were performed to characterize the whole-body metabolism. NAFLD progression in the liver, and lipotoxic damage in adipose tissue, kidney, and skeletal muscle were compared between the genotypes by histological assessment, immunofluorescence microscopy, protein and gene expression profiling, and biochemical assays. Intracellular lipid accumulation and oxidative/ER stress were analyzed in cultured human and mouse hepatocytes where TAOK3 was knocked down by small interfering RNA. The expression of TAOK3-related STE20-type kinases was quantified in different organs from high-fat diet-fed Taok3 –/– and wild-type mice. Results TAOK3 deficiency had no impact on body weight or composition, food consumption, locomotor activity, or systemic glucose or insulin homeostasis in obese mice. Consistently, Taok3 –/– mice and wild-type littermates developed a similar degree of high-fat diet-induced liver steatosis, inflammation, and fibrosis, and we detected no difference in lipotoxic damage of adipose tissue, kidney, or skeletal muscle when comparing the two genotypes. In contrast, the silencing of TAOK3 in vitro markedly suppressed ectopic lipid accumulation and metabolic stress in mouse and human hepatocytes. Interestingly, the hepatic mRNA abundance of several TAOK3-related kinases, which have been previously implicated to increase the risk of NAFLD susceptibility, was significantly elevated in Taok3 –/– vs. wild-type mice. Conclusions In contrast to the in vitro observations, genetic deficiency of TAOK3 in mice failed to mitigate the detrimental metabolic consequences of chronic exposure to dietary lipids, which may be partly attributable to the activation of liver-specific compensation response for the genetic loss of TAOK3 by related STE20-type kinases. Graphical Abstrac

    STK25 regulates oxidative capacity and metabolic efficiency in adipose tissue

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    Whole-body energy homeostasis at over-nutrition critically depends on how well adipose tissue remodels in response to excess calories. We recently identified serine/ threonine protein kinase (STK)25 as a critical regulator of ectopic lipid storage in non-adipose tissue and systemic insulin resistance in the context of nutritional stress. Here, we investigated the role of STK25 in regulation of adipose tissue dysfunction in mice challenged with a high-fat diet. We found that overexpression of STK25 in high-fat-fed mice resulted in impaired mitochondrial function and aggravated hypertrophy, inflammatory infiltration and fibrosis in adipose depots. Reciprocally, Stk25-knockout mice displayed improved mitochondrial function and were protected against diet-induced excessive fat storage, meta-inflammation and fibrosis in brown and white adipose tissues. Furthermore, in rodent HIB-1B cell line, STK25 depletion resulted in enhanced mitochondrial activity and consequently, reduced lipid droplet size, demonstrating an autonomous action for STK25 within adipocytes. In summary, we provide the first evidence for a key function of STK25 in controlling the metabolic balance of lipid utilization vs lipid storage in brown and white adipose depots, suggesting that repression of STK25 activity offers a potential strategy for establishing healthier adipose tissue in the context of chronic exposure to dietary lipids

    Genetic Disruption of Protein Kinase STK25 Ameliorates Metabolic Defects in a Diet-Induced Type 2 Diabetes Model

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    Understanding the molecular networks controlling ectopic lipid deposition, glucose tolerance, and insulin sensitivity is essential to identifying new pharmacological approaches to treat type 2 diabetes. We recently identified serine/threonine protein kinase 25 (STK25) as a negative regulator of glucose and insulin homeostasis based on observations in myoblasts with acute depletion of STK25 and in STK25-overexpressing transgenic mice. Here, we challenged Stk25 knockout mice and wild-type littermates with a high-fat diet and showed that STK25 deficiency suppressed development of hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia, improved systemic glucose tolerance, reduced hepatic gluconeogenesis, and increased insulin sensitivity. Stk25(−/−) mice were protected from diet-induced liver steatosis accompanied by decreased protein levels of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, a key regulator of both lipid oxidation and synthesis. Lipid accumulation in Stk25(−/−) skeletal muscle was reduced, and expression of enzymes controlling the muscle oxidative capacity (Cpt1, Acox1, Cs, Cycs, Ucp3) and glucose metabolism (Glut1, Glut4, Hk2) was increased. These data are consistent with our previous study of STK25 knockdown in myoblasts and reciprocal to the metabolic phenotype of Stk25 transgenic mice, reinforcing the validity of the results. The findings suggest that STK25 deficiency protects against the metabolic consequences of chronic exposure to dietary lipids and highlight the potential of STK25 antagonists for the treatment of type 2 diabetes

    Depletion of protein kinase STK25 ameliorates renal lipotoxicity and protects against diabetic kidney disease

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    Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is the most common cause of severe renal disease worldwide and the single strongest predictor of mortality in diabetes patients. Kidney steatosis has emerged as a critical trigger in the pathogenesis of DKD; however, the molecular mechanism of renal lipotoxicity remains largely unknown. Our recent studies in genetic mouse models, human cell lines, and well-characterized patient cohorts have identified serine/threonine protein kinase 25 (STK25) as a critical regulator of ectopic lipid storage in several metabolic organs prone to diabetic damage. Here, we demonstrate that overexpression of STK25 aggravates renal lipid accumulation and exacerbates structural and functional kidney injury in a mouse model of DKD. Reciprocally, inhibiting STK25 signaling in mice ameliorates diet-induced renal steatosis and alleviates the development of DKD-associated pathologies. Furthermore, we find that STK25 silencing in human kidney cells protects against lipid deposition, as well as oxidative and endoplasmic reticulum stress. Together, our results suggest that STK25 regulates a critical node governing susceptibility to renal lipotoxicity and that STK25 antagonism could mitigate DKD progression