144 research outputs found

    Banking Operational Cost in the Balkan Region under a Quadratic Loss Function

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    This paper presents of theoretical specification of a quadratic loss function based on forward looking rational expectations to model the underlying dynamics of operational performance of the banking industry. As an empirical application we examine the determinants of total operating costs within a dynamic panel analysis in the Balkan region that is the South East Europe (SEE) over the period 1998-2005. Results show that operating performance is positively related to loan quality and the asset size or the bank’s market share, whilst the speed of adjustment to the long run operational cost is substantial in magnitude.Forward looking rational expectations, banking operating costs.

    An Analysis of the Impact of Public Infrastructure on Productivity Performance of Mexican Industry

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    It has been frequently quoted in the literature that one decisive cause of the productive performance of an economy might be infrastructure investment. This paper provides a dual profit theoretical framework of measuring the effects of infrastructure on economic performance in terms of gains in profits, cost savings, as well as in terms of productivity growth enhancement. In an empirical application, we opt for Mexican industry data. The results show that returns to infrastructure capital are significant and positive, though some variability across time exists. Moreover, the decomposition of total factor productivity growth reveals that the economic performance could be enhanced by investing in infrastructure capital.profit function, productivity growth, public infrastructure, Mexican manufacturing

    Towards a common EU policy on income distribution: the case of social benefit expenditures

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    The observed "soft" coordination at European and national level has hindered progress in terms of raising social welfare and reducing the risk of poverty in EU. This is a source of concern given that the fruits of economic efficiency should be shared by the individuals and Member States of EU in an equitable manner. Raising social welfare would assist the process of building up the necessary social consensus in favour of structural reforms in product and capital markets, which in turn would further enhance economic efficiency. This paper focuses on a key indicator of social policy in national agendas which is the social expenditure as a percent of the GDP so as to assess whether there is convergence in social policy across European countries. The empirical analysis utilises information from 18 European countries over the period 1990-2004 and appropriate methodological tools of absolute ó-convergence and analysis of distribution dynamics

    What are the driving factors behind the rise of spreads and CDSs of Euro-area sovereign bonds? A FAVAR model for Greece and Ireland

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    This paper examines the underlying dynamics of selected euro-area sovereign bonds by employing a factor-augmenting vector autoregressive (FAVAR) model for the first time in the literature. This methodology allows for identifying the underlying transmission mechanisms of several factors; in particular, market liquidity and credit risk. Departing from the classical structural vector autoregressive (VAR) models, it allows us to relax limitations regarding the choice of variables that could drive spreads and credit default swaps (CDSs) of euro-area sovereign debts. The results show that liquidity, credit risk, and flight to quality drive both spreads and CDSs of five years’ maturity over swaps for Greece and Ireland in recent years. Greece, in particular, is facing an elastic demand for its sovereign bonds that further stretches liquidity. Moreover, in current illiquid market conditions spreads will continue to follow a steep upward trend, with certain adverse financial stability implications. In addition, we observe a negative feedback effect from counterparty credit risk

    Towards a Common EU Policy on Income Distribution: the case of Social Benefit Expenditures

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    The observed “soft†coordination at European and national level has hindered progress in terms of raising social welfare and reducing the risk of poverty in EU. This is a source of concern given that the fruits of economic efficiency should be shared by the individuals and Member States of EU in an equitable manner. Raising social welfare would assist the process of building up the necessary social consensus in favour of structural reforms in product and capital markets, which in turn would further enhance economic efficiency. This paper focuses on a key indicator of social policy in national agendas which is the social expenditure as a percent of the GDP so as to assess whether there is convergence in social policy across European countries. The empirical analysis utilises information from 18 European countries over the period 1990-2004 and appropriate methodological tools of absolute ó-convergence and analysis of distribution dynamics.

    Labour Market Dynamics in Greek Regions: a Bayesian Markov Chain Approach Using Proportions Data

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    This paper focuses on Greek labour market dynamics at a regional base, which comprises of 16 provinces, as defined by NUTS levels 1 and 2 (Eurostat, 2008), using Markov Chains for proportions data for the first time in the literature. We apply a Bayesian approach, which employs a Monte Carlo Integration procedure that uncovers the entire empirical posterior distribution of transition probabilities from full employment to part employment, unemployment and economically unregistered unemployment and vice a versa. Our results show that there are disparities in the transition probabilities across regions, implying that the convergence of the Greek labour market at a regional base is far from being considered as completed. However, some common patterns are observed as regions in the south of the country exhibit similar transition probabilities between different states of the labour marketGreek Regions, Employment, Unemployment, Markov Chains

    Operating performance of the banking industry: an empirical investigation of the south eastern European region

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    This paper examines the operating performance of the South Eastern European(SEE) banking industry over the period 1998-2003. To this end, we investigate the empirical relationship between operating expenses and bank, market and country specific characteristics. Operating performance is found to be positively related to loan quality and the asset size or the bank’s market share, and negatively related to liquidity, the loan ratio and bank’s age

    High Greek bank net interest margins, recapitalisations and competition

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    This study examines the factors underlying the notably high Greek bank net interest margins compared to the euro-area average, with a particular focus on the interplay between bank competition and recapitalisations. Employing dynamic panel analysis from the early 2000s to 2021, we address potential endogeneity concerns and heterogeneity considerations. Additionally, we utilise local projections impulse response functions to account for structural shifts within the Greek banking landscape. Our findings reveal that diminished bank competition has played a significant role in driving up net interest margins in Greece. Intriguingly, the impact of Greek recapitalisations, in parallel with market conditions characterised by a low level of bank competition, has further contributed to high net interest margins. Supported by evidence from local projections impulse response functions, our study emphasises the necessity of accelerating the banking union and implementing a common regulatory framework across the euro-area. Setting caps on bank interest margins and fees could be a sensible practical recommendation. Such measures are crucial for fostering a more competitive banking environment and mitigating the persistently high net interest margins observed in the Greek banking industry

    Revisiting the returns of public infrastructure in Mexico: A limited information local likelihood estimation

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    This paper revisits the issue of accurately decomposing productivity growth to the impact of public infrastructure at firm level for Mexican industry whether the underlying functional form is a profit or a cost function. Our framework decomposes productivity growth into different components, and in particular the contribution of public infrastructure. We also propose a novel limited information local likelihood (LILL) estimation method that adequately deals with the issue of the endogeneity and model misspecification. The reported evidence shows that public infrastructure enhances productivity growth through profit gains and cost savings in all ten two-digit Mexican industries, though some variability across time exists, notably in the nineties and the 2000s when a shortage of infrastructure is observed

    Testing for persistence in US mutual funds’ performance: a Bayesian dynamic panel model

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    We provide a Bayesian panel model to consider persistence in US funds’ performance while we tackle the important problem of errors in variables. Our modelling departs from prior strong assumptions such as error terms across funds being independent. In fact, we provide a novel, general Bayesian model for (dynamic) panel data that is stable across different priors as reported from the mapping of the prior to the posterior of the Bayesian baseline model with the adoption of different priors. We demonstrate that our model detects previously undocumented striking variability in terms of performance and persistence across funds categories and over time, and in particular through the financial crisis. The reported stochastic volatility exhibits a rising trend as early as 2003-2004 and could act as an early warning of future crisis