128 research outputs found

    Central Banking after the Crisis: Brave New World or Back to the Future? Replies to a questionnaire sent to central bankers and economists

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    URL des Documents de travail : http://centredeconomiesorbonne.univ-paris1.fr/bandeau-haut/documents-de-travail/Documents de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 2013.73 - ISSN : 1955-611XThis paper provides a snapshot of the current state of central banking doctrine in the aftermath of the crisis, using data from a questionnaire produced in 2011 and sent to central bankers (from 13 countries plus the euro zone) and economists (31) for a report by the French Council of Economic Analysis to the Prime Minister. The results of our analysis of the replies to the questionnaire are twofold. First, we show that the financial crisis has led to some amendments of pre-crisis central banking. We highlight that respondents to the questionnaire agree on the general principle of a 'broader' view of central banking extended to financial stability. Nevertheless, central bankers and economists diverge or give inconsistent answers about the details of implementation of this 'broader' view. Therefore, the devil is once again in the details. We point out that because of central bankers' conservatism, a return to the status quo cannot be excluded.Dans cet article, nous exploitons les rĂ©ponses au questionnaire qui avait accompagnĂ© le rapport du Conseil d'analyse Ă©conomique " Banques centrales et stabilitĂ©s financiĂšre " en 2011. Parce qu'il couvre les diffĂ©rentes dimensions du Central banking et qu'il a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© aprĂšs le temps fort de la crise, ce questionnaire permet d'Ă©valuer si dans l'esprit des banquiers centraux (de 13 pays diffĂ©rents plus la zone euro) et des Ă©conomistes interrogĂ©s (31), la crise financiĂšre a modifiĂ© la doctrine de la politique monĂ©taire, la stratĂ©gie et le cadre opĂ©rationnel des banques centrales. Notre analyse des rĂ©ponses Ă  ce questionnaire fait ressortir deux grands rĂ©sultats. Le premier est que la crise financiĂšre a bel et bien amendĂ© le consensus qui prĂ©valait avant la crise. En particulier, les sondĂ©s semblent s'accorder sur le principe gĂ©nĂ©ral d'une vision " Ă©largie " des missions des banques centrales qui englobe la stabilitĂ© financiĂšre. Le second pourrait ĂȘtre rĂ©sumĂ© par la formule " le diable est dans les dĂ©tails ! ". En effet, lorsqu'ils sont interrogĂ©s sur les dĂ©tails et les implications de ce nouveau central banking, banquiers centraux et Ă©conomistes donnent des rĂ©ponses faiblement cohĂ©rentes. Le profil des banquiers centraux relativement plus conservateur que celui des Ă©conomistes ressort dans les rĂ©ponses au questionnaire et rend tout Ă  fait envisageable, une fois la crise passĂ©e, un retour au consensus d'avant crise

    Technical aspects of an impact acceleration traumatic brain injury rat model with potential suitability for both microdialysis and PtiO2 monitoring

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    This report describes technical adaptations of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) model-largely inspired by Marmarou-in order to monitor microdialysis data and PtiO2 (brain tissue oxygen) before, during and after injury. We particularly focalize on our model requirements which allows us to re-create some drastic pathological characteristics experienced by severely head-injured patients: impact on a closed skull, no ventilation immediately after impact, presence of diffuse axonal injuries and secondary brain insults from systemic origin...We notably give priority to minimize anaesthesia duration in order to tend to banish any neuroprotection. Our new model will henceforth allow a better understanding of neurochemical and biochemical alterations resulting from traumatic brain injury, using microdialysis and PtiO2 techniques already monitored in our Intensive Care Unit. Studies on efficiency and therapeutic window of neuroprotective pharmacological molecules are now conceivable to ameliorate severe head-injury treatment

    Retour d’expĂ©rience sur les apports du gĂ©ographe dans l’observation des effets du changement climatique

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    L’adaptation au changement climatique constitue un dĂ©fi sociĂ©tal dont le gĂ©ographe doit s’emparer. Sa capacitĂ© d’apprĂ©hender le territoire et ses acteurs, ainsi que sa vision holistique, en font un interlocuteur privilĂ©giĂ© des politiques publiques d’amĂ©nagement. A partir d’un retour d’expĂ©rience concernant la mĂ©tropole lyonnaise, cette publication dĂ©montre le rĂŽle jouĂ© par le gĂ©ographe dans la structuration et l’innovation, selon une dĂ©marche intĂ©grĂ©e et au sein d’une structure plurielle d’observation scientifique.Adaptation to climate change can be currently considered as a societal challenge that geographers must tackle. Their capacity to understand the territory and its actors, and their holistic vision, make them privileged partners of the public urban planners. This paper, concerning an ongoing project about the Greater Lyon, highlights the role of geographers in the structuration and innovation, according to an integrated process and within a plural scientific observation structure

    Uso de fungicidas e Trichoderma asperellum para o manejo do crestamento do feijoeiro na segunda safra no ParanĂĄ / Use of fungicides and Trichoderma asperellum for the management of the bean crystal on the second harvest in ParanĂĄ

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    O feijĂŁo Ă© uma cultura de grande destaque perante os indicadores econĂŽmicos financeiros do Brasil. Contudo, existem diversos fatores que podem reduzir a produtividade do mesmo, como as doenças, as quais podem ser de origem fĂșngica, bacteriana, virĂłtica e com nematoides. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de produtos quĂ­micos e alternativos no controle do crestamento bacteriano comum do feijoeiro na segunda safra. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com oito tratamentos e quatro repetiçÔes. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: Testemunha; Trichoderma asperellum; HidrĂłxido de cobre; Trifloxistrobina + Protioconazol; Trifloxistrobina + Tebuconazol; Tiofanato + metĂ­lico; Piraclostrobina e HidrĂłxido de Fentina, para ambos os experimentos (safra das aguas e da seca); todos foram aplicados nos estĂĄdios vegetativos V4 (Terceira folha trifoliada) reprodutivo R6 (Primeira flor aberta/floração). A cultivar utilizada foi a IPR Tangara. Foram realizadas avaliaçÔes de severidade e tambĂ©m variĂĄveis agronĂŽmicas. Conclui-se que os tratamentos realizados foram eficazes e houve uma menor severidade de doenças utilizando tratamentos quĂ­micos e alternativo na cultura do feijoeiro isto pode ser confirmado pela produtividade que foi maior em todos os tratamentos quando comparado a testemunha para a segunda safra do feijĂŁo comum.

    Similarities and Differences in Chinese and Caucasian Adults' Use of Facial Cues for Trustworthiness Judgments

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    All cultural groups in the world place paramount value on interpersonal trust. Existing research suggests that although accurate judgments of another's trustworthiness require extensive interactions with the person, we often make trustworthiness judgments based on facial cues on the first encounter. However, little is known about what facial cues are used for such judgments and what the bases are on which individuals make their trustworthiness judgments.In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that individuals may use facial attractiveness cues as a “shortcut” for judging another's trustworthiness due to the lack of other more informative and in-depth information about trustworthiness. Using data-driven statistical models of 3D Caucasian faces, we compared facial cues used for judging the trustworthiness of Caucasian faces by Caucasian participants who were highly experienced with Caucasian faces, and the facial cues used by Chinese participants who were unfamiliar with Caucasian faces. We found that Chinese and Caucasian participants used similar facial cues to judge trustworthiness. Also, both Chinese and Caucasian participants used almost identical facial cues for judging trustworthiness and attractiveness.The results suggest that without opportunities to interact with another person extensively, we use the less racially specific and more universal attractiveness cues as a “shortcut” for trustworthiness judgments

    Une histoire du ciblage de l’inflation : science des thĂ©oriciens ou art des banquiers centraux 

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    International audienceLe rĂ©gime de politique monĂ©taire de ciblage de l’inflation apparaĂźt en 1989 en Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande. Plus de vingt ans aprĂšs, il domine la littĂ©rature, a Ă©tĂ© adoptĂ© par plus de 25 pays et constitue le rĂ©gime de rĂ©fĂ©rence du Fonds monĂ©taire international. Pour la littĂ©rature standard, il naĂźt de la « science » de la politique monĂ©taire, de l’incohĂ©rence temporelle principalement. Retraçant l’histoire de ce rĂ©gime en Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande, l’article met en Ă©vidence qu’il s’inscrit aussi, dans le cadre plus large, des rĂ©formes gouvernementales inspirĂ©es de l’École de Harvard. Plus encore, l’historique du ciblage de l’inflation rĂ©alisĂ© par l’article souligne le rĂŽle limitĂ© des thĂ©ories dans sa crĂ©ation : il Ă©merge comme un « art » pragmatique, pauvre en fondation thĂ©orique. Il est donc une innovation au regard de la thĂ©orie, et une originalitĂ© au regard de l’histoire des rĂ©gimes monĂ©taires antĂ©rieurs dĂ©rivant de la thĂ©orie

    Communication de la BCE et crise financiĂšre

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    International audienceCommunication de la BCE et crise financiĂšr

    The New Keynesian Phillips Curve For The Euro Area: Which Specification?

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    The New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC) specification in the Euro area is controversial. For some it is purely forward-looking, when others incorporate a backward-looking component into a ‘hybrid’ NKPC (HNKPC). This article contributes to this debate first by drawing stylised facts of the Euro area (H)NKPC from a quantitative review of 88 comparable empirical estimates from 21 articles. If the forward-looking share dominates, a substantial backward-looking fraction is found (about one-third). This result is fairly robust to sub-sample and simple tests. It is also shown that micro evidence from firms’ pricing surveys is favourable to this result. Since the observed variations in estimates could be a limitation to this otherwise clear result, the second contribution of this article is to explore the factors driving these variations. Finally, policy implications are examined.Special Issue "26th Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance" Guest Editors :SĂ©bastien Galanti and GrĂ©gory Levieugeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe
