11 research outputs found

    Structural biology of RNA-binding proteins in the context of phase separation: What NMR and EPR can bring?

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    Liquid–liquid phase separation of RNA-binding proteins underlies the formation of membraneless organelles, whose composition is dynamic and whose existence may be transient. These organelles are involved in regulation of RNA processing and translation and, if they behave abnormally, in pathologies. Because disorder phenomena are essential in their formation and dynamics, established methodology is insufficient for characterizing their structure. In this review, we consider the current and potential contribution of NMR and EPR spectroscopy to the understanding of structure and dynamics of phase-separating RNA-binding proteins in, both, their dispersed and condensed state in vitro. We discuss which experiments are applicable under what conditions and which information can be obtained from them. Because for these phenomena, the accessible information depends crucially on metastable phase equilibria, we also consider aspects of sample preparation for NMR and EPR experiments

    Phase Separation of Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein A1 upon Specific RNA-Binding Observed by Magnetic Resonance

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    Interaction of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 (hnRNP A1) with specific single-stranded RNA and its relation to liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) were studied in vitro by magnetic resonance based on site-directed spin labelling. An ensemble model of dispersed hnRNP A1 in the absence of RNA was derived from distance distributions between spin labelled sites and small angle X-ray scattering. This model revealed a compact state of the low-complexity domain and its interaction with the RNA recognition motifs. Paramagnetic relaxation enhancement NMR spectroscopy confirmed this interaction. Addition of RNA to dispersed hnRNP A1 induced liquid-droplet formation. Such LLPS depended on RNA concentration and sequence, with continuous wave EPR spectroscopy showing an influence of RNA point mutations on local protein dynamics. We propose that an interplay of sequence-specific RNA binding and LLPS contributes to regulation of specific RNA segregation during stress response.ISSN:1433-7851ISSN:1521-3773ISSN:0570-083

    Characterization of Weak Protein Domain Structure by Spin-Label Distance Distributions

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    Function of intrinsically disordered proteins may depend on deviation of their conformational ensemble from that of a random coil. Such deviation may be hard to characterize and quantify, if it is weak. We explored the potential of distance distributions between spin labels, as they can be measured by electron paramagnetic resonance techniques, for aiding such characterization. On the example of the intrinsically disordered N-terminal domain 1–267 of fused in sarcoma (FUS) we examined what such distance distributions can and cannot reveal on the random-coil reference state. On the example of the glycine-rich domain 188–320 of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 (hnRNP A1) we studied whether deviation from a random-coil ensemble can be robustly detected with 19 distance distribution restraints. We discuss limitations imposed by ill-posedness of the conversion of primary data to distance distributions and propose overlap of distance distributions as a fit criterion that can tackle this problem. For testing consistency and size sufficiency of the restraint set, we propose jack-knife resampling. At current desktop computers, our approach is expected to be viable for domains up to 150 residues and for between 10 and 50 distance distribution restraints.ISSN:2296-889

    Corrigendum: Dynamics of Synthetic Membraneless Organelles in Microfluidic Droplets

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    Cells can form membraneless organelles by liquid-liquid phase separation. As these organelles are highly dynamic, it is crucial to understand the kinetics of these phase transitions. Here, we use droplet-based microfluidics to mix reagents by chaotic advection and observe nucleation, growth, and coarsening in volumes comparable to cells (pL) and on timescales of seconds. We apply this platform to analyze the dynamics of synthetic organelles formed by the DEAD-box ATPase Dhh1 and RNA, which are associated with the formation of processing bodies in yeast. We show that the timescale of phase separation decreases linearly as the volume of the compartment increases. Moreover, the synthetic organelles coarsen into one single droplet via gravity-induced coalescence, which can be arrested by introducing a hydrogel matrix that mimics the cytoskeleton. This approach is an attractive platform to investigate the dynamics of compartmentalization in artificial cells

    Non-specific adhesive forces between filaments and membraneless organelles

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    Many membraneless organelles are liquid-like domains that form inside the active, viscoelastic environment of living cells through phase separation. To investigate the potential coupling of phase separation with the cytoskeleton, we quantify the structural correlations of membraneless organelles (stress granules) and cytoskeletal filaments (microtubules) in a human-derived epithelial cell line. We find that microtubule networks are substantially denser in the vicinity of stress granules. When microtubules are depolymerized, the sub-units localize near the surface of the stress granules. We interpret these data using a thermodynamic model of partitioning of particles to the surface and bulk of the droplets. In this framework, our data are consistent with a weak (≲kBT) affinity of the microtubule sub-units for stress granule interfaces. As microtubules polymerize, their interfacial affinity increases, providing sufficient adhesion to deform droplets and/or the network. Our work suggests that proteins and other objects in the cell have a non-specific affinity for droplet interfaces that increases with the contact area and becomes most apparent when they have no preference for the interior of a droplet over the rest of the cytoplasm. We validate this basic physical phenomenon in vitro through the interaction of a simple protein–RNA condensate with microtubules.ISSN:1745-2473ISSN:1745-248

    Surface tensiometry of phase separated protein and polymer droplets by the sessile drop method

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    Phase separated macromolecules play essential roles in many biological and synthetic systems. Physical characterization of these systems can be challenging because of limited sample volumes, particularly for phase-separated proteins. Here, we demonstrate that a classic method for measuring the surface tension of liquid droplets, based on the analysis of the shape of a sessile droplet, can be effectively scaled down to measure the interfacial tension between a macromolecule-rich droplet phase and its co-existing macromolecule-poor continuous phase. The connection between droplet shape and surface tension relies on the density difference between the droplet and its surroundings. This can be determined with small sample volumes in the same setup by measuring the droplet sedimentation velocity. An interactive MATLAB script for extracting the capillary length from a droplet image is included in the ESI.ISSN:1744-683XISSN:1744-684

    Specific protein-RNA interactions are mostly preserved in biomolecular condensates

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    Many biomolecular condensates are enriched in and depend on RNAs and RNA binding proteins (RBPs). So far, only a few studies have addressed the characterization of the intermolecular interactions responsible for liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) and the impact of condensation on RBPs and RNAs. Here, we present an approach to study protein-RNA interactions inside biomolecular condensates by applying cross-linking of isotope labeled RNA and tandem mass spectrometry to phase-separating systems (LLPS-CLIR-MS). LLPS-CLIR-MS enables the characterization of intermolecular interactions present within biomolecular condensates at residue-specific resolution and allows a comparison with the same complexes in the dispersed phase. We observe that sequence-specific RBP-RNA interactions present in the dispersed phase are generally maintained inside condensates. In addition, LLPS-CLIR-MS identifies structural alterations at the protein-RNA interfaces, including additional unspecific contacts in the condensed phase. Our approach offers a procedure to derive structural information of protein-RNA complexes within biomolecular condensates that could be critical for integrative structural modeling of ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) in this form.ISSN:2375-254

    A solid beta-sheet structure is formed at the surface of FUS droplets during aging

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    Phase transitions are important to understand cell dynamics, and the maturation of liquid droplets is relevant to neurodegenerative disorders. We combined NMR and Raman spectroscopies with microscopy to follow, over a period of days to months, droplet maturation of the protein fused in sarcoma (FUS). Our study reveals that the surface of the droplets plays a critical role in this process, while RNA binding prevents it. The maturation kinetics are faster in an agarose-stabilized biphasic sample compared with a monophasic condensed sample, owing to the larger surface-to-volume ratio. In addition, Raman spectroscopy reports structural differences upon maturation between the inside and the surface of droplets, which is comprised of beta-sheet content, as revealed by solid-state NMR. In agreement with these observations, a solid crust-like shell is observed at the surface using microaspiration. Ultimately, matured droplets were converted into fibrils involving the prion-like domain as well as the first RGG motif.ISSN:1552-4450ISSN:1552-446

    Structure-activity relationship in pyrazolo[4,3-c]pyridines, first inhibitors of PEX14-PEX5 protein-protein interaction with trypanocidal activity

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    Trypanosoma; protists are pathogens leading to a spectrum of devastating infectious diseases. The range of available chemotherapeutics against; Trypanosoma; is limited, and the existing therapies are partially ineffective and cause serious adverse effects. Formation of the PEX14-PEX5 complex is essential for protein import into the parasites' glycosomes. This transport is critical for parasite metabolism and failure leads to mislocalization of glycosomal enzymes, with fatal consequences for the parasite. Hence, inhibiting the PEX14-PEX5 protein-protein interaction (PPI) is an attractive way to affect multiple metabolic pathways. Herein, we have used structure-guided computational screening and optimization to develop the first line of compounds that inhibit PEX14-PEX5 PPI. The optimization was driven by several X-ray structures, NMR binding data, and molecular dynamics simulations. Importantly, the developed compounds show significant cellular activity against; Trypanosoma; , including the human pathogen; Trypanosoma brucei gambiense; and; Trypanosoma cruzi; parasites