321 research outputs found

    Valuing the Benefits of Recreational Wetland Ecosystem: An Application of Contingent Valuation and Travel Cost Methods: The Case of Boye Recreational Wetland, Jimma Zone, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia

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    The Wetlands provide a multitude of ecosystem service such as recreational opportunities, habitat and biodiversity conservation or regulation of nutrient, livestock fodder production and greenhouse gas fluxes. This study seeks to address the valuing the benefits of recreational wetland ecosystem. The Purposively selected Boye wetland and was employed to take 120 visitors as a sample to assess consumer WTP for the direct use value and 100 non visitors for non-use value. To find the total economic value of the site, contingent valuation and travel cost methods have been used for the non use value and use value part of the wetland, respectively. The survey was conducted to collect information on WTP and the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents. Results show that Indicate that knowledge about wetland (NAW) at 1%, income at 5%, and Bid price at 5% and 1% level of significant for the first and second WTP answer were significant variables. While, age and numbers of dependent people in a family (NODP) were not significant. Regarding option value, the future direct and indirect use value, the researcher finds that all respondents were extremely motivated regardless of their response about the bid price.  Concerning the stewardship valueTherefore, general consensus that the value of recreational wetland ecosystem services often outweighs economic use and that protecting wetland ecosystem services is one of the most important responsibilities of today’s politicians, resource managers, and the surrounding society. Keywords: contingent valuation method, cluster analysis, Ethiopia, recreational wetland ecosystem, travel cost method, and willingness to pa

    The Quest for Eternal Clauses in the Ethiopian Constitutional and Democratic Reforms

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    For continuity of states, some constitutions have eternal clauses, which areimmune from amendments forever. However, the concept of eternity hasnever been recognized in any of Ethiopian constitutions despite long historyof constitution-making processes. Ethiopians have been tackling to establisha viable, constitutional, and democratic government through making andremaking many constitutions in their political history. Among theconstitutional reforms in Ethiopia are the 1931 and 1955 MonarchicalConstitutions, the 1987 Socialist Oriented Constitution and the 1995 FederalOriented Constitution. The chief challenge in the Ethiopian constitutionaland democratic reforms is that the previous reforms have never been utilizedas steppingstones for the new reforms. To this date, Ethiopians have neitherdeveloped their common constitutional culture nor recognized the eternalclauses on important political and constitutional matters. There is noconsensus on the issue of national identity, state structure, the form ofgovernment, language policy, regional state formation and others.Currently, Ethiopia has also been facing multiple challenges, includingethnic tensions, sporadic border conflicts, massive internal displacement,drought, poverty, and gross human rights violations. For this reason, thisArticle argues that Ethiopia must introduce ‘eternal constitutional clauses’on issues of common national interest

    Assessment of indigenous knowledge of medicinal plants used for livestock treatment in five selected Kebeles of Kersa District, Jimma Zone, South Western Ethiopia

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    Plants have been a source of medicine in Ethiopia from time immemorial to treat different human and livestock ailments. The purpose of this study was to identify the medicinal plant species and associated indigenous knowledge in livestock treatment. A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess indigenous knowledge of local people on medicinal plants used for livestock treatment in five selected kebeles of kersa district from March to June 2014. A total of 40 traditional healers (33 male and 7 male) 7-9 from each study sites were selected purpouvely with the help of knowledgeable elders, local authorities and kebele leaders. Ethno botanical data regarding plant species, plant parts used, livestock disease treated, and method of preparation and route of administration were collected through structured interview and field observation. A total of 33 plant species distributed in 24 families were identified in the study area. The majority of the medicinal plants 63.63% were collected from the wild and 33.33% from home garden. The major growth habit of the medicinal plants identified in the study area were herbs 39.39%, followed by shrubs 33.33%.The most frequently harvested plant parts were leaves and roots with proportion of 57.7% and 21.21%, respectively followed by seeds (9.09%) and fruits (6.06%). Pounding and crushing were the most commonly used method of remedies preparation whereas the widely used method of administration is oral. The study reveals that the local people of the study area harvest medicinal plants used to treat livestock health problem from the wild habitat. Therefore, awaring the local people of the study area to conserve medicinal plants in their home garden is recommended

    Assessment of Utilization of Health Information and Associated Factors at District Level in East Wollega Zone, Oromia Regional State, West Ethiopia

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    Background: Health Information System in low income countries at all level has an important role to support Ministries of Health and other government agencies for informed decision making at all level. However, its utilization is a challenging task currently confronted by countries throughout the developing world in general and Ethiopia in particular. The main objective of this study was to assess the utilization of health information at district level in East Wollega Zone. Methods: A facility based cross-sectional study with quantitative and qualitative methods was conducted in nine randomly selected districts in east Wollega zone from March 1 to April 15, 2015.  Data were collected using semi structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Both bivariate and multivariate methods of data analysis used to determine the predictors. Results: All of the respondents had training on Health Management Information System, only 36 (11.8%) had in service training.  Based on the criteria 140(45.8%) were not utilized Health Information system, 202 (66.0%) of them utilized Health Information system to prepare plan of action. The independent predictors affecting utilization of Health Information were feedback from respective supervisor [AOR=14.5(6.9-30.3)], types of the decision [AOR= 3.9(1.9-7.8)] and, type of the organization [AOR= 3.5(1.5-8.1)]. The proportion quarterly completeness & timeliness of report were 86% and 89% respectively however data accuracy were not 100% maintained as per guideline. Conclusion and Recommendation: The utilization rate of Health Information at district level in east Wollega zone was found to be very low and training on HMIS was not adequate to implement the new system in line with Health Management Information System standard. Efforts should be made by the Zonal health department to strengthen supportive supervision at all levels and ensure availability of standard reporting formats& registers to maximize the utilization of Health Information. Keywords: Utilization, health information syste

    Creeping Towards Multicultural Federalism in Contemporary Ethiopia: Assessing the Legal and Political Complicatedness

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    From 1991 onwards federalism has been introduced as the best option of governance to ensure constitutionalism and democracy in Ethiopia in particular and in the Horn of Africa in general for the first time in history. Despite this fact, currently there are numerous political parties, Liberation Fronts, and governments, basing their political questions on quest for federation, unification, and secession (Independence) in Ethiopia. As a result of these divergent political questions; ethnic conflicts, inter-state and intra-state conflicts, rampant corruptions, and poverty are still remained as a brand of Ethiopia in particular and in the Horn of Africa in general. Consequently, the Horn of Africa, in which Ethiopia is considered as the center is globally known as a center of crisis. Accordingly, Ethiopia has been suffering from the prevailing contending political ideologies, legal, and practical problems; though she has been introducing and practicing multicultural federalism as her state structure since 1991. Hence, this research has the objective of analyzing the prevailing legal and political challenges against the present-day Ethiopian multicultural federalism. Consequently, as its research methodology; this research has employed: critical legal and political analyses, historical interpretations of multicultural federalism in Ethiopia and beyond, document analyses, observation and personal experiences of the researcher. Therefore, it has utilized a qualitative research method. Consequently, the findings of this research has pointed out that there is a legal, political, and practical problems in order to ensure genuine multicultural federalism in the present-day Ethiopia. Keywords:Constitutionalism, Ethiopia, Federalism, Law, Politics DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/109-02 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Relationship Between Instructors Approaches to Teaching and Students Approach to Learning and Learning Outcomes: Debre Markos University:Ethiopia

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    The study was conducted to scrutinize the relationship between instructors’ approaches to teaching and students approach to learning and learning outcomes. In achieving its purpose, quantitative research method with correlation design was employed. Three type of instruments; Approaches to Teaching Inventory (ATI), the Revised two-factor Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ) and students Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) were used as tools of data collection.  16 instructors and 134 under graduate students attended in 2016/2017 academic year of Education and Behavioral Sciences were participated. The collected data was analyzed via one sample t-test and Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. Therefore, the study revealed that students were used deep approaches more often than surface approaches to learning. As well, teacher-focused   approach to teaching has significant positive correlation with students’ surface approaches to learning.  It can be disclosed that students-focused approach to teaching has significant positive association with students’ deep approaches to learning. The study also affirmed that students’ learning outcomes have significant positive correlation with instructors conceptual change approach to teaching. Significant positive relationship was also identified between students’ deeper approaches to learning and their learning outcomes. Keywords: Approach to learning, Approach to teaching, learning outcome

    Re-examining the Philosophy of Constitutionalism and Governance in the Gadaa Republic of the Oromo People

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    Constitution and government are the different faces of the same coin in any political ideology. Since, Constitution is an instrument through which a government governs its citizens. However, a constitution may be either democratic [legitimate or accepted] one; or undemocratic [illegitimate or not accepted] one by the people at large in certain country. Accordingly, the legitimacy or acceptance of certain constitution is based on its making process, contents and practices/implementations in a certain state. Thus, if its making process is participatory; if  it consists of fundamental human rights and democratic principles in its contents; as well as, if it is implemented practically by the government; a constitution is legitimate or accepted constitution, if not it is an illegitimate one. Therefore, constitutionalism is the act of governing the nation based on the basic principles of a legitimate Constitution. Consequently, this Article gives its emphasis to re-examine the extent of constitutionalism in Gadaa republic of the Oromo people. Its main objective is to assess the prevailing opportunities and challenges in the making process, contents and practices of Gadaa Constitution to ensure constitutionalism. Additionally, it excavates the reason why these Gadaa principles of governance have been never evolved to the zeal of modern Constitutional Principles. Furthermore, it has checked for its compatibility with the modern constitutional world and thereby to redeem the gaps/inconsistencies if any through recommending. To achieve its purpose, this Article has employed a qualitative methodology which includes review of related literatures, analyses of legal documents, Gadaa Constitutional Principles, Internationally Recognized Human Right Instruments, and philosophy of the Oromo in various aspects. The findings of this research has illustrated that the supreme authority belongs to the people at large in Gadaa republic not vests in the hand of the government officials or leaders. Accordingly, law is above all including Abbaa Gadaas (who are administrating the country) and also, the Oromo values the laws more than their own children. Consequently, the principles of constitutionalism are well recognized in the Gadaa republic. Keywords: (Gadaa, Constitution, Constitutionalism, Oromo) DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/108-01 Publication date: April 30th 202

    A study on the Role of Multipurpose Cooperatives in Grain Marketing in Gozamn Woreda, Amhara region, Ethiopia

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    The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the grain marketing role of multipurpose cooperatives in Gozamn woreda. It is widely accepted that multipurpose cooperatives are human associations organized for the benefits of members through collective efforts. Having recognized this, the researcher has conducted this study by focusing on the grain marketing roles and the influencing factors. To this end, data were collected from primary and secondary sources. Four primary cooperatives and 150 individuals were randomly selected in proportion to the membership size of the cooperatives. The data were collected through structured interview and focus group discussion. Both descriptive statistics and econometric analysis were employed for analytical purpose. The result shows that from the total respondents, 58.67% were not involved in marketing of teff and wheat through cooperatives while 22%, 11.33% and 8%, of the respondents sold in the ranges of : 0.5-2.00, 2.01-4.00, 4.01-6.00 quintals of teff and wheat through multipurpose cooperative respectively in 2008/09. The descriptive statistics indicated that the marketing share of cooperatives out of the total marketable surplus was 14%. Some categorical variables like, qualified employees, purchase period, and weather condition showed significant differences between groups at less than at p<0.05 probability level. In the regression analysis, variables like cooperative purchase price, patronage refund, distance of the multipurpose cooperative from the house hold residence, access to market information, farming experience and access to fertilizer were found to have significant relationship to the quantity of teff and wheat sold through cooperatives. Among these significant variables cooperative purchase price, patronage refund, access to market information , farming experience and , access to fertilizer have positive relationship while distance of the multipurpose cooperative from the house hold residence has negative relationship with quantity of teff and wheat sold through multipurpose cooperatives. Based on the result, responsible organizations need to give due attention to overcome strengthen, build their capacities mainly in grain marketing management, internal control, members participation and decision making that ultimately could increase sense of ownership on the part of members and to attain the immense roles and objectives of cooperatives

    Tuberculosis in Children and Adolescence in North Norway

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    Abstract The objective of this thesis is to gain knowledge in tuberculosis in children and adolescent for ten years period from 01.01.05- 31.12.14 at the University Hospital of North Norway. The study was to answer the following questions: the number patients treated for latent and active tuberculosis in 10 years period of, the debut age for symptoms and treatment, the diagnostic methods the choice of treatment and follow-ups. Retrospective study method is used. Data is collected for 24 variables designed to answer the relevant question. There were 240 patient journals were studied. 13 of them 240 were excluded because of the age limit. Results: The main findings were (1) Most to tuberculosis among children in North Norway is latent tuberculosis. (2) The majority of the children with tuberculosis are born foreign-born Children (3) Patients with tuberculosis disease were treated adequately (4) IGRA used diagnostic methods. Conclusion: A futher study is needed to change the current practice of tuberculosis management at UNN and future study should have access to DIPS patient electronic journals at other hospitals in the region and get the access of contacting the local primary care when needed. Some modifications of the variables are also necessar
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