12 research outputs found

    Ratlarda luteal hücrelerden kök hücre elde edilebilirliğinin araştırılması

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Kırıkkale Üniversitesiref. no : 10182756119861

    A detailed evaluation of the skeletal elements of the skull in the grey heron ( Ardea cinerea )

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    This study was designed to reveal, in detail, the features of the skull bones in the grey heron, a species of the family Ardeidae, and to compare the fndings with previous related literature reports and with Nomina Anatomica Avium . The articulation between the nasal and frontal bones was observed to be through the movable frontonasal joint. The upper beak fused with the neurocranium via this joint and with the palatine and vomer. It was also bound indirectly through the zygomatic bone articulating with the quadrate bone. The frontal bone possessed the frontal depression dorsally. Wideness of the frontal bone and supranasal pila seemed to be unique for the grey heron. The quadrate bone was observed to play a primary role in the beak action. No medial process was present in the mandible. Overall, the results hereby indicate that the wider jaw opening and sharp and pointed nature of the beaks in the grey heron enable it to feed on such creatures as fsh, frogs, and crustaceans.This study was designed to reveal, in detail, the features of the skull bones in the grey heron, a species of the family Ardeidae, and to compare the fndings with previous related literature reports and with Nomina Anatomica Avium . The articulation between the nasal and frontal bones was observed to be through the movable frontonasal joint. The upper beak fused with the neurocranium via this joint and with the palatine and vomer. It was also bound indirectly through the zygomatic bone articulating with the quadrate bone. The frontal bone possessed the frontal depression dorsally. Wideness of the frontal bone and supranasal pila seemed to be unique for the grey heron. The quadrate bone was observed to play a primary role in the beak action. No medial process was present in the mandible. Overall, the results hereby indicate that the wider jaw opening and sharp and pointed nature of the beaks in the grey heron enable it to feed on such creatures as fsh, frogs, and crustaceans

    A detailed evaluation of the skeletal elements of the skull in the grey heron ( Ardea cinerea )

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    This study was designed to reveal, in detail, the features of the skull bones in the grey heron, a species of the family Ardeidae, and to compare the fndings with previous related literature reports and with Nomina Anatomica Avium . The articulation between the nasal and frontal bones was observed to be through the movable frontonasal joint. The upper beak fused with the neurocranium via this joint and with the palatine and vomer. It was also bound indirectly through the zygomatic bone articulating with the quadrate bone. The frontal bone possessed the frontal depression dorsally. Wideness of the frontal bone and supranasal pila seemed to be unique for the grey heron. The quadrate bone was observed to play a primary role in the beak action. No medial process was present in the mandible. Overall, the results hereby indicate that the wider jaw opening and sharp and pointed nature of the beaks in the grey heron enable it to feed on such creatures as fsh, frogs, and crustaceans

    Hubbert ırkı broylerlerde kuluçka döneminde kanat ve bacak kemiklerinin kemikleşme ve gelişimleri

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    Kanatlı embryoları ile ilgili son yapılan deneysel araştırmalar, iskelet mutasyonlarını ve laboratuvar şartlarındaki embryoların gelişimlerini araştırmak ve analiz etmek ve yeni ilaçların teratojenik sonuçlarını ortaya çıkarmak amacıyla dizayn edilmişlerdir. Ayrıca, kanatlıların normal iskelet gelişim aşamaları, bu çalışmalarda elde edilen bulguların yorumlanması ve açıklanmasında önemli göstergeler ve vazgeçilemez parametrelerdir. Bu duruma paralel olarak bu çalışma, Hubbert ırkı broylerlerde kuluçkanın 7.-21. günleri arasında her 24 saatte 10 adet embryonun kanat ve bacak kemiklerinin kemikleşme ve gelişim süreçlerini ortaya koymak amacıyla tasarlanmıştır. Embryolar %10 formol ve %95 etanol solusyonlarında tespit edildikten sonra temizlenmiş ve iskeletler in toto olarak Alcian mavisi ve Alizarin kırmızısı ile boyanmıştır. İskeletlerin incelenmesi, ölçümler ve fotoğraflama kıkırdaklaşma ve kemikleşme zamanları dikkate alınarak stereomikroskop altında yapılmıştır. Primer kemikleşme merkezlerinin ilk oluşumu inkubasyonun 9. gününde gözlemleşmiştir. Kanat ve bacaklarda bulunan uzun ve kısa kemiklerinde farklı büyüme modelleri ortaya konmuştur. İnkubasyonun 19. gününde, radial ve ulnar karpal kemikleri haricindeki tüm kemiklerde kemikleşme merkezleri gözlemlenmiş olup, mevcut iskelet şekli erişkin iskeletine benzerlik göstermiştir. Radial ve ulnar karpal kemikler çıkım anında hala kıkırdaksal taslaklar halinde ortaya konmuştur.Recent researches in the field of experimental embryology of avian species are designed to investigate and analyze skeletal mutations, development of cultured embryos under artificial conditions, and to reveal the teratogenic consequences of new drugs. Thus, data on the normal skeletogenous stages of the avian species are essential indicators and indispensable parameters to interpret and elucidate the data acquired on these studies. Accordingly, a number of 10 embryos were prepared every 24 h from 7 to 21 days of incubation, to report the ossification and growth of the bones of the wing and limb in the prehatching period of the Hubbert strain broiler (JV). The embryos fixed in 10% formaldehyde then 95% ethanol solutions were cleared and the skeletons were stained in toto with alcian blue&alizarin red for cartilage and ossified components, respectively. Observation of the skeletons, measurements and photography were performed under a stereoscopic microscopy, paying particular attention to the timing of chondrification and ossification of the bones. The first occurrence of the primary ossification centers was observed on the 9th day of incubation. Different growth patterns were indicated between the long and short bones of the wings and legs. On the 19th days of incubation, occurence of all the ossification centers completed in all the bones except the radial and ulnar carpal bones, resembling those of the gross structural shapes of the mature stages. At hatching, the radial and ulnar carpal bones were still chondrotic drafts