10 research outputs found

    HIV-infected and uninfected subjects have distinct blood and CSF lymphocyte proportions and counts.

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    <p>Proportions of CD3+, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells; B cells; and NK cells present in the blood (A) and CSF (B) of HIV-uninfected (HIV-) and HIV-infected (HIV+) subjects are depicted as a percentage of total lymphocyte population. Absolute CSF cell counts of lymphocyte subsets for HIV-uninfected and HIV infected (C) subjects are shown. Median and interquartile range for each cell population are shown in the box plots. Whiskers are set at 10–90%. Mean values are indicated by (+).</p

    ART influences the absolute lymphocyte subset counts present in the CSF of HIV-infected subjects.

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    <p>Absolute number of CSF monocytes (A), CD3+ T (B), CD4+ T (C), CD8+ T (D), B (E) and NK (F) cell subsets present in CSF of the 4 patient subgroups <i>(Off, Rx Viremic, Rx VL<500</i> and <i>HIV-uninfected)</i> are shown. Median and interquartile range for each cell population are shown in the box plots. Whiskers are set at 10–90%. Mean values are indicated by (+). ANOVA for significant overall differences between the 3 HIV-infected treatment groups was conducted, with the p value depicted at the top of each panel. Post-hoc analysis using Dunn’s test comparing differences between pairs of groups, if statistically significant, are as indicated in each panel.</p

    Flow cytometry gating strategy to define blood and CSF white blood cell (WBC) populations.

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    <p>Data was compensated and gated using FlowJo to define TruCOUNT™ beads, (i) from both blood (left panel) and CSF (right panel) data. Remaining events were displayed in a CD45 vs FSC plot (ii) to gate out debris and define a total WBC population. CD14 was used to gate monocytes (iii) from the total WBC gate, and CD14− cells were displayed on a CD45 vs SSC plot (iv) to define lymphocyte and granulocyte gates. Lymphocytes were subdivided into CD3+ T cells and CD3− lymphocytes (v), CD3− lymphocytes were displayed on a CD19 vs CD56&16 (vi) plot to define B cells and NK cells respectively. CD3+ T cells were displayed on a CD4 vs CD8 plot (vii) to define CD4+ and CD8+ T cells.</p

    Background Characteristics of Study Subjects.

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    <p>SD = standard deviation.</p><p>IQR = interquartile range.</p><p>NA = Not applicable.</p

    Evergon et Jean-Jacques Ringuette, Housebound: Portraits from the Winter Garden, Galerie Trois Points, Montréal. Du 11 mars au 29 avril 2017

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>The immunopathogenic mechanisms leading to psoriasis remain unresolved. CD57 is a marker of replicative inability and immunosenescence on CD8+ T cells and the proportion of CD57 expressing CD8+ T cells is increased in a number of inflammatory conditions.</p> <p>Methodology</p><p>We examined the expression of CD57 on T cells in the skin of patients affected with psoriasis, comparing lesional and unaffected skin. We also assessed functionality of the T cells by evaluating the secretion of several inflammatory cytokines (IL-17A, IFN-gamma, IL-2, IL-33, TNF-alpha, IL-21, IL-22, and IL-27), from cell-sorted purified CD4+ and CD8+ T cells isolated from lesional and unaffected skin biopsies of psoriasis patients.</p> <p>Principal Findings</p><p>We observed that the frequency of CD57+CD4+ and CD57+CD8+ T cells was significantly higher in unaffected skin of psoriasis patients compared to lesional skin. Sorted CD4+ T cells from psoriatic lesional skin produced higher levels of IL-17A, IL-22, and IFN-gamma compared to unaffected skin, while sorted CD8+ T cells from lesional skin produced higher levels of IL-17, IL-22, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, and IL-2 compared to unaffected skin.</p> <p>Conclusions/Significance</p><p>These findings suggest that T cells in unaffected skin from psoriasis patients exhibit a phenotype compatible with replicative inability. As they have a lower replicative capacity, CD57+ T cells are less frequent in lesional tissue due to the high cellular turnover.</p> </div

    Sorted CD8+ T cell cytokine production.

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    <p>Cytokine production by sorted CD8+ T cells from unaffected and lesional skin from psoriasis patients, with stimulation with PMA-ionomycin. Comparative chart representing IL-17A, IL-22, IL-2, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and IL-27. * = p<0.05, ** = p<0.01.</p

    Sorted CD4+ T cell cytokine production.

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    <p>Cytokine production by sorted CD4+ T cells from unaffected and lesional skin from psoriasis patients, with stimulation with PMA-ionomycin. Comparative chart representing IL-17A, IL-22, IL-2, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and IL-27. * = p<0.05.</p