3 research outputs found

    Standardization and validation neutralization test by reduction of lysis plaques on a 96 well plate to evaluate the immunogenicity of the mumps component of MMR

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    Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-04T13:55:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 9.pdf: 3952596 bytes, checksum: cfcd87da861ff1eb06b00de845149fc4 (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Tecnologia em Fármacos/Farmanguinhos. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.A caxumba é uma doença infecto-contagiosa imunoprevinível por vacinação. A imunogenicidade vacinal é avaliada através de testes sorológicos que detectam anticorpos neutralizantes, que são considerados correlatos de proteção. O Teste de Neutralização (PRNT) apresenta vantagens frente a outros testes por ser mais específico na detecção desses anticorpos neutralizantes. O presente estudo visou padronizar e validar a técnica. Durante a padronização foram definidos o M.O.I de 0,001 e o melhor dia de pico de vírus infeciosos (3 dias), para definir um protocolo de produção viral. A partir do vírus produzido foram avaliados qualitativamente o fenótipo da placa de lise e a diluição viral em diferentes condições analíticas. Os seguintes parâmetros foram definidos: diluição viral de 1:1600 para obter 30 placas de lise/poço, bicarbonato de sódio como tampão no meio de cultura, meio semi-sólido com carboximetilcelulose (CMC) 1,5%, tempo de adsorção de 3 horas e tempo de incubação final de 4 dias. Para avaliar o impacto do tempo de neutralização na potência viral e no de título de anticorpos neutralizantes, dois intervalos de tempo (1 e 2 horas) foram testados e a neutralização por 2 horas se demonstrou mais adequada ao ensaio. Posteriormente, foi definido um ponto de corte de 23, utilizando um painel sorológico contendo 126 soros pré e pós-vacinais de crianças imunizadas com a vacina tríplice viral. O ponto de corte foi determinado como a área sob a curva ROC usando os resultados de ELISA previamente avaliados em comparados com os resultados de PRNT. Dentre os resultados analisados, 35% foram concordantes na positividade dos resultados em ambos os testes. Valores preditivos positivos de 95,373 e valores negativos 97,680 determinam a real presença ou não da doença. Critérios de aceitação para o teste foram estabelecidos como: faixas de variação do end point do vírus (13 a 22) e faixas de variação dos controles (baixo, médio e alto). Também foi estabelecido como as amostras indeterminadas devem ser tratadas. Posteriormente, o PRNT foi submetido ao processo de validação, avaliando os parâmetros de linearidade, especificidade, exatidão e precisão, conforme preconizado pela RDC 27 da ANVISA. Nas análises de precisão foram obtidos coeficientes de variação a 15% para o limite inferior de quantificação do método (LIQ) e 20% para as demais concentrações. O mesmo ocorreu nas análises de exatidão. Quanto a seletividade, não foi detectada reação cruzada nas amostras quando desafiadas com o vírus de sarampo.Mumps is an infectious disease preventable by an available vaccine. Vaccine immunogenicity is evaluated by serological tests for detection of neutralizing antibodies, which are considered the correlate of protection. Plaque Reduction Neutralization Test (PRNT) shows advantages for neutralizing antibodies’ dosage because of its better specificity when compared to other tests. The present study aims to standardize and validate this technique. During the standardization process, it was defined the multiplicity of infection of 0,001 and the viral peak production on the third day, for defining a viral production protocol. From the virus lot produced, it were qualitatively evaluated the plaque phenotypes and viral dilutions under different analytical conditions. The following parameters were defined: viral dilution of 1:1600 to achieve 30 plaques per well; sodium bicarbonate as buffer of the culture media, semisolid overlay media content of 1,5% of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC); adsorption time of 3 hours and final incubation of 4 days. In order to evaluate the impact of incubation time for neutralization step on viral potency and neutralizing antibodies’ titers, two intervals (1 and 2 hours) were evaluated and the 2-hour neutralization time was considered more appropriate. After that, a cutoff value of 23 was defined using a serological panel containing 126 pre and post- vaccination sera of children immunized with MMR vaccine. The cutoff value was defined from the area under the ROC curve using ELISA data previously analyzed in comparison with PRNT results. Among the results, there were 35% of positive results in agreement in both tests. Positive predictive value of 95.373 and negative predictive value of 97.680 determine the actual presence or absence of disease. Acceptance criteria for the test were established such as: viral endpoint range (13 to 22) and titer variation ranges for control samples (low, medium and high titer). It was also determined how indeterminate samples should be treated. Finally, PRNT were submitted to validation regarding linearity, specificity, accuracy and precision as recommended by RDC 27 of ANVISA. Regarding the precision analyses, coefficient of variations lower than 15% were achieved for the sample with the lower limit of quantification, and lower than 20% for the other sample concentrations tested. The same occurred in the accuracy analyses. Regarding specificity, no cross reaction was detected in the samples when challenged with measles virus

    Survey on Non-Human Primates and Mosquitoes Does not Provide Evidences of Spillover/Spillback between the Urban and Sylvatic Cycles of Yellow Fever and Zika Viruses Following Severe Outbreaks in Southeast Brazil

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    International audienceIn the last decade, Flaviviruses such as yellow fever (YFV) and Zika (ZIKV) have expanded their transmission areas. These viruses originated in Africa, where they exhibit both sylvatic and interhuman transmission cycles. In Brazil, the risk of YFV urbanization has grown, with the sylvatic transmission approaching the most densely populated metropolis, while concern about ZIKV spillback to a sylvatic cycle has risen. To investigate these health threats, we carried out extensive collections and arbovirus screening of 144 free-living, non-human primates (NHPs) and 5219 mosquitoes before, during, and after ZIKV and YFV outbreaks (2015–2018) in southeast Brazil. ZIKV infection was not detected in any NHP collected at any time. In contrast, current and previous YFV infections were detected in NHPs sampled between 2017 and 2018, but not before the onset of the YFV outbreak. Mosquito pools screened by high-throughput PCR were positive for YFV when captured in the wild and during the YFV outbreak, but were negative for 94 other arboviruses, including ZIKV, regardless of the time of collection. In conclusion, there was no evidence of YFV transmission in coastal southeast Brazil before the current outbreak, nor the spread or establishment of an independent sylvatic cycle of ZIKV or urban Aedes aegypti transmission of YFV in the region. In view of the region’s receptivity and vulnerability to arbovirus transmission, surveillance of NHPs and mosquitoes should be strengthened and continuous

    Zika Virus Surveillance at the Human–Animal Interface in West-Central Brazil, 2017–2018

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