48 research outputs found

    Influence of curettage on Esca-diseased Vitis vinifera L. cv. Sauvignon blanc plants on the quality of musts and wines

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    Aim: A study on Sauvignon blanc (SB) cultivar in France showed that curettage had an effect on the resilience of GTD grapevines. No experiments, however, have been conducted on its effects on wine quality, particularly on white Sauvignon blanc cultivar wines. Methods and results: Grapevines from Sauvignon blanc cultivar that had expressed Esca-foliar symptoms were used for the study, with some of them having been curetted in 2014. Subsequently, bunches from Control (asymptomatic), Curetted and Esca-symptomatic vines were harvested in 2017 and 2018 in order to produce white wine. Technical and chemical results on both must and wine showed that wines from curetted plants were similar to those from asymptomatic vines. There were differences, however, for Esca-diseased vines, where the alcoholic fermentation of musts was faster than for the other modalities. Olfactometry results showed that, for the one-year-old 2017 vintage wines, no differences were detected, although they were for the 2018 vintage. Conclusion: The results of the chemical analyses and wine tasting showed that the wines from curetted and asymptomatic grapevines were similar, and that their quality was the same. Significance of the study: The quality of wines from curetted vines compared to asymptomatic ones was confirmed and validated through chemical and sensory analyses of the must and the one-year-old wines

    Overview of grapevine trunk diseases in France in the 2000s

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    The National Grapevine Trunk Disease Survey was conducted in France from 2003 to 2008 to monitor grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs), eutypa dieback and esca/black dead arm (BDA). Data collected from seven regions, 329 vineyards and 12 cultivars were analysed. There were great variations amongst regions in the incidence of GTDs. For esca/BDA, two groups were distinguished: vineyards in Jura and Charentes had greater incidence (93–95%) than those of Bordeaux, Alsace and Bourgogne (54–82%). Incidence increased in Charentes over the 6-year survey, with the highest values being recorded during the last 2 years. For eutypa dieback, all vineyards of Charentes were affected, with 17 to 25% of vines expressing symptoms; for the other regions, 52 to 80% of vineyards were affected, with incidences below 3%. Cultivars Savagnin and Trousseau in Jura were especially affected by esca/BDA. Instead, Ugni Blanc in Charentes was most affected by eutypa dieback. One cultivar could be significantly more affected in one region than in another. The global health status of the vineyards was also investigated. (i) For four regions, 82% (Jura) to 87% (Alsace) of the grapevines were healthy, but this percentage decreased steadily (67%) in Charentes. (ii) Plants infected by GTDs were 32 and 18% in Jura and Charentes respectively, and only 2.9% in the Bourgogne region. (iii) The unproductive plants, i.e. dead, missing, replanted or restored, represented a significant part of the losses (6.6% in Charentes to 9.9% in Jura). The extension of GTDs is discussed with regard to the abiotic and biotic factors that may favour the diseases

    Recovery after curettage of grapevines with esca leaf symptoms

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    Grapevine curettage was re-introduced in France in the early 2000s, and is important for facilitating recovery of plants from esca disease. This surgical practice involves removal of deadwood of vines with leaf symptoms, focusing on white rot generally observed at the centres of grapevine trunks. Assessment of the efficacy of this practice was initiated in the Bordeaux region in 2014. One ‘Sauvignon Blanc’ vineyard severely affected by esca was initially surveyed in the summer of 2014, to identify and treat vines with esca foliar symptoms. Annually thereafter, from 2014 to 2018, selected vine stocks were curetted. Two other ‘Sauvignon Blanc’ vineyards also displaying high levels of esca damage were added to the study in 2015 and 2016. Curettage treatments ceased in 2018, resulting in 11 trials (vineyard × year combinations). In total, 856 vines (422 curetted and 434 control vines) were then surveyed annually up to 2021, for assessments and comparisons of esca development. At each site, plants with esca symptoms recovered well after curettage : on average 85% of all curetted vines became asymptomatic the year immediately after the treatment. Six years after treatment, for curettage campaigns carried out in 2014 and 2015, more than half of the curetted vines were symptom-free, whereas <12% of the control vines were asymptomatic, and gradual loss of efficacy was observed at each site. The mean annual proportion of efficacy erosion was approx. 8% per year. This study highlights the possible short- and midterm benefits of trunk surgery to enable recovery of esca-affected vines, and for them to recover and remain leaf-asymptomatic for several years

    Overview of grapevine trunk diseases in France in the 2000s

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    The National Grapevine Trunk Disease Survey was conducted in France from 2003 to 2008 to monitor grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs), eutypa dieback and esca/black dead arm (BDA). Data collected from seven regions, 329 vineyards and 12 cultivars were analysed. There were great variations amongst regions in the incidence of GTDs. For esca/BDA, two groups were distinguished: vineyards in Jura and Charentes had greater incidence (93–95%) than those of Bordeaux, Alsace and Bourgogne (54–82%). Incidence increased in Charentes over the 6-year survey, with the highest values being recorded during the last 2 years. For eutypa dieback, all vineyards of Charentes were affected, with 17 to 25% of vines expressing symptoms; for the other regions, 52 to 80% of vineyards were affected, with incidences below 3%. Cultivars Savagnin and Trousseau in Jura were especially affected by esca/BDA. Instead, Ugni Blanc in Charentes was most affected by eutypa dieback. One cultivar could be significantly more affected in one region than in another. The global health status of the vineyards was also investigated. (i) For four regions, 82% (Jura) to 87% (Alsace) of the grapevines were healthy, but this percentage decreased steadily (67%) in Charentes. (ii) Plants infected by GTDs were 32 and 18% in Jura and Charentes respectively, and only 2.9% in the Bourgogne region. (iii) The unproductive plants, i.e. dead, missing, replanted or restored, represented a significant part of the losses (6.6% in Charentes to 9.9% in Jura). The extension of GTDs is discussed with regard to the abiotic and biotic factors that may favour the diseases

    Comparative study of fungal and bacterial communities colonizing the woody tissues of grapevines which had expressed or not the esca symptoms

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    L’esca est une maladie de dĂ©pĂ©rissement du bois de la vigne conduisant Ă  la mort des ceps. Actuellement le vignoble mondial est atteint, et au niveau français, cette maladie ne cesse de progresser. Ainsi, 8% des ceps dans le Jura et 4,5% dans la rĂ©gion de Bordeaux manifestent des symptĂŽmes d’esca, selon les parcelles des chiffres beaucoup plus Ă©levĂ©s sont obtenus, certains cĂ©pages sont aussi beaucoup plus sensibles que d’autres. Plusieurs champignons seraient impliquĂ©s dans l’esca mais leur rĂŽle ainsi que la dĂ©termination de la microflore responsable de cette maladie est encore sujette Ă  interrogation. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de cette thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© de caractĂ©riser et de comparer les microflores fongiques et bactĂ©riennes colonisant le bois de ceps de vigne ayant exprimĂ© ou non des symptĂŽmes foliaires d’esca. Dans un premier temps, nous avons prĂ©levĂ© des ceps (cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon) relativement jeunes (10 ans d’ñge) car ils prĂ©sentaient l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’ĂȘtre peu dĂ©gradĂ©s au niveau du bois du tronc, les symptĂŽmes foliaires Ă©tant associĂ©s Ă  la prĂ©sence d’amadou (une nĂ©crose typique de l’esca) uniquement dans les bras. Une grande diversitĂ© dans les communautĂ©s fongiques (674 OTUs) et bactĂ©riennes (222 OTUs) colonisant le bois a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e. Cette diversitĂ© est plus importante dans le bois sain de la vigne que dans celui partiellement ou totalement nĂ©crosĂ©. Les techniques utilisĂ©es, i.e. isolement/sĂ©quençage de souches, empreinte molĂ©culaire (Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism, SSCP) et pyrosĂ©quençage 454, ont montrĂ© que les communautĂ©s bactĂ©riennes ou fongiques Ă©taient diffĂ©rentes dans les tissus dĂ©gradĂ©s comparĂ©s Ă  ceux qui ne l’étaient pas. Des changements de microflores en fonction du temps (expĂ©rimentation durant 1 annĂ©e) ont aussi Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s. D’une façon gĂ©nĂ©rale, les espĂšces de champignons impliquĂ©es dans l’esca sont dĂ©jĂ  prĂ©sentes dans le bois apparemment sain de ceps esca-foliaires symptomatiques mais aussi des asymptomatiques. Il n’a pas Ă©tĂ© possible de diffĂ©rencier ces 2 types de microflores au niveau du bois sain des plants, cette diffĂ©rentiation se faisant au niveau des nĂ©croses, qui sont plus abondantes dans les ceps esca-symptomatiques. Pour la premiĂšre fois nous avons montrĂ© que des communautĂ©s bactĂ©riennes spĂ©cifiques Ă©taient associĂ©es Ă  l’esca, leurs aptitudes trophiques Ă©tant diffĂ©rentes selon les tissus oĂč elles Ă©taient prĂ©levĂ©es. Les espĂšces isolĂ©es suggĂšrent que certaines pourraient avoir un rĂŽle dans la protection du vĂ©gĂ©tal, d’autres dans la dĂ©gradation des structures du bois, e.g. de la lignine, prĂ©parant ainsi le terrain aux champignons dĂ©gradateurs des tissus ligneux, dĂ©jĂ  prĂ©sents Ă  l’intĂ©rieur des ceps. Nous avons aussi Ă©tudiĂ©s des ceps plus ĂągĂ©s (cultivar Baco blanc), de 42 et 58 ans, qui avaient un rendement acceptable et n’avaient pas manifestĂ© de symptĂŽmes d’esca ou eutypiose (une autre maladie du bois) l’annĂ©e du prĂ©lĂšvement. Au niveau des tissus fonctionnels du bois, les communautĂ©s fongiques Ă©taient caractĂ©ristiques de plants atteints par l’eutypiose (ceps de 42 ans) ou de l’esca (ceux de 58 ans). La non expression par les ceps de ces 2 maladies pourrait cependant ĂȘtre associĂ©e Ă  la forte prĂ©sence de champignons mycoparasites et protecteur du vĂ©gĂ©tal, comme Trichoderma spp., dans ces tissus fonctionnels. Les interactions au sein des communautĂ©s fongiques crĂ©ant un Ă©quilibre oĂč le pathogĂšne ne se dĂ©velopperait pas de façon extensive. Les caractĂ©ristiques du Baco blanc, un hybride, moins sensible Ă  certaines maladies de la vigne, pourrait aussi expliquer ce rĂ©sultat. Ainsi la prĂ©sence d’une microflore bĂ©nĂ©fique naturellement prĂ©sente dans le bois des ceps associĂ©e Ă  des plants ayant une tolĂ©rance Ă  ces maladies pourrait ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives pour lutter l’esca, voire l’eutypiose, pour lesquelles aucun moyen de protection n’existe aujourd’hui.Esca is a Grapevine Trunk Disease (GTD) that induces a decline in grapevine vigour that generally leads up with the death of the plants. Nowadays, vineyards worldwide are attacked by esca and, in France this disease increases steadily. In the Jura, 8% of the grapevines are esca-foliar symptomatic and approximately 4.5% in the Bordeaux region. However, some vineyards are more severely attacked by esca, and certain cultivars are more susceptible than others. Although several pathogenic fungi are associated with esca, their individual roles and their interaction with other microorganisms for the esca have still to be determined. In this context, the objective of the present PhD study is to characterize and compare the bacterial and fungal microflora that colonize the wood tissues of esca-foliar symptomatic and asymptomatic grapevines. First, we sampled young (10 year-old) grapevines (Cabernet Sauvignon cultivar) because they had only few necroses in the trunk and white-rot (also called amadou) was only present in the cordons of symptomatic plants. Great diversity in the fungal (674 OTUs) and bacterial (222 OTUs) communities was observed. This diversity was higher in the apparently healthy wood than in the partially or totally necrotic wood tissues. The methods used isolation/sequencing of microbial strains, a molecular fingerprinting method (Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism, SSCP) and 454 pyrosequencing showed that the fungal and bacterial communities of the necrotic and healthy wood tissues were different. Changes in the microflora over time (over a one-year period) have been observed. Fungal species involved in esca are already present in the apparently healthy wood of esca-foliar symptomatic plants but also in the asymptomatic ones. It was not possible to differentiate these 2 microflora. Only microflora from the necroses differed from those of the healthy wood with these necroses being more developed in the esca-foliar symptomatic grapevines. For the first time, we were able to determine that specific bacterial communities are associated with esca. Depending on the wood tissues, different types of bacteria were isolated, with different trophic behaviour. Two roles could be assigned to the species isolated from the various wood tissues: (i) a positive role, due to the biocontrol potential that many species have; (ii) a negative one, by predisposing the wood of grapevines to fungal attacks. We also studied, old (42 and 58 year-old) grapevines of the cultivar, Baco blanc, that produced regular harvests. The plants had no expressed foliar symptoms of esca or eutypa dieback during the sampling year. Many plant pathogens colonized the functional wood tissues, but in 58 year-old plants they were associated with esca, and in 42 year-old plants, with eutypa dieback. The absence of GTDs expression could be linked to the numerous plant protectant mycoparasites, such as Trichoderma spp., that colonized the functional wood tissues. Interactions between species within the fungal communities may create a balance that is unfavourable to the development of the pathogens. The use of Baco blanc, a hybrid less susceptible to certain grapevine diseases could also explain this result. So, because no means of protection are currently available, the combination of beneficial microflora within the garpevine wood tissues with plants that are tolerant to esca, or even eutypa dieback, could be helpful to control those diseases

    Étude comparative des communautĂ©s fongiques et bactĂ©riennes colonisant le bois de ceps de vigne ayant exprimĂ© ou non des symptĂŽmes d’esca

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    Esca is a Grapevine Trunk Disease (GTD) that induces a decline in grapevine vigour that generally leads up with the death of the plants. Nowadays, vineyards worldwide are attacked by esca and, in France this disease increases steadily. In the Jura, 8% of the grapevines are esca-foliar symptomatic and approximately 4.5% in the Bordeaux region. However, some vineyards are more severely attacked by esca, and certain cultivars are more susceptible than others. Although several pathogenic fungi are associated with esca, their individual roles and their interaction with other microorganisms for the esca have still to be determined. In this context, the objective of the present PhD study is to characterize and compare the bacterial and fungal microflora that colonize the wood tissues of esca-foliar symptomatic and asymptomatic grapevines. First, we sampled young (10 year-old) grapevines (Cabernet Sauvignon cultivar) because they had only few necroses in the trunk and white-rot (also called amadou) was only present in the cordons of symptomatic plants. Great diversity in the fungal (674 OTUs) and bacterial (222 OTUs) communities was observed. This diversity was higher in the apparently healthy wood than in the partially or totally necrotic wood tissues. The methods used isolation/sequencing of microbial strains, a molecular fingerprinting method (Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism, SSCP) and 454 pyrosequencing showed that the fungal and bacterial communities of the necrotic and healthy wood tissues were different. Changes in the microflora over time (over a one-year period) have been observed. Fungal species involved in esca are already present in the apparently healthy wood of esca-foliar symptomatic plants but also in the asymptomatic ones. It was not possible to differentiate these 2 microflora. Only microflora from the necroses differed from those of the healthy wood with these necroses being more developed in the esca-foliar symptomatic grapevines. For the first time, we were able to determine that specific bacterial communities are associated with esca. Depending on the wood tissues, different types of bacteria were isolated, with different trophic behaviour. Two roles could be assigned to the species isolated from the various wood tissues: (i) a positive role, due to the biocontrol potential that many species have; (ii) a negative one, by predisposing the wood of grapevines to fungal attacks. We also studied, old (42 and 58 year-old) grapevines of the cultivar, Baco blanc, that produced regular harvests. The plants had no expressed foliar symptoms of esca or eutypa dieback during the sampling year. Many plant pathogens colonized the functional wood tissues, but in 58 year-old plants they were associated with esca, and in 42 year-old plants, with eutypa dieback. The absence of GTDs expression could be linked to the numerous plant protectant mycoparasites, such as Trichoderma spp., that colonized the functional wood tissues. Interactions between species within the fungal communities may create a balance that is unfavourable to the development of the pathogens. The use of Baco blanc, a hybrid less susceptible to certain grapevine diseases could also explain this result. So, because no means of protection are currently available, the combination of beneficial microflora within the garpevine wood tissues with plants that are tolerant to esca, or even eutypa dieback, could be helpful to control those diseases.L’esca est une maladie de dĂ©pĂ©rissement du bois de la vigne conduisant Ă  la mort des ceps. Actuellement le vignoble mondial est atteint, et au niveau français, cette maladie ne cesse de progresser. Ainsi, 8% des ceps dans le Jura et 4,5% dans la rĂ©gion de Bordeaux manifestent des symptĂŽmes d’esca, selon les parcelles des chiffres beaucoup plus Ă©levĂ©s sont obtenus, certains cĂ©pages sont aussi beaucoup plus sensibles que d’autres. Plusieurs champignons seraient impliquĂ©s dans l’esca mais leur rĂŽle ainsi que la dĂ©termination de la microflore responsable de cette maladie est encore sujette Ă  interrogation. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de cette thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© de caractĂ©riser et de comparer les microflores fongiques et bactĂ©riennes colonisant le bois de ceps de vigne ayant exprimĂ© ou non des symptĂŽmes foliaires d’esca. Dans un premier temps, nous avons prĂ©levĂ© des ceps (cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon) relativement jeunes (10 ans d’ñge) car ils prĂ©sentaient l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’ĂȘtre peu dĂ©gradĂ©s au niveau du bois du tronc, les symptĂŽmes foliaires Ă©tant associĂ©s Ă  la prĂ©sence d’amadou (une nĂ©crose typique de l’esca) uniquement dans les bras. Une grande diversitĂ© dans les communautĂ©s fongiques (674 OTUs) et bactĂ©riennes (222 OTUs) colonisant le bois a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e. Cette diversitĂ© est plus importante dans le bois sain de la vigne que dans celui partiellement ou totalement nĂ©crosĂ©. Les techniques utilisĂ©es, i.e. isolement/sĂ©quençage de souches, empreinte molĂ©culaire (Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism, SSCP) et pyrosĂ©quençage 454, ont montrĂ© que les communautĂ©s bactĂ©riennes ou fongiques Ă©taient diffĂ©rentes dans les tissus dĂ©gradĂ©s comparĂ©s Ă  ceux qui ne l’étaient pas. Des changements de microflores en fonction du temps (expĂ©rimentation durant 1 annĂ©e) ont aussi Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s. D’une façon gĂ©nĂ©rale, les espĂšces de champignons impliquĂ©es dans l’esca sont dĂ©jĂ  prĂ©sentes dans le bois apparemment sain de ceps esca-foliaires symptomatiques mais aussi des asymptomatiques. Il n’a pas Ă©tĂ© possible de diffĂ©rencier ces 2 types de microflores au niveau du bois sain des plants, cette diffĂ©rentiation se faisant au niveau des nĂ©croses, qui sont plus abondantes dans les ceps esca-symptomatiques. Pour la premiĂšre fois nous avons montrĂ© que des communautĂ©s bactĂ©riennes spĂ©cifiques Ă©taient associĂ©es Ă  l’esca, leurs aptitudes trophiques Ă©tant diffĂ©rentes selon les tissus oĂč elles Ă©taient prĂ©levĂ©es. Les espĂšces isolĂ©es suggĂšrent que certaines pourraient avoir un rĂŽle dans la protection du vĂ©gĂ©tal, d’autres dans la dĂ©gradation des structures du bois, e.g. de la lignine, prĂ©parant ainsi le terrain aux champignons dĂ©gradateurs des tissus ligneux, dĂ©jĂ  prĂ©sents Ă  l’intĂ©rieur des ceps. Nous avons aussi Ă©tudiĂ©s des ceps plus ĂągĂ©s (cultivar Baco blanc), de 42 et 58 ans, qui avaient un rendement acceptable et n’avaient pas manifestĂ© de symptĂŽmes d’esca ou eutypiose (une autre maladie du bois) l’annĂ©e du prĂ©lĂšvement. Au niveau des tissus fonctionnels du bois, les communautĂ©s fongiques Ă©taient caractĂ©ristiques de plants atteints par l’eutypiose (ceps de 42 ans) ou de l’esca (ceux de 58 ans). La non expression par les ceps de ces 2 maladies pourrait cependant ĂȘtre associĂ©e Ă  la forte prĂ©sence de champignons mycoparasites et protecteur du vĂ©gĂ©tal, comme Trichoderma spp., dans ces tissus fonctionnels. Les interactions au sein des communautĂ©s fongiques crĂ©ant un Ă©quilibre oĂč le pathogĂšne ne se dĂ©velopperait pas de façon extensive. Les caractĂ©ristiques du Baco blanc, un hybride, moins sensible Ă  certaines maladies de la vigne, pourrait aussi expliquer ce rĂ©sultat. Ainsi la prĂ©sence d’une microflore bĂ©nĂ©fique naturellement prĂ©sente dans le bois des ceps associĂ©e Ă  des plants ayant une tolĂ©rance Ă  ces maladies pourrait ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives pour lutter l’esca, voire l’eutypiose, pour lesquelles aucun moyen de protection n’existe aujourd’hui

    Comparative study of fungal and bacterial communities colonizing the woody tissues of grapevines which had expressed or not the esca symptoms

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    L’esca est une maladie de dĂ©pĂ©rissement du bois de la vigne conduisant Ă  la mort des ceps. Actuellement le vignoble mondial est atteint, et au niveau français, cette maladie ne cesse de progresser. Ainsi, 8% des ceps dans le Jura et 4,5% dans la rĂ©gion de Bordeaux manifestent des symptĂŽmes d’esca, selon les parcelles des chiffres beaucoup plus Ă©levĂ©s sont obtenus, certains cĂ©pages sont aussi beaucoup plus sensibles que d’autres. Plusieurs champignons seraient impliquĂ©s dans l’esca mais leur rĂŽle ainsi que la dĂ©termination de la microflore responsable de cette maladie est encore sujette Ă  interrogation. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de cette thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© de caractĂ©riser et de comparer les microflores fongiques et bactĂ©riennes colonisant le bois de ceps de vigne ayant exprimĂ© ou non des symptĂŽmes foliaires d’esca. Dans un premier temps, nous avons prĂ©levĂ© des ceps (cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon) relativement jeunes (10 ans d’ñge) car ils prĂ©sentaient l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’ĂȘtre peu dĂ©gradĂ©s au niveau du bois du tronc, les symptĂŽmes foliaires Ă©tant associĂ©s Ă  la prĂ©sence d’amadou (une nĂ©crose typique de l’esca) uniquement dans les bras. Une grande diversitĂ© dans les communautĂ©s fongiques (674 OTUs) et bactĂ©riennes (222 OTUs) colonisant le bois a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e. Cette diversitĂ© est plus importante dans le bois sain de la vigne que dans celui partiellement ou totalement nĂ©crosĂ©. Les techniques utilisĂ©es, i.e. isolement/sĂ©quençage de souches, empreinte molĂ©culaire (Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism, SSCP) et pyrosĂ©quençage 454, ont montrĂ© que les communautĂ©s bactĂ©riennes ou fongiques Ă©taient diffĂ©rentes dans les tissus dĂ©gradĂ©s comparĂ©s Ă  ceux qui ne l’étaient pas. Des changements de microflores en fonction du temps (expĂ©rimentation durant 1 annĂ©e) ont aussi Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s. D’une façon gĂ©nĂ©rale, les espĂšces de champignons impliquĂ©es dans l’esca sont dĂ©jĂ  prĂ©sentes dans le bois apparemment sain de ceps esca-foliaires symptomatiques mais aussi des asymptomatiques. Il n’a pas Ă©tĂ© possible de diffĂ©rencier ces 2 types de microflores au niveau du bois sain des plants, cette diffĂ©rentiation se faisant au niveau des nĂ©croses, qui sont plus abondantes dans les ceps esca-symptomatiques. Pour la premiĂšre fois nous avons montrĂ© que des communautĂ©s bactĂ©riennes spĂ©cifiques Ă©taient associĂ©es Ă  l’esca, leurs aptitudes trophiques Ă©tant diffĂ©rentes selon les tissus oĂč elles Ă©taient prĂ©levĂ©es. Les espĂšces isolĂ©es suggĂšrent que certaines pourraient avoir un rĂŽle dans la protection du vĂ©gĂ©tal, d’autres dans la dĂ©gradation des structures du bois, e.g. de la lignine, prĂ©parant ainsi le terrain aux champignons dĂ©gradateurs des tissus ligneux, dĂ©jĂ  prĂ©sents Ă  l’intĂ©rieur des ceps. Nous avons aussi Ă©tudiĂ©s des ceps plus ĂągĂ©s (cultivar Baco blanc), de 42 et 58 ans, qui avaient un rendement acceptable et n’avaient pas manifestĂ© de symptĂŽmes d’esca ou eutypiose (une autre maladie du bois) l’annĂ©e du prĂ©lĂšvement. Au niveau des tissus fonctionnels du bois, les communautĂ©s fongiques Ă©taient caractĂ©ristiques de plants atteints par l’eutypiose (ceps de 42 ans) ou de l’esca (ceux de 58 ans). La non expression par les ceps de ces 2 maladies pourrait cependant ĂȘtre associĂ©e Ă  la forte prĂ©sence de champignons mycoparasites et protecteur du vĂ©gĂ©tal, comme Trichoderma spp., dans ces tissus fonctionnels. Les interactions au sein des communautĂ©s fongiques crĂ©ant un Ă©quilibre oĂč le pathogĂšne ne se dĂ©velopperait pas de façon extensive. Les caractĂ©ristiques du Baco blanc, un hybride, moins sensible Ă  certaines maladies de la vigne, pourrait aussi expliquer ce rĂ©sultat. Ainsi la prĂ©sence d’une microflore bĂ©nĂ©fique naturellement prĂ©sente dans le bois des ceps associĂ©e Ă  des plants ayant une tolĂ©rance Ă  ces maladies pourrait ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives pour lutter l’esca, voire l’eutypiose, pour lesquelles aucun moyen de protection n’existe aujourd’hui.Esca is a Grapevine Trunk Disease (GTD) that induces a decline in grapevine vigour that generally leads up with the death of the plants. Nowadays, vineyards worldwide are attacked by esca and, in France this disease increases steadily. In the Jura, 8% of the grapevines are esca-foliar symptomatic and approximately 4.5% in the Bordeaux region. However, some vineyards are more severely attacked by esca, and certain cultivars are more susceptible than others. Although several pathogenic fungi are associated with esca, their individual roles and their interaction with other microorganisms for the esca have still to be determined. In this context, the objective of the present PhD study is to characterize and compare the bacterial and fungal microflora that colonize the wood tissues of esca-foliar symptomatic and asymptomatic grapevines. First, we sampled young (10 year-old) grapevines (Cabernet Sauvignon cultivar) because they had only few necroses in the trunk and white-rot (also called amadou) was only present in the cordons of symptomatic plants. Great diversity in the fungal (674 OTUs) and bacterial (222 OTUs) communities was observed. This diversity was higher in the apparently healthy wood than in the partially or totally necrotic wood tissues. The methods used isolation/sequencing of microbial strains, a molecular fingerprinting method (Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism, SSCP) and 454 pyrosequencing showed that the fungal and bacterial communities of the necrotic and healthy wood tissues were different. Changes in the microflora over time (over a one-year period) have been observed. Fungal species involved in esca are already present in the apparently healthy wood of esca-foliar symptomatic plants but also in the asymptomatic ones. It was not possible to differentiate these 2 microflora. Only microflora from the necroses differed from those of the healthy wood with these necroses being more developed in the esca-foliar symptomatic grapevines. For the first time, we were able to determine that specific bacterial communities are associated with esca. Depending on the wood tissues, different types of bacteria were isolated, with different trophic behaviour. Two roles could be assigned to the species isolated from the various wood tissues: (i) a positive role, due to the biocontrol potential that many species have; (ii) a negative one, by predisposing the wood of grapevines to fungal attacks. We also studied, old (42 and 58 year-old) grapevines of the cultivar, Baco blanc, that produced regular harvests. The plants had no expressed foliar symptoms of esca or eutypa dieback during the sampling year. Many plant pathogens colonized the functional wood tissues, but in 58 year-old plants they were associated with esca, and in 42 year-old plants, with eutypa dieback. The absence of GTDs expression could be linked to the numerous plant protectant mycoparasites, such as Trichoderma spp., that colonized the functional wood tissues. Interactions between species within the fungal communities may create a balance that is unfavourable to the development of the pathogens. The use of Baco blanc, a hybrid less susceptible to certain grapevine diseases could also explain this result. So, because no means of protection are currently available, the combination of beneficial microflora within the garpevine wood tissues with plants that are tolerant to esca, or even eutypa dieback, could be helpful to control those diseases

    Quid de la microflore du bois ?

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    Comparative study of fungal and bacterial communities colonizing the woody tissues of grapevines which had expressed or not the esca symptoms

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    L’esca est une maladie de dĂ©pĂ©rissement du bois de la vigne conduisant Ă  la mort des ceps. Actuellement le vignoble mondial est atteint, et au niveau français, cette maladie ne cesse de progresser. Ainsi, 8% des ceps dans le Jura et 4,5% dans la rĂ©gion de Bordeaux manifestent des symptĂŽmes d’esca, selon les parcelles des chiffres beaucoup plus Ă©levĂ©s sont obtenus, certains cĂ©pages sont aussi beaucoup plus sensibles que d’autres. Plusieurs champignons seraient impliquĂ©s dans l’esca mais leur rĂŽle ainsi que la dĂ©termination de la microflore responsable de cette maladie est encore sujette Ă  interrogation. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de cette thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© de caractĂ©riser et de comparer les microflores fongiques et bactĂ©riennes colonisant le bois de ceps de vigne ayant exprimĂ© ou non des symptĂŽmes foliaires d’esca. Dans un premier temps, nous avons prĂ©levĂ© des ceps (cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon) relativement jeunes (10 ans d’ñge) car ils prĂ©sentaient l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’ĂȘtre peu dĂ©gradĂ©s au niveau du bois du tronc, les symptĂŽmes foliaires Ă©tant associĂ©s Ă  la prĂ©sence d’amadou (une nĂ©crose typique de l’esca) uniquement dans les bras. Une grande diversitĂ© dans les communautĂ©s fongiques (674 OTUs) et bactĂ©riennes (222 OTUs) colonisant le bois a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e. Cette diversitĂ© est plus importante dans le bois sain de la vigne que dans celui partiellement ou totalement nĂ©crosĂ©. Les techniques utilisĂ©es, i.e. isolement/sĂ©quençage de souches, empreinte molĂ©culaire (Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism, SSCP) et pyrosĂ©quençage 454, ont montrĂ© que les communautĂ©s bactĂ©riennes ou fongiques Ă©taient diffĂ©rentes dans les tissus dĂ©gradĂ©s comparĂ©s Ă  ceux qui ne l’étaient pas. Des changements de microflores en fonction du temps (expĂ©rimentation durant 1 annĂ©e) ont aussi Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s. D’une façon gĂ©nĂ©rale, les espĂšces de champignons impliquĂ©es dans l’esca sont dĂ©jĂ  prĂ©sentes dans le bois apparemment sain de ceps esca-foliaires symptomatiques mais aussi des asymptomatiques. Il n’a pas Ă©tĂ© possible de diffĂ©rencier ces 2 types de microflores au niveau du bois sain des plants, cette diffĂ©rentiation se faisant au niveau des nĂ©croses, qui sont plus abondantes dans les ceps esca-symptomatiques. Pour la premiĂšre fois nous avons montrĂ© que des communautĂ©s bactĂ©riennes spĂ©cifiques Ă©taient associĂ©es Ă  l’esca, leurs aptitudes trophiques Ă©tant diffĂ©rentes selon les tissus oĂč elles Ă©taient prĂ©levĂ©es. Les espĂšces isolĂ©es suggĂšrent que certaines pourraient avoir un rĂŽle dans la protection du vĂ©gĂ©tal, d’autres dans la dĂ©gradation des structures du bois, e.g. de la lignine, prĂ©parant ainsi le terrain aux champignons dĂ©gradateurs des tissus ligneux, dĂ©jĂ  prĂ©sents Ă  l’intĂ©rieur des ceps. Nous avons aussi Ă©tudiĂ©s des ceps plus ĂągĂ©s (cultivar Baco blanc), de 42 et 58 ans, qui avaient un rendement acceptable et n’avaient pas manifestĂ© de symptĂŽmes d’esca ou eutypiose (une autre maladie du bois) l’annĂ©e du prĂ©lĂšvement. Au niveau des tissus fonctionnels du bois, les communautĂ©s fongiques Ă©taient caractĂ©ristiques de plants atteints par l’eutypiose (ceps de 42 ans) ou de l’esca (ceux de 58 ans). La non expression par les ceps de ces 2 maladies pourrait cependant ĂȘtre associĂ©e Ă  la forte prĂ©sence de champignons mycoparasites et protecteur du vĂ©gĂ©tal, comme Trichoderma spp., dans ces tissus fonctionnels. Les interactions au sein des communautĂ©s fongiques crĂ©ant un Ă©quilibre oĂč le pathogĂšne ne se dĂ©velopperait pas de façon extensive. Les caractĂ©ristiques du Baco blanc, un hybride, moins sensible Ă  certaines maladies de la vigne, pourrait aussi expliquer ce rĂ©sultat. Ainsi la prĂ©sence d’une microflore bĂ©nĂ©fique naturellement prĂ©sente dans le bois des ceps associĂ©e Ă  des plants ayant une tolĂ©rance Ă  ces maladies pourrait ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives pour lutter l’esca, voire l’eutypiose, pour lesquelles aucun moyen de protection n’existe aujourd’hui.Esca is a Grapevine Trunk Disease (GTD) that induces a decline in grapevine vigour that generally leads up with the death of the plants. Nowadays, vineyards worldwide are attacked by esca and, in France this disease increases steadily. In the Jura, 8% of the grapevines are esca-foliar symptomatic and approximately 4.5% in the Bordeaux region. However, some vineyards are more severely attacked by esca, and certain cultivars are more susceptible than others. Although several pathogenic fungi are associated with esca, their individual roles and their interaction with other microorganisms for the esca have still to be determined. In this context, the objective of the present PhD study is to characterize and compare the bacterial and fungal microflora that colonize the wood tissues of esca-foliar symptomatic and asymptomatic grapevines. First, we sampled young (10 year-old) grapevines (Cabernet Sauvignon cultivar) because they had only few necroses in the trunk and white-rot (also called amadou) was only present in the cordons of symptomatic plants. Great diversity in the fungal (674 OTUs) and bacterial (222 OTUs) communities was observed. This diversity was higher in the apparently healthy wood than in the partially or totally necrotic wood tissues. The methods used isolation/sequencing of microbial strains, a molecular fingerprinting method (Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism, SSCP) and 454 pyrosequencing showed that the fungal and bacterial communities of the necrotic and healthy wood tissues were different. Changes in the microflora over time (over a one-year period) have been observed. Fungal species involved in esca are already present in the apparently healthy wood of esca-foliar symptomatic plants but also in the asymptomatic ones. It was not possible to differentiate these 2 microflora. Only microflora from the necroses differed from those of the healthy wood with these necroses being more developed in the esca-foliar symptomatic grapevines. For the first time, we were able to determine that specific bacterial communities are associated with esca. Depending on the wood tissues, different types of bacteria were isolated, with different trophic behaviour. Two roles could be assigned to the species isolated from the various wood tissues: (i) a positive role, due to the biocontrol potential that many species have; (ii) a negative one, by predisposing the wood of grapevines to fungal attacks. We also studied, old (42 and 58 year-old) grapevines of the cultivar, Baco blanc, that produced regular harvests. The plants had no expressed foliar symptoms of esca or eutypa dieback during the sampling year. Many plant pathogens colonized the functional wood tissues, but in 58 year-old plants they were associated with esca, and in 42 year-old plants, with eutypa dieback. The absence of GTDs expression could be linked to the numerous plant protectant mycoparasites, such as Trichoderma spp., that colonized the functional wood tissues. Interactions between species within the fungal communities may create a balance that is unfavourable to the development of the pathogens. The use of Baco blanc, a hybrid less susceptible to certain grapevine diseases could also explain this result. So, because no means of protection are currently available, the combination of beneficial microflora within the garpevine wood tissues with plants that are tolerant to esca, or even eutypa dieback, could be helpful to control those diseases

    The vineyard under threat: esca and flavescence dorée

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    Worldwide viticulture is confronted to global change and should face to new phytosanitary issues. Some ones are present in the vineyard for centuries but are skyrocketing, another ones are more recent. The former category is represented by Esca, while the latter include Flavescence dorée (FD). Esca was described as a grapevine disease since the Antiquity, while FD began to cause damages less than one century. Despite their differences, these two diseases have common features and represent the more threatening sanitary problem for European viticulture. One of the common characteristic between ESCA and FD is the use of pesticide, but for antagonist reasons. Esca problems result to the withdrawal of the use of a fungicide while this is the occurrence of FD that implies the use of insecticides. In the first case, growers deplore the lack of pesticide while in the second case, some growers and people complain against the use of insecticides. Both diseases lead to uprooting, offset by new plants, which lead to an high heterogeneity grape level in the plots, with consequences on wine quality. So, contrary to downy and powdery mildew, ESCA and FD occurrence have a long-time effect on vineyard. As they represent a threat for the economic viability of the entire sector, ESCA and FD have been identified as a priority by winegrowers, scientists and decision-makers. Thus, European wine industry leaders are urging the European Union and national governments to provide funding to step up research to find a cure or a preventive treatment