6 research outputs found

    Vacinas contra a dengue: o que sabemos, o que tem sido feito, mas o que nos reserva o futuro?

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    Dengue, a disease caused by any of the four serotypes of dengue viruses, is the most important arthropod-borne viral disease in the world in terms of both morbidity and mortality. The infection by these viruses induces a plethora of clinical manifestations ranging from asymptomatic infections to severe diseases with involvement of several organs. Severe forms of the disease are more frequent in secondary infections by distinct serotypes and, consequently, a dengue vaccine must be tetravalent. Although several approaches have been used on the vaccine development, no vaccine is available against these viruses, especially because of problems on the development of a tetravalent vaccine. Here, we describe briefly the vaccine candidates available and their ability to elicit a protective immune response. We also discuss the problems and possibilities of any of the vaccines in final development stage reaching the market for human use.Dengue, doença causada por qualquer um dos quatro sorotipos dos vírus dengue, é atualmente a mais importante doença viral transmitida por artrópodos em todo o mundo, tanto em termos de morbidade como de mortalidade. A infecção por estes vírus causa grande variedade de manifestações clínicas, desde infecções assintomáticas até doenças graves com envolvimento de diversos órgãos. As formas graves da dengue são mais frequentes em infecções secundárias por sorotipos diferentes e, por esta razão, a vacina contra a dengue deve ser tetravalente. Embora várias estratégias tenham sido usadas no desenvolvimento de vacinas contra a dengue, não há ainda nenhuma vacina disponível, particularmente por problemas no desenvolvimento de uma vacina tetravalente. Aqui, descreve-se brevemente os candidatos vacinais disponíveis e a capacidade de eles induzirem resposta imune protetora contra novas infecções. Ainda, discutimos os problemas e as possibilidades de liberação, para uso em seres humanos, de qualquer uma das vacinas em fase final de desenvolviment

    Dengue vaccines: what we know, what has been done, but what does the future hold?

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    Dengue, a disease caused by any of the four serotypes of dengue viruses, is the most important arthropod-borne viral disease in the world in terms of both morbidity and mortality. The infection by these viruses induces a plethora of clinical manifestations ranging from asymptomatic infections to severe diseases with involvement of several organs. Severe forms of the disease are more frequent in secondary infections by distinct serotypes and, consequently, a dengue vaccine must be tetravalent. Although several approaches have been used on the vaccine development, no vaccine is available against these viruses, especially because of problems on the development of a tetravalent vaccine. Here, we describe briefly the vaccine candidates available and their ability to elicit a protective immune response. We also discuss the problems and possibilities of any of the vaccines in final development stage reaching the market for human use

    Dengue vaccines: what we know, what has been done, but what does the future hold?

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    Dengue, a disease caused by any of the four serotypes of dengue viruses, is the most important arthropod-borne viral disease in the world in terms of both morbidity and mortality. The infection by these viruses induces a plethora of clinical manifestations ranging from asymptomatic infections to severe diseases with involvement of several organs. Severe forms of the disease are more frequent in secondary infections by distinct serotypes and, consequently, a dengue vaccine must be tetravalent. Although several approaches have been used on the vaccine development, no vaccine is available against these viruses, especially because of problems on the development of a tetravalent vaccine. Here, we describe briefly the vaccine candidates available and their ability to elicit a protective immune response. We also discuss the problems and possibilities of any of the vaccines in final development stage reaching the market for human use

    Avaliação do polimorfismo no gene da metilenotetrahidrofolato redutase e concentração de folato e vitamina B12 em pacientes portadores do HIV-1 em tratamento com anti-retrovirais

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    Neste trabalho, investigamos concentração da vitamina B12 e folato, considerando-se a influência dos genótipos da metilenotetrahidrofolato redutase, o perfil imunológico e a terapia antiretroviral utilizada na população brasileira portadora do HIV. Um grupo de 86 indivíduos portadores do HIV-1 e 29 doadores de sangue foram recrutados para compor a casuística. Entre os infectados pelo HIV-1, observou-se menor concentração de B12 no grupo com maior número de linfócitos TCD4+. Não encontramos diferença na distribuição genotípica para as mutações MTHFR C677T e A1298C entre infectados e não infectados pelo HIV-1. Indivíduos portadores do HIV, genótipo C677C, apresentaram concentrações menores de B12 em relação ao grupo controle de mesmo genótipo. A terapia antiretroviral não mostrou qualquer influência nos valores de folato e vitamina B12. Estudos adicionais são necessários para reavaliar a prevalência de menores concentrações de B12 e folato e de hiperhomocisteinemia na população portadora do HIV sob a ótica do uso de HAART e da melhoria na sobrevida dos pacientes.In this study we sought to investigate the B12 and folate levels regarding the influence of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase genotypes, immunological profile and antiretroviral therapy in the Brazilian HIV-infected population. The study group comprised 89 HIV-infected individuals and 29 blood donors. There was a decrease in the B12 levels in the HIV-infected group with higher TCD4+ lymphocyte counts. No differences in the genotype distribution for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphisms between the HIV-infected individuals and the controls were found. HIV-infected individuals carrying the C677C genotype presented lower B12 levels (313.91 ± 154.05) than those with the same genotype in the control group (408.27 ± 207.69). Also, the antiretroviral therapy was not a source of variation of the folate and B12 serum levels. Further studies are needed to reanalyze the prevalence of low levels of folate and B12 and hyperhomocisteinemia among HIV-infected patients with regard to the use of HAART and the increased life expectancy of such patients.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Characterisation of divergent flavivirus NS3 and NS5 protein sequences detected in Rhipicephalus microplus ticks from Brazil

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    Transcripts similar to those that encode the nonstructural (NS) proteins NS3 and NS5 from flaviviruses were found in a salivary gland (SG) complementary DNA (cDNA) library from the cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus.Tick extracts were cultured with cells to enable the isolation of viruses capable of replicating in cultured invertebrate and vertebrate cells. Deep sequencing of the viral RNA isolated from culture supernatants provided the complete coding sequences for the NS3 and NS5 proteins and their molecular characterisation confirmed similarity with the NS3 and NS5 sequences from other flaviviruses. Despite this similarity, phylogenetic analyses revealed that this potentially novel virus may be a highly divergent member of the genus Flavivirus. Interestingly, we detected the divergent NS3 and NS5 sequences in ticks collected from several dairy farms widely distributed throughout three regions of Brazil. This is the first report of flavivirus-like transcripts inR. microplus ticks. This novel virus is a potential arbovirus because it replicated in arthropod and mammalian cells; furthermore, it was detected in a cDNA library from tick SGs and therefore may be present in tick saliva. It is important to determine whether and by what means this potential virus is transmissible and to monitor the virus as a potential emerging tick-borne zoonotic pathogen