27 research outputs found

    Single-Port Laparoscopic Surgery for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Background. Single Port Laparoscopic Surgery (SPLS) is being increasingly employed in colorectal surgery for benign and malignant diseases. The particular role for SPLS in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has not been determined yet. In this review article we summarize technical aspects and short term results of SPLS resections in patients with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Methods. A systematic review of the literature until January 2012 was performed. Publications were assessed for operative techniques, equipment, surgical results, hospital stay, and readmissions. Results. 34 articles, published between 2010 and 2012, were identified reporting on 301 patients with IBD that underwent surgical treatment in SPLS technique. Surgical procedures included ileocolic resections, sigmoid resections, colectomies with end ileostomy or ileorectal anastomosis, and restorative proctocolectomies with ileum-pouch reconstruction. There was a wide variety in the surgical technique and the employed equipment. The overall complication profile was similar to reports on standard laparoscopic surgery in IBD. Conclusions. In experienced hands, single port laparoscopic surgery appears to be feasible and safe for the surgical treatment of selected patients with IBD. However, evidence from prospective randomized trials is required in order to clarify whether there is a further benefit apart from the avoidance of additional trocar incisions

    Temporary Fecal Diversion in the Management of Colorectal and Perianal Crohn’s Disease

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    Aim. To evaluate the results of temporary fecal diversion in colorectal and perianal Crohn’s disease. Method. We retrospectively identified 29 consecutive patients (14 females, 15 males; median age: 30.0 years, range: 18–76) undergoing temporary fecal diversion for colorectal (n=14), ileal (n=4), and/or perianal Crohn’s disease (n=22). Follow-up was in median 33.0 (3–103) months. Response to fecal diversion, rate of stoma reversal, and relapse rate after stoma reversal were recorded. Results. The response to temporary fecal diversion was complete remission in 4/29 (13.8%), partial remission in 12/29 (41.4%), no change in 7/29 (24.1%), and progress in 6/29 (20.7%). Stoma reversal was performed in 19 out of 25 patients (76%) available for follow-up. Of these, the majority (15/19, 78.9%) needed further surgical therapies for a relapse of the same pathology previously leading to temporary fecal diversion, including colorectal resections (10/19, 52.6%) and creation of a definitive stoma (7/19, 36.8%). At the end of follow-up, only 4/25 patients (16%) had a stable course without the need for further definitive surgery. Conclusion. Temporary fecal diversion can induce remission in otherwise refractory colorectal or perianal Crohn’s disease, but the chance of enduring remission after stoma reversal is low

    New instruments of administrative procedure in Germany? : between acceptance and mediation

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    Disturbance of intestinal wound closure leads to insufficient anastomotic healing and is associated with considerable morbidity following colorectal resections. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play a crucial role in regulation of wound closure. Here fluorescence endoscopy was evaluated for assessment of MMP-2/-9 expression during failed intestinal anastomotic healing.Distal colonic anastomoses were performed as a model for disturbed healing in 36 Balb/c mice. Healing was evaluated endoscopically, macroscopically, and histologically after 1, 3 and 5 days. For detection of MMP-2/-9 expression fluorescence endoscopy (FE) was used following i.v.-administration of a Cy5.5-labeled MMP-2/-9 specific tracer. FE was complemented by quantification of the fluorescence signal using the MS-FX PRO Optical Imaging System. An overall leakage score was calculated and correlated with the results of FE.With increasing incidence of anastomotic leakage from POD1 (17%) to POD5 (83%) the uptake of the MMP tracer gradually increased (signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), POD1: 17.91 ± 1.251 vs. POD3: 30.56 ± 3.03 vs. POD5: 44.8 ± 4.473, P<0.0001). Mice with defective anastomotic healing showed significantly higher uptake compared to non-defective (SNR: 37.37± 3.63 vs. 26.16± 3.635, P = 0.0369). White light endoscopy and FE allowed evaluation of anastomotic healing and visualization of mucosal MMPs in vivo. Using FE based detection of MMPs in the anastomosis, an overall positive predictive value of 71.4% and negative predictive value of 66.6% was calculated for detection of anastomotic leakage.During disturbed anastomotic healing increased expression of MMP-2/-9 was observed in the anastomotic tissue. Fluorescence endoscopy for detection of MMP-2/-9 during the healing process might be a promising tool for early identification of anastomotic leakage

    Annexin A1–containing extracellular vesicles and polymeric nanoparticles promote epithelial wound repair

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    Epithelial restitution is an essential process that is required to repair barrier function at mucosal surfaces following injury. Prolonged breaches in epithelial barrier function result in inflammation and further damage; therefore, a better understanding of the epithelial restitution process has potential for improving the development of therapeutics. In this work, we demonstrate that endogenous annexin A1 (ANXA1) is released as a component of extracellular vesicles (EVs) derived from intestinal epithelial cells, and these ANXA1-containing EVs activate wound repair circuits. Compared with healthy controls, patients with active inflammatory bowel disease had elevated levels of secreted ANXA1-containing EVs in sera, indicating that ANXA1-containing EVs are systemically distributed in response to the inflammatory process and could potentially serve as a biomarker of intestinal mucosal inflammation. Local intestinal delivery of an exogenous ANXA1 mimetic peptide (Ac2-26) encapsulated within targeted polymeric nanoparticles (Ac2-26 Col IV NPs) accelerated healing of murine colonic wounds after biopsy-induced injury. Moreover, one-time systemic administration of Ac2-26 Col IV NPs accelerated recovery following experimentally induced colitis. Together, our results suggest that local delivery of proresolving peptides encapsulated within nanoparticles may represent a potential therapeutic strategy for clinical situations characterized by chronic mucosal injury, such as is seen in patients with IBD

    Minor Sphincter Sparing Surgery for Successful Closure of Perianal Fistulas in Patients with Crohn’s Disease

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    The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that repetitive minor surgical procedures allow for a high rate of permanent closure of perianal fistulas in patients with Crohn’s disease (CD). Patients with perianal fistulizing CD (PFCD) who underwent perianal surgery at the University Hospital of Muenster between 2003 and 2018 were assessed for fistula characteristics and surgical procedures. We included 45 patients (m:f = 28:17) with a mean age of 27 years at first fistula appearance. Of these, 49% suffered from a complex fistula. An average of 4.2 (1–14) procedures were performed, abscess incisions and fistula seton drainages included. Draining setons were left in place for 5 (1–54) months, until fistula closure. Final surgical techniques were fistulotomy (31.1%), seton removal with sustained biological therapy (26.7%), Anal Fistula Plug (AFP) (17.8%), Over-The Scope-Clip proctology (OTSC) (11.1%), and mucosa advancement flap (4.4%). In 8.9% of cases, the seton was kept as permanent therapy. The time from first to last surgery was 18 (0–182) months and the median follow-up time after the last surgery was 90 (15–200) months. The recurrence rate was 15.5% after 45 (17–111) months. Recurrent fistulas healed after another 1.86 (1–2) surgical re-interventions. The final success rate was 80%. Despite biological treatment, PFCD management remains challenging. However, by repeating minor surgical interventions over a prolonged period of time, high permanent healing rates can be achieved