48 research outputs found

    Navigating the Capital Structure Maze : Firm Performance for the Nordic Real Estate Market : An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Capital Structure and Firm Performance

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    This thesis aims to evaluate the relationship between capital structure and firm performance for Nordic real estate firms. More specifically the thesis aims to answer the research questions (l) "Does the capital structure of Nordic real estate firms affect firm performance in the sector?" and (2) "Can the three dependent variables used in capital structure on firm performance: ROA, ROE and Tobin's Q describe the fluctuation in market value during the last decade?". The thesis includes quarterly data for 59 listed companies from Ql 2006 to Q4 2022 for Norway, Sweden and Denmark. And seek to resolve these questions by implying a fixed-effect estimation using cluster robust standard errors. Consistent with prior research and theory, we found a significant relationship for: LTD ( - ) ,STD( - ) , Si z e (+) , Tangibility(-), Growth(+) , Ag e ( + ) and the Covid pandemic(-). Our findings suggest that the dependent variables used as a proxy for firm performance in capital structure literature: ROA, ROE and Tobin's Q, do not describe the fluctuations in the market value of Nordic real estate firms during the last decade. Since a fall in real estate value often correlates with a fall in market value for real estate firms, the mechanism contradicts its implications on ROE, ROA and Tobin's Q as ROE denotes total assets, ROA, Tobin's Q the measures increases with a decrease in property prices.nhhma

    Financial Development’s impact on inequality in the original Eurozone eleven: A Panel Data Approach

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    近几年来,欧元区一直在和低经济在增长数据做斗争。经济危机导致了紧缩政策、削减和生产力不增反而税收增加。与此同时,与欧盟和欧元区不均衡有关的争论正在酝酿中。成员国的不断扩张使得在减少不均衡的同时取得经济增长的问题上,更难达成统一的政策。提出来供欧洲立法者参考的政策的数量也令人惊愕。此论文着重用不同于仅是重新分配政策的方法来处理不均衡问题。 在此之前对金融发展的研究主张金融发展实际上能减轻不均衡。有证据显示金融发展也鼓励经济增长,而且不仅是通过反向因果关系,这听起来像一个很好的结合,一种双赢的局面。 但是,在这片论文之前都没有任何研究是特别着眼于金融发展对欧盟或者原欧元区十一国间不均衡的影响。...Recent years have seen the Eurozone struggling with low economic growth figures. The financial crisis has led to austerity measures, cut backs and increased taxes without increased productivity. At the same time the debate about income inequality in the EU and the Eurozone has been brewing. Constant expansion of member countries makes it harder to have unified policies on how to reduce inequality ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_金融学(含保险学)学号:2772012115428

    I hodet på de beste selgerne i Aftenposten

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    I denne oppgaven ser vi på hva som kjennetegner de beste selgerne i Aftenposten fra et nytt teoretisk utgangspunkt som det er forsket lite på. Dette utgangspunktet er selvledelse som kort kan defineres som hvordan man leder og motiverer seg selv. Videre kan det deles inn atferdsbaserte strategier og kognitive strategier. Dette er henholdsvis strategier for målsetting samt strategier for å påvirke egne tanker. Disse vil bli brukt som et rammeverk for vår oppgave. Problemstillingen er: ”Hvordan påvirker selvledelse salgsprestasjon”. For å svare på problemstillingen vil det bli foretatt et kvalitativt dybdeintervju av 6 selgere i Aftenposten. Det vil bli sett på hva som skiller de beste fra de mindre gode, i lys av selvledelses teorien. Vi finner i oppgaven at den beste selgeren er den som er desidert mest opptatt av selvledelse. Videre finner vi at det i Aftenposten er en hygienefaktor for salgsprestasjon å tilpasse salgspitchen til ulike kunder. Vi finner også at de beste selgerne skiller seg ut fra de mindre gode ved at de fokuserer på konkurranse. I oppgaven finner vi indikasjoner på at videre forskning på selvledelse og salgsprestasjon vil være interessant

    Adjustable broaching tool for tolerance compensation in precision manufacturing

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    Current manufacturing of precision tools for machining typically requires processes such as grinding, EDM or laser processing in order to comply with high requirements on tolerances. However even tools manufactured by these processes come short, when a new batch of workpieces are supplied, and their tolerances are not compliant. This approach presents a precision broaching tool for adjusting the inner diameter of an external broach. The tool compensates for the manufacturing tolerance chain of tool and workpieces by up to 37 μm. The approach is based on conventional shrink fitting of cold forging tools. A numerical and analytical model of the compression is compared with experimental results

    Energy and carbon impact of very low energy building

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