88 research outputs found

    Composite operators and form factors in N=4 SYM

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    We construct the most general composite operators of N = 4 SYM in Lorentz harmonic chiral (≈\approx twistor) superspace. The operators are built from the SYM supercurvature which is nonpolynomial in the chiral gauge prepotentials. We reconstruct the full nonchiral dependence of the supercurvature. We compute all tree-level MHV form factors via the LSZ redcution procedure with on-shell states made of the same supercurvature.Comment: 32 page

    N=4 super-Yang-Mills in LHC superspace. Part I: Classical and quantum theory

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    We present a formulation of the maximally supersymmetric N=4 gauge theory in Lorentz harmonic chiral (LHC) superspace. It is closely related to the twistor formulation of the theory but employs the simpler notion of Lorentz harmonic variables. They parametrize a two-sphere and allow us to handle efficiently infinite towers of higher-spin auxiliary fields defined on ordinary space-time. In this approach the chiral half of N=4 supersymmetry is manifest. The other half is realized non-linearly and the algebra closes on shell. We give a straightforward derivation of the Feynman rules in coordinate space. We show that the LHC formulation of the N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory is remarkably similar to the harmonic superspace formulation of the N=2 gauge and hypermultiplet matter theories. In the twin paper arXiv:1601.06804 we apply the LHC formalism to the study of the non-chiral multipoint correlation functions of the N=4 stress-tensor supermultiplet.Comment: 51 pages, 4 figures; v2: Appendix B on the propagators in momentum space added. A more detailed comparison with the twistor approach given in Appendix

    Demystifying the twistor construction of composite operators in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory

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    We explain some details of the construction of composite operators in N=4 SYM that we have elaborated earlier in the context of Lorentz harmonic chiral (LHC) superspace. We give a step-by-step elementary derivation and show that the result coincides with the recent hypothesis put forward in arXiv:1603.04471 within the twistor approach. We provide the appropriate LHC-to-twistors dictionary.Comment: 10 page

    N=4 super-Yang-Mills in LHC superspace. Part II: Non-chiral correlation functions of the stress-tensor multiplet

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    We study the multipoint super-correlation functions of the full non-chiral stress-tensor multiplet in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory in the Born approximation. We derive effective supergraph Feynman rules for them. Surprisingly, the Feynman rules for the non-chiral correlators are obtained from those for the chiral correlators by a simple Grassmann shift of the space-time variables. We rely on the formulation of the theory in Lorentz harmonic chiral (LHC) superspace elaborated in the twin paper arXiv:1601.06803. In this approach only the chiral half of the supersymmetry is manifest. The other half is realized by nonlinear and nonlocal transformations of the LHC superfields. However, at Born level only the simple linear part of the transformations is relevant. It corresponds to effectively working in the self-dual sector of the theory. Our method is also applicable to a wider class of supermultiplets like all the half-BPS operators and the Konishi multiplet.Comment: 66 pages, 16 figures; v2: Appendix F on the quantization in a Lorentz-covariant gauge adde

    Conformal primaries of OSp(8/4,R) and BPS states in AdS4

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    We derive short UIR's of the OSp(8/4,R) superalgebra of 3d N=8 superconformal field theories by the requirement that the highest weight states are annihilated by a subset of the super-Poincare odd generators. We then find a superfield realization of these BPS saturated UIR's as "composite operators" of the two basic ultrashort "supersingleton" multiplets. These representations are the AdS4 analogue of BPS states preserving different fractions of supersymmetry and are therefore suitable to classify perturbative and non-perturbative excitations of M-theory compactifications.Comment: refrences adde

    Representations of (1,0) and (2,0) superconformal algebras in six dimensions: massless and short superfields

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    We construct unitary representations of (1,0) and (2,0) superconformal algebras in six dimensions by using superfields defined on harmonic superspaces with coset manifolds USp(2n)/[U(1)]^n, n=1,2. In the spirit of the AdS_7/CFT_6 correspondence massless conformal fields correspond to "supersingletons" in AdS_7. By tensoring them we produce all short representations corresponding to 1/2 and 1/4 BPS anti-de Sitter bulk states of which "massless bulk" representations are particular cases.Comment: references adde

    Superconformal interpretation of BPS states in AdS geometries

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    We carry out a general analysis of the representations of the superconformal algebras SU(2,2/N), OSp(8/4,R) and OSp(8^*/4) and give their realization in superspace. We present a construction of their UIR's by multiplication of the different types of massless superfields ("supersingletons"). Particular attention is paid to the so-called "short multiplets". Representations undergoing shortening have "protected dimension" and correspond to BPS states in the dual supergravity theory in anti-de Sitter space. These results are relevant for the classification of multitrace operators in boundary conformally invariant theories as well as for the classification of AdS black holes preserving different fractions of supersymmetry.Comment: The sections on 6 and 3 dimensions considerably extended; important new references added; misprints correcte

    Conformal superfields and BPS states in AdS_4/7 geometries

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    We carry out a general analysis of the representations of the superconformal algebras OSp(8/4,R) and OSp(8*/2N) in terms of harmonic superspace. We present a construction of their highest-weight UIR's by multiplication of the different types of massless conformal superfields ("supersingletons"). Particular attention is paid to the so-called "short multiplets". Representations undergoing shortening have "protected dimension" and may correspond to BPS states in the dual supergravity theory in anti-de Sitter space. These results are relevant for the classification of multitrace operators in boundary conformally invariant theories as well as for the classification of AdS black holes preserving different fractions of supersymmetry.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the Euroconference ``Noncommutative geometry and Hopf algebras in field theory and particle physics", Torino, Villa Gualino (Italy), September 20-30, 199
