5,245 research outputs found

    Randomized benchmarking of single and multi-qubit control in liquid-state NMR quantum information processing

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    Being able to quantify the level of coherent control in a proposed device implementing a quantum information processor (QIP) is an important task for both comparing different devices and assessing a device's prospects with regards to achieving fault-tolerant quantum control. We implement in a liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance QIP the randomized benchmarking protocol presented by Knill et al (PRA 77: 012307 (2008)). We report an error per randomized π2\frac{\pi}{2} pulse of 1.3±0.1×10−41.3 \pm 0.1 \times 10^{-4} with a single qubit QIP and show an experimentally relevant error model where the randomized benchmarking gives a signature fidelity decay which is not possible to interpret as a single error per gate. We explore and experimentally investigate multi-qubit extensions of this protocol and report an average error rate for one and two qubit gates of 4.7±0.3×10−34.7 \pm 0.3 \times 10^{-3} for a three qubit QIP. We estimate that these error rates are still not decoherence limited and thus can be improved with modifications to the control hardware and software.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted versio

    The Large and Small Scale Structures of Dust in the Star-Forming Perseus Molecular Cloud

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    We present an analysis of ~3.5 square degrees of submillimetre continuum and extinction data of the Perseus molecular cloud. We identify 58 clumps in the submillimetre map and we identify 39 structures (`cores') and 11 associations of structures (`super cores') in the extinction map. The cumulative mass distributions of the submillimetre clumps and extinction cores have steep slopes (alpha ~ 2 and 1.5 - 2 respectively), steeper than the Salpeter IMF (alpha = 1.35), while the distribution of extinction super cores has a shallow slope (alpha ~ 1). Most of the submillimetre clumps are well fit by stable Bonnor-Ebert spheres with 10K < T < 19K and 5.5 < log_10(P_ext/k) < 6.0. The clumps are found only in the highest column density regions (A_V > 5 - 7 mag), although Bonnor-Ebert models suggest that we should have been able to detect them at lower column densities if they exist. These observations provide a stronger case for an extinction threshold than that found in analysis of less sensitive observations of the Ophiuchus molecular cloud. The relationship between submillimetre clumps and their parent extinction core has been analyzed. The submillimetre clumps tend to lie offset from the larger extinction peaks, suggesting the clumps formed via an external triggering event, consistent with previous observations.Comment: 38 pages, 12 figures, accepted by Astrophysical Journal slight changes to original due to a slight 3" error in the coordinates of the SCUBA ma

    Hypersonic simulations using open-source CFD and DSMC solvers

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    Hypersonic hybrid hydrodynamic-molecular gas flow solvers are required to satisfy the two essential requirements of any high-speed reacting code, these being physical accuracy and computational efficiency. The James Weir Fluids Laboratory at the University of Strathclyde is currently developing an open-source hybrid code which will eventually reconcile the direct simulation Monte-Carlo method, making use of the OpenFOAM application called dsmcFoam, and the newly coded open-source two-temperature computational fluid dynamics solver named hy2Foam. In conjunction with employing the CVDV chemistry-vibration model in hy2Foam, novel use is made of the QK rates in a CFD solver. In this paper, further testing is performed, in particular with the CFD solver, to ensure its efficacy before considering more advanced test cases. The hy2Foam and dsmcFoam codes have shown to compare reasonably well, thus providing a useful basis for other codes to compare against

    The Quantum Mechanics of Hyperion

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    This paper is motivated by the suggestion [W. Zurek, Physica Scripta, T76, 186 (1998)] that the chaotic tumbling of the satellite Hyperion would become non-classical within 20 years, but for the effects of environmental decoherence. The dynamics of quantum and classical probability distributions are compared for a satellite rotating perpendicular to its orbital plane, driven by the gravitational gradient. The model is studied with and without environmental decoherence. Without decoherence, the maximum quantum-classical (QC) differences in its average angular momentum scale as hbar^{2/3} for chaotic states, and as hbar^2 for non-chaotic states, leading to negligible QC differences for a macroscopic object like Hyperion. The quantum probability distributions do not approach their classical limit smoothly, having an extremely fine oscillatory structure superimposed on the smooth classical background. For a macroscopic object, this oscillatory structure is too fine to be resolved by any realistic measurement. Either a small amount of smoothing (due to the finite resolution of the apparatus) or a very small amount of environmental decoherence is sufficient ensure the classical limit. Under decoherence, the QC differences in the probability distributions scale as (hbar^2/D)^{1/6}, where D is the momentum diffusion parameter. We conclude that decoherence is not essential to explain the classical behavior of macroscopic bodies.Comment: 17 pages, 24 figure

    Good images, effective messages? Working with students and educators on academic practice understanding

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    Work at Northumbria University has focussed on activity that extends opportunities for students to engage directly with the skills development necessary for sound academic practice. This has included highly visual campaigns on the "Plagiarism trap", providing access to Turnitin plagiarism detection software, guides and sessions to highlight use of associated referencing tools. Sessions on a variety of topics, such as supporting study skills and reading originality reports, have been provided for students on taught, undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. This provision has included students working on collaborative partners' sites and also those on research programmes. Alongside the activities with students, "designing out" approaches have been embedded in staff development within the educator community at Northumbria. Formative use of Turnitin is integrated throughout programmes and academic practice development is formally recognised within the University Learning and Teaching Strategy's focus on information literacy. This article outlines and reviews these activities in a critical institutional context and evaluates responses from a variety of students and educators to determine how effective these measures have been

    High-Mass Proto-Stellar Candidates - II : Density structure from dust continuum and CS emission

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    We present a detailed 1.2 mm continuum and CS spectral line study of a large sample of 69 massive star forming regions in very early stages of evolution, most of them prior to building up an ultracompact HII region. The continuum data show a zoo of different morphologies and give detailed information on the spatial distributions, the masses, column densities and average densities of the whole sample. Fitting the radial intensity profiles shows that three parameters are needed to describe the spatial distribution of the sources: constant emission from the center out to a few arcsec radius followed by a first power law intensity distribution which steepens further outside into a second power law distribution. The mean inner power law intensity index mi (I~r^(-mi)) is 1.2 corresponding to density indices p (n~r^(-p)) of 1.6. In total the density distribution of our massive star formations sites seem to be not too different from their low-mass counterparts, but we show that setting tight constrains on the density indices is very difficult and subject to many possible errors. The local densities we derive from CS calculations are higher (up to one order of magnitude) than the mean densities we find via the mm-continuum. Such inhomogeneous density distribution reflects most likely the ubiquitous phenomenon of clumping and fragmentation in molecular clouds. Linewidth-mass relations show a departure from virial equilibrium in the stages of strongly collapsing cores.Comment: 15 pages, 13 jpeg-figures. Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    Millimeter- and Submillimeter-Wave Observations of the OMC-2/3 Region. III. An Extensive Survey for Molecular Outflows

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    Using the ASTE 10 m submillimeter telescope and the 1.4 m Infrared Survey Facility (IRSF), we performed an extensive outflow survey in the Orion Molecular Cloud -2 and -3 region. Our survey, which includes 41 potential star-forming sites, has been newly compiled using multi-wavelength data based on millimeter- and submillimeter-continuum observations as well as radio continuum observations. From the CO (3-2) observations performed with the ASTE 10 m telescope, we detected 14 CO molecular outflows, seven of which were newly identified. This higher detection rate, as compared to previous CO (1-0) results in the same region, suggests that CO (3-2) may be a better outflow tracer. Physical properties of these outflows and their possible driving sources were derived. Derived parameters were compared with those of CO outflows in low- and high-mass starforming regions. We show that the CO outflow momentum correlates with the bolometric luminosity of the driving source and with the envelope mass, regardless of the mass of the driving sources. In addition to these CO outflows, seven sources having NIR features suggestive of outflows were also identified.Comment: Accepted to Astrophysical Journal, high resolution images at http://www.asiaa.sinica.edu.tw/~satoko_t/papers/ms.ST.pd

    Parameterized Verification of Systems with Global Synchronization and Guards

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    Inspired by distributed applications that use consensus or other agreement protocols for global coordination, we define a new computational model for parameterized systems that is based on a general global synchronization primitive and allows for global transition guards. Our model generalizes many existing models in the literature, including broadcast protocols and guarded protocols. We show that reachability properties are decidable for systems without guards, and give sufficient conditions under which they remain decidable in the presence of guards. Furthermore, we investigate cutoffs for reachability properties and provide sufficient conditions for small cutoffs in a number of cases that are inspired by our target applications.Comment: Accepted at CAV 202
