2 research outputs found

    Determination of radon activity concentrations in dwellings by alpha track detectors in Bergama Kozak granite area

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    Sunulan çalışmada Bergama-Kozak granit alanında kapalı ortam radon aktivite konsantrasyonlarının ölçülmesi ve radyolojik risk açısından değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu anlamda, LR-115 tipi Katı-Hal Nükleer İz Dedektörler bina içlerine asılmış, 1 ay süre ile bekletilmiştir. İz dedektörleri 60 santigrat derece sıcaklıkta yüzde 10 (2,5 N) NaOH çözeltisinde 120 dakika boyunca banyo edilmiş ve gözlenen mikroskopik iz yoğunluklarından radon aktivite konsantrasyonları hesaplanmıştır. Çalışılan granit alnında ölçülen bina içi radon konsantrasyonları metreküp başına 25 ? 236 Bq aralığında değişmektedir. Kapalı ortamlardaki radondan kaynaklanan etkin doz eşdeğerleri yıl başına 0.64 ile 5.96 mSv aralığında saptanmıştır. Çalışmada elde edilen kapalı ortam radon konsantrasyonları ICRP ve USEPA limitleri ile karşılaştırıldığında (200 ve 148 Bq m3), binaların güvenli sınırlar içinde olduğu görülmüştür. The present study is aimed measurement of indoor radon activity concentrations of the Kozak-Bergama granit area and assessment from radiological risk perspective. In this context, LR-115 type Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors were installed in dwellings and they were kept for 1 month. The LR-115 detectors were etched for 120 minute in percentage10 (2,5 N) NaOH at 60 centigrade degree and were related to radon activity concentrations were estimated from the observed microskopic track densities. Measured indoor radon concentrations in the studied area ranged from 25 to 236 Bq in m3. Annual effective dose equivalent due to indoor radon was determined in the range of 0.64 - 5.96 mSv in year. Comparing the current indoor radon results with those of the ICRP and USEPA (i.e. 200 and 148 Bq m3) limits, majority of the houses surveyed in the present study are within the safe limits

    Indoor radon measurements in the granodiorite area of Bergama (Pergamon)-Kozak, Turkey

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    WOS: 000302299800007PubMed ID: 21636559Indoor radon levels in 20 dwellings of rural areas at the Kozak-Bergama (Pergamon) granodiorite area in Turkey were measured by the alpha track etch integrated method. These dwellings were monitored for eight successive months. Results show that the radon levels varied widely in the area ranging from 111 to 72711 Bq m(3) and the geometric mean was found to be 63 Bq m(3) with a geometric standard deviation of 2 Bq m(3). A lognormal distribution of the radon concentration was obtained for the studied area. Estimated annual effective doses due to the indoor radon ranged from 0.27 to 18.34 mSv y(1) with a mean value of 1.95 mSv y(1), which is lower than the effective dose values 310 mSv given as the range of action levels recommended by International Commission on Radiation Protection. All dosimetric calculations were performed based on the guidance of the UNSCEAR 2000 report.Dokuz Eylul UniversityDokuz Eylul University [2009.KB.FEN.039]This work was supported by Dokuz Eylul University Scientific Research Project (Project no: 2009.KB.FEN.039)