102 research outputs found

    Основы конкуренции как социального явления и ее особенности в профессиональной деятельности

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    The author analyzes the fundamentals of social competition and its specific features in Russia. As the basic prerequisites for social competition, the author considers the activity in which its subjects enter into various forms of interaction and relationships, including competitive ones, objective and subjective differences between people and their communities — historical, socio-political, socio-economic, socio-cultural, international. Competition manifests itself in developing living and social systems, from which stem its two main varieties — biological and social, between which there is continuity. In the living nature, competition is manifested, as shown by Charles Darwin, within one species and between different species, in the fight against life conditions, leads to the natural selection and evolution of species. Competition in society has its own characteristics. At the same time, competition in the animal world and society, as P. Kropotkin has shown, is associated with various forms of cooperation, mutual assistance, which are dominant and more conducive to progress than competition. The transition of Russia from the socialist system of public relations with a planned economy to a capitalist system with a market system of development created the foundations of competition in the country. This transition is influenced by traditional socio-cultural characteristics, as well as current processes in society and in the world.Th is article considers the competition of collective subjects of professional activity as one of the types of social competition, its structure, typology, and basic functions are revealed. Competition is defined as a system of interaction of individual, group and collective subjects of professional activity, characterized by the achievement of goals of activity and advantages in the context of confrontation with those pursuing the same goals and advantages by other actors.В статье анализируются основы социальной конкуренции, ее особенности в России. В качестве основных предпосылок социальной конкуренции автором рассматриваются деятельность, в процессе которой ее субъекты вступают в различные формы взаимодействия и взаимоотношений, в том числе и конкурентные, объективные и субъективные различия людей и их сообществ — исторические, социально-политические, социально-экономические, социально-культурные, международные. Конкуренция проявляется в развивающихся живых и социальных системах, из которых вытекают две ее основные разновидности — биологическая и социальная, между ними наблюдается преемственность. В живой природе конкуренция проявляется, как показал Ч. Дарвин, внутри одного вида и между разными видами, в борьбе с жизненными условиями, ведет к естественному отбору и эволюции видов. Конкуренция в обществе имеет свои особенности. В то же время конкуренция в животном мире и обществе, как показал П. Кропоткин, связана с различными формами кооперации, взаимопомощи, которые являются доминирующими и в большей степени способствуют прогрессу, нежели конкуренция. Переход России от социалистической системы общественных отношений с плановой экономикой к капиталистической с рыночной системой развития создал в стране основы конкуренции. На этот переход влияют традиционные социально-культурные особенности, а также происходящие в российском обществе и в мире современные процессы. В данной статье рассматривается конкуренция коллективных субъектов профессиональной деятельности как один из видов социальной конкуренции, раскрывается ее структура, типология, основные функции. Конкуренция определяется как система взаимодействия индивидуальных, групповых и коллективных субъектов профессиональной деятельности, характеризующаяся достижением целей деятельности и преимуществ в условиях противоборства с добивающимися этих же целей и преимуществ другими субъектами

    To the question about the use of the service create collages in the framework of the elective course «Computer graphics»

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    This article discusses the features of the use of the service "BeFunky" in the educational process in the framework of elective courses related to computer graphics. Is the case for students of middle school on the theme: "Creating greeting cards "Winter Wonderland". This article is designed for teachers, and will be of interest to studentsВ данной рассматриваются особенности использование сервиса «BeFunky» в образовательном процессе в рамках элективных курсов, связанных с компьютерной графикой. Приводится кейс для обучающихся среднего звена школы на тему: «Создание открытки «Зимняя сказка». Данная статья рассчитана на учителей, а также будет интересна школьникам и студент

    Basic physiological systems indicator's informative assessment for children and adolescents obesity diagnosis tasks

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    The healthcare computerization creates opportunities to the clinical decision support system development. In the course of diagnosis, doctor manipulates a considerable amount of data and makes a decision in the context of uncertainty basing upon the first-hand experience and knowledge. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the knowledge scope in medicine is incrementally growing, but the decision-making time does not increase. The amount of medical malpractice is growing and it leads to various negative effects, even the mortality rate increase. IT-solution's development for clinical purposes is one of the most promising and efficient ways to prevent these effects. That is why the efforts of many IT specialists are directed to the doctor's heuristics simulating software or expert-based medical decision-making algorithms development. Thus, the objective of this study is to develop techniques and approaches for the body physiological system's informative value assessment index for the obesity degree evaluation based on the diagnostic findings

    Analysis of the long-term effects of ionizing radiation on the human body and possible measures for their prevention of the effects of ionizing radiation

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    The article describes the consequences of exposure to ionizing radiation (AI) on the human body during an accident at a nuclear power plant and primary health care during radiation.В статье описаны последствия воздействия ионизирующего излучения (ИИ) на организм человека при аварии на атомной электростанции и первичная медико-санитарная помощь при радиационных

    Organisation of anti-epidemic measures at various modes of russian system of prevention and response to es in case of occurrence of polio

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    The article deals with the main antiepidemic measures implemented by Russian state system of prevention and elimination of emergency situations in daily mode of operation, in the high readiness mode and in the mode of emergency response.В статье рассмотрены основные противоэпидемические мероприятия, реализуемые Единой государственной системой предупреждения и ликвидации чрезвычайных ситуаций в повседневном режиме функционирования, а также в режимах повышенной готовности и ликвидации чрезвычайной ситуации

    The typical content of the medical plan for the population in the event of a radiation accident. Analysis of the evacuation and medical events of the Chernobyl accident.

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    The article describes the mistakes made during the evacuation activities carried out at the scene of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and their analysis in accordance with the regulatory documents in force at the time and how, at present, these documents are regulated by modern documents.В статье описаны совершенные во время эвакуационных мероприятий, проведенных на месте аварии на Чернобыльской атомной электростанции, ошибки и их анализ в соответствии с нормативными документами, действовавшими в то время и то, как на настоящий момент, современными документами эти вопросы регламентируются

    Analysis of medical care for victims with polytrauma.

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    The article describes the causes of polytrauma, features of pathogenesis, collected statistics on the degrees of polytrauma and lethality.В статье описаны причины политравм, особенности патогенеза, собрана статистка по степеням получения политравм и летальности

    The supplementary education teacher’s portfolio: Essence, functions, structure and design principles

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The article discloses the contradictions, which define the necessity and possibility to use teacher’s portfolio in the system of children’s supplementary education. It gives the author’s interpretation of the concept «supplementary education teacher’s portfolio», defines objectives, the portfolio functions and the principles of its design. The article offers the author’s structure of the supplementary education teacher’s portfolio, which reflects the main directions of the teacher’s professional activities, allows demonstrating the achievements and the results of these activities. The authors describe the alternatives to use the portfolio in supplementary education. The article reveals the risks of portfolio implementation in the institutions of supplementary education. Practical recommendations for the teacher’s portfolio development given in the article are practice– oriented. The article addresses the administration and the teachers of the children’s supplementary education institutions, the lecturers of the teacher’s training colleges, who train future teachers of the supplementary education as well as the educators of the extended education within the process of the professional skills improvement for supplementary education teachers

    Recommendations for conducting practical training on the discipline "disaster medicine" in the format of a business game.

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    The article describes the general provisions and rules for conducting classes on the discipline "Disaster Medicine" in the form of a practical game.В статье рассмотрены общие положения и правила проведения занятия по дисциплине «Медицина катастроф» в виде практической игры

    Experience of eradicating parasites of laboratory rats in conventional vivarium

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    The purpose of the research is to test different dehelminthization schemes of laboratory rats infected with cestodes Rodentolepis nana and nematodes Syphacia muris and evaluate the significance of combined environment disinfection measures. The practical experience of eradication (helminth eradication) in animals in a conventional vivarium was described.Materials and methods. Experiments were conducted to study the efficacy of anthelmintics and administration schemes against cestode and nematode infections in laboratory rats. In the first experiment, praziquantel was used at a dose of 10 mg/kg to treat rats infected with R. nana. In the second experiment, the comparative efficacy of fenbendazole, albendazole, and pyrantel was evaluated against syphaciosis at the recommended dosages of 20, 10, and 12.5 mg/kg, respectively. Each drug was given orally, individually, twice with an interval of 7 days. The third experiment tested different schemes for treating syphaciosis with fenbendazole. One group of rats was given the drug orally individually using an esophageal tube at a dose of 20 mg/kg once a day for 7 consecutive days. Other groups were given fenbendazole daily with food for 7 days (150 mg fenbendazole per 1 kg of food). In all three experiments, all animals were divided into groups, and their cells underwent a complex of additional disinfection measures, and those kept in cages without disinfection.Results and discussion. Praziquantel showed 100% efficacy at a single dose of 10 mg/kg in R. nana therapy. In animals without additional disinfection procedures, cestode eggs were again recorded starting from day 14 after the drug administration. In the group of animals with disinfection measures, pathogens were not detected during the experiment. Double administration of fenbendazole, albendazole and pyrantel in the recommended dosages against syphaciosis did not result in eradicated nematodes in the animals. The disinfection did not affect the obtained results. Fenbendazole administered daily for 7 days ensured helminth eradication in animals. However, on day 7 after the therapy, Syphacia sp. eggs were again found in the groups that received the drug individually intragastrically through a tube, regardless of whether their cells were disinfected. The animals that received fenbendazole with food and were regularly disinfested remained free from nematodes throughout the experiment until the additional disinfection measures were cancelled. In the absence of disinfection, released helminth eggs were recorded on day 14 after therapy