3 research outputs found
Human bite as a weapon of assault
Background: Human bite is a growing public health concern. It may be seen in both victims and aggressors following assault. Effects of human bite are both social and medical.Objectives: This study aims to determine the prevalence and characteristics of assault-related human bite injuries in Enugu, Nigeria.Methods: In this prospective study, an objective structured questionnaire was administered to assault victims attending the Forensic unit of ESUT Teaching Hospital between November 2013 and October 2014. Obtained data was analyzed.Results: Out of 219 patients presenting with clinical injuries, 29 (13.2%) sustained human bite wounds. Average age was 32.2±11.30 years and 34.3±12.4 years for victims and biters respectively. Females were more involved than males. Severe injuries resulted more in bites involving females than males. Contusion (47.6%) and laceration (31.0%) were the commonest. Upper limbs were mostly affected (44.7%) followed by the face (29.0%). Romance-related injuries affected breasts and thighs. Most incidents (62.1%) occurred within home/living quarters. Most biters were known to their victims.Conclusion: Human bite is a common outcome of assault and so should be anticipated in cases of assault. Patterns of location of bites seem related to nature of crime.Keywords: Human bite, teeth, weapon, assault, victim, biter