61 research outputs found

    Fiscal Instruments and Economic Growth in Nigeria

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    The study investigated the impact of fiscal policy instruments on economic growth in Nigeria for the period 1970- 2015, using time series data obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin. Cointegration test, Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) and Granger causality test were utilized in the analysis. The variables employed in the investigation include real gross domestic product (RGDP), government recurrent expenditure (GRE), government capital expenditure (GCE), tax revenue (TAR), external debt (EDT), domestic debt (DDT) and total export (TEXP). The results of the cointegration test indicated that long run equilibrium relationship exists among the variables under study. Similarly, the results of the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) revealed that government capital expenditure (GCE), tax revenue (TAR) and domestic debt (DDT) have negative and significant impact on economic growth in Nigeria. The results also indicated that government recurrent expenditure (GRE) and total export (TEXP) have positive and significant impact on economic growth in the economy. Similarly, the results showed that external debt (EDT) has positive and insignificant impact on economic growth in Nigeria. Furthermore, the result of the Paiwise Granger causality test revealed that unidirectional relationship exists between RGDP and GCE, GRE, TAR, TEXP with causality running from real GDP to GCE, TAR, and TEXP respectively. The result also indicated that causality runs from GRE to RGDP. However, the result showed no causality between EDT and RGDP. The implication of these results is that while RGDP is the major determinants of GCE, TAR and TEXP; GRE is one of the major determinants of real GDP in the Nigerian economy. Therefore, the study recommends that government should expand its recurrent budget expenditures more than its capital budget expenditure in Nigeria, since it has positive and significant contribution to economic growth in the economy. In so doing, economic growth will improve. More so, government should as a matter of urgency review its tax policy in the country, bring in experts free of corruption in the implementation and administration of tax policy in Nigeria. It is only in this way that the contribution of tax revenue to economic growth will positively improve in the economy. Keywords: Fiscal policy, Economic growth, Cointegration, Vector error correction model, Granger causalit

    Using the Servoual Model to Evaluate the Service Delivery of the Consumer Protection Council in Nigeria

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    This study is an in-depth empirical investigation that seeks to compare consumer expectations to perceptions in the delivery of services in the consumer protection council (CPC) in Nigeria. The aim of this study is to use SERVQUAL instrument to ascertain any actual or perceive gap between consumer expectations and perceptions of the service offered by the council. The objectives are to ascertain the tangible, reliability, assurance, responsiveness and empathy dimensions of the service quality by measuring consumers’ expectations to perceptions using the twenty-two (22) statements developed in the modified five dimension SERVQUAL. The questionnaire was subjected to reliability and validity tests. Seven research questions and seven hypotheses were formulated and tested. The statistical analysis used are mean, paired t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Findings show that there are no significant differences between the expectation and perceived CPC services for the five SERVQUAL dimensions.The study sets a ground for further research in evaluating service deliveries performance in other service industries in Nigeria such as NAFDAC, SON etc by applying both technical and image quality. Keywords: Servqual, NAFDAC, t-test, ANOVA


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    Agriculture is still the dominant occupation of over 70% of the African rural farmers. Increasing the operations of Africa’s agriculture is thus very essential in attaining industrial revolution and shift resulting in Africa’s agriculture sector growth and obliteration of poverty in African countries. The sudden break-out of industrial agro-revolution experienced an overwhelming increase in in agricultural outputs and sector development. Improved methods of production involving the use of machines and mechatronics had drastically reduced the use of old methods of cultivation (animal and human labours) which deface agriculture making it a tedious enterprise. Furthermore, the invention and introduction of advanced emerging technologies in agriculture had overhaul the entire sector aligning and fortifying it into a profitable and viable enterprise thus driving agro-industrial revolution cum transformation. This has further increased the level of agricultural productivity in terms of yields, outputs, and overall economic gains. Conclusively, agricultural innovations, revolution and transformations are currently at the third stage of industrial revolution awaiting metamorphosis into the fourth industrial revolution where advanced technologies and its drifts such as the virtual reality (VR), agro-robotics (AR), Internet of Things (IT), and artificial intelligence (AI) are domiciled and seriously changing our work patterns and ways of life. Hence, African governments are to exploit the benefits of industrial revolution via the use of advanced technological tools and inclusive policy instruments to nurture economic growth, sector development and overall transformation of the African economy

    The Relationship between Unemployment and Economic Growth in Nigeria: Granger Causality Approach

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    The study examined the relationship between unemployment and economic growth in Nigeria; and specifically focused on the impact of unemployment on economic growth for the period 1980-2013. Cointegration test, Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) technique and Granger causality test were employed in the analysis. The variables utilized in the investigation include real gross domestic product (RGDP), unemployment rate (UNEMP) and private consumption expenditure (PCE). Stationarity test was conducted and the results indicated that all the variables except UNEMP were stationary at level; however, UNEMP became stationary after first differencing. The cointegration test result revealed that long run relationship exists among the variables under study. More so, VECM result showed that unemployment has negative and significant impact on RGDP. Finally, the Granger causality results indicated unidirectional relationship between UNEMP and RGDP, with causality running from RGDP to UNEMP. Based on the findings above, the study therefore, recommends that government should as a matter of urgency create more employment opportunities to absorb the teeming population of the unemployed labour force in the country through modernization of the agricultural sector, bring in modern equipment in the facilities of agriculture to make the sector more attractive to all citizens despite one’s qualifications and profession, as that alone would go a long way in reducing unemployment level in the country. Keywords: Nigeria, Economic growth, Unemployment, Cointegration, Granger causality

    Incidence, characteristics, pattern and management of ovarian cancer in Abuja, Nigeria

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    Background: The prevalence of ovarian cancer is thought to be increasing with huge burden of the disease with no comprehensive cancer center that can offer appropriate care in developing countries. However, little is known about the incidence, pattern and outcome of this disease in Abuja, Nigeria. Therefore, the aim of this study was to review the pattern of care offered to patients with ovarian cancer in our center and to evaluate patients’ outcome.Methods: This was a retrospective review of all the patients with histologically confirmed ovarian cancers admitted to the gynecological ward of the hospital over a period of 5 years. Relevant information was extracted from the ward register and patients medical case records. Data were analyzed using statistical package for social science version 23 and results were then presented in tables and chart.Results: Ovarian cancers constituted 19.6% and 5.6% of all gynecological cancers and all gynecological admissions respectively. The mean age at presentation was 50.2±8.5 years and premenopausal 32 (55%) constituting the majority. A large proportion 43 (74.1%) of the patients were parous. The commonest symptoms at presentation were abdominal swelling (86.2%), and abdominal pain (53.4%) with the majority 38 (65.5%) presenting in an advanced stage. The commonest histological type of ovarian cancers was epithelial accounting for 30 (51.7%) of all ovarian cancers. Common treatment modality was surgery and chemotherapy and majority 32 (55.3%) of the patients had cytoreductive surgery with 19 of them having optimum cytoreduction and 33 (57%) benefitted from chemotherapy. Lost to follow- up was significantly high (55%) and mortality rate was 15.5%.Conclusion: Cases of ovarian cancers are on the increase. Women presented at an advanced stage of the disease, which resulted in short survival times. Failure of optimal management was also worsened by poor compliance to treatment with high patients' default rate

    An Assessment of TV Consumers’ Awareness of Digital Migration Process in Enugu Metropolis

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    This research assessed the level of awareness of digital migration process among TV consumers in Enugu metropolis. The study drew on the theoretical insights of Diffusion of Innovation theory to explain the diffusion path of digital migration process. The study adopted survey method employing questionnaire to collect data from respondents. Using multi-stage sampling technique, the research was guided by three research objectives and research questions respectively. The study found low level of awareness of digital migration process among residents of Enugu metropolis. Discontented with the current TV viewing experience, the respondents showed favourable disposition to digital migration and expressed willingness to explore new TV viewing experience it presents. The research established the viability potentials for the adoption of digital broadcasting among residents of Enugu metropolis as respondents acknowledged that favourable testimonial on impressive functioning of digital broadcasting from a reliable source would further encourage them to embrace the technology. Given the centrality of awareness to the diffusion process, this paper recommended well-designed sensitisation campaigns to educate Nigerians on digital migration process for a successful digital roll-out. Keywords: digitisation. analogue. broadcasting. TV. switch-over. Nigeria

    Mobile health insurance system and associated costs : a cross-sectional survey of primary health centers in Abuja, Nigeria

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    Background: Nigeria contributes only 2% to the world’s population, accounts for 10% of the global maternal death burden. Health care at primary health centers, the lowest level of public health care, is far below optimal in quality and grossly inadequate in coverage. Private primary health facilities attempt to fill this gap but at additional costs to the client. More than 65% Nigerians still pay out of pocket for health services. Meanwhile, the use of mobile phones and related services has risen geometrically in recent years in Nigeria, and their adoption into health care is an enterprise worth exploring.Objective: The purpose of this study was to document costs associated with a mobile technology–supported, community-based health insurance scheme.Methods: This analytic cross-sectional survey used a hybrid of mixed methods stakeholder interviews coupled with prototype throw-away software development to gather data from 50 public primary health facilities and 50 private primary care centers in Abuja, Nigeria. Data gathered documents costs relevant for a reliable and sustainable mobile-supported health insurance system. Clients and health workers were interviewed using structured questionnaires on services provided and cost of those services. Trained interviewers conducted the structured interviews, and 1 client and 1 health worker were interviewed per health facility. Clinic expenditure was analyzed to include personnel, fixed equipment, medical consumables, and operation costs. Key informant interviews included a midmanagement staff of a health-management organization, an officer-level staff member of a mobile network operator, and a mobile money agent.Results: All the 200 respondents indicated willingness to use the proposed system. Differences in the cost of services between public and private facilities were analyzed at 95% confidence level (P<.001). This indicates that average out-of-pocket cost of services at private health care facilities is significantly higher than at public primary health care facilities. Key informant interviews with a health management organizations and a telecom operator revealed high investment interests. Cost documentation analysis of income versus expenditure for the major maternal and child health service areas—antenatal care, routine immunization, and birth attendance for 1 year—showed that primary health facilities would still profit if technology-supported, health insurance schemes were adopted.Conclusions: This study demonstrates a case for the implementation of enrolment, encounter management, treatment verification, claims management and reimbursement using mobile technology for health insurance in Abuja, Nigeria. Available data show that the introduction of an electronic job aid improved efficiency. Although it is difficult to make a concrete statement on profitability of this venture but the interest of the health maintenance organizations and telecom experts in this endeavor provides a positive lead.peer-reviewe

    Biobleaching of Industrial Important Dyes with Peroxidase Partially Purified from Garlic

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    An acidic peroxidase was extracted from garlic (Allium sativum) and was partially purified threefold by ammonium sulphate precipitation, dialysis, and gel filtration chromatography using sephadex G-200. The specific activity of the enzyme increased from 4.89 U/mg after ammonium sulphate precipitation to 25.26 U/mg after gel filtration chromatography. The optimum temperature and pH of the enzyme were 50°C and 5.0, respectively. The Km and Vmax for H2O2 and o-dianisidine were 0.026 mM and 0.8 U/min, and 25 mM and 0.75 U/min, respectively. Peroxidase from garlic was effective in decolourizing Vat Yellow 2, Vat Orange 11, and Vat Black 27 better than Vat Green 9 dye. For all the parameters monitored, the decolourization was more effective at a pH range, temperature, H2O2 concentration, and enzyme concentration of 4.5–5.0, 50°C, 0.6 mM, and 0.20 U/mL, respectively. The observed properties of the enzyme together with its low cost of extraction (from local sources) show the potential of this enzyme for practical application in industrial wastewater treatment especially with hydrogen peroxide. These Vat dyes also exhibited potentials of acting as peroxidase inhibitors at alkaline pH range


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    The purpose of this paper was to identify the challenges of technical-skill-based small- and medium-sized entrepreneurs and industrialists (TS-SMEIs) in the South-South region of Nigeria. Adopting a mixed methodology, one hundred ninety-eight TS-SMEIs were surveyed. Over thirty focus group discussions consisting of craftsmen and artisan grouped were held. Like in other climes, SMEIs in South-South Nigeria are beset with many challenges including: inadequate institutional support, poor infrastructure, limited access to finance, low level of technology adoption, and insufficient innovation. However, contrary to previously held positions, TS-SMEIs listed lack of workspace as the most important impediment to their business success. Expanding technopreneurship ecosystem in South-South Nigeria will mean addressing many problems that current and potential TS-SMEIs face. We recommend the: provision of access to affordable financial services; building the technological infrastructure; supporting the entrepreneurial process; and building capacity of the TS-SMEIs. Lastly, this study provides an opportunity to gain insight directly from the voice of the TS-SMEIs in South-South Nigeria themselves, to understand better their needs, and make relevant recommendations for improvements. It is envisaged that this will lead to technology driven development of the region

    Evaluation of a naturally derived waste brown oil extract for demulsification of crude oil emulsion

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    Conventional methods of eliminating water from crude oil such as the chemical injection have both economic and environmental impacts; thus, this study proposed an economic and environmentally friendly demulsifier. The bottle test method was used to study the performance of the natural extract and commercial demulsifier on a crude oil sample. The GC-MS profile of the extract was in agreement with previous reports on composition of oil extracted from rice bran using hexane, ultrasound assisted extraction and conventional solvent extraction with ethanol. Varying degrees of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids as well as retention times as observed, was a function of total time of scanning, according to NIST08 library of mass spectra. The performance of the demulsifier was expressed in terms of percentage of water separated from 100 ml samples of the oil samples. For both the demulsifiers, the performance increased with increase in volume of the demulsifier, separation time and operating temperature. The extracted demulsifier performed better than the chemical demulsifier under all the experimental conditions adopted in this study. Based on the parametric evaluation, it was observed the results from software corroborated the results obtained from experiments in terms of the observations of the combined effect of temperature and volume which showed the most significant influence on demulsification of the emulsified crude. The highest efficiency of the bio-demulsifier was obtained with a volume of 5 mL of the extract, at a temperature of 70�C and separation time of 60 min
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