246 research outputs found

    Magnetization of rotating ferrofluids: the effect of polydispersity

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    The influence of polydispersity on the magnetization is analyzed in a nonequilibrium situation where a cylindrical ferrofluid column is enforced to rotate with constant frequency like a rigid body in a homogeneous magnetic field that is applied perpendicular to the cylinder axis. Then, the magnetization and the internal magnetic field are not longer parallel to each other and their directions differ from that of the applied magnetic field. Experimental results on the transverse magnetization component perpendicular to the applied field are compared and analyzed as functions of rotation frequency and field strength with different polydisperse Debye models that take into account the polydispersity in different ways and to a varying degree.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Journal of Physics

    Using Customer Satisfaction for Measuring the Effectiveness of Integrated Product Teams

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    In attempting to develop a performance measurement system for assessing the effectiveness of integrated Product Teams (iPTs), this research focused on the identification of those characteristics that were most important to the customers of Hyrs. Customer satisfaction was selected as the focal point because it is the foundation of the Integrated Weapon System Management (IWSM) philosophy which fostered the IPT approach to conducting business. The customer satisfaction data was gathered from the Quality Air Force self-assessments conducted by the B-1, B-2, F-15, F-16, F-22, and C-17 System Program Offices, as well as interviews conducted by Brigadier General Kenne with several of the major customers of the Aeronautical Systems Center. The seven characteristics identified, through the analysis of the data gathered, provide the initial step in the development of a performance measurement system for assessing the effectiveness of IPTs

    Introduction to Quasielastic Neutron Scattering

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    This tutorial introduction has been written for people who are not specialized in neutron scattering or in other scattering methods but who are interested and would like to get an impression and learn about the method of Quasielastic Neutron Scattering (QENS). The theoretical (scattering process) as well as the experimental basics (neutron sources, neutron scattering instruments, experimental periphery) are explained in a generally understandable way, with only the most essential formulas. QENS addresses the stochastic dynamics in condensed matter, and it is pointed out for which problems and for which systems in condensed matter research QENS is a powerful method. Thus sufficient information is provided to enable non-experts to think about their own QENS experiment and to understand related literature in this area of researc


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    Hexagons become second if symmetry is broken

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    Pattern formation on the free surface of a magnetic fluid subjected to a magnetic field is investigated experimentally. By tilting the magnetic field the symmetry can be broken in a controllable manner. When increasing the amplitude of the tilted field, the flat surface gives way to liquid ridges. A further increase results in a hysteretic transition to a pattern of stretched hexagons. The instabilities are detected by means of a linear array of magnetic hall sensors and compared with theoretical predictions.Comment: accepted for publication by Physical Review E/Rapid Communicatio

    Propagation of defects in doped magnetic materials of different dimensionality

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    Defects intentionally introduced into magnetic materials often have a profound effect on the physical properties. Specifically tailored neutron spectroscopic experiments can provide detailed information on both the local exchange interactions and the local distances between the magnetic atoms around the defects. This is demonstrated for manganese dimer excitations observed for the magnetically diluted three- and two-dimensional compounds KMn(x)Zn(1-x)F(3) and K(2)Mn(x)Zn(1-x)F(4), respectively. The resulting local exchange interactions deviate up to 10% from the average, and the local Mn-Mn distances are found to vary stepwise with increasing internal pressure due to the Mn/Zn substitution. Our analysis qualitatively supports the theoretically predicted decay of atomic displacements according to 1/r**2, 1/r, and constant (for three-, two-, and one-dimensional compounds, respectively) where r denotes the distance of the displaced atoms from the defect.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Сіверські князі Наримунтовичі

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    У статті досліджується генеалогія та діяльність сіверських Наримунтовичів – однієї з гілок литовсько-руської династії Гедиміновичів, представники якої наприкінці XIV – початку XV ст. володіли кількома удільними князівствами у Сіверській землі.В статье исследуется генеалогия и деятельность северских Наримунтовичей – одной из ветвей литовско-русской династии Гедиминовичей, представители которой в конце XIV – начале XV вв. владели несколькими удельными княжествами в Северской земле.The article deals with genealogy and activity of the seversky Narimuntoviches as one of branches of the Lithuanian-Russian dynasty of the Gediminoviches, representatives of which at the end XIV – beginning of XV centuries owned some specific principalities in the Seversky land

    Response of a ferrofluid to traveling-stripe forcing

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    We observe the dynamics of waves propagating on the surface of a ferrofluid under the influence of a spatially and temporarily modulated field. In particular, we excite plane waves by a travelling lamellar modulation of the magnetization. By this external driving both the wavelength and the propagation velocity of the waves can be controlled. The amplitude of the excited waves exhibits a resonance phenomenon similar to that of a forced harmonic oscillator. Its analysis reveals the dispersion relation of the free surface waves, from which the critical magnetic field for the onset of the Rosensweig instability can be extrapolated

    Faraday Instability in a Surface-Frozen Liquid

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    Faraday surface instability measurements of the critical acceleration, a_c, and wavenumber, k_c, for standing surface waves on a tetracosanol (C_24H_50) melt exhibit abrupt changes at T_s=54degC above the bulk freezing temperature. The measured variations of a_c and k_c vs. temperature and driving frequency are accounted for quantitatively by a hydrodynamic model, revealing a change from a free-slip surface flow, generic for a free liquid surface (T>T_s), to a surface-pinned, no-slip flow, characteristic of a flow near a wetted solid wall (T < T_s). The change at T_s is traced to the onset of surface freezing, where the steep velocity gradient in the surface-pinned flow significantly increases the viscous dissipation near the surface.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Physical Review Letters (in press

    Hydrogen Dynamics in Lightweight Tetrahydroborates

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    The high hydrogen content in complex hydrides such as M[AlH4]x and M[BH4]x (M = Li, Na,K, Mg, Ca) stimulated many research activities to utilize them as hydrogen storage materials. An understanding of the dynamical properties on themolecular level is important to understand and to improve the sorption kinetics. Hydrogen dynamics in complex hydrides comprise long range translational diffusion as well as localized motions like vibrations, librations or rotations. All the different motions are characterized by their specific length- and timescales. Within this review we give an introduction to the physical properties of lightweight complex hydrides and illustrate the huge variety of dynamical phenomena on selected example