47 research outputs found

    A setup for soft proton irradiation of X-ray detectors for future astronomical space missions

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    Protons that are trapped in the Earth's magnetic field are one of the main threats to astronomical X-ray observatories. Soft protons, in the range from tens of keV up to a few MeV, impinging on silicon X-ray detectors can lead to a significant degradation of the detector performance. Especially in low earth orbits an enhancement of the soft proton flux has been found. A setup to irradiate detectors with soft protons has been constructed at the Van-de-Graaff accelerator of the Physikalisches Institut of the University of T\"ubingen. Key advantages are a high flux uniformity over a large area, to enable irradiations of large detectors, and a monitoring system for the applied fluence, the beam uniformity, and the spectrum, that allows testing of detector prototypes in early development phases, when readout electronics are not yet available. Two irradiation campaigns have been performed so far with this setup. The irradiated detectors are silicon drift detectors, designated for the use on-board the LOFT space mission. This paper gives a description of the experimental setup and the associated monitoring system.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    Geant4 simulation of the residual background in the ATHENA Wide Field Imager from protons deflected by the Charged Particle Diverter

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    X-ray telescopes opened up a new window into the high-energy universe. However, the last generation of these telescopes encountered an unexpected problem: their optics focused not only X-rays but low-energy (so called soft) protons as well. These protons are very hard to model and can not be distinguished from X-rays. For example, 40\% of XMM-Newton observations is significantly contaminated by soft proton induced background flares. In order to minimize the background from such low-energy protons the Advanced Telescope for High ENergy Astrophysics (ATHENA) satellite introduced a novel concept, the so called Charged Particle Diverter (CPD). It is an array of magnets in a Hallbach design, which deflects protons below 76 keV before they would hit the Wide Field Imager (WFI) detector. In this work, we investigate the effect of scattering of the deflected protons with the CPD walls and the inner surfaces of the WFI detector assembly. Such scattered protons can loose energy, change direction and still hit the WFI. In order to adopt the most realistic instrument model, we imported the CAD model of both the CPD and the WFI focal plane assembly. Soft protons corresponding to \approx2.5 hours of exposure to the L1 solar wind are simulated in this work. The inhomogeneous magnetic field of the CPD is included in the simulation. We present a preliminary estimate of the WFI residual background induced by soft proton secondary scattering, in the case of the optical blocking filter present in the field of view. A first investigation of the volumes responsible for scattering the protons back into the field of view is reported.Comment: SPIE conference proceedin

    Athena Charged Particle Diverter (CPD) scientific assessment: preliminary results on the WFI residual background

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    Soft protons deflected by the CPD can potentially be scattered at lower energy and still reach the detection plane. Proton scattering measurements with samples of the Athena CPD surface, WFI baffle, and other compositions with different levels of roughness are currently being finalized, together with the validation of proton scattering simulations, to study the impact of secondary proton scattering. Preliminary results indicate that protons are indeed scattered with the CPD surface, with a level of mean roughness > tens of nm, with an efficiency almost uniform in scattering angle and large energy losses (>90% at 100 keV). The presence of heavier elements increases the scattering efficiency, while the impact of the roughness is still under investigation. SRIM and Geant4 simulations modelling the surface roughness are currently ongoing, and preliminary SRIM simulations are in general consistent with the measured distributions, but discrepancies in the energy losses are still under study. Preliminary results on the WFI CPD simulation aimed to confirm its compliance with the residual background requirement and to estimate the impact of secondary proton scattering were obtained with a combined simulation of the Athena SPO and the proton interaction with the WFI optical filters and detection plane, assuming no roughness on the exposed surfaces. The statistical uncertainty of the present results, with few protons reaching the WFI, is not yet enough to perform a final CPD scientific assessment and characterization of the secondary proton scattering. We can however conclude with current SRIM simulations that the WFI residual background level), if the CPD is present, is well within the requirement of 5 ✕ 10-4 counts cm-2 s-1 keV-1 in the 2 - 7 keV energy range, with a maximum level of (3.4±2.0) ✕ 10-5 counts cm-2 s-1 keV-1 obtained with only the OBF filter. Most of the protons generating background counts scatter with the filter wheel structure as the last scattering interaction. Current results indicate that no corrective measures are required to minimise the secondary proton scattering or increase the CPD efficiency, but the adoption of vanes or coatings in the filter wheel structure could help reduce the secondary proton flux at the WFI

    Multi-technique investigation of silicon nitride/aluminum membranes as optical blocking filters for high-energy space missions

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    X-ray detectors for space astrophysics missions are susceptible to noise caused by photons with energies outside the operating energy range; for this reason, efficient external optical blocking filters are required to shield the detector from the out-ofband radiation. These filters play a crucial role in meeting the scientific requirements of the X-ray detectors, and their proper operation over the life of the mission is essential for the success of the experimental activity. We studied thin sandwich membranes made of silicon nitride and aluminum as optical blocking filters for high-energy detectors in space missions. Here, we report the results of a multitechnique characterization of SiN membranes with thicknesses in the range from 40 nm to 145 nm coated with few tens of nanometers of aluminum on both sides. In particular, we have measured the X-ray transmission at synchrotron radiation beamlines, the rejection of ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared radiation, the amount of native oxide on the aluminum surfaces by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, the morphology of the sample surfaces by atomic force microscopy, and the aging effects under proton irradiation

    Mitigating the effects of particle background on the Athena Wide Field Imager

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    The Wide Field Imager (WFI) flying on Athena will usher in the next era of studying the hot and energetic Universe. Among Athena’s ambitious science programs are observations of faint, diffuse sources limited by statistical and systematic uncertainty in the background produced by high-energy cosmic ray particles. These particles produce easily identified “cosmic-ray tracks” along with less easily identified signals produced by secondary photons or x-rays generated by particle interactions with the instrument. Such secondaries produce identical signals to the x-rays focused by the optics and cannot be filtered without also eliminating these precious photons. As part of a larger effort to estimate the level of unrejected background and mitigate its effects, we here present results from a study of background-reduction techniques that exploit the spatial correlation between cosmic-ray particle tracks and secondary events. We use Geant4 simulations to generate a realistic particle background signal, sort this into simulated WFI frames, and process those frames in a similar way to the expected flight and ground software to produce a realistic WFI observation containing only particle background. The technique under study, self-anti-coincidence (SAC), then selectively filters regions of the detector around particle tracks, turning the WFI into its own anti-coincidence detector. We show that SAC is effective at improving the systematic uncertainty for observations of faint, diffuse sources, but at the cost of statistical uncertainty due to a reduction in signal. If sufficient pixel pulse-height information is telemetered to the ground for each frame, then this technique can be applied selectively based on the science goals, providing flexibility without affecting the data quality for other science. The results presented here are relevant for any future silicon-based pixelated x-ray imaging detector and could allow the WFI and similar instruments to probe to truly faint x-ray surface brightness