107 research outputs found

    Mente e matéria ou a vida das plantas

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    Revista Landa, v. 1, n. 2 (2013

    Ab initio lifetime correction to scattering states for time-dependent electronic-structure calculations with incomplete basis sets

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    We propose a method for obtaining effective lifetimes of scattering electronic states for avoiding the artificially confinement of the wave function due to the use of incomplete basis sets in time-dependent electronic-structure calculations of atoms and molecules. In this method, using a fitting procedure, the lifetimes are extracted from the spatial asymptotic decay of the approximate scattering wave functions obtained with a given basis set. The method is based on a rigorous analysis of the complex-energy solutions of the Schr{\"o}dinger equation. It gives lifetimes adapted to any given basis set without using any empirical parameters. The method can be considered as an ab initio version of the heuristic lifetime model of Klinkusch et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 131, 114304 (2009)]. The method is validated on the H and He atoms using Gaussian-type basis sets for calculation of high-harmonic-generation spectra

    Poésie, sciences et politique. Une génération d'intellectuels italiens (1290-1330)

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    International audienceRien n'est plus faux que l'image de Dante comme génie isolé, tranchant sur son époque. Il appartient au contraire à une génération d'intellectuels italiens trÚs caractéristique : laïcs, souvent curieux de plusieurs sciences, pratiquant abondamment la poésie, engagés dans l'action politique, ces savants-citoyens partagent également une forte conscience historique. Leur inventivité se manifeste en philosophie, en médecine et en droit, autant que dans l'expression littéraire. Outre des facteurs endogÚnes, une clé de ce phénomÚne tient à la réception active du savoir naturaliste élaboré à Paris, qui a été lu et assimilé en Italie hors du contrÎle des théologiens. Les parcours parallÚles d'une douzaine de personnalités actives sur plusieurs fronts montrent la nécessité d'élargir les cadres habituels de l'histoire intellectuelle médiévale

    TĂ©ratologie de la morale, ou de l’éthique au Moyen Âge

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    L’article se concentre sur le statut Ă©pistĂ©mologique de la vĂ©ritĂ© morale : contrairement Ă  d’autres formes de vĂ©ritĂ©, la vĂ©ritĂ© morale existe toujours dans des endroits autres que le lieu de sa formalisation dans des enseignements universitaires, car elle n’est jamais unique. Les identitĂ©s morales d’une Ă©poque font l’objet de diffĂ©rentes sciences (le droit, l’éthique, la rhĂ©torique, etc.), s’incarnent dans des figures et des contextes sociaux trĂšs diffĂ©rents et existent souvent sous des formes contradictoires. Toute tentative d’écrire une histoire de la pensĂ©e morale au Moyen Âge devrait donc dĂ©passer l’analyse des commentaires sur l’Éthique ou de la production acadĂ©mique. AprĂšs une discussion gĂ©nĂ©rale de la question, l’article se concentre sur trois aspects : la relation entre vĂ©ritĂ© morale et vĂ©ritĂ© juridique Ă  partir du problĂšme des « prologues de la loi » ; la façon dont le Nouveau Testament prĂ©sente l’existence de la vĂ©ritĂ© morale dans le corps mĂȘme du Christ, et, enfin, la façon dont certains thĂ©ologiens pensĂšrent la relation entre l’unitĂ© de la vĂ©ritĂ© morale et la pluralitĂ© ethnique et politique des formes de vie.The article focuses on the peculiar epistemological status of moral truth: unlike other kinds of truth, moral truth does always exist in other places than the place of its formalization in academic teachings, and is never unique. The various moral identities of a specific period are the objects of different sciences (in the past: law, ethics, rhetoric etc.; nowadays anthropology, sociology, ethics etc.); they also express themselves in different contexts and do exist in contradictory forms. Every attempt of writing a history of moral thought in the Middle Ages should consider the epistemological and empirical plurality of moral truth and stop concentrating itself on the analysis of the commentaries on Ethics or on the academic production. After a general discussion of this problem, the article focuses on three questions: the relationship between moral truth and juridical truth as exemplified in the “preludes to law”; the way moral truth exists in the very body of Christ following the Gospels; and finally the way some theologians thought the relationship between the unity of moral truth and the ethnic and political plurality of human ways of life

    MetafĂ­sica de la adivinaciĂłn

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    A natureza Ă© design

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    In the present article, published in French in the magazine Critique 2021/8, the author addresses the notion of landscape and the paradoxes of its construction, taking as reference the book The invention of rivers: Alexander’s eye and Ganga’s descent, by Dilip da Cunha, originally published in English by the University of Pennsylvania in 2019. Emanuele Coccia is associate professor of philosophy at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) in Paris. Among his publications translated into several languages, the most noteworthy are Sensible life (2010), Le bien dans les choses (2013 translation in press) and The life of plants (2016). He was co-editor, with Giorgio Agamben, of the monumental anthology Angeli. Judaism, Christianity and Islam (2009).No presente artigo, publicado em francĂȘs na revista Critique 2021/8, o autor aborda a noção de paisagem e os paradoxos de sua construção, tomando como referĂȘncia a obra The invention of rivers: Alexander’s eye and Ganga’s descent, de Dilip da Cunha, publicada originalmente em inglĂȘs pela University of Pennsylvania em 2019. Emanuele Coccia Ă© professor associado de filosofia na École de Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), em Paris. Dentre suas publicaçÔes traduzidas em diversas lĂ­nguas, destacam-se A vida sensĂ­vel (2010), Le bien dans les choses (2013) e La vie des plantes (2016). Foi coeditor, com Giorgio Agamben, da antologia monumental Angeli. Ebraismo Cristianesimo Islam (2009)

    High strain rate compression behaviour of 3D printed Carbon-PA

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    Abstract In the last few years, Fused Filament Fabrication is growing in the industrial field for the manufacture of final products by using new materials with high mechanical performances. Among those, one of the strongest is Carbon-PA. This is a composite material made by Nylon thermoplastic matrix filled with short carbon fibers reinforces. The aim of this work is to investigate its mechanical properties in static and dynamic conditions. Cylindrical specimens were produced by extruding the material in the three main printing directions. Then, uniaxial quasi-static and dynamic compression tests have been performed to evaluate its strain rate sensitivity. Dynamic tests have been carried out through a direct Split Hopkinson Bar setup with a pulse-shaping technique. The results show a compression behaviour dependent on the printing direction and strain rate. The behaviour of Carbon-PA was different between static and dynamic condition, passing from ductile to brittle. Moreover, a tomography analysis was carried out on the samples to evaluate the voids distribution. Graphic abstrac

    Defective FoxP3+ Treg cell differentiation in the gut of Type 1 Diabetic patients

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    Environmental factors that act at the intestinal level such as diet, drugs, and microflora have a high impact on the pathogenesis of autoimmune Type 1 Diabetes (T1D), but it is still unclear how the gut milieu affects autoimmunity outside the intestine. Here we show that peripheral FoxP3+ Treg cell differentiation, a mechanism that takes place in the gut and is crucial to maintain systemic immune tolerance, is impaired in T1D patients. These results provide the first evidence that gut mucosa alteration could predispose to autoimmune T1D by affecting systemic immune regulation
