6 research outputs found

    Reference values for spirometry in preschool children

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    OBJECTIVES: Reference values for lung function tests differ in samples from different countries, including values for preschoolers. The main objective of this study was to derive reference values in this population. METHODS: A prospective study was conducted through a questionnaire applied to 425 preschool children aged 3 to 6 years, from schools and day-care centers in a metropolitan city in Brazil. Children were selected by simple random sampling from the aforementioned schools. Peak expiratory flow (PEF), forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volumes (FEV1, FEV0.50), forced expiratory flow (FEF25-75) and FEV1/FVC, FEV0.5/FVC and FEF25-75/FVC ratios were evaluated. RESULTS: Of the 425 children enrolled, 321 (75.6%) underwent the tests. Of these, 135 (42.0%) showed acceptable results with full expiratory curves and thus were included in the regression analysis to define the reference values. Height and gender significantly influenced FVC values through linear and logarithmic regression analysis. In males, R2 increased with the logarithmic model for FVC and FEV1, but the linear model was retained for its simplicity. The lower limits were calculated by measuring the fifth percentile residues. CONCLUSION: Full expiratory curves are more difficult to obtain in preschoolers. In addition to height, gender also influences the measures of FVC and FEV1. Reference values were defined for spirometry in preschool children in this population, which are applicable to similar populations.OBJETIVOS: Valores de referência para testes de função pulmonar diferem em amostras de diferentes países, incluindo valores para pré-escolares. O objetivo principal do presente estudo foi derivar valores de referência em nossa população. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo prospectivo, com aplicação de questionário a 425 crianças pré-escolares com idade variando entre três e seis anos, provenientes de escolas e creches públicas e privadas de uma cidade metropolitana do Brasil. As crianças foram selecionadas por amostragem aleatória simples dos referidos educandários. Foram avaliados: PFE, CVF, VEF1 VEF0,50, FEF25-75 e as relações: VEF1/CVF, VEF0,5/CVF e FEF25-75/CVF. RESULTADOS: Das 425 crianças recrutadas, 321 (75,6%) realizaram os testes. Destas, 135 (42,0%) apresentaram manobras aceitáveis, com curvas expiratórias completas e fizeram parte da análise de regressão para definir os valores de referência. Por análise de regressão linear e logarítmica, a estatura e o sexo influenciaram significativamente nas medidas de CVF. No sexo masculino, o r² se elevou com o modelo logarítmico, para a CVF e VEF1, porém o modelo linear foi mantido, por sua simplicidade. Os limites inferiores foram calculados através das medidas do 5º percentil dos resíduos. CONCLUSÃO: Curvas expiratórias completas são de mais difícil obtenção em pré-escolares. Além da estatura, o sexo também influencia nas medidas de CVF e VEF1. Foram definidos valores de referência para espirometria em crianças pré-escolares, nessa população, aplicáveis a populações semelhantes.Universidade Federal de PernambucoUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de MedicinaUFPE Departamento de Medicina ClínicaFundação Oswaldo Cruz Centro de Pesquisas Ageu MagalhãesUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de MedicinaSciEL

    Do infants with cow's milk protein allergy have inadequate levels of vitamin D?

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    Objective: To verify whether infants with cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) have inadequate vitamin D levels. Methods: This cross‐sectional study included 120 children aged 2 years or younger, one group with CMPA and a control group. The children were recruited at the pediatric gastroenterology, allergology, and pediatric outpatient clinics of a university hospital in the Northeast of Brazil. A questionnaire was administered to the caregiver and blood samples were collected for vitamin D quantification. Vitamin D levels <30 ng/mL were considered inadequate. Vitamin D level was expressed as mean and standard deviation, and the frequency of the degrees of sufficiency and other variables, as proportions. Results: Infants with CMPA had lower mean vitamin D levels (30.93 vs.35.29 ng/mL; p = 0.041) and higher deficiency frequency (20.3% vs.8.2; p = 0.049) than the healthy controls. Exclusively or predominantly breastfed infants with CMPA had higher frequency of inadequate vitamin D levels (p = 0.002). Regardless of sun exposure time, the groups had similar frequencies of inadequate vitamin D levels (p = 0.972). Conclusions: Lower vitamin D levels were found in infants with CMPA, especially those who were exclusively or predominantly breastfed, making these infants a possible risk group for vitamin D deficiency

    Do infants with cow's milk protein allergy have inadequate levels of vitamin D?

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    Abstract Objective: To verify whether infants with cow's milk protein allergy have inadequate vitamin D levels. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 120 children aged 2 years or younger, one group with cow's milk protein allergy and a control group. The children were recruited at the pediatric gastroenterology, allergology, and pediatric outpatient clinics of a university hospital in the Northeast of Brazil. A questionnaire was administered to the caregiver and blood samples were collected for vitamin D quantification. Vitamin D levels <30 ng/mL were considered inadequate. Vitamin D level was expressed as mean and standard deviation, and the frequency of the degrees of sufficiency and other variables, as proportions. Results: Infants with cow's milk protein allergy had lower mean vitamin D levels (30.93 vs.35.29 ng/mL; p = 0.041) and higher deficiency frequency (20.3% vs.8.2; p = 0.049) than the healthy controls. Exclusively or predominantly breastfed infants with cow's milk protein allergy had higher frequency of inadequate vitamin D levels (p = 0.002). Regardless of sun exposure time, the groups had similar frequencies of inadequate vitamin D levels (p = 0.972). Conclusions: Lower vitamin D levels were found in infants with CMPA, especially those who were exclusively or predominantly breastfed, making these infants a possible risk group for vitamin D deficiency

    Prevalência de asma em funcionários de hospital universitário avaliada por meio de questionário de saúde respiratória da Comunidade Européia Asthma prevalence among employees of a university hospital as evaluated using a European Union respiratory health questionnaire

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    OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de asma brônquica em funcionários de um hospital universitário, com idades entre 20 e 44 anos, segundo os critérios do European Community Respiratory Health Survey. MÉTODOS: Através de estudo descritivo, prospectivo, aleatório e estratificado de prevalência, foram analisados os questionários de 351 funcionários do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, entre abril e outubro de 2002. Foram consideradas as variáveis de caracterização amostral, as independentes referentes a sinais e sintomas e a dependente (asma, caracterizada pela informação de crise, diagnosticada por médico, nos doze meses anteriores à pesquisa). RESULTADOS: A prevalência de asma foi de 10,7%. Dispnéia noturna, sensação de aperto torácico e tosse noturna foram os sintomas mais freqüentes, com significância só no sexo feminino (respectivamente p = 0,03, p = 0,04 e p = 0,001). Dispnéia noturna, sibilos nos últimos doze meses, dispnéia com sibilos e uso de medicação para asma predominaram entre 20 e 29 anos, com significância para os dois últimos sintomas (p < 0,001). Houve 35 casos de subtratamento de asma (10,7%). CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo, pioneiramente analisando casuística de funcionários de um hospital universitário de país em desenvolvimento, mostra que a prevalência de asma foi um pouco mais elevada que a encontrada na literatura e sugere que o trabalho em hospital universitário não reduz a freqüência de subtratamento.<br>OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of bronchial asthma among university hospital employees between the ages of 20 and 44 based on the criteria established in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey. METHODS: A descriptive, prospective, randomized, stratified prevalence study was conducted, in which questionnaires completed between April and October of 2002 by 351 employees of the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (Federal University at Pernambuco) Hospital das Clínicas were evaluated. For sample characterization, the independent variables used were the signs and symptoms of asthma, and one dependent variable (physician-diagnosed asthma, characterized by data related to attacks occurring within the 12 months preceding the study) was included. RESULTS: The prevalence of asthma was 10.7%. Nocturnal dyspnea, chest tightness and nocturnal cough were the most frequent symptoms, although statistically significant correlations with asthma were found exclusively among females (p = 0.03, p = 0.04 and p = 0.001, respectively). Nocturnal dyspnea, wheezing within the last 12 months, dyspnea with wheezing and the use of asthma medication were more frequent among individuals between 20 and 29 years of age. The last two variables presented statistical significance (p < 0.001). Undertreatment of asthma was identified in 35 (10.7%) of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this pioneering study show that asthma prevalence in a sample composed of employees of a university hospital located in a developing country was slightly higher than that found in the literature and suggest that working in a university hospital does not reduce the frequency of undertreatment

    O conhecimento de pediatras sobre alergia alimentar: estudo piloto Pediatricians' knowledge on food allergy: pilot study

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar o conhecimento de pediatras sobre alergia alimentar. MÉTODOS: Dados obtidos de questionário padronizado, postado e respondido por pediatras filiados à Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria (SBP). Digitação dos dados em planilha Excel e análise de freqüência de respostas afirmativas em porcentagem. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 895 questionários preenchidos por pediatras de todo o país, com predomínio da região Sudeste (61,6%). Segundo os pediatras entrevistados, as manifestações diagnósticas de alergia alimentar são: respiratórias, cutâneas e sistêmicas, em iguais proporções. Ainda segundo estes pediatras, leite de vaca (98,9%), clara de ovo (58,7%) e amendoim (50,9%) são os principais alimentos associados a essas manifestações. Embora 74,8% dos respondedores tivessem identificados os corantes e aditivos alimentares como responsáveis pela alergia alimentar, apenas 19,4% conheciam o código de identificação da tartrazina. CONCLUSÕES: Os dados apresentados reforçam a necessidade de ampliação dos conhecimentos dos profissionais de saúde sobre o diagnóstico e tratamento da alergia alimentar, com o objetivo de garantir o uso de critérios diagnósticos e terapêuticos mais adequados.<br>OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the knowledge of Brazilian pediatricians about food allergy. METHODS: Data was obtained from a sent back posted written questionnaire. It was filled in by Brazilian pediatricians, affiliated to the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics. Data was transcript to an Excel spread sheet and the frequency of affirmative responses was reported as percentages. RESULTS: Data from 895 written questionnaire of pediatricians from all over Brazil, (mainly from the southeastern region - 61.6%), were analyzed. The main clinical expressions of food allergy determined by the pediatricians were: respiratory, cutaneous and systemic symptoms (equal proportions). According to these pediatricians, cow's milk (98.9%), egg white (58.7%) and peanuts (50.9%) were the main allergens related to food allergy symptoms. Although 74.8% of the responders have indicated food dyes and food additives as associated to food allergies, only 19.4% of them knew the identification code of tartrarzine. CONCLUSIONS: The presented data reinforce the need to improve the pediatricians' knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment of food allergy, in order to assure the use of appropriate diagnostic and treatment criteria