199 research outputs found


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    Objective: Diabetes is known to induce oxidative stress along with deranging various metabolisms. One of the most serious complications of diabetes, a disease that has seen a worldwide increase in the prevalence, is diabetic retinopathy, which is a leading cause of acquired blindness. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of oat on the diabetic-induced oxidative stress and if this can attenuate the development of diabetic retinopathy.Methods: Changes on retina structure were performed by using the application of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.Results: The results demonstrated that diabetic retinopathy was associated with changes on the retina structure which appear after received a single dose of streptozotocin (STZ) 60 mg/kg. These changes clearly appeared in the NH-OH, CH and fingerprint regions. The use of oat in case of diabetic was associated with different beneficial effects on the retina constituents, as showed by the changes toward control of the same Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy bands.Conclusion: Oat can be considered as a novel treatment modality for diabetic retinopathy and further studies is required to optimize dosing and formulations that are maximally effective.Â

    The Relation between Fatigue Level and Nurses’ Caring Behavior in The Orthopedic Department

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    Contents: Caring is a concept that is inherently difficult to define. The term caring is expressed in different ways in many cultures. Nurses' caring can impact a person's life processes, wellbeing, and functioning. On the other hand, fatigue is a subjective unpleasant feeling ranging from tiredness to exhaustion that could be physical, mental, or both. It may significantly interfere with functioning and may persist despite periods of rest. Aim: The present study investigates the relation between fatigue level and nurses' caring behavior in the orthopedic department.Methods: Research formulates three questions. What is the nurses' level of fatigue in the orthopedic department? What are the nurses' caring behaviors in the orthopedic department? What is the relation between fatigue level and nurses' caring behavior in the orthopedic department? The study utilized a correlational research design. The study was conducted in El Hadra Orthopedic and Traumatology University Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt, on all available nurses (50 nurses) who provide direct patient care and work in the previously mentioned setting. Two tools were used for data collection. Structured interview questionnaire; It consists of two parts. The first part was concerned with socio-demographic data, past medical history of psychological problems, and chronic illness. The second part was the Fatigue Visual Analog Scale (VAS), a one-dimensional scale, consisting of an unmarked 10 cm line to rate the nurses' level of fatigue. The second tool was the Orthopedic Nurse Caring Behavior Observation Checklist. This tool was used to assess nurses' caring behavior toward orthopedic patients through concealed observation.Results: It was observed that 60.0% of studied nurses had a severe level of fatigue. The study showed a moderate level of caring behaviors with a mean of 199.92±13.50 for the morning shift nurses and 222.34±14.27 for the nurses in the evening shift. The study evidenced a significant correlation between fatigue level and overall caring behavior.Conclusion: About two-thirds of the studied nurses had a severe level of fatigue. The overall nurses' caring behaviors dimensions were of a moderate degree. There is a significant positive correlation between fatigue level and the overall nurses' caring behaviors in both morning and evening shifts in the orthopedic department. The study recommended providing nurses with fatigue countermeasure strategies and to provide the organization with strategies to overcome fatigue. Nurses are recommended to pay more attention to caring behaviors

    Effect of Triage Education on Nurses’ Performance in Diverse Emergency Departments

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    Context: Nurses are the primary anchorpersons of triage in emergency departments. Triage nurses should have the proper education and proficiency in emergency triage, decision making, and emergency nursing care. Training on triage is an integral part of emergency nursing education. Poor performance and lack of education are well documented in the literature.Aim: This study aimed at evaluating the effect of triage education on emergency nurses’ performance in diverse emergency departments. Methods: Quasi-experimental (pre, post-test design) used to achieve the aim of this study. A purposive sample of one hundred fifty emergency nurses worked at pediatric, Obstetric, and adult emergency departments affiliated to three major governmental hospitals in Beni-Suef Governorate. The nurses’ knowledge, practice, and attitude have been assessed using a self-administered questionnaire, triage competencies observational checklist, and nurses’ attitude measuring scale. Results: The study revealed poor nurses’ triage knowledge, practice, and negative attitude for the studied nurses before triage education, compared to a significant improvement after triage educational program, with a statistically significant difference among the three- implementation phases (pre, post, and one month follow up).Conclusion: The nurses who are subjected to triage education improved in their knowledge, practice, and attitude at the post-intervention evaluation compared to their pre-intervention level, which was sustained after a one-month follow-up. These findings support the study hypotheses. Based on these findings, the study recommended the publication and dissemination of the triage educational program. Besides, fostering and sustaining the improvements in practices regarding triage in ED through the orientation of new nurses, on-the-job training, and continuous education

    Effect of Perioperative Instructions on Postoperative Discomforts and Satisfaction Level among Patients Undergoing Thyroidectomy

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    Context: Thyroidectomy is a type of surgery directed to remove all or part of the thyroid gland. Documented complications after thyroidectomy are rare, but their consequences can often be life-threatening. Patients who receive perioperative instructions about what to expect after the operation often have better coping with postoperative discomforts minimize post-surgical complications and reduce the duration of hospitalization. It also improves patient safety and reduces the anxiety induced by the intervention. In addition to this, it elevates the patient's satisfaction level. So, perioperative instructions are essential. Aim: The present study aims to determine the effect of perioperative instructions on postoperative discomforts and satisfaction levels among patients undergoing thyroidectomy. The study hypothesized that postoperative patients who receive the perioperative instructions exhibit fewer discomforts and more satisfaction than those who do not.Methods: The study utilizes a quasi-experimental (study/control group) design. It was conducted at the Head and Neck Surgical Department of Alexandria Main University Hospital. A convenience sample included 70 adult patients were selected from the setting mentioned above who have enrolled in either study or control groups of 35 patients for each. Three tools were used for data collection. A structured interview questionnaire aimed to assess the socio-demographic characteristics and clinical data of the study subjects. Discomfort assessment scale to rate the patient's level of discomfort against six common postoperative problems. Perioperative instructions patients’ satisfaction questionnaire developed to determine the patients′ satisfaction level regarding perioperative instructions. Results: There were statistically significant differences among the study and control groups in the first, second, and third weeks regarding total discomfort score level, where t=3.606, p=<0.001; t=3.049, p=<0.001; t=21.213, p=<0.001respectively. The studied patients had a higher level of satisfaction compared to those in the control group with statistically significant differences regarding overall scores of satisfaction, and with preoperative instruction, postoperative instruction, and psychological preparation, where t=48.382, p=<0.001; t=6.023, p=<0.001; t=27.997, p=<0.001; t=32.939, p=<0.001respectively. Conclusion: The study hypotheses were accepted as postoperative patients who receive perioperative instructions exhibit less discomfort and a more satisfying level than those who do not. The perioperative instructions should be applied to the care of patients undergoing thyroidectomy to decrease patients' discomfort and increase their satisfaction level

    Effects of gamma irradiation on salted and frozen mullet fish during storage period

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    The objective of the present study was to investigate the influence of gamma irradiation on decontamination of microbial loud of salted and frozen mullet fish. Mullet fish samples were divided into two groups: The first group was frozen at – 20C° and the second group was dry salted with ordinary commercial refined salt at ratio 1 kg fish / 0.8 kg. Each group was subjected to 0, 2.5 and 5 kGy of gamma irradiation doses before storage period. The results showed that, gamma irradiation hadn’t any significant (P?0.05) effects on the chemical composition and minerals content of mullet fish samples under investigation. Gamma irradiation doses (2.5 and 5.0 kGy) had not significant remarkable effect at P?0.05 on sensory properties (appearance, odor, texture and color) of dry and frozen mullet fish samples neither at zero time nor during storage periods. Microbial aspects (total bacterial counts, coliform bacteria, salmonella, sporeforming bacteria and total molds and yeasts) were detected. Also it could be concluded that, gamma irradiation had a significant (P?0.05) decrease effects on microbial loud and improve the microbiological safety of salted and frozen mullet fishes without any adverse effects on their chemical contents and quality. Keywords: key words, Gamma irradiation, Salting, freezing, Mullet fish, Minerals, Microbial loud

    Evaluation of some phenolic extracts against aphids (Aphis craccivora) Koch under laboratory conditions

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    Local farmers worldwide have complained in recent years that insect pests have become resistant to the majority of insecticides, owing to pesticide abuse. In addition, highly poisonous and harmful substances may cause health and environmental dangers. Friendly alternatives such as plant extracts are the main targets as substituents to synthetic pesticides. The present study aimed to extract total phenols from some plants and evaluate their efficacy on aphids, Aphis craccivora, under laboratory conditions. Four methanolic plant extracts from Punica granatum, Lantana camara, Portulaca oleracea and Ziziphus jujuba, containing phenolic components were evaluated against A. craccivora through: slide dipping, spraying, and leaf dipping techniques. Generally, positive relationships between the concentrations of the tested phenolic extracts and their mortality percentages were noticed in the case of slide dipping and spraying techniques. Conversely, no biological efficacy was found using the leaf dipping technique. The descending order of effectiveness of the tested extracts depending on their EC50 values was 0.017, 0.321, 1.142 and 16.114 ppm for Z. jujuba, P. oleraceae P. granatum and L. comara, respectively, in the case of the slide dipping technique. In contrast, P. granatum, L. camara, P. oleraceae and Z. jujuba had EC50 values of 0.0023, 0.017, 0.321 and 2.3409 ppm, respectively, in the case of the spraying technique. Additionally, a direct proportion was found between mortality percentages and treatment period for plant extracts under study with both techniques. After formulation and completion of additional essential field research, phenols isolated from the plants under study could be employed to combat A. craccivora

    Uterine Cavity Abnormalities in Patients with Endometriosis in Alexandria: A Diagnostic Test Accuracy Study

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    Endometriosis is strongly associated with infertility. Endometrial polyps are prevalent in infertile women and they have similar pathological characteristics to endometriosis, suggesting a possible association. Uterine malformations as uterine septum and hypoplastic uterus are also linked to endometriosis. Hysterosalpingogram and transvaginal ultrasonography are used to diagnose endometrial lesions. Hysteroscopy can detect small lesions that might be missed. Recently, 4D ultrasonography is being used, but which is superior has not been established yet. We aim to compare 4D ultrasonography to office hysteroscopy in evaluating uterine cavity in cases with endometriosis; also we aim at correlating these findings with the stage of endometriosis. 50 cases of endometriosis diagnosed by laparoscopy were randomly selected from El Shatby fertility clinic, Alexandria University, Egypt, with exclusion of cases with any previous intrauterine surgery or any hormonal treatment. Transvaginal 4D ultrasonography and office hysteroscopy were done. 4D ultrasonography agreed with office hysteroscopy in diagnosing abnormal uterine findings in 14 cases and four additional cases were diagnosed by hysteroscopy alone. Conclusion. Endometrial polyps, septate uterus, and hypoplastic uterus are more prevalent among infertile women who happen to have endometriosis. 4D ultrasonography and office hysteroscopy are equally successful in assessing the uterine cavity

    Uterine Cavity Abnormalities in Patients with Endometriosis in Alexandria: A Diagnostic Test Accuracy Study

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    Endometriosis is strongly associated with infertility. Endometrial polyps are prevalent in infertile women and they have similar pathological characteristics to endometriosis, suggesting a possible association. Uterine malformations as uterine septum and hypoplastic uterus are also linked to endometriosis. Hysterosalpingogram and transvaginal ultrasonography are used to diagnose endometrial lesions. Hysteroscopy can detect small lesions that might be missed. Recently, 4D ultrasonography is being used, but which is superior has not been established yet. We aim to compare 4D ultrasonography to office hysteroscopy in evaluating uterine cavity in cases with endometriosis; also we aim at correlating these findings with the stage of endometriosis. 50 cases of endometriosis diagnosed by laparoscopy were randomly selected from El Shatby fertility clinic, Alexandria University, Egypt, with exclusion of cases with any previous intrauterine surgery or any hormonal treatment. Transvaginal 4D ultrasonography and office hysteroscopy were done. 4D ultrasonography agreed with office hysteroscopy in diagnosing abnormal uterine findings in 14 cases and four additional cases were diagnosed by hysteroscopy alone. Conclusion. Endometrial polyps, septate uterus, and hypoplastic uterus are more prevalent among infertile women who happen to have endometriosis. 4D ultrasonography and office hysteroscopy are equally successful in assessing the uterine cavity

    Nursing Students' Perception of Conflict Management Styles of their Nursing Educators

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    Background: The interactive nature of the teaching process is built on a social relationship between teachers and students. Conflicts in the relationship between students and teachers may occur for a several reasons. Effective and constructive management of conflict can decrease its negative effects on the learning environment, students, and educators. Purpose: This study aims to investigate nursing students' perception of conflict management styles of their nursing educators. Methodology: The study was conducted in Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University. 475 nursing students enrolled in the four academic years of the faculty were participated in the current study. Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory–II (ROCI–II) used in this study to determine conflict management styles nursing educators use to handle conflict with students as perceived by students. Results: Nursing students perceived that Avoiding was the most frequently style used by their nursing educators for conflict management. While, Integrating style was the lowest one. Other variables could influence their perception of conflict management styles such as sex, class year, frequency of experiencing conflict, and status of feeling successful in conflict management. Recommendation: The findings highlighted the importance of providing appropriate training programs for conflict management and resolution periodically to nursing educators in order to teach them how to deal with student’ conflict more effectively. Nurse educators should utilize strategies like communicating respect, clarifying course goals, involving students in solving problems, and encouraging a sense of clinical and classroom community  which could be helpful in managing conflict successfully. Keywords: Conflict management style, nursing educators, student - teacher conflict, ROCI-I

    Optimal design and integration of solar systems and fossil fuels for process cogeneration

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    Because of the fluctuations in incident solar power, outlet power also changes over time (e.g., on an hourly basis or seasonally). If there is a need for a stable power outlet, there are options towards a steady state output of the system. This work is aimed at the development of systematic design procedures for two solar-based power generation strategies. The first is integration of fossil-fuel with the solar system to provide a compensation effect (power backup to supplement the power main source from solar energy). The second is the use of thermal energy storage (TES) systems to save solar energy in a thermal form and use it when solar input decreases. A common TES configuration is the two-tank system which allows the use of the collector heat transfer fluid (HTF) as a storing medium. For the two tanks, one tank has the hot medium (e.g., a molten salt) and the second has the cold storage media. Specifically, the following design challenges are addressed: 1. What is the optimal mix of energy forms to be supplied to the process? 2. What are the optimal scenario and integration mode to deliver the selected energy forms? How should they be integrated among themselves and with the process? 3. What is the optimal design of the energy systems? 4. What is the optimal dynamic strategy for operating the various energy systems? 5. What is the feasibility of using thermal energy storage to this optimum fossil fuel system? The developed procedure includes gathering and generation of relevant solar and climatic data, modeling of the various components of the solar, fossil, and power generation systems, and optimization of several aspects of the hybrid system. A case study is solved to demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of the devised procedure
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