3 research outputs found

    A COVID-19 megelőzésére szolgáló vakcinák összetétele, működési elve = Composition and working principle of COVID-19 vaccines

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    A SARS-CoV-2 vírus által okozott COVID-19 járvány rendkívüli gyorsasággal elterjedt az egész világon. A vírus visszaszorítására hozott intézkedések csak a járvány kordában tartására elegendők, és gyorsan kiderült, hogy a járvány elleni küzdelem legesélyesebb módja az oltások kifejlesztése lehet. Világszerte sok vállalat kezdett oltásokat fejleszteni, és soha nem látott gyorsasággal, kevesebb, mint egy év alatt számos oltást készítettek. A SinoPharm és a SinoVac hagyományosan, inaktivált vírusokból készített vakcinákat, a Johnson & Johnson, az AstraZeneca és az Orosz Egészségügyi Minisztérium kutatóközpontja rekombináns DNS-t csomagolt különböző adenovírusokból felépített vektorokba, a Pfizer és Moderna módosított mRNS vakcinákat fejlesztettek ki mesterséges lipid nanorészecskék felhasználásával. Ezenkívül számos, új ötlet alapján született oltóanyag jutott el klinikai vizsgálatig. A SARS-CoV-2 vírus olyan újabb mutációi, melyek elősegítik a vírus terjedését, újabb járványhullámokat okoznak. A tavaszi járványt a tüskefehérje D614G kicserélődése okozta. A Dél-Afrikában, Brazíliában, Angliában azonosított mutációk szintén megnövelik a fertőzés kockázatát és manapság számos új megbetegedést okoznak. A világ népességének nagy részét be kell oltani a járvány elleni küzdelemhez szükséges nyájimmunitás elérése érdekében, ezért az oltás kérdése mindannyiunkat érint. Jelen közlemény célja egy magyar nyelvű, molekuláris biológiai szemléletű képet nyújtani a SARSCoV-2 vírus ellen kifejlesztett vakcinák működési elvéről. = The COVID-19 epidemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has spread around the world at an extraordinary rate. Measures to curb the virus are only enough to keep the epidemic under control and it quickly became clear that the only way to fight the epidemic could be to develop vaccines. Many companies around the world have begun to develop vaccines and have produced a number of vaccines in less than a year at an unprecedented rate. SinoPharm and SinoVac have traditionally made vaccines made from inactivated viruses, and research centers from Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca and the Russian Ministry of Health have packaged recombinant DNA into vectors constructed from various adenoviruses. Pfizer’s and Moderna’s modified mRNA vaccines have been developed encapsulated in artificial lipid nanoparticles. In addition, a number of vaccines based on new ideas have reached clinical trials. Newer mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 virus that promote the spread of the virus cause new waves of epidemics. The spring epidemic was caused by the replacement of the spike protein D614G, and the mutations identified in South Africa, Brazil and England also increase the risk of infection and cause a number of new diseases today. A large part of the world’s population needs to be vaccinated in order to achieve the flock immunity needed to fight the epidemic, so the issue of vaccination affects us all. The aim of this paper is to provide a molecular biological picture in Hungarian of the working principle of vaccines developed against the SARS-CoV-2 viru

    Az új koronavírus okozta járvány első hullámának jellemzői és esetleges kapcsolata a tuberkulózis elleni oltottsággal = A summary of characteristics of the first wave of new type coronavirus epidemic and potential association with tuberculosis vaccination

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    Introduction: The new type of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) epidemic is widespread throughout the world. During the outbreak of the pandemic in Europe it was revealed that the rate of spread was lower in countries where extensive BCG vaccination is used to protect against tuberculosis. Objective: In the present work, we sought to explore relationships that influenced epidemic spreading parameters, with particular reference to BCG vaccination practice. Methods: We examined the first wave of the spread of the epidemic for all countries in the world where adequate quality statistics were available. We analyzed the duration of the epidemic, the extent of the peak, the number of infected people, and the number of deaths per million inhabitants with the moving average of epidemic curves. We took into account the economic indicators of the countries (GDP, air traffic and extent of maritime shipping). Statistical analysis: The examined parameters did not show a normal distribution, so we looked for a statistical relationship with non-parametric tests (rank correlation, Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA) between the extents of epidemic spread, BCG vaccination and other parameters. Results: The epidemic spread rapidly around the world, but still, in the first three weeks of February, there was a pause in the spread. The first wave of epidemics ended roughly at the same time in Europe. Those countries are the most affected by the epidemic where regular BCG vaccination has not been used, although the picture is complicated by the fact that these countries are mostly economically developed. There was no such difference observable in the mortality rate. Conclusion: Although this work clearly demonstrates that during the first wave of the pandemic, fewer infections were reported worldwide in countries where BCG vaccination is obligatory, however, the causal relationship is uncertain, as the countries’ past, customs, social organization and economic development are different. Our results support the necessity of comparative contact tracing to clarify how BCG vaccination affects people’s susceptibility to this new type of coronavirus as well as their ability to spread and transmit the virus. © 2021 Akademiai Kiado Rt.. All rights reserved