254 research outputs found

    Response to “Cortisol in Human Milk: The Good, the Bad, or the Ugly?”

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    A response to Finken et al.\u27s Cortisol in Human Milk: The Good, the Bad, or the Ugly? , a critique of the authors\u27 previous article Cortisol in human milk predicts child BMI

    Psychobiological Stress and Preterm Birth

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    Children's Brain Development Benefits from Longer Gestation

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    Disruptions to brain development associated with shortened gestation place individuals at risk for the development of behavioral and psychological dysfunction throughout the lifespan. The purpose of the present study was to determine if the benefit for brain development conferred by increased gestational length exists on a continuum across the gestational age spectrum among healthy children with a stable neonatal course. Neurodevelopment was evaluated with structural magnetic resonance imaging in 100 healthy right-handed 6- to 10-year-old children born between 28 and 41 gestational weeks with a stable neonatal course. Data indicate that a longer gestational period confers an advantage for neurodevelopment. Longer duration of gestation was associated with region-specific increases in gray matter density. Further, the benefit of longer gestation for brain development was present even when only children born full term were considered. These findings demonstrate that even modest decreases in the duration of gestation can exert profound and lasting effects on neurodevelopment for both term and preterm infants and may contribute to long-term risk for health and disease

    Does Alignment in the Hindfoot Radiograph Influence Dynamic Foot-floor Pressures in Ankle and Tibiotalocalcaneal Fusion?

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    Background: The Saltzman-el-Khoury hindfoot alignment view (HAV) is considered the gold standard for assessing the axis from hindfoot to tibia. However, it is unclear whether radiographic alignment influences dynamic load distribution during gait. Questions/purposes: We evaluated varus-valgus alignment by the HAV and its influence on dynamic load distribution in ankle and tibiotalocalcaneal (TTC) arthrodesis. Patients and Methods: We clinically assessed 98 patients (ankle, 56; TTC, 42) with SF-36 and American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) scores, visual hindfoot alignment, HAV angle, and dynamic pedobarography using a five-step method. For comparison, 70 normal feet were evaluated. Minimum followup was 2years (average, 4.11years; range, 2-6years). Results: The mean HAV angle was −0.8°±7.8° for ankle and −1.2°±6.9° for TTC arthrodesis. The HAV angle correlated with pedobarographic load distribution (r=0.35-0.53). Radiographic alignment did not influence SF-36 or AOFAS scores; however, load distribution correlated to qualities of these scores. Visual alignment only predicted the corresponding HAV angle in 48%. To reproduce the dynamic load of healthy subjects, HAV angles of 5° to 10° valgus were needed. Conclusions: Visual positioning is inadequate to determine intraoperative positioning and resulted in a varus position with a relatively large SD. The HAV should be used to assess the hindfoot alignment correctly. HAV angles of 5° to 10° valgus are needed to reproduce a physiologic gait patter

    Maternal Prenatal Cortisol Trajectories Predict Accelerated Growth in Infancy

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    Higher maternal cortisol in pregnancy has been linked to childhood obesity. Much of the previous research has been limited in that cortisol in pregnancy is only measured at one time-point, precluding the ability to examine critical timing effects of prenatal maternal cortisol. To fill this gap, this longitudinal study measured maternal plasma cortisol at 15, 19, 25, and 31 weeks of pregnancy, and assessed infant body mass index percentile (BMIP)1 at birth, 3, 6, 12, and 24 months in 189 mother-infant pairs. Three distinct patterns of maternal cortisol in pregnancy (typical, steep, and flat trajectories) were identified using general growth mixture modeling (GGMM)2 and then used to predict child growth patterns using multilevel modeling. Infants of mothers who had flat cortisol trajectories, characterized by relatively high cortisol in early gestation that plateaus by mid-gestation, experienced more rapid increases in BMIP from birth to 6 months, and had higher BMIPs at 3 and 6 months, than infants whose mothers had the typical slow cortisol rise over gestation, or steep (rapidly accelerating) trajectories. These results suggest that it is not just the total amount of maternal cortisol in pregnancy that shapes early infant growth, but instead the timing and trajectory of prenatal cortisol exposure. To better understand the early origins of obesity risk, future research is needed to investigate the factors that shape mothers’ prenatal cortisol trajectories

    Patterns of Maternal Distress from Pregnancy Through Childhood Predict Psychopathology During Early Adolescence

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    Capitalizing on a longitudinal cohort followed from gestation through adolescence (201 mother–child dyads), we investigate the contributions of severity and stability of both maternal depressive and perceived stress symptoms to adolescent psychopathology. Maternal depressive and perceived stress trajectories from pregnancy through adolescence were identified with latent class growth analyses, and associations with adolescent internalizing and externalizing symptoms were examined. For both depression and stress, the most common trajectory group comprised mothers displaying stable and low symptom levels over time, and adolescents of these mothers had the fewest internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Maternal membership to one or more aberrant trajectory groups predicted higher levels of internalizing and externalizing symptoms, determined by both maternal and adolescent self-report. This study indicates that profiles of multiple indicators of maternal psychopathology assessed across childhood, beginning prenatally, can provide critical additional insight into child psychopathology risk

    Temporal Relation Between Pubertal Development and Peer Victimization in a Prospective Sample of US Adolescents

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    Peer victimization typically peaks in early adolescence, leading researchers to hypothesize that pubertal timing is a meaningful predictor of peer victimization. However, previous methodological approaches have limited our ability to parse out which puberty cues are associated with peer victimization because gonadal and adrenal puberty, two independent processes, have either been conflated or adrenal puberty timing has been ignored. In addition, previous research has overlooked the possibility of reverse causality—that peer victimization might drive pubertal timing, as it has been shown to do in non-human primates. To fill these gaps, we followed 265 adolescents (47% female) prospectively across three-time points (Mage: T1 = 9.6, T2 = 12.0, T3 = 14.4) and measured self-report peer victimization and self- and maternal-report of gonadal and adrenal pubertal development on the Pubertal Development Scale. Multilevel modeling revealed that females who were further along in adrenal puberty at age 9 were more likely to report peer victimization at age 12 (Cohen\u27s d = 0.25, p = .005). The relation between gonadal puberty status and peer victimization was not significant for either sex. In terms of the reverse direction, the relation between early peer victimization and later pubertal development was not significant in either sex. Overall, our findings suggest that adrenal puberty status, but not gonadal puberty status, predicted peer victimization in females, highlighting the need to separate gonadal and adrenal pubertal processes in future studies

    Cesarean Delivery and Infant Cortisol Regulation

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    Background: Cesarean delivery reduces the risk of infant and maternal morbidity and mortality when medically indicated, however, the cesarean delivery rate is estimated to be two to three times higher than medically necessary. The World Health Organization and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have expressed concern over the high rates of cesarean delivery, citing evidence that cesarean delivery has negative short- and long-term consequences for the health of the infant, mother, and for future pregnancies. Infants delivered by cesarean are at an increased risk of metabolic disease and immune dysfunction throughout the lifespan. Preliminary research suggests that the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis is a plausible pathway linking cesarean delivery to poor health later in life. The present study examines the relation between mode of delivery and HPA axis function in six-month-old infants. We also examine whether the cesarean delivery was elective or indicated altered to the relation between mode of delivery and infant cortisol profiles. Methods: The sample included 136 mother/infant pairs. Thirty-nine women delivered by cesarean and 97 delivered vaginally. Maternal and infant medical records were reviewed for prenatal medical history and birth outcomes. Infant saliva was collected for cortisol analysis at a 6-month well-baby checkup. Samples were collected upon arrival to the appointment (baseline) and 20 min after exposure to a painful stressor, the inoculation procedure (response). A mixed model ANCOVA was conducted to determine whether salivary cortisol concentrations differed between the two delivery groups. To examine whether complications related to having an indicated cesarean delivery contributed to any association between mode of delivery and cortisol production, cortisol concentrations were compared between the subgroup of infants whose cesarean deliveries were elective (e.g. maternal request or previous cesarean delivery) to infants delivered vaginally. Results: Infants delivered by cesarean had lower cortisol concentrations at baseline and after the inoculation procedure compared to those delivered vaginally. Further, the relation between mode of delivery and cortisol levels persisted even when the analyses were restricted to compare only the elective cesarean deliveries (e.g. maternal request or previous cesarean delivery) to those delivered vaginally. Discussion: This study provides evidence for an association between cesarean delivery and infant HPA axis function in infancy. Findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the HPA axis is a plausible pathway that links cesarean delivery with long-term health outcomes

    Longer Gestation Among Children Born Full Term Influences Cognitive and Motor Development

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    Children born preterm show persisting impairments in cognitive functioning, school achievement, and brain development. Most research has focused on implications of birth prior to 37 gestational weeks; however, the fetal central nervous system continues to make fundamental changes throughout gestation. Longer gestation is associated with reduced morbidity and mortality even among infants born during the period clinically defined as full term (37–41 gestational weeks). The implications of shortened gestation among term infants for neurodevelopment are poorly understood. The present study prospectively evaluates 232 mothers and their full term infants (50.4% male infants) at three time points across the first postnatal year. We evaluate the association between gestational length and cognitive and motor development. Infants included in the study were full term (born between 37 and 41 weeks gestation). The present study uses the combination of Last Menstrual Period (LMP) and early ultrasound for accurate gestational dating. Hierarchical Linear Regression analyses revealed that longer gestational length is associated with higher scores on the Bayley scales of mental and motor development at 3, 6 and 12 months of age after considering socio-demographic, pregnancy, and infant-level covariates. Findings were identical using revised categories of early, term, and late term proposed by the Working Group for Defining Term Pregnancy. Our findings indicate that longer gestation, even among term infants, benefits both cognitive and motor development