31 research outputs found

    Turbulent structure inside and above shallow to deep canopies

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    Multi-plane PIV measurements were performed in an open-channel flume filled with elongated prisms of height k and width to investigate the effect of the deepening of the canopy on the flow structure. Velocity measurements were performed both inside the canopy and above it. Analysis of the spatial convergence for the double-averaged quantities shows that for canopy flow investigations (z k). Three canopy aspect ratios, k/ℓ = [1, 3, 6] were investigated for a fixed modified-submergence ratio ÎČ = (h − k)/ℓ = 3 where h is the water depth. As the canopy deepens, the hydraulic roughness decreases and the velocity near the bottom of the canopy becomes gradually constant, as expected for deep canopies. We show how the highly converged (both in space and time) profiles of double-averaged longitudinal velocity and total shear stress can be used to calculate the vertical distribution of drag in the canopy. With this methodology, values of the drag coefficient CD(z) can be calculated, and are found to be always close to unity, even in the upper part of the canopy

    Shallow flow over a bed with a lateral change of roughness

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    River beds frequently exhibit a lateral variation of roughness. For example, in the case of an overflowing river, the main channel has a smoother topography compared to the adjacent floodplains where vegetation and land occupation yield an important hydraulic roughness. The lateral difference in roughness can induce a high lateral velocity gradient within the river crosssection that gives birth to a mixing layer. This mixing layer leads to fluid and momentum transfers between the two adjacent beds. To understand such mixing processes in rivers is important for predicting stage-discharge relationships and the velocity distribution within the cross-section. In order to address these issues in the context of a shallow water flow with a water depth h of the same order as the roughness elements of the bed, experiments were undertaken in a 26 m long and 1.1 m wide glass-walled open-channel flume. One half-side of the bed was covered with an array of cubes of height k arranged in a square configuration, the other side with smooth glass. Three different levels of cube submergence h/k were examined (h/k = 0.8, 1.5 and 2). The experiments and measurements were designed to yield the flow in the complete volume of the interstices across the cube array. To achieve this, 2C-3D linear-scanning PIV measurements with zero-parallax optics were developed and set up. The measurements revealed the complexity of the flow structure around the interface between the rough and smooth beds. The results show that the ability of the mixing layer to exchange momentum is highly dependent on the level of the cube submergence h/k

    Valorisation, sur pĂ©riode limitĂ©e, de la forĂȘt paysanne

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    SĂ©rie D ; 98-04D Diffusion du document : INRA UnitĂ© d'Economie et Sociologie rurales CRA Auzeville BP 27 31326 Castanet-Tolosan (FRA)National audienceL'objectif de cette Ă©tude est d'estimer la valeur d'attente, qui est la valeur potentielle actualisĂ©e des bois en croissance et la perte d'avenir sur une pĂ©riode limitĂ©e et pour diffĂ©rents types de peuplements possĂ©dĂ©s par des agriculteurs en Haute-Garonne, en appliquant une mĂ©thode simple de calcul, mise au point par Faustmann et reprise par Schaeffer (1951). Les donnĂ©es sont issues d'inventaires par Ă©chantillonnage rĂ©alisĂ©s dans deux propriĂ©tĂ©s agricoles comportant trois types de peuplements couramment rencontrĂ©s en forĂȘt paysanne : le taillis sous futaie, le taillis et la futaie rĂ©guliĂšre de pin sylvestre. A partir de l'Ă©tat initial des peuplements, on propose, sur une pĂ©riode de seize ans (1996-2012), un plan de gestion sylvicole dont les caractĂ©ristiques (types et intensitĂ© des coupes) servent Ă  l'estimation de la valeur d'attente et Ă  celle de la perte d'avenir correspondantes. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que la valeur d'attente d'une futaie d'un taillis sous futaie est de 25 922 F/ha, celle d'un taillis de taillis sous futaie de 3 125 F/ha, celle d'une futaie rĂ©sineuse de pin sylvestre de 58 264 F/ha. Les pertes d'avenir des deux premiers peuplements ne sont pas positives contrairement Ă  celle de la futaie rĂ©sineuse. Ces valeurs sont calculĂ©es au taux d'actualisation de 3 %. Elles ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© calculĂ©es pour d'autres valeurs du taux d'actualisation

    Un critĂšre Ă©conomique de gestion de la forĂȘt paysanne : la marge d'avenir

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    National audienceL'objectif de cette Ă©tude est d'estimer la valeur d'attente, qui est la valeur potentielle actualisĂ©e des bois en croissance et la perte d'avenir sur une pĂ©riode limitĂ©e et pour diffĂ©rents types de peuplements possĂ©dĂ©s par des agriculteurs en Haute-Garonne, en appliquant une mĂ©thode simple de calcul, mise au point par Faustmann et reprise par Schaeffer (1951). Les donnĂ©es sont issues d'inventaires par Ă©chantillonnage rĂ©alisĂ©s dans deux propriĂ©tĂ©s agricoles comportant trois types de peuplements couramment rencontrĂ©s en forĂȘt paysanne : le taillis sous futaie, le taillis et la futaie rĂ©guliĂšre de pin sylvestre. A partir de l'Ă©tat initial des peuplements, les auteurs proposent, sur une pĂ©riode de seize ans (1996-2012), un plan de gestion sylvicole dont les caractĂ©ristiques (types et intensitĂ© des coupes) servent Ă  l'estimation de la valeur d'attente et Ă  celle de la perte d'avenir correspondantes. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que la valeur d'attente d'une futaie d'un taillis sous futaie est de 25 922 F/ha, celle d'un taillis de taillis sous futaie de 3 125 F/ha, celle d'une futaie rĂ©sineuse de pin sylvestre de 58 264 F/ha. Les pertes d'avenir des deux premiers peuplements ne sont pas positives contrairement Ă  celle de la futaie rĂ©sineuse. Ces valeurs sont calculĂ©es au taux d'actualisation de 3%. Elles ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© calculĂ©es pour d'autres valeurs du taux d'actualisation

    Morphing of a supercritical wing by means of trailing edge deformation and vibration at high Reynolds numbers: Experimental and numerical investigation

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    This article examines the morphing effects of the trailing-edge deformation and vibration on the turbulent structures in the wake of a supercritical Airbus-320 wing. It is shown that the electroactive morphing has the capacity to produce an enhanced aerodynamic performance (lift increase, drag reduction) and reduce the amplitude of instability modes associated to aerodynamic noise. The appropriate actuation is achieved with piezoactuators placed in the trailing edge region. The work presented has been carried out numerically using the Navier–Stokes Multi Block (NSMB) code, as well as experimentally with measurements obtained in the S4 wind tunnel of IMFT by means of TRPIV (Time-Resolved PIV) with a sampling rate around 10 KHz. The Reynolds number is 1 Million. The study is carried out in the low subsonic regime at an incidence angle of 10°, corresponding to take-off/landing flight phases and analyses significant morphing effects obtained by optimal deformations and vibrations of the near trailing edge region. The interactions that are prompted in the wake region are analyzed by means of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD), considering the near wake structure in respect of the morphing effects. The effects on the aerodynamic coefficients thanks to manipulation of specific vortex dynamics in the shear layers and the wake are discussed and optimal frequency/amplitude ranges for the vibrations are quantified

    Maßtrise de l'érosion hydrique des sols cultivés : phénomÚnes physiques et dispositifs d'action

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    L'Ă©rosion hydrique est une des causes majeures de la dĂ©gradation des sols. Ce phĂ©nomĂšne entraĂźne une perte de potentiel de production du sol lĂ  oĂč il est dĂ©capĂ© et, au-delĂ , des dĂ©gĂąts nombreux : coulĂ©es boueuses, etc. L'Ă©rosion hydrique est influencĂ©e par les façons culturales pratiquĂ©es et les amĂ©nagements qui se trouvent sur le territoire cultivĂ©. Les façons culturales sont donc Ă©tudiĂ©es afin de limiter cette Ă©rosion hydrique sur des versants du Lauragais et des bassins versants du nord de la France. L'objectif est donc d'Ă©baucher une norme de production agricole anti-Ă©rosion tenant compte des gains et coĂ»ts respectifs

    Incentive Contract and Weather Risk

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    We study contracts designed to remunerate a farmer for the production of an ecosystem service with the payment dependent on the results of the farmer’s actions and on weather conditions. Two contracts are proposed: the first takes into account both the results of the farmer’s actions and a weather variable that reflects the actual atmospheric conditions during the life of the contract; the second bases the payment on the results alone incorporating only the average effect of weather. Social welfare is optimal when both the results and the specific atmospheric conditions are taken into account; however, this type of contract may be less acceptable to the farmer due to his perception of the level of risk involved. Copyright Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2006ecosystem service, incentive contract, moral hazard, risk, weather, D8, Q2,

    Asymptotic least squares estimators for dynamic games

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    This paper considers the estimation problem in dynamic games with finite actions. we derive the equation system that characterizes the markovian equilibria. the equilibrium equation system enables us to characterize conditions for identification. we consider a class of asymptotic least squares estimators defined by the equilibrium conditions. this class provides a unified framework for a number of well-known estimators including those by Hotz and Miller (1993) and by Aguirregabiria and Mira (2002). We show that these estimators differ in the weight they assign to individual equilibrium conditions. We derive the efficient weight matrix. A Monte Carlo study illustrates the small sample performance and computational feasibility of alternative estimators