5,295 research outputs found

    The Role of the Pilot Plant in Iron ore Sintering

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    The growing appreciation of the benefits of blast furnace burden preparation in the post-war years had led to a demand by the Iron and Steel Industry for greater Sinter production.This has been the stimulus of process devel-opment work and of research into the fundamentals of the sintering process. The importance of such studies ,as first realised by the industry in 1952 when B.I.S.R.A.,together with the experimental department of one of the large British Iron and Steel manufacturers, undertook a joint programme of laboratory and plant scale experiments which resulted in the elucidation of many physical factors controlling the sintering process. A symposium including this work was held in London in 1953, and interest grew rapidly, until it became of a universal nature. Many of the Iron and Steel manufacturers in Great Britain & abroad now devote proportion of their research and development resource to further studies in this field, and several national meta-llurgical organisations of other countries include sint-ering problems in their research programmes

    Hubungan Persepsi Pemberian Reward terhadap Kepuasan Kerja dan Loyalitas Kerja Karyawan pada Pekerja Pendatang

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    This study examines the extrinsic and intrinsic reward relationship to job satisfaction and loyalty work in manufacturing companies in Batam. The reward system consists of a reward desired and expected reward either extrinsic or intrinsic. Job satisfaction can be met if the reward system fair and equitable to all workers according to their contribution to the company and will reduce labor turnover because of their loyalty to the company's labor and employment. Respondents in this study were 239 labor migrants working in manufacturing companies in Batam that reside in the Flats Muka Kuning, an analytical technique used is the analysis of correlation and independent test samples t-test. The results of the hypothesis: there is a positive and significant relationship between reward extrinsic and reward intrinsically desirable to job satisfaction and loyalty work, there is a relationship reward extrinsic and rewards intrinsic to expect on job satisfaction and loyalty work and not there are reward differences in perception between men and women on job satisfaction


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    We consider optimal pricing policies for airlines when passengers are uncertain at the time of ticketing of their eventual willingness to pay for air travel. Auctions at the time of departure efficiently allocate space and a profit maximizing airline can capitalize on these gains by overbooking ights and repurchasing excess tickets from those passengers whose realized value is low. Nevertheless profit maximization entails distortions away from the efficient allocation. Under regularity conditions, we show that the optimal mechanism can be implemented by a modified double auction. In order to encourage early booking, passengers who purchase late are disadvantaged. In order to capture the information rents of passengers with high expected values, ticket repurchases at the time of departure are at a subsidized price, sometimes leading to unused capacity

    Sistem Pakar Deteksi Kerusakan Mesin Diesel Pltd Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining

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    Mesin  diesel  pembangkit  listrik  tenaga  diesel  dapat  mengalami  kerusakan  pada  komponen­komponennya, kerusakan tersebut dapat diketahui melalui ciri­ciri kerusakan yang ditimbulkan oleh mesin tersebut. Akan tetapi untuk melakukan suatu tindakan yang tepat diperlukan seorang ahli / pakar mesin diesel pembangkit listrik tenaga diesel  yang dapat  mengetahui dengan tepat tindakan yang akan dilakukan untuk mengatasi kerusakan tersebut. Banyaknya ciri­ciri kerusakan yang ditimbulkan dari kerusakan mesin diesel PLTD, maka diperlukan suatu sistem pakar yang dapat membantu teknisi untuk mendeteksi kerusakan mesin diesel PLTD. Pada penelitian ini dirancang sistem pakar berbasis desktop menggunakan dasar aturan (rule based reasoning) dengan metode forward chaining. Metode forward chaining merupakan metode pencarian maju yang dimaksudkan dapat membantu teknisi dalam mendeteksi kerusakan mesin diesel pltd dan juga digunakan untuk meringankan tugas seorang pakar(supervisor). Penelitian ini mengambil data di PLTD Poasia, Sulawesi Tenggara