8,744 research outputs found

    Parallel Metropolis chains with cooperative adaptation

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    Monte Carlo methods, such as Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms, have become very popular in signal processing over the last years. In this work, we introduce a novel MCMC scheme where parallel MCMC chains interact, adapting cooperatively the parameters of their proposal functions. Furthermore, the novel algorithm distributes the computational effort adaptively, rewarding the chains which are providing better performance and, possibly even stopping other ones. These extinct chains can be reactivated if the algorithm considers necessary. Numerical simulations shows the benefits of the novel scheme

    Orthogonal parallel MCMC methods for sampling and optimization

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    Monte Carlo (MC) methods are widely used for Bayesian inference and optimization in statistics, signal processing and machine learning. A well-known class of MC methods are Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms. In order to foster better exploration of the state space, specially in high-dimensional applications, several schemes employing multiple parallel MCMC chains have been recently introduced. In this work, we describe a novel parallel interacting MCMC scheme, called {\it orthogonal MCMC} (O-MCMC), where a set of "vertical" parallel MCMC chains share information using some "horizontal" MCMC techniques working on the entire population of current states. More specifically, the vertical chains are led by random-walk proposals, whereas the horizontal MCMC techniques employ independent proposals, thus allowing an efficient combination of global exploration and local approximation. The interaction is contained in these horizontal iterations. Within the analysis of different implementations of O-MCMC, novel schemes in order to reduce the overall computational cost of parallel multiple try Metropolis (MTM) chains are also presented. Furthermore, a modified version of O-MCMC for optimization is provided by considering parallel simulated annealing (SA) algorithms. Numerical results show the advantages of the proposed sampling scheme in terms of efficiency in the estimation, as well as robustness in terms of independence with respect to initial values and the choice of the parameters

    Identifying wave packet fractional revivals by means of information entropy

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    Wave packet fractional revivals is a relevant feature in the long time scale evolution of a wide range of physical systems, including atoms, molecules and nonlinear systems. We show that the sum of information entropies in both position and momentum conjugate spaces is an indicator of fractional revivals by analyzing three different model systems: (i)(i) the infinite square well, (ii)(ii) a particle bouncing vertically against a wall in a gravitational field, and (iii)(iii) the vibrational dynamics of hydrogen iodide molecules. This description in terms of information entropies complements the usual one in terms of the autocorrelation function

    Structure of the lightest scalar meson from the 1/Nc expansion of Unitarized Chiral Perturbation Theory and Regge Theory

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    One-loop unitarized Chiral Perturbation Theory (UChPT) calculations, suggest a different Nc behaviour for the sigma or f_0(600) and rho(770) mesons: while the rho meson becomes narrower with Nc, as is expected for a q-qbar meson, the sigma becomes broader, and its contribution to the total cross section is less and less important. On the other hand, local duality requires a cancellation between the sigma and rho amplitudes, but if there is a different Nc behaviour for them, there is a possible contradiction between the Inverse Amplitude Method (IAM) and local duality for large Nc. However, next to next to leading order UChPT calculations suggested a subdominant q-qbar component for the sigma with a mass around 1.2 GeV. In this work, we show that this subdominant q-qbar component is indeed needed to ensure local duality.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the Hadron09 International Conference. 29th Nov-4th Dec. 2009. Tallahassee, FL, USA. 5 page

    Results of surgical treatment in patients with chronic anal fissure

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    SCM ”Sf. Treime”, mun. Chişinău, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Fisura anală este una din patologiile frecvente a segmentului distal al rectului și constituie 10-11,7% din maladiile intestinului gros. Analizând literatura amplă cu descrierea metodelor de tratament chirurgical al fisurilor anale, deseori este dificil în selectarea procedeelor chirurgicale de tratament. Material si metode. Lucrarea se bazează pe analiza rezultatelor precoce și tardive a intervențiilor chirurgicale la 674 bolnavi cu fisuri anale cronice cu vârsta 18-84 ani. Bărbați au fost-253, femei-421. In 630 cazuri fisura a fost localizată pe semicircumferința posterioaăa a sfincterului anal, mai rar-35 cazuri pe cea anterioară, laterală-7 cazuri. Fisuri duble au fost la-2 bolnavi. La 237 bolnavi fisura anală a fost asociată cu hemoroizi. S-a efectuat examinarea clinică, de laborator și instrumentală-tuşeu rectal, rectoromanoscopia fibrocolonoscopia și în unele cazuri irigoscopia. Rezultate. Tabloul clinic a maladiei s-a manifestat cu dureri în canalul anal, mai frecvent după defecație, constipații, eliminări sangvinolente din rect după defecație. Tratamentul conservativ în multe cazuri nu este efectiv și atunci se recurge la tratament chirurgical. La toți pacienții s-a efectuat operația Gabriel modificare elaborată în clinică. Intervențiile chirurgicale la majoritatea pacienților sau efectuat cu anestezie combinată, la unii cu anestezie locală. Excizia fisurii anale cu sfincterotomia dozată a sfincterului anal intern s-a efectuat la toți bolnavii. În perioada postoperatorie precoce la 10 bolnavi a avut loc hemoragie din plagă, iar în perioada tardivă, s-a dezvoltat perirectita acută. Recidive a maladiei nu s-au înregistrat. Concluzii. Datele analizate mai sus au arătat ca Excizia fisurii anale cu sfincterotomia dozaăa a sfincterului anal intern și suturarea mucoasei după metoda Gabriel modificată, elaborată în clinica este metoda mai eficaceîin tratamentul chirurgical al fisurilor anale și a adus la însănătoşire in 97,5% cazuri.Anal fissure is one of the most common pathologies of the distal segment of the rectum and it consists from 10 to 11.7% of the large bowel diseases. Analyzing the extensive literature, describing the methods of surgical treatment of anal fissures, it is often difficult to select the surgical procedures. Material and methods. The study is based on an analysis of early and late results of surgery in 674 patients with chronic anal fissures aged from 18 to 84 years. Men were - 253, women - 421. In 630 cases, fissure was located on the posterior semi circumference of the anal sphincter, less - 35 cases at the anterior and in seven cases on the lateral one. Double fissures were in two patients. In 237 patients, anal fissure was associated with haemorrhoids. Clinical, laboratory and instrumental (rectal investigation, rectoromanoscopy, fibrocolonoscopy and in some cases irrigoscopy) examinations were carried out. Results. The clinical picture of the disease manifested with pain in the anal canal, most often after defecation, constipation, bloody eliminations from the rectum after defecation. In many cases, conservative treatment is not effective and then we resort to surgery. All patients underwent surgery Gabriel, modification, developed in the clinic. In most patients, surgical procedures were performed under combined anesthesia, and in some patients - under local one. All patients underwent dosed sphincterotomy of the internal anal sphincter. In 7 patients in late postoperative period, after 1 to 1.5 months after surgery, developed acute proctitis and bleeding from the wound in the early postoperative period occurred in 10 patients. In the early postoperative period, 10 patients were bleeding from wounds, and in the late postoperative period, after 1-1,5 months after surgery they developed acute proctitis which was treated appropriately. There were no recurrences of disease. Conclusions. The data discusses above showed that excision of anal fissures, internal anal sphincter dosed sphincterotomy and suturing mucosa after Gabriel modified method, developed in the clinic is the most effective in the surgical treatment of anal fissures and brought healing in 97,5% patients

    Alien Registration- Mackinnon, Elvira D. (Brownville, Piscataquis County)

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    Analysis of broadband microwave conductivity and permittivity measurements of semiconducting materials

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    We perform broadband phase sensitive measurements of the reflection coefficient from 45 MHz up to 20 GHz employing a vector network analyzer with a 2.4 mm coaxial sensor which is terminated by the sample under test. While the material parameters (conductivity and permittivity) can be easily extracted from the obtained impedance data if the sample is metallic, no direct solution is possible if the material under investigation is an insulator. Focusing on doped semiconductors with largely varying conductivity, here we present a closed calibration and evaluation procedure for frequencies up to 5 GHz, based on the rigorous solution for the electromagnetic field distribution inside the sample combined with the variational principle; basically no limiting assumptions are necessary. A simple static model based on the electric current distribution proves to yield the same frequency dependence of the complex conductivity up to 1 GHz. After a critical discussion we apply the developed method to the hopping transport in Si:P at temperature down to 1 K.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Physic

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Akseptor Lebih Memilih Jenis Kontrasepsi Suntik Satu Bulan (Syclofem) di Rb Mariana Tahun 2016

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    Menurut World Health Organization (WHO) keluarga berencana adalah tindakan yang membantu individu atau pasangan suami isteri untuk menghindari kelahiran yang tidak diinginkan. Dari hasil wawancara yang dilakukan pada 5 orang responden, seluruh responden berusia 20 – 35 tahun, diketahui dari seluruh responden lebih banyak memilih jenis kontrasepsi suntik 1 bulan dikarenakan tidak mengganggu siklus haid dan mengatakan bahwa siklus haidnya teratur setiap bulannya. Untuk mengetahui faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi Akseptor lebih memilih jenis kontrasepsi suntik 1 bulan yaitu : Faktor Internal meliputi :Usia, Agama, Paritas, Pengetahuan, Pendidikan, Ekonomi: Faktor Eksternal meliputi :Efektivitas, Efek samping,Budaya, Lingkungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kolerasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan pada usia sekitar 20 – 35 tahun 79,2%, pada agama, agama islam 52,1%, pendidikan menengah (SMP-SMA) ada 47,9%, pada pekerjaan yang tidak bekerja ada 95,8%, pada paritas yang menjawab tidak ada 91,7%, pada tingkat pengetahuan yang menjawab ya 100%, pada tingkat ekonomi yang menjawab ya ada 100%, pada efektivitas yang menjawab ya berjumlah 100%, pada efek samping yang menjawab ya berjumlah 100%, pada budaya yang memilih jawaban tidak 100%, pada lingkungan yang menjawab tidak ada 93,8%. Berdasarkan dari penelitian didapatkan hasil tidak ada hubungan antara usia dengan suntik satu bulan. Pada agama, tidak ada hubungan antara agama dengan suntik satu bulan. Tingkat pendidikan tidak ada hubungan antara pendidikan dengan suntik satu bulan. Tingkat pekerjaan tidak ada hubungan antara pekerjaan dengan suntik satu bulan. Tingkat paritas artinya tidak ada hubungan antara paritas dengan suntik satu bulan. Pengetahuan tidak ada hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan suntik satu bulan. Tingkat ekonomi tidak ada hubungan antara ekonomi dengan suntik satu bulan. Pada efektivitas artinya tidak ada hubungan antara efektivitas dengan suntik satu bulan. Tingkat efek samping ada hubungan antara efek samping dengan suntik satu bulan. Pada budaya tidak ada hubungan antara budaya dengan suntik satu bulan. Pada lingkungan tidak ada hubungan antara lingkungan dengan suntik satu bulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat memberikan informasi khususnya kepada pengguna KB untuk tidak hanya menggunakan KB suntik 1 bulan saja, masih banyak alat kontrasepsi yang lainnya yang tidak memiliki efek samping yang sedikit