239 research outputs found

    High-Throughput Omics Technologies: Potential Tools for the Investigation of Influences of EMF on Biological Systems

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    The mode of action of a huge amount of agents on biological systems is still unknown. One example where more questions than answers exist is covered by the term electromagnetic fields (EMF). Use of wireless communication, e.g. mobile phones, has been escalated in the last few years. Due to this fact, a lot of discussions dealt with health consequences of EMF emitted by these devices and led to an increased investigation of their effects to biological systems, mainly by using traditional methods. Omics technologies have the advantage to contain methods for investigations on DNA-, RNA- and protein level as well as changes in the metabolism

    A Comparison of Due-Date Selection Rules

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    Fragmentation and systematics of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in the stable N=82 isotones

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    The low-lying electric dipole (E1) strength in the semi-magic nucleus 136Xe has been measured which finalizes the systematic survey to investigate the so-called pygmy dipole resonance (PDR) in all stable even N=82 isotones with the method of nuclear resonance fluorescence using real photons in the entrance channel. In all cases, a fragmented resonance-like structure of E1 strength is observed in the energy region 5 MeV to 8 MeV. An analysis of the fragmentation of the strength reveals that the degree of fragmentation decreases towards the proton-deficient isotones while the total integrated strength increases indicating a dependence of the total strength on the neutron-to-proton ratio. The experimental results are compared to microscopic calculations within the quasi-particle phonon model (QPM). The calculation includes complex configurations of up to three phonons and is able to reproduce also the fragmentation of the E1 strength which allows to draw conclusions on the damping of the PDR. Calculations and experimental data are in good agreement in the degree of fragmentation and also in the integrated strength if the sensitivity limit of the experiments is taken into account

    Investigation of octupole vibrational states in 150Nd via inelastic proton scattering (p,p'g)

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    Octupole vibrational states were studied in the nucleus 150Nd^{150}\mathrm{Nd} via inelastic proton scattering with \unit[10.9]{MeV} protons which are an excellent probe to excite natural parity states. For the first time in 150Nd^{150}\mathrm{Nd}, both the scattered protons and the Îł\gamma rays were detected in coincidence giving the possibility to measure branching ratios in detail. Using the coincidence technique, the B(E1)B(E1) ratios of the decaying transitions for 10 octupole vibrational states and other negative-parity states to the yrast band were determined and compared to the Alaga rule. The positive and negative-parity states revealed by this experiment are compared with Interacting Boson Approximation (IBA) calculations performed in the (spdf) boson space. The calculations are found to be in good agreement with the experimental data, both for positive and negative-parity states

    High-precision excited state lifetime measurements in rare earth nuclei using LaBr3(Ce) detectors

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    To study how collective nuclear structure evolves towards mid-shell and test next-generation LaBr3(Ce) scintillation detectors, measurements of the lifetimes of 2+ 1 states in 168Hf and 174W were conducted at the Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory. Prel

    Evolution of collectivity near mid-shell from excited-state lifetime measurements in rare earth nuclei

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    The B(E2) excitation strength of the first excited 2+ state in even-even nuclei should directly correlate with the size of the valence space and maximize at mid-shell. A previously found saturation of B(E2) strengths in well-deformed rotors at mid-shell is tested through high-precision measurements of the lifetimes of the lowest-lying 2+ states of the Hf168 and W174 rare earth isotopes. Measurements were performed using fast LaBr3 scintillation detectors. Combined with the recently remeasured B(E2;2+1→0+1) values for Hf and W isotopes the new data remove discrepancies observed in the differentials of B(E2) values for these isotope

    Mixed-symmetry octupole and hexadecapole excitations in N=52 isotones

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    In addition to the well-established quadrupole mixed-symmetry states, octupole and hexadecapole excitations with mixed-symmetry character have been recently proposed for the N = 52 isotones 92Zr and 94Mo. We performed two inelastic proton-scattering experiments to study this kind of excitations in the heaviest stable N = 52 isotone 96Ru. From the combined experimental data of both experiments absolute transition strengths were extracted
