114 research outputs found

    Characterization of key triacylglycerol biosynthesis processes in rhodococci.

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    Oleaginous microorganisms have considerable potential for biofuel and commodity chemical production. Under nitrogen-limitation, Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 grown on benzoate, an analog of lignin depolymerization products, accumulated triacylglycerols (TAGs) to 55% of its dry weight during transition to stationary phase, with the predominant fatty acids being C16:0 and C17:0. Transcriptomic analyses of RHA1 grown under conditions of N-limitation and N-excess revealed 1,826 dysregulated genes. Genes whose transcripts were more abundant under N-limitation included those involved in ammonium assimilation, benzoate catabolism, fatty acid biosynthesis and the methylmalonyl-CoA pathway. Of the 16 atf genes potentially encoding diacylglycerol O-acyltransferases, atf8 transcripts were the most abundant during N-limitation (~50-fold more abundant than during N-excess). Consistent with Atf8 being a physiological determinant of TAG accumulation, a Δatf8 mutant accumulated 70% less TAG than wild-type RHA1 while atf8 overexpression increased TAG accumulation 20%. Genes encoding type-2 phosphatidic acid phosphatases were not significantly expressed. By contrast, three genes potentially encoding phosphatases of the haloacid dehalogenase superfamily and that cluster with, or are fused with other Kennedy pathway genes were dysregulated. Overall, these findings advance our understanding of TAG metabolism in mycolic acid-containing bacteria and provide a framework to engineer strains for increased TAG production

    Structural Characterization of Pandoraea pnomenusa B-356 Biphenyl Dioxygenase Reveals Features of Potent Polychlorinated Biphenyl-Degrading Enzymes

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    The oxidative degradation of biphenyl and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) is initiated in Pandoraea pnomenusa B-356 by biphenyl dioxygenase (BPDOB356)(BPDO_{B356}). BPDOB356BPDO_{B356}, a heterohexameric (αβ)3(αβ)_3 Rieske oxygenase (RO), catalyzes the insertion of dioxygen with stereo- and regioselectivity at the 2,3-carbons of biphenyl, and can transform a broad spectrum of PCB congeners. Here we present the X-ray crystal structures of BPDOB356BPDO_{B356} with and without its substrate biphenyl 1.6-Å resolution for both structures. In both cases, the Fe(II) has five ligands in a square pyramidal configuration: H233 Nε2, H239 Nε2, D386 Oδ1 and Oδ2, and a single water molecule. Analysis of the active sites of BPDOB356BPDO_{B356} and related ROs revealed structural features that likely contribute to the superior PCB-degrading ability of certain BPDOs. First, the active site cavity readily accommodates biphenyl with minimal conformational rearrangement. Second, M231 was predicted to sterically interfere with binding of some PCBs, and substitution of this residue yielded variants that transform 2,2′-dichlorobiphenyl more effectively. Third, in addition to the volume and shape of the active site, residues at the active site entrance also apparently influence substrate preference. Finally, comparison of the conformation of the active site entrance loop among ROs provides a basis for a structure-based classification consistent with a phylogeny derived from amino acid sequence alignments

    The impact of nitric oxide toxicity on the evolution of the glutathione transferase superfamily: A proposal for an evolutionary driving force

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    Background: Why do ancestral GSTs utilize cysteine/serine as catalytic residues, whereas more recently evolved GSTs utilize tyrosine? Results: Only the more recently evolved GSTs display enough affinity to bind and make harmless the toxic DNDGIC (a natur

    Studies of a Ring-Cleaving Dioxygenase Illuminate the Role of Cholesterol Metabolism in the Pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the etiological agent of TB, possesses a cholesterol catabolic pathway implicated in pathogenesis. This pathway includes an iron-dependent extradiol dioxygenase, HsaC, that cleaves catechols. Immuno-compromised mice infected with a ΔhsaC mutant of M. tuberculosis H37Rv survived 50% longer than mice infected with the wild-type strain. In guinea pigs, the mutant disseminated more slowly to the spleen, persisted less successfully in the lung, and caused little pathology. These data establish that, while cholesterol metabolism by M. tuberculosis appears to be most important during the chronic stage of infection, it begins much earlier and may contribute to the pathogen's dissemination within the host. Purified HsaC efficiently cleaved the catecholic cholesterol metabolite, DHSA (3,4-dihydroxy-9,10-seconandrost-1,3,5(10)-triene-9,17-dione; kcat/Km = 14.4±0.5 µM−1 s−1), and was inactivated by a halogenated substrate analogue (partition coefficient<50). Remarkably, cholesterol caused loss of viability in the ΔhsaC mutant, consistent with catechol toxicity. Structures of HsaC:DHSA binary complexes at 2.1 Å revealed two catechol-binding modes: bidentate binding to the active site iron, as has been reported in similar enzymes, and, unexpectedly, monodentate binding. The position of the bicyclo-alkanone moiety of DHSA was very similar in the two binding modes, suggesting that this interaction is a determinant in the initial substrate-binding event. These data provide insights into the binding of catechols by extradiol dioxygenases and facilitate inhibitor design

    Characterization of Hybrid Toluate and Benzoate Dioxygenases

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    Toluate dioxygenase of Pseudomonas putida mt-2 (TADO(mt2)) and benzoate dioxygenase of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus ADP1 (BADO(ADP1)) catalyze the 1,2-dihydroxylation of different ranges of benzoates. The catalytic component of these enzymes is an oxygenase consisting of two subunits. To investigate the structural determinants of substrate specificity in these ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases, hybrid oxygenases consisting of the α subunit of one enzyme and the β subunit of the other were prepared, and their respective specificities were compared to those of the parent enzymes. Reconstituted BADO(ADP1) utilized four of the seven tested benzoates in the following order of apparent specificity: benzoate > 3-methylbenzoate > 3-chlorobenzoate > 2-methylbenzoate. This is a significantly narrower apparent specificity than for TADO(mt2) (3-methylbenzoate > benzoate ∼ 3-chlorobenzoate > 4-methylbenzoate ∼ 4-chlorobenzoate ≫ 2-methylbenzoate ∼ 2-chlorobenzoate [Y. Ge, F. H. Vaillancourt, N. Y. Agar, and L. D. Eltis, J. Bacteriol. 184:4096-4103, 2002]). The apparent substrate specificity of the α(B)β(T) hybrid oxygenase for these benzoates corresponded to that of BADO(ADP1), the parent from which the α subunit originated. In contrast, the apparent substrate specificity of the α(T)β(B) hybrid oxygenase differed slightly from that of TADO(mt2) (3-chlorobenzoate > 3-methylbenzoate > benzoate ∼ 4-methylbenzoate > 4-chlorobenzoate > 2-methylbenzoate > 2-chlorobenzoate). Moreover, the α(T)β(B) hybrid catalyzed the 1,6-dihydroxylation of 2-methylbenzoate, not the 1,2-dihydroxylation catalyzed by the TADO(mt2) parent. Finally, the turnover of this ortho-substituted benzoate was much better coupled to O(2) utilization in the hybrid than in the parent. Overall, these results support the notion that the α subunit harbors the principal determinants of specificity in ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases. However, they also demonstrate that the β subunit contributes significantly to the enzyme's function

    A Glutathione S-Transferase Catalyzes the Dehalogenation of Inhibitory Metabolites of Polychlorinated Biphenyls

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    BphK is a glutathione S-transferase of unclear physiological function that occurs in some bacterial biphenyl catabolic (bph) pathways. We demonstrated that BphK of Burkholderia xenovorans strain LB400 catalyzes the dehalogenation of 3-chloro 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-phenyl-2,4-dienoates (HOPDAs), compounds that are produced by the cometabolism of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by the bph pathway and that inhibit the pathway's hydrolase. A one-column protocol was developed to purify heterologously produced BphK. The purified enzyme had the greatest specificity for 3-Cl HOPDA (k(cat)/K(m), ∼10(4) M(−1) s(−1)), which it dechlorinated approximately 3 orders of magnitude more efficiently than 4-chlorobenzoate, a previously proposed substrate of BphK. The enzyme also catalyzed the dechlorination of 5-Cl HOPDA and 3,9,11-triCl HOPDA. By contrast, BphK did not detectably transform HOPDA, 4-Cl HOPDA, or chlorinated 2,3-dihydroxybiphenyls. The BphK-catalyzed dehalogenation proceeded via a ternary-complex mechanism and consumed 2 equivalents of glutathione (GSH) (K(m) for GSH in the presence of 3-Cl HOPDA, ∼0.1 mM). A reaction mechanism consistent with the enzyme's specificity is proposed. The ability of BphK to dehalogenate inhibitory PCB metabolites supports the hypothesis that this enzyme was recruited to facilitate PCB degradation by the bph pathway