227 research outputs found

    Electrosprayed nanoparticle delivery system for controlled release

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    This study utilises an electrohydrodynamic technique to prepare core-shell lipid nanoparticles with a tunable size and high active ingredient loading capacity, encapsulation efficiency and controlled release. Using stearic acid and ethylvanillin as model shell and active ingredients respectively, we identify the processing conditions and ratios of lipid:ethylvanillin required to form nanoparticles. Nanoparticles with a mean size ranging from 60 to 70 nm at the rate of 1.37 × 109 nanoparticles per minute were prepared with different lipid:ethylvanillin ratios. The polydispersity index was ≈ 21% and the encapsulation efficiency ≈ 70%. It was found that the rate of ethylvanillin release was a function of the nanoparticle size, and lipid:ethylvanillin ratio. The internal structure of the lipid nanoparticles was studied by transmission electron microscopy which confirmed that the ethylvanillin was encapsulated within a stearic acid shell. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis indicated that the ethylvanillin had not been affected. Extensive analysis of the release of ethylvanillin was performed using several existing models and a new diffusive release model incorporating a tanh function. The results were consistent with a core-shell structure

    Stress, drugs and the evolution of reproductive restraint in malaria parasites

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    Life-history theory predicts that sexually reproducing organisms have evolved to resolve resource-allocation trade-offs between growth/survival versus reproduction, and current versus future reproduction. Malaria parasites replicate asexually in their vertebrate hosts, but must reproduce sexually to infect vectors and be transmitted to new hosts. As different specialized stages are required for these functions, the division of resources between these life-history components is a fundamental evolutionary problem. Here, we test how drug-sensitive and drug-resistant isolates of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum resolve the trade-off between in-host replication and between-host transmission when exposed to treatment with anti-malarial drugs. Previous studies have shown that parasites increase their investment in sexual stages when exposed to stressful conditions, such as drugs. However, we demonstrate that sensitive parasites facultatively decrease their investment in sexual stages when exposed to drugs. In contrast to previous studies, we tested parasites from a region where treatment with anti-malarial drugs is common and transmission is seasonal. We hypothesize that when exposed to drugs, parasites invest in their survival and future transmission by diverting resources from reproduction to replication. Furthermore, as drug-resistant parasites did not adjust their investment when exposed to drugs, we suggest that parasites respond to changes in their proliferation (state) rather the presence of drugs

    Effects of mixed cropping with cowpea and nitrogen source on growth and yield of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

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    Field experiments were conducted during winter (2011/12) and summer (2012/13) seasons. The objective of the study was to examine the effects of mixed cropping with cowpea, nitrogen and chicken manure on growth and yield of sunflower. Randomized complete block design with four replicates was used. The experiment comprised 8 treatments; two sunflower cultivars namely, Hysun33 and Damazin-1, and three nitrogen sources viz: mixed cropping with cowpea, urea (43kgN/ha), chicken manure (5t/ha) plus control. Results showed that the two cultivars were significantly different in plant height, days to 50% flowering, 1000-seed weight and empty seed percentage in both seasons. Hysun33 had taller plants, late to flower, heavier seeds and lower empty seeds percentage than Damazin-1. They were also significantly different in LAI, head diameter, number of filled seeds/ head and total yield in the summer season only. Fertilizers significantly influenced plant height and stem diameter in both seasons. In the winter season, however, fertilizers had significantly affected LAI, days to 50% flowering, head diameter, number of filled seeds/head and total yield. Chicken manure resulted in the tallest plants and largest stem diameter in both seasons. Chicken manure expressed the largest LAI, biggest head diameter, highest number of filled seeds/head and highest total yield. The three-way interaction(seasonx fertilizerx cultivar) showed significant effects on percentage of empty seeds and total yield. The highest total yield was obtained by Hysun33 in the summer season when chicken manure was applied. The mean total yield of the summer season was higher than that of the winter season. To obtain high total yield of sunflower, it is recommended that sowing should be commenced during the summer season and chicken manure should be applied at the rate of 5 t/ha for both Hysun33 and Damazin-

    Effects of dried sugar beet root based concentrates level on wholesale cuts and eye muscle characteristics in Tagger male kids

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    Twelve Tagger males at 6 month old were used to study the effects of dried sugar beet root (DSBR) based concentrates level on animals performance, carcass and wholesale cuts characteristics. They were weighed and divided into 3 groups, each with 4 animals. They were housed in individual pens with feed and water troughs and allocated at random to the diets. They were weighed weekly for 8 weeks with a two weeks preliminary period. They were fed groundnut haulm (GNH) ad lib. in two equal meals at 8 am and 4  pm and different levels of DSBR based concentrates (0 (control), 150g and 300g) in two equal parts before GNH meals. The concentrates contained 68% DSBR,15% GNH cakes, 15% sunflower cake, 1% salt and 1% oyster shell. The animals were slaughtered, skinned and carcass characteristics were studied. The left side was divided into wholesale cuts and were weighed and dissected into muscle, fat and bone. The rib section (10th – 12th) was removed and the characteristics and meat composition were determined. Percentages of best end of neck, breast and leg and chump, neck and loin generally increased with concentrates level. Concentrates level had no significant (P>0.05) effect on wholesale cuts percentages. Meat DM, CP, EE and ash were 32.82%, 17.3%, 2.15% and 3.0% at 0 concentrates, 37.5%, 17.9%, 2.35% and 2.65, respectively at 150g concentrates and 35.5%, 18.2%, 2.4% and 2.95%, respectively at 300g concentrates. Overall meat composition was 35.28%, 17.8%, 2.3% and 2.87%, respectively. Meat DM and CP varied significantly (P<0.05) with concentrates level. Animals fed no concentrates had the least DM, CP and EE and the highest ash. Animals fed 300g had the highest CP and EE. Supplementing GNH with DSBR based concentrates generally improved Tagger kids wholesale cuts percentages and meat composition. It is recommended to use DSBR based concentrates in fattening Tagger kids.         حفز ارتفاع الطلب وأسعار اللحوم في السودان على تحسين لحوم الماعز لارتفاع أعدادها وارتفاع العضلات والقيمة الغذائية وانخفاض الكولسترول والأحماض الدهنية المشبعة.  تعتبر التقر سلالة واعدة لإنتاج اللحوم لجودة القوام ونوعية اللحم. إنتاج اللحوم عامة تقليدي مع انخفاض الاستثمار والعائدات. التغذية من أهم المعوقات لتدهور المراعي والتباين الموسمي في كمية ونوعية العلف وغلاء العلائق المركزة . أدخل بنجر السكر لولاية الجزيرة وهو علف واعد خاصة الجذر لارتفاع الطاقة. لا تتوفر معلومات عن استخدام جذر البنجر الجاف لجديان التقر.  ولذلك أجريت هذه الدراسة لاختبار اثر مستويات عليقة مركزة ترتكز على جذر البنجر الجاف على الأداء وصفات الذبيحة وتركيب اللحم في جديان التقر. وضعت 12 من ذكور جديان التقر بعمر 6  أشهر في حظائر فردية بها أوعية للعلف والماء وأعطيت عشوائيا الأعلاف  المختبرة. وزنت الحيوانات أسبوعيا لمدة 8 أسابيع منها أسبوعين فترة إعدادية. أعلفت الحيوانات تبن الفول السوداني حسب الرغبة في وجبتين متساويتين عند الثامنة صباحا والرابعة مساء ووزن العلف المتبقي. أعلفت الحيوانات مستويات مختلفة من عليقة مركزة ترتكز على جذور البنجر الجاف (صفر ( الشاهد)  150 و300جم ( في جزئين قبل وجبات تبن الفول السوداني . احتوت العليقة المركزة على 68% جذور البنجر الجاف و15%  امباز فول سوداني و15%  أمباز زهرة الشمس و1% ملح و 1% صدف.  حفظت عينات من تبن الفول السوداني و جذور البنجر الجاف والتبن المتبقي والعليقة المركزة للتحليل المعملي . ذبحت الحيوانات وسلخت  وفصلت مكونات الجسم الثانوية ووزنت لوحدها. وزنت الذبيحة وحسبت صفات الذبيحة.  قسم الجزء الأيسر من الذبيحة إلى قطع إجمالية ووزنت ثم شرحت كل منها.  فصلت العضلة العينية (الضلع 10-12 ) وعينت الصفات والتركيب .. قُسمت الذبائح لخمسة قطع تجارية ولم تُلاحظ فروق معنوية بين مستويات العلائق المركزة. عند التحليل الكيميائي للحوم كانت النسب المئوية للمادة الجافة و البروتين الخام والدهون الخام والرماد %32.82  و %17.3 و %2.15 و3.0  % للمجموعة القياسية و %37.5 و %17.9 و %2.35 و2.65 %عند 150 جم عليقة مركزة و  %35.5 و %18.2 و 2.4  2.95 % عند 300 جم عليقة مركزة ، علي التوالي. وكان المتوسط العام لتركيب اللحم %35.28 و %17.8 و2.3  %و %2.87 ، علي التوالي وكانت الفروق بين مستويات العليقة المركزة معنوية للمادة الجافة والبروتين الخام (P<0.05) . كان للمجموعة القياسية أقل مادة جافة وبروتين خام ودهون وأعلي نسبة رماد.  بينما نالت المجموعة المغذاة علي 300 جم عليقة مركزة أعلي بروتين خام ودهون.  عامة ساهمت إضافة تبن الفول السوداني والعلائق المركزة المعتمدة علي جذور بنجر السكر في تحسين نسب القطع التجارية وتركيب اللحم.  نوصي استخدام علائق بنجر السكر لتسمين جديان التق

    Effects of sugar beet root based concentrates level on carcass characteristics and body components in Tagger male kids

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         Twelve Tagger male kids at 6 month old were used to study the effects of dried sugar beet root (DSBR) based concentrates level on the performance and carcass characteristics in the Gezira State, Sudan. They were weighed, divided into 3 groups according to body weight (BW) and allocated at random to the 3 experimental diets. They were  housed in individual pens and weighed weekly before the morning meal for 8 weeks with a two weeks preliminary period. They were fed groundnut haulm (GNH) ad lib. in two equal meals at 8 am and 4 pm and different levels of DSBR based concentrates (0 (control), 150g and 300g) in two equal parts before GNH meals. The animals were slaughtered and body components and carcass characteristics were studied. Slaughter weight, hot carcass weight (9.62- 12.69 kg), EBW (7.39-10.1kg), dressing percentages (37.26-41.67), muscle (65.75-68.0%), fat (7.75-12.25%), muscle: bone (2.49:1- 3.58:1) and muscle: fat (8.79:1-10.6:1) increased and bone (26.50 -19.75%) decreased with concentrates level. Body components weight and percentages on live BW varied among and within concentrate levels and were mostly the heaviest in animals fed 300g concentrates. Body components weights and percentages were not significantly (P>0.05) affected by concentrates level, except kidneys and renal fat, mesentery and omentum. The highest percentages were higher in the control and least in animals fed 150g concentrates. It is recommended to use DSBR based concentrates in fattening Tagger kids.     استخدم 12 ذكر جديان من  التقر بعمر 6 أشهر لدراسة أثر مستويات عليقة مركزة تحتوي على جذور بنجر السكر الجافة على  صفات الذبيحة و مكونات الجسم الثانوية في ولاية الجزيرة بالسودان.  تم وزن الحيوانات وتقسيمها الى 3 مجموعات على أساس الوزن ووزعت عشوائيا على اعلاف الدراسة الثلاث. وضعت الحيوانات في حظائر فردية ووزنت أسبوعياً قبل وجبة الصباح لمدة 8 أسابيع منها أسبوعين فترة إعدادية.  أعلفت الحيوانات تبن الفول السوداني حسب الرغبة في وجبتين متساويتين عند الثامنة صباحا والرابعة مساء و مستويات مختلفة من عليقة مركزة ترتكز على جذور بنجر السكر الجافة  (صفر (الشاهد) 150و و300جم ( في جزئين قبل وجبات تبن الفول السوداني.  ذبحت الحيوانات وقيست مكونات الجسم الثانوية وصفات الذبيحة. أظهرت الدراسة ازدياد وزن الذبح والذبيحة الحارة(9.62- 12.69  كجم ) ووزن الجسم الفارغ (7.39-10.1  كجم) ونسبة التصافي (37.26 %– (%41. 67  علي أساس الوزن الحي و  42.875-52.15%  علي أساس الوزن الفارغ ونسب العضلات (65.75  %- 68.00%) والدهون (7.75%-12.25%) ونسبة العضلات للعظام ( %2.49- %3.58 ) والعضلات للدهون 8.79%-10.6 (% و تقل نسب العظام (19.75%-26.50% (مع زيادة مستوي العليقة المركزة بدون فروق معنوية .  تباينت أوزان مكونات الجسم الثانوية ونسبها على أساس وزن الجسم بين وداخل مستويات العليقة المركزة وكانت أعلي في الحيوانات المغذاة علي 300 جم عليقة مركزة وأقلها في  مجموعة الشاهد . لم تكن الفروقات في أوزان ونسب مكونات الجسم الثانوية معنوية عدا الكلي ودهنها والمساريقا ودهن الأحشاء. كان عدد النسب المئوية الأعلى أكبر في مجموعة الشاهد واقل في التي أعلفت 150 جم عليقة مركزة. يوصي باستخدام علائق تحتوي على  جذور بنجر السكر الجافة لتسمين جديان ماعز التقر                                                                                           &nbsp

    Effects of Irrigation Interval, Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Grain Yield and biomass of Wheat

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    This study was conducted for two successive seasons of 1998/1999 and 1999/2000, at the Gezira Research Station Farm, Agricultural Research Corporation, Sudan, to investigate the effects of irrigation interval, nitrogen and phosphorus levels on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.( yield and yield components. The study consisted of three irrigation intervals (7,14,21 days), three N levels (0, 43 and 86 kg N/ha) and two P levels (0 and 43 kg P205/ha). Treatments were arranged in a split-split plot design with three replications. Results showed that the irrigation intervals of 7 and 14 days had positive effects on wheat grain and total dry matter yield as compared to the 21 days irrigation interval which negatively affected these parameters. Plants of the latter treatment were dwarf with thin stems and matured earlier resulting in low grain and biomass yields. The study, also, showed that the highest wheat yield was obtained with the application of N and P at the rates of 86 kg N and 43 kg P2O5/ha, respectively, with the irrigation interval of 7 days. &nbsp

    Effects of different levels of sugar beet roots based concentrates on the performance of Tagger male kids

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        High meat demand in the Sudan enhanced improvement of goat meat production. Tagger is a promising meat breed due to good conformation and high meat quality. Nutrition is a main constraint for goat meat production. Sugar beet is introduced into the Gezira State with no information on effects of dried sugar beet roots (DSBR) based concentrates level on Tagger kids performance, carcass characteristics and meat composition. Twelve Tagger males of 6 months old were housed in individual pens, divided into 3 groups, each with 4 animals and allocated at random to the experimental diets. They were weighed weekly for 8 weeks with a two weeks preliminary period. They were fed groundnut haulm (GNH) ad lib. in two equal meals at 8.0 am and 4.0 pm and refusals were collected and weighed daily. The animals were fed different levels of DSBR based concentrates: 0 (control), 150g and 300g, in two equal parts before GNH meals. The concentrates contained 68% DSBR,15% groundnut cakes, 15% sunflower cakes, 1% salt and 1% oyster shell. Samples of feeds and refusals were stored for laboratory analysis.  Resultd showed that groundnut haulm (30% CP, 8.8% CF, 4.8% ash and 48.2% NFE) had better proximate analysis than refusals which generally improved with concentrates levels. Dried sugar beet had 12.9% CP, 11.0% CF and 59.25% NFE and the concentrates had 42.25% CP, 2.0% CF and 49.5% NFE. Overall mean BW generally increased with concentrates level (10.78, 10.9 and 12.19kg at 0, 150 and 300g, respectively), but  not significantly different. Overall mean daily feed intakes varied with concentrates level and were 1550.89, 1187.46 and 1545.67g at 0, 150 and 300g concentrates, respectively, and were significantly least in animals fed 150g concentrates. Weekly weight gain generally increased with concentrates level in all weeks and was highest in animals fed 150g concentrates with no significant effects for concentrates level. It was 0.55, 0.68 and 0.60 kg at 0, 150 and 300g concentrates, respectively. It is recommended to use DSBR based concentrates in fattening Tagger kids.     حفز ارتفاع الطلب  على اللحوم وأسعارها في السودان تحسين لحوم الماعز. تعتبر التقر سلالة واعدة لإنتاج اللحوم لجودة القوام ونوعية اللحم.  إلا أن التغذية من المعوقات الرئيسة لإنتاج لحوم الماعز.  أدخل بنجر السكر لولاية الجزيرة ولا تتوفر معلومات عن أثر مستوى جذر البنجر الجاف) ج ب ج (على أداء جديان التقر وصفات الذبيحة  وتركيب اللحم.  وضعت 12 من ذكور جديان التقر بعمر 6 أشهر في حظائر فردية  وقسمت الى 3 مجموعات بكل منها 4 حيوانات  ووزعت عشوائيا على أعلاف الدراسة. وزنت الحيوانات أسبوعيا لمدة 8 أسابيع منها أسبوعين فترة إعدادية. أعلفت الحيوانات تبن الفول السوداني )ت ف س) حسب الرغبة في وجبتين متساويتين عند الثامنة صباحا والرابعة مساء وجمع ووزن العلف المتبقي.  كما أعلفت الحيوانات مستويات مختلفة من عليقة مركزة ترتكز على )ج ب ج  (عند صفر( الشاهد), 150 و300جم في جزئين متساويين  قبل وجبتي ت ف س. احتوت العليقة المركزة على 68% ج ب ج و15%  امباز فول سوداني و15%  تبن زهرة الشمس و1% ملح و 1% صدف  حفظت عينات من  الأعلاف والعلف المتبقي للتحليل المعملي.  حُللت المعلومات إحصائيا باستخدام تحليل التباين واستخدم اختبار دنكن لفصل اختلافات المتوسطات. كان  ت ف س (  30% بروتين خام ، 8.85 ألياف خام، 4.8% رماد و 48.2% جزء خالي من النتروجين) أحسن في التحليل التقريبي من المتبق.والذي تحسنت نوعيته بارتفاع مستوى العليقة المركزة. كان تركيب  ج ب ج 12.95 % بروتين خام ، 11% الياف خام و 59.25% جزء خالي من النتروجين .وتركيب العليقة المركزة  42.25 % بروتين خام ، 2% ألياف خام و 49.5% جزء خالي من النتروجين .  زاد متوسط الوزن الكلى مع زيادة العليقة المركزة (10.78 ،  10.9 و 12.19عند صفر و 150 و 300 جم عليقة مركزة على التوالي بدون فروقات معنوية . (P>.05)  تباين متوسط المتناول من العلف تبعاً لمستوي المركزات وكان 1550.89 و 1187.46 و 1545.67 جم عند صفر و 150 و300 جم عليقة مركزة ، علي التوالي وكان أقل معنوياً للحيوانات التي غُذيت علي  150عليقة مركزة.  تباينت زيادة الوزن الأسبوعي بزيادة مستوي العليقة المركزة في كل الأسابيع وكانت الأعلى للحيوانات عند 150 جم بدون زيادة معنوية. وكانت 0.55 و0.68 و 0.60 كجم عند صفر و 150 و300 جم عليقة مركزة، علي التوالي. يوصي باستخدام علائق جذور بنجر السكر المجففة لتسمين جديان التقر

    Efficacy of Semi-Rigid Ureteroscopy and Holmium:YAG Laser Lithotripsy in the Treatment of Ureteric Calculi, a Retrospective Study

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    Background: Urolithiasis is a common worldwide health problem. Many endosurgical treatments became available for urinary calculi.Objectives: To find out the success clearance and complication rates of ureteric stone treatment using semi-rigid ureteroscopy and Holmium:YAG laser lithotripsy as a day case procedure.Methods: In the period from April 2011 to October 2013, a total of 64 patients who were treated by laser lithotripsy were reviewed retrospectively using Fedail Hospital data. Diagnosis was radiologically confirmed. Semi-rigid ureteroscopy and Holmium:YAG laser lithotripsy was conducted as a day case surgery. Operative details, clearance of stone fragments, failure and complications were analysed. Cases were followed clinically and radiologically after one week and one month.Results: The studied cases were 47 males and 17 females with average age of 47.3 years and ASA I in 52(81.3%). Those who had left ureteric stones were 28(43.8%) patients, only one patient had bilateral stones and 60(93.8%) patients had single stones. The largest stone diameter was 1.9cm. 68.8% had distal ureteric stones, 14.1% had mid third stones, and 17.2% had upper third stones. Most cases 96.9% were operated under spinal anaesthesia with mean operation time 61.2 minutes. Seven patients needed VUJ balloon dilatation to get access to the ureter.20 watt Holmium:YAG laser fibres were used for stone disintegration. 92.2% of cases had uncomplicated clearance, 3.1% minor complications and 4.7% failure of the procedure.100% clearance was confirmed during follow up. Conclusion: Semi-rigid ureteroscopy and Holmium:YAG laser lithotripsy is a safe treatment for ureteric calculi and can be conducted as a day case with high success rate and very low morbidity.Key words: ureteric stone, Semi-rigid ureteroscopy, Holmium:YAG laser lithotripsy

    Impact of Some Technological Interventions on Sorghum and Sesame Yields under Small Scale Rain fed Areas of Sinnar State, Sudan

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    Representative data for evaluating some technological interventions in small scale rain fed farming in Sinnar, State, Sudan during 2012, 2013 and 2014 summer rainy seasons were collected and evaluated. The technologies were transferred through a technical cooperation program between the Agricultural research Corporation, Sudan and an IFAD- Government of Sudan project. The implemented technologies included the use of chisel plow for in situ water conservation and sowing of improved released cultivars of sorghum, sesame, groundnut, millet cowpea/ forage legumes in a three course rotation. The objectives were to improve crop productivities for the poor farmers, diversify their income to help alleviate their poverty and to maintain soil fertility. Data obtained revealed that the use of chisel plow had resulted in deeper water penetration in the soil than the wide level disc (WLD) and together with sowing of improved cultivars had substantially boosted sorghum and sesame yields. The overall average sorghum yield in the project areas fo