15 research outputs found

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    Sepsis and Chronic Wounds: The Extent of the Issue and What we Should be Aware of

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    The authors talk about issues related to sepsis and chronic wounds, and factors that should be considered. Topics include role of chronic wounds in causing sepsis; awareness in hospital and community nurses about sepsis and its risks for wound patients; and guideline for the recognition, diagnosis and management of sepsis. It highlights steps that would be taken to reduce incidence of sepsis in wound patients

    Any Qualified Provider for Venous Leg Ulceration: Rhetoric or Reality?

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    The article presents a panel discussion about the role of the Any Qualified Provider (AQP) scheme in managing venous leg ulcers (VLUs) in Great Britain

    Data sets for "Structural Investigation of Sulfobetaines and Phospholipid Monolayers at the air-water interface"

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    Normalized neutron and X-ray reflectivity data for Langmuir monolayers composed of mixtures of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine, DMPC and a single 18-carbon tailed sulfobetaine, SB3-18 on pure water at room temperature and at surface pressures of 15 mN/m and 35 mN/m. Neutron measurements are carried out on D2O and air contrast matched water. Measurements were carried out with deuterated and hydrogenated lipids.Neutron reflectivity measurements were carried out on Inter at the ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon source at room temperature. Mixtures of DMPC and SB3-18 were investigates on D2O and air contrast matched water, ACMW. Deuterated phospholipid and sulfobetaine were used along with hydrogenated samples. X-Ray reflectivity measurements were carried out on I07 at The Diamond Light Source. As above mixtures of DMPC and SB3-18 were carried out on a water subphase at room temperature under a helium atmosphere. For both data sets are carried out at two surface pressures, the surface pressure in both cases is controlled by a Nima Langmuir trough.Neutron reflectivity data was stitched together and normalised using Mantid software. X-Ray reflectivity data was also normalised to the critical edge and by the incident flux at the Diamond light source.Reflectivity data, here given as .dat files, can be fitted and plotted using a range of programs, the Motofit package for Igor Pro, the Motofit GUI or RASCAL are some examples

    Asymmetric functional contributions of acidic and aromatic side chains in sodium channel voltage-sensor domains

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    Voltage-gated sodium (Na(V)) channels mediate electrical excitability in animals. Despite strong sequence conservation among the voltage-sensor domains (VSDs) of closely related voltage-gated potassium (K(V)) and Na(V) channels, the functional contributions of individual side chains in Na(v) VSDs remain largely enigmatic. To this end, natural and unnatural side chain substitutions were made in the S2 hydrophobic core (HC), the extracellular negative charge cluster (ENC), and the intracellular negative charge cluster (INC) of the four VSDs of the skeletal muscle sodium channel isoform (Na(V)1.4). The results show that the highly conserved aromatic side chain constituting the S2 HC makes distinct functional contributions in each of the four Na(V) domains. No obvious cation–pi interaction exists with nearby S4 charges in any domain, and natural and unnatural mutations at these aromatic sites produce functional phenotypes that are different from those observed previously in K(v) VSDs. In contrast, and similar to results obtained with K(v) channels, individually neutralizing acidic side chains with synthetic derivatives and with natural amino acid substitutions in the INC had little or no effect on the voltage dependence of activation in any of the four domains. Interestingly, countercharge was found to play an important functional role in the ENC of DI and DII, but not DIII and DIV. These results suggest that electrostatic interactions with S4 gating charges are unlikely in the INC and only relevant in the ENC of DI and DII. Collectively, our data highlight domain-specific functional contributions of highly conserved side chains in Na(V) VSDs