180 research outputs found
Oil price shocks and their consequences on Sudan's GDP growth and unemployment rates
Since the advent of oil production and export in late 1999, Sudan economy became more reliant on oil exports proceeds. This situation has exposed the economy to the negative effect of oil price fluctuations. In general, oil exporting countries exhibit positive impact on their economy to oil price increase, while oil importing economies suffer. Unlike developing economies, there is a paucity of research in developing countries with regards to the relationship between the macro-economy and oil price shocks. In this regard, Sudan has been neglected from serious studies related to oil price shocks. This research attempts to contribute towards filling this gap. In doing so, Vector Auto-Regression model is employed to investigate the impact of oil price shocks on the real GDP growth and unemployment rates over the period 2000 - 2014. The Granger causality test suggests that unemployment has statistically and significantly influenced real GDP growth. Results from the Impulse Response Functions and Forecast Error Variance Decomposition analysis suggest that increase in real oil price has greater influence on GDP growth. Interestingly, real oil price decrease has a significant positive impact on unemployment rate
In order to study the roles of the crystallite size of an active phase in a catalytic
reaction it is of utmost importance to be able to synthesize pure phases of crystallite in the
desired size range with a narrow size distribution. The method to produce a nano of Nickel
oxide ( ) is described. Nanoparticles (NPs) of are prepared by thermal decomposition of
freshly prepared nickel hydroxide by a sol gel route at 300°.This sample is characterized by Xray
diffractometer (XRD) and UV–visible spectroscopy. The average crystalline space or the
separation between atomic planes of () NPs is found to be about (2 - 5nm) and the average
of particle size is (9- 19 nm). According to our X-ray and neutron diffraction data, all NiO
powders are antiferromagnetically ordered at room temperature
Effect of organic extracts of Cafure leaves (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn.) on mosquitoes (Anopheles arabiensis Patton.)
Laboratory experiments were conducted at the National Malaria Centre, Sinnar State, Sudan to investigate the effects of organic extracts of Cafure leaves (Eucalyptus camaledulensis Dehn.) against malaria vector in Sudan (Anopheles arabiensis) Patton (Diptera:Culicidae). The larvicidal activities of different concentrations of ethanol and hexane extracts were measured according to the WHO standards for testing susceptibility of mosquito larvae to insecticides. The effects of extracts on repellency, oviposition deterrency and mortality of adult insects were also measured. Results indicated that hexane extract showed the best larvicidal effect with LC50 of 127.9 mg ℓ-1. It proved superiority over the standard larvicide Temphos® in the initial levels, meanwhile, ethanol extract exerted poor larvicidal effect (LC50 8276 mg ℓ 1). Results showed that hexane extract at 10% concentration repelled mosquitoes, for two and a half hours. However, ethanol concentrations depicted no repellency. All the tested extracts exhibited oviposition deterrency properties but had little insecticidal activities.
تم اجراء تجارب معملية فى المركز القومى للملاريا بولاية سنار لمعرفة تاثير مستخلصات عضوية من اوراق الكافور على البعوض الناقل للملاريا بالسودان (Anopheles arabiensis Patton.). تم قياس النشاط القاتل لليرقات وذلك لتركيزات مختلفة من مستخلصات الايثانول والهكسان تبعاً لمقاييس منظمة الصحة العالمية المستخدمة لاختبار حساسية يرقات البعوض للمبيدات. تم اختبار المستخلصات ضد الحشرة الكاملة للانوفليس وذلك بحساب التاثير الطارد كل نصف ساعة، والتاثير المانع لوضع البيض والقاتل للحشرة الكاملة بعد 24 ساعة من التعرض. اوضحت النتائج ان مستخلص اوراق الكافور الهكسانى اعطى اعلى تاثير قاتل لليرقات وذلك يتركيز نصفى قاتل 127,9 مجم/لتر-1، مع تفوق على المبيد القياسى تمفوس فى المستويات الاولى للتركيزات. اظهرت النتائج ايضاً ان المستخلص الهكسانى بتركيز 10% هو المعاملة الوحيدة التى ادت لطرد الحشرة الكاملة وذلك لفترة زمنية امتدت لساعتين. اظهرت المستخلصات تحت الاختبار خصائص مانعة لوضع البيض مع قليل من المميزات القاتلة للحشرة الكاملة.
Association of ABO Blood Group Antigens and Body Mass Index in Sudanese Students in Faculty Medicine of International University of Africa
Background: Many studies have supported a number of associations between ABO blood type and certain diseases, including pancreatic cancer, venous thromboembolism, and myocardial infarction in the presence of coronary atherosclerosis, sexual maturity, breast cancer, cancer, infections, Diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases ,hypertension, peptic ulcers, intelligence and socioeconomic class ,personality, suicide ,BMI and obesity . The ABO blood group is one such pivotal genetic determinant that can give valuable information for early detection of risk population.
The present study aims to investigate and to reveal the relationship between ABO blood groups and body mass index (BMI) among Sudanese medical students
Method: by using the cross –sectional study involve 105 medical students ,53 male ,52 female ,in a group of age 16 and 32 International Africa University (IUA),faculty of medicine. Weight, height for BMI and blood groups were determined in order to find any association between ABO blood group and BMI.
Result: Blood group O+ was most prevalent 28.6 % followed by A+ 25.7 %, B+ 23.8 %, O- 8.6 %, AB+ 4.8, A- 4.8 %, B- 1.9 % and AB- 1. Obesity was insignificantly (p= 652) as in our study we did not observe any significant difference regarding the ABO blood group in relation to , BMI, and Rhesus blood group. The prevalence of overweight observed in this study is similar to that of a cross-sectional study conducted among sampled students in other studies.
Conclusion: This study provides a ground for future research to confirm or refute the hypothesis of ABO type association with BMI
This study introduced a new approach for HEN retrofit that featuring area addition to
the existing exchangers without massive topology changes in HEN. The approach has
developed based on a combinatorial method to combine the available utility paths in
HEN systematically to generate several alternatives for increasing the process-toprocess
heat recovery. To ensure feasible heat transfer between hot and cold streams,
the Heat Recovery Approach Temperature (HRAT) is maintained while increasing the
heat recovery. The available exchangers’ pressure drop is considered in calculating
the film heat transfer coefficients. A demonstrative example showed several retrofit
options where the energy savings ranged from 450K/yr with payback of
less than 2 years to refund the investment rose from the mandatory area addition. The
developed approach is termed as ‘Paths Combination Approach for HEN Retrofit’.
Moreover, a concept of varying the process stream temperature has been established
to further increase the heat recovery and make the infeasible solutions more
competitive. This concept mainly depends on the process streams’ flexibility to
changing the inlet and outlet temperature; and termed as the Temperature Flexibility
concept (TF concept). Implementation alternatives are generated and integrated into
the paths combination approach. Given that major changes in process conditions are
rarely desired, the temperature changes has been kept within a small magnitude
regardless of the usual process temperature oscillations. A user friendly computer
programme has been developed for performing the approach in view of the significant
number of iterations required. Most of the infeasible retrofit solutions have changed to
the feasible zone where higher savings are featured along the temperature flexibility
range. The energy savings derived from HEN retrofit have been further investigated
to study the impact on the utility system. Through a case study integrating HEN
retrofit and utility system, the most efficient way was found to redistribute the steam
surplus among the utility system devices while considering the turbines flow
constraints. Accordingly, the power production in the utility system has increased
using one of the retrofit options from 4.1% to 10.5% when applying the full range of
the TF in HEN
District Health System now more than ever: A lesson From The Past- Sudan
Efforts to increase access to primary health care are ongoing in Sudan. Many health facilities were established and many health personnel were trained. As time passes, there is great concern about the sustainability as well as the effectiveness of these services due to lack of efficient local health system. With the establishment of federal system, Sudan was divided into states and localities with division of responsibilities between different levels. Health, in most of the cases, is the responsibility of states and localities. Tremendous efforts are going on to develop the capacity of states with few attempts to develop the local health system. This short communication aims to through light on the experience of health area policy in Sudan. The concentration will be on the experience of Umshanig health area (1982 -1986), East Gezira which is the first in Sudan. Though the time was change, still lessons can be obtained from this experience
Effect of vernalization period and bulb size on bolting of onion cultivar “Texas Early Grano” grown under Gezira conditions, Sudan
Texas Early Grano onion cultivar is very popular in Sudan and is used mainly as a salad vegetable. Unfortunately, this cultivar does not flower and produce seeds under Sudan conditions and seeds should be imported from abroad. Attempts to produce seeds of this cultivar under Gezira conditions have failed. Therefore, the objective of this research was to study the effects of bulb size and vernalization on the induction of flowering of Texas Early Grano onion cultivar. Experiments were conducted at the research farm of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan, during the winter seasons of 2008/09 and 2009/10. Treatments consisted of vernalization periods ranging from 45 to 180 days, storage temperatures of 4 to 50C, and bulb size which was small and medium. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Results indicated that vernalization duration significantly affected emergence percentage. As vernalization duration increased, emergence percentage increased in both seasons. Bulb size had no significant effects on emergence percentage. Vernalization temperatures of 4 to 50C for 90 days or more was the key factor for the induction of bolting of Texas Early Grano cultivar. To obtain the highest bolting percentage and seed yield, a combination of venrnalization at 4 to 50C for 180 days and medium-sized bulbs should be recommended.
يعتبر صنف البصل "تكساس إيرلى جرانو" من الأصناف المعروفة في السودان التي تستخدم كأحد الخضر الرئيسية في طبق السلطة. محاولة إنتاج بذور هذا الصنف محلياً لم تعط نتائج إيجابية نسبة لعدم توفر درجات الحرارة المنخفضة اللازمة لتحفيز الإزهار تحت ظروف ولاية الجزيرة. لذا هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تحفيز الإزهار لإنتاج البذور من هذا الصنف باستخدام ظاهرة الإرتباع (التخزين المبرد) لأحجام مختلفة من الأبصال. أجريت هذه الدراسة بمزرعة كلية العلوم الزراعية، جامعة الجزيرة، واد مدني، السودان خلال موسمي 2008/09 و 2009/10م. شملت التجارب فترات تخزين مبرد تراوحت ما بين 45- 180 يوما في درجات حرارة تراوحت ما بين 4 إلي 50 م ونوعين من حجم الأبصال (صغير ومتوسط). استخدم تصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة بثلاث مكررات. أشارت النتائج إلى أن التخزين المبرد في درجات الحرارة 4 - 5°م هو العامل الرئيسي المحفز للإزهار في صنف البصل "تكساس إيرلي جرانو". التخزين المبرد أظهر تاثيراً معنوياً في نسبة الانبات، فكلما زادت فترة التخزين المبرد زادت نسبة الانبات في كلا الموسمين، بينما لم يؤثر حجم الأبصال في نسبة الانبات. تم الحصول على أعلى نسبة للإزهار وإنتاجية البذور بزراعة الأبصال متوسطة الحجم والمخزنة في درجة حرارة 4 - 5°م لفترة 180 يوما. لذلك يوصى بتخزين الأبصال متوسطة الحجم في درجات حرارة تتراوح بين 4 - 5°م لفترة 180 يوما أو اكثر للحصول على بذور صنف البصل "تكساس إيرلي جرانو" تحت ظروف ولاية الجزيرة
Unbiased Parameter Estimation for Partially Observed Diffusions
In this article we consider the estimation of static parameters for partially
observed diffusion process with discrete-time observations over a fixed time
interval. In particular, we assume that one must time-discretize the partially
observed diffusion process and work with the model with bias and consider
maximizing the resulting log-likelihood. Using a novel double randomization
scheme, based upon Markovian stochastic approximation we develop a new method
to unbiasedly estimate the static parameters, that is, to obtain the maximum
likelihood estimator with no time discretization bias. Under assumptions we
prove that our estimator is unbiased and investigate the method in several
numerical examples, showing that it can empirically out-perform existing
unbiased methodology.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure
The prevalence of depression among adult asthmatic patients in Jizan Region, Saudi Arabia
Background: Depression is an important issue in asthma. Uncover depression in asthmatic patients has important implications for identifying patients and suitable treatment of these patients this will improve quality of life, decrease medication intake and decrease hospitalization.Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of depression among adult asthmatic patients in Jizan region, Saudi Arabia.Patients and methods: Cross-sectional study that was conducted in Jizan region at the chest diseases hospital. 270 (18-90 yrs.) asthmatic patients were recruited. The questionnaire including socio-demographic data, clinical risk factors of asthma, assessment of asthma by using asthma control test (ACT) and assessment of depression by using Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9).Results: Out of 270 adult asthmatic patients, 255 responded (94.4%). The mean age of patients was 41.03 ± 15.893 years. The prevalence of depression among adult asthmatic patients was 32.9%. By multivariate analysis the lower education level [elementary school or below (Odds ratio 3.219 (95% CI; 1.443-7.177)] and longer asthma duration (22 years and above) Odds ratio 2.065 (95% CI; 1.089-3.916) were independently associated with the development of depression in adult patients with asthma.Conclusion: The study showed that there was a high prevalence of depression among adult asthmatic patients in Jizan region, Saudi Arabia. The higher prevalence of depression was associated with lower education level, longer asthma duration, poor control of asthma and among married subjects. Screening for depression in adult asthmatic patients should be emphasized in primary health care centers, chest clinics and in hospitals. Adult asthmatic patients should be motivated to comply with asthma treatment
Objective: The objective of the present study was primarily to identify the sources and types of bacterial contamination associated with hospital-acquired infections in the intensive care unit and to investigate the sensitivity pattern of isolated bacteria to prescribed antibiotics of Wad Medani Emergency Hospital, Gezira State, Sudan.
Methods: A total of 50 swab samples were obtained from 14 different sites, including inanimate objects as well as nurses’ hands in the ICU. Identification of the bacterial isolates was performed utilizing Gram’s staining test and standard biochemical tests; likewise, the respective antimicrobial sensitivity was determined based on the guidelines recommended by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI).
Results: Showed the prevalence of Gram-positive isolates as Coagulase-negative staphylococci (30%), Staphylococcus aureus (20%), Bacillus spp (15%), and Streptococcus spp (4%). On the other hand, the Gram negative isolates were: Pseudomonas aeruginosa (11%), \Kliebsiella pneumoniae (7%), Proteus mirabilis (5%), and Enterobacter spp.(5%). Floor, Monitors, Patients’ oxygen masks and infusion-stands as well as nurses’ hands, were the most contaminated sites. Staphylococci showed a reasonable sensitivity response to Gentamicin and Vancomycin and high resistance to Erythromycin and Co-trimoxazole; whereas Gram-negative isolates showed high resistance to first and second-generation Cephalosporins and demonstrated good sensitivity pattern to Gentamicin and Meropenem. Pseudomonas aeruginosa also showed reasonable sensitivity to Ciprofloxacin.
Conclusion: Findings of the study demonstrated high bacterial contamination levels in ICU. 
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