3 research outputs found

    Building long homogeneous temperature series across Europe: a new approach for the blending of neighboring series

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    Long and homogeneous series are a necessary requirement for reliable climate analysis. Relocation of measuring equipment from one station to another, such as from the city center to a rural area or a nearby airport, is one of the causes of discontinuities in these long series which may affect trend estimates. In this paper an updated procedure for the composition of long series, by combining data from nearby stations, is introduced. It couples an evolution of the blending procedure already implemented within the European Climate Assessment and Dataset (which combines data from stations no more than 12.5 km apart from each other) with a duplicate removal, alongside the quantile matching homogenization procedure. The ECA&D contains approximately 3000 homogenized series for each temperature variable prior to the blending procedure, around 820 of these are longer than 60 years; the process of blending increases the number of long series to more than 900. Three case studies illustrate the effects of the homogenization on single blended series, showing the effectiveness of separate adjustments on extreme and mean values (Geneva), on cases where blending is complex (Rheinstetten) and on series which are completed by adding relevant portions of GTS synoptic data (Siauliai). Finally, a trend assessment on the whole European continent reveals the removal of negative and very large trends, demonstrating a stronger spatial consistency. The new blended and homogenized data-set will allow a more reliable use of temperature series for indices calculation and for the calculation of gridded data-sets, and will be available for users on www.ecad.eu

    The methods and problems of deep-freezing and vegetable and fruit preserving facilities in Bursa and Istanbul

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    Dondurulmuş meyve ve sebze tüketimi gelişmiş ülkelerde gittikçe artmaktadır. Ülkemizde yetiştirilen meyve ve sebzeler bunların dondurularak satılabilmesine olanak vererek miktardadır. Birkaç yıl öncesine kadar sadece deneme amacıyla işlenen ve yurdumuzda bol miktarda bulunan bir çok ürün bugün ihraç edilmek üzere dondurulmaktadır.Kısa ve uzun dönemde Türkiye'nin yurt dışına dondurulmuş satabileceği meyve ve sebze çeşitlerinin belirlenmesi ve planlı bir şekilde dış pazarların genişletilmesi ile yaklaşık %25-30 u tüketilmeden bozulan taze meyve ve sebzelerin dış ülkelere satılması mümkündür. Araştırmanın amacı, derin dondurma yöntemi ile sebze ve meyve muhafaza eden işletmelerin teknolojik düzeyi, uyguladıkları yöntemler ve karşılaştıkları sorunların belirlenmesidir. Araştırma İstanbul ve Bursa illerindeki işletmeleri kapsamaktadır. Bursa' da dört, İstanbul'da bir tesiste gözlem ve inceleme yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonunda Bursa bölgesindeki bir işletmede akışkan yatak dondurucu bulunduğu, diğer işletmelerde oda tipi dondurucular kullanıldığı saptanmıştır. Ön işlem için gerekli araçlar ise her işletmede farklıdır.Fakat kullanılan yöntem ve işlem basamakları işletmelerde temel olarak birbirinin aynıdır. Saptanan sorunların başında, işlemeye uygun, tek tip ve yeter miktarda hammadde bulunması gelmektedir. Bunun dışında bazı işletmelerin yer, kapasite ve teknoloji seçimindeki aksaklıkları diğer sorunları oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma sonunda sözleşmeli ve kontrollü ekim yapılması, hasat zamanlarının iyi saptanması, fizibilite çalışmalarının daha dikkatli yapılması, üretici ve işletmecilerin konu ile ilgili olarak eğitilmeleri önerilmiştir.The consumption of frozen fruit and vegetable in the developed countries has gradually increased. The amount of fruits and vegetables grown in our country is of enough capasity to be exported as frozen form. Inspite of the fact that alotof products available in large amount in our country could be exported with the aim of only experiment a few year ago, these ones are able to be exported as frozen form today. It is possible for Turkey to export frozen fruits and vege tables both determining the kinds of these and widening the foreign markets volume in planned way because % 25-30 of fresh fruits and vegetables have become putrid withast being consumed. The aim of research is to find out the problems arising from technological level, the methods put in to practice and un avoid able obstacles of the organizations where fruits and vegetables are kept with the 'method of deep freezing system. The research compries the organizations available in Istanbul and in Bursa. Observation and scientific study realized at four organizations in Bursa at only one organization in Istanbul. As a result of the research, it was observed that fluid frezing bearing is available at only one organization but other ones make use of room type freezing in Bursa region. Required equipment for initial working are different at evei organization but no difference fundamentaly fromm the point of view of methods and working steps .The difficulty of having raw ma terial which is of same type, required sufficiency and suitable for working comes a head. As a second suitable area,capasity and obstacles deriving from having the most suitable technology relating to organizations constitute the other problems. As a result of the research it has been proposed that it is essential to make sow a seed under ; the controll in accordance with agreement, and to determine haruest time and to realize fizi bilite process more carefully, and to train producers and business men with in the frome work of the subject