112 research outputs found

    Struvite’s potential as an alternative phos-phorus source for organic agriculture

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    Outcome Depending on the process, normally 12-22% of P present in wastewater is recovered in struvite. The P in struvite is not water-soluble but soluble in weak organic acids, such as those present in root exudates. The quality and purity of the final product depends on the production process, but contaminant levels are generally very low. Practical recommendations ‱ Given the nutrient content of struvite (5% N, 28% phosphate (P2O5), 10% Magnesium (Mg)) we recommend using it to provide P together with limited amounts of N and Mg. ‱ We recommend the use of struvite for crops with continuous need for P. Struvite slowly dissolves in the soil over time, especially when solubilised by root exudates, such as citrate, or under acidic conditions. In contrast to rock phosphate, it becomes available to the plant over time, even in alkaline soils. ‱ The maximum amount to apply corresponds to the expected P removal by the crop. The recommended doses are similar to any other P fertiliser. ‱ Struvite can be used in all crops (arable, horticultural, forage). ‱ The product is formulated in granules of about 1 to 3 mm in diameter, allowing the use of normal farm machinery. ‱ Since struvite releases P rather slowly, application before or at sowing is recommended. Struvite must be incorporated into the soil after broadcast application. Use of struvite in rows is also possible

    Climate effects of recycled fertilizers and biochar: emissions of nitrous oxide, methane and ammonia in a field experiment

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    Background Nitrogen (N) fertilizers are essential for crop production. Farmyard manure and slurry traditionally constitute about half of the total N inputs into crop production in Switzerland. Recycled fertilizers such as biogas slurry, liquid digestates and compost enable simultaneous energy production and closing of nutrient cycles. There is evidence that recycled fertilizers can help to increase N use efficiencies and to improve N supply in organic farming. Biochar amendment has shown a potential to mitigate soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, in particular nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Here, we combine one of the liquid recycled fertilizer treatments with biochar. In a 2.5-years on-farm experiment, we quantify GHG emissions and further gaseous N-losses via ammonia (NH3) emissions

    A soil carbon sequestration bible. Review of “Understanding and fostering soil carbon sequestration” edited by Cornelia Rumpel, Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, 2023

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    The potential contribution of soils to climate mitigation is a topic of great importance. Hence the new volume in the Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Sciences entitled Understanding and fostering soil carbon sequestration” and edited by Cornelia Rumpel is of interest not only to the Agricultural Science community, but to scientists in general as well as to policy makers. The book is divided into four parts, from understanding via measuring to fostering carbon sequestration in soils, and a final part on socioeconomic, legal and policy issues. With its 887 pages, it is a rather heavy (nearly 1.5 kg) and pricy (£170) volume, but of course each of the 29 chapters can be obtained and read individually

    Engrais phosphatés de recyclage - Ce que le secteur bio en pense

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    Le phosphore contenu dans les eaux usĂ©es devra ĂȘtre rĂ©cupĂ©rĂ© dĂšs 2026. Qu’en pensent agriculteurs et experts

    Rezyklierte PhosphordĂŒnger - was die Branche davon hĂ€lt

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    Phosphor in AbwĂ€ssern muss ab 2026 rĂŒckgewonnen werden. Was halten Landwirte und andere DĂŒngeexperten davon

    Doppelt! FĂŒr einen anderen Eintrag verwenden. Rezyklierte PhosphordĂŒnger - was die Branche davon hĂ€lt

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    Phosphor in AbwĂ€ssern muss ab 2026 rĂŒckgewonnen werden. Was halten Landwirte und andere DĂŒngeexperten davon

    BodenDok – eine modulare App fĂŒr die digitale Bodenbeurteilung

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    Die Spatenprobe liefert wertvolle Informationen zum Zustand landwirtschaftlicher Böden. Trotzdem wird sie in der Praxis wenig angewendet. Die BodenDok Mobile-App will dies nun Ă€ndern. Die App des Forschungsinstituts fĂŒr biologischen Landbau FiBL,eine Co-Produktion mit der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, unterstĂŒtzt die Landwirte bei der Spatenprobe und weitergehenden Beobachtungen am Boden. Die App fĂŒhrt die Nutzer Schritt fĂŒr Schritt durch den Beurteilungsprozess und liefert unter anderem Hinweise zur Bearbeitbarkeit des Bodens. Die App ist modular konzipiert, so dass vertiefende und innovative Untersuchungsmethoden zu einem spĂ€teren Zeitpunkt ergĂ€nzt werden können

    Valeur de rĂ©fĂ©rence pourl'humus des terres assolĂ©es - Etablissement d’une valeur de rĂ©fĂ©rence applicable Ă  la teneur en matiĂšre organique des sols minĂ©raux agricole

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    La prĂ©sente brochure s’adresseaux organes exĂ©cutifs de protection des sols et aux professionnels avertis. Elle prĂ©sente les possibilitĂ©s d’établir une valeur de rĂ©fĂ©rence applicable Ă  la teneur en matiĂšre organique des sols minĂ©raux agricoles. Elle intĂšgre la rĂ©glementation suisse ainsi que les acquiset les avis d'un atelier rĂ©unissant des acteurs de l'agriculture, de la protection de l'environnement et de l’exĂ©cution cantonale, qui s'est tenu le 16novembre 201

    Tracing the fate of 15N-labelled animal manure in the environment

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    Background ‱ Nitrate leaching threatens both the environment and drinking water quality ‱ Switzerland ca. 380,000 ha with > 25 mg nitrate/L in groundwater (quality criteria for drinking water) [1]; the GĂ€u region (Canton Solothurn) is especially vulnerable ‱ Organic fertilizers (slurry, farmyard manure, etc.) might entail considerably increased leaching risks due to variable nitrogen (N) content and availability ‱ Aim: increase N use efficiency, simultaneously reduce leachin

    Cancer incidence and risk of multiple cancers after environmental asbestos exposure in childhood—a long-term register-based cohort study

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    Objectives: To examine the asbestos-associated cancer incidence and the risk of multiple cancers in former school children exposed to environmental asbestos in childhood. Methods: A cohort of 12,111 former school children, born 1940–1970, was established using 7th grade school records from four schools located at a distance of 100–750 m in the prevailing wind direction from a large asbestos-cement plant that operated from 1928 to 1984 in Aalborg, Denmark. Using the unique Danish personal identification number, we linked information on employments, relatives’ employments, date of cancer diagnosis, and type of cancer and vital status to data on cohortees extracted from the Supplementary Pension Fund Register (employment history), the Danish Cancer Registry, and the Danish Civil Registration System. We calculated standardized incidence rates (SIRs) for asbestos-associated cancers, all cancers, and multiple cancers using rates for a gender and five-year frequency-matched reference cohort. Results: The overall incidence of cancer was modestly increased for the school cohort (SIR 1.07, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.02–1.12) compared with the reference cohort. This excess was driven primarily by a significantly increased SIR for malignant mesothelioma (SIR 8.77, 95% CI 6.38–12.05). Former school children who had combined childhood environmental and subsequent occupational exposure to asbestos had a significantly increased risk of lung cancer. Within this group, those with additional household exposure by a relative had a significantly increased SIR for cancer of the pharynx (SIR 4.24, 95% CI 1.59–11.29). We found no significant difference in the number of subjects diagnosed with multiple cancers between the two cohorts. Conclusions: Our study confirms the strong association between environmental asbestos exposure and malignant mesothelioma and suggests that environmental asbestos exposure in childhood may increase the overall cancer risk later in life
