12 research outputs found

    Attitudes of different stakeholders toward pig husbandry : a study to determine conflicting and matching attitudes toward animals, humans and the environment

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    The pig sector is struggling with negative attitudes of citizens. This may be the result of conflicting attitudes toward pig husbandry between citizens and other stakeholders. To obtain knowledge about these attitudes, the objectives of this study were (1) to determine and compare attitudes of various stakeholders toward animals, humans and the environment in the context of pig husbandry and (2) to determine and compare the acceptability of publically discussed issues related to pig husbandry of various stakeholders. A questionnaire was distributed to citizens, conventional pig farmers, organic pig farmers, pig husbandry advisors and pig veterinarians. Respondents could indicate their attitude toward aspects related to animals, humans and the environment in the context of pig husbandry and they could indicate their opinion about the acceptability of issues of pig husbandry, e.g. piglet mortality and inside pig housing. Based on measured attitudes and the acceptability of issues, the studied stakeholders could be divided into three distinctive groups. The group of citizens and organic pig farmers showed negative attitudes toward all aspects of pig husbandry, the group of conventional pig farmers and pig husbandry advisors only showed negative attitudes toward aspects related to economics and the group of pig veterinarians showed negative attitudes to specific aspects of pig husbandry. This indicates that stakeholders have different interests and different perspectives with regard to pig husbandry. The pig sector should learn to understand citizens’ perspectives and take these into account in their line of work, the implementation of animal welfare measures and in their communication

    Hyperketonemia and the impairment of udder defense: a review

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    The objective of this study was to review the possible relationships between hyperketonemia and the function of phagocytes with respect to the bovine udder defense mechanism. We hypothesize that an increased incidence of clinical mastitis in high-producing cows is caused by the impairment of the udder defense mechanism during hyperketonemia. First, we review the acute phase of udder defense mechanisms after intramammary infection. The physiological changes of cows in negative energy balance are subsequently discussed. Finally, possible relationships between udder defense and physiological changes during negative energy balance, especially hyperketonemia, are reviewed. The three stages of an acute phase of udder defense are: (1) immediately eliminating invading pathogens by phagocytes, (2) releasing inflammatory substances, especially chemoattractants, and (3) migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes into the infected udder. Leukocytes from hyperketonemia subjects show a lower capacity of the phagocytic defense mechanism. In addition, the phagocytic and bactericidal capacities of neutrophils are reduced when these cells are acting in the presence of high concentrations of ketone bodies. Lower amounts of cytokine production after bacterial infection are observed in ketotic subjects. The chemotactic capacity of blood leukocytes is impaired in leukocytes obtained from ketotic cows. Lower numbers of blood leukocytes are observed in ketotic cows. In conclusion, the impairment of the udder defense mechanism in negative energy balance cows seems related to hyperketonemia.Hypercétonémie et diminution des défenses mammaires : une synthèse. L'objectif de cette étude est de présenter des relations possibles entre l'hypercétonémie et la fonction des phagocytes pour ce qui est des mécanismes de défense de la mamelle. Notre hypothèse est qu'une augmentation des mammites cliniques chez des vaches laitières à haute production serait causée par une détérioration des mécanismes de défense de la mamelle suite à une hypercétonémie. Premièrement, le stade aigu des mécanismes de défense de la mamelle après une infection a été étudié. Ensuite, les changements physiologiques chez les vaches ayant un bilan énergétique négatif ont été présentés. Finalement, les relations entre les mécanismes de défense de la mamelle et les changements physiologiques au cours d'un bilan énergétique négatif, notamment une hypercétonémie, ont été revus. Les trois stades d'une phase aiguë de défense mammaire sont les suivants : (1) des organismes pathogènes envahisseurs sont phagocytés immédiatement, (2) des substances inflammatoires sont produites, en particulier des substances chimio-tactiques, (3) des leucocytes polynucléaires migrent vers la mamelle infectée. La capacité phagocytaire des leucocytes ainsi que celle des neutrophiles et la capacité bactéricide de ceux-ci sont apparemment détériorés dans les conditions d'hypercétonémie. La quantité de cytokines produites après une infection bactérienne est diminuée chez les sujets hypercétonémiques. Le chimiotactisme des leucocytes sanguins est détérioré dans les leucocytes provenant de vaches hypercétonémiques. Des quantités plus faibles de leucocytes sanguins sont observés dans les vaches hypercétonémiques. En conclusion, la détérioration des mécanismes de défense de la mamelle au cours de la période du bilan énergétique négatif semble liée à l'hypercétonémie

    Attitudes of Dutch Citizens toward Sow Husbandry with Regard to Animals, Humans, and the Environment

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    The pig industry is struggling with negative attitudes of people toward sow husbandry. To be able to respond to these attitudes, the pig industry first has to understand people’s attitudes. The first objective of this study was to determine the attitudes of Dutch people toward sow husbandry with regard to animals, humans, and the environment. The second objective was to group people based on their attitudes toward sow husbandry and determine and compare the socio-demographic characteristics of these groups. An online survey was conducted in the Netherlands and there were 1,607 respondents. On average, respondents had negative attitudes toward all issues defined in this study. The most negative attitudes were toward the effect on both animals and consumers of the use of antibiotics, the number of animals kept per square meter, the possibility for animals to go outside, food safety risks, public health risks, and environmental waste. The findings indicate the importance of considering all the issues identified in this study during the process of developing measures to improve people’s attitudes toward sow husbandry. Respondents could be divided into four clusters; each cluster represented different attitudes toward sow husbandry and had different socio-demographic characteristics. This makes it possible for the pig industry to assign people with specific socio-demographic characteristics to one of the clusters and predict their attitudes toward sow husbandry. Knowledge of these attitudes enables the pig industry to predict how different groups of people will respond to different animal welfare measures. Results of this study are therefore useful for the pig industry to help improve people’s attitudes toward sow husbandry.</p