658 research outputs found

    A Standard for Judicial Review of Administrative Decisionmaking Under SEPA—Polygon Corp. v. City of Seattle, 90 Wn. 2d 59, 578 P.2d 1309 (1978)

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    This note will discuss the necessity of judicial review of administrative decisions which are made after the evaluation of an EIS. The note concludes that the relatively broad standard chosen by the court is appropriate for the review of administrative decisions made under SEPA

    Can Mass Shootings Be Stopped? To Address the Problem, We Must Better Understand the Phenomenon: 2023 Edition

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    The mass shooting at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, happened over two decades ago, yet it remains etched in the national consciousness. To this day, communities still are struggling to find solutions to the complex and multifaceted nature of mass shootings. Understanding the unique context of the mass public shootings phenomenon is necessary for policymakers, practitioners, and other vested stakeholders to work to reduce these incidents and their impacts. This brief provides updated analyses from the last two years (2021–22), building on previous work by the Regional Gun Violence Research Consortium to identify trends and broader considerations related to mass public shootings

    Computers in Psychiatry

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    Within psychiatric research, the field of 'technotherapy' has been centred primarily on attempts to assess the computer as a treatment tool. The situation of daily clinical usage is, however, often ignored within such research, as for instance in controlled clinical trials. Our empirical study illustrates how health professionals and clients use different concepts of science and health in the attempts of formulating standards for using computers in psychiatric practice. The psychiatrists at a major psychiatric hospital decided and justified clients' use of computers on the basis of a 'techno-medical' quality assurance. At the same hospital the occupational therapists stressed the improvement of social relations as a treatment goal. And, at a psychiatric outside clinic the clients used concepts of 'normality' for articulating quality in computer use. Our study exemplifies how the use of computers is a multifaceted 'performance'. What is called for is a kind of research not limited by artificial borders of 'the context' and the 'user-perspective'. In much humanistic research as well as in action research concepts of 'context' and 'user-perspective' imply a somehow romantic view on practice as pure and uncontaminated by the outside world contrasted to a 'general' or an 'objective' way of knowing the world. These sharp distinctions were however difficult to maintain in our study, where health professionals and clients took local contingencies into account when they interpreted computer use, while they simultaneously drew on a socio-historical reservoir of resources

    Suelos volcanicos endurecidos

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    The tepetates of Mexico Highlands are indurated horizons with fragipan pr0perties. Tepetates appear among pyroclastic deposits (T1, T2, T3). A soil profile located near Texcoco, Mexico, including tepetate layers was studied. Mineralogical and microscopical features of this profile were studied using a series of methods. This report the main results of the study. Tepetates were characterized by several features: first, the nature of their parent material; second, a close matrix microstructure and third, their colloidal fraction. The latter is conformed mainly by laminated 1:1 to 2:1 mixed layer minerals made of flaky layers. These features can explain the fragipan properties of tepetates and most of their mechanical behaviour. (Résumé d'auteur)

    TRÆTHEDENS HISTORIE.: Et eksempel på et forskningsemne for den humanistiske sundhedspsykologi

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    The history of fatique shows how the »human motor« without fatigue became an ideal for the burgeois in the industrial upstart. To day the syndrome of chronic fatigue is prevalent among people in work-rehablitations. They are in search of an organic diagnosis and a case shows how they resist a psychological understanding of their situation. The humanistic approach within health psychology have as an central theme the understanding of this complex field of illness and disease.Feelings of fatigue: Asthenia, anergy, tiredness, weariness, languor, lassitude, depression, melancholia, acedia, aparthy, intertia, aboulia, lethargy, exhaustion, vecordia, tediousness, ennui, debility, lack of vitality, lack of vigour, pusillanimity, adynamia, boredom, feebleness, failing of strength, hyperaesthesis, irritability, ahedionia, »being out of sorts«, »out of being«, »feeling knackered« and »down in the dumps«. (Berrios 1991: 369). Ud fra et historisk materiale og en aktuel case om træthed, bliver der givet en karakteristik af den humanistiske del af sundhedspsykologien. Den historiske gennemgang af træthed viser bl.a. hvorledes det blev til et begreb til at forstå det industrielle menneske; en krop uden træthed blev et ideal for borgerskabet. I dag er det såkaldte kroniske træthedssyndrom karakteristisk for en række revalidenter, som er på jagt efter en organisk diagnose. En case illustrerer, hvorledes disse patienter er imod en psykologisering af deres situation. Træthedens historie viser, hvorledes symptomet placerer sig i spillet mellem den folkelige og den professionelle opfattelse. Den humanistiske del af sundhedspsykologien har til hensigt at forstå dette komplekse felt som et hele uden at ideologisere enten den ene eller den anden af positionerne

    PSYKOSOCIALT ARBEJDE MED VOLDENS OFRE.: En udfordring for den traditionelle terapeutrolle

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    På baggrund af et materiale fra Colombia og Peru gives der eksempler på, hvorledes den politiske og kulturelle kontekst giver forskellige fom1er for psykosocialt arbejde med krigens overlevere. I Colombia er befolkningen meget interesseret i psykoterapi, hvorimod den i Peru har en anden holdning. PTSD-diagnosen, vold og kulturelle udviklingsbegreber gennemgås med konkrete eksempler fra den latinamerikanske Violencia forskning. Kun ved at se PTSD-diagnosen og den såkaldte kriseterapi i både et historisk og et aktuelt lys og ved at analysere deres i-tale-sættelser, vises det hvorledes, der kan være helt forskellige holdninger til psykologrollen og den dermed beslægtede holdning ti/forsoningen efter krig.Examples are given from Colombia and Peru on how the political and cultural context gives different forms for psychsocial work with the survivors of state organized violence. In Colombia the people are very interested in psychotherapy, whereas people in Peru do have an almost opposite attitude. The PTSD-diagnose, conceptsof violence and cultural development are given along with concrete examples from the Latinamerican Violencia studies. Only by relating the PTSD-diagnosis and the crisis-intervention treatment with an analysing ofthe historical and actual context in an linguistic reference, it can be understood why different roles for the psychologist are given and thereby different ways ofreconciliation

    NÅR SELVOPLEVELSEN ERSTATTES AF KROP OG ÅND. Om tibetanske flygtninges ukuelighed

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    For mange i Vesten er buddhismen blevet til et romantisk idealbillede på opnåelse af lykke og harmoni. Men tibetanske flygtninge er ikke specielt lykkelige og falder uden for den moderne såkaldte »positiv psykologi« om lykke og sundhed. De omskriver snarere deres lidelse i en ukuelighed, som bygger på, at de ikke har et begreb om et selv, men erstatter det i andre begreber om tilknytning, krop og spiritualitet. Den tibetanske anderledeshed med sit særlige udgangspunkt i den buddhistiske spiritualitet, skaber nogle specielle former for lidelse, som ikke umiddelbart kan sammenlignes med andre. Tibetanerne giver lidelsen en form for embodyment, som kan rumme en kompleksitet af mind/body i en kulturel og politisk kosmologi