162 research outputs found

    Gender Differences In Retirement Income And Pension Policy: Simulating The Effects of Various DB and DC Schemes

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    In this analysis, we evaluate the relative pension positions of men and women, under different characterisations of their respective working lives and pension designs. We consider both aDefined Benefit (DB) and a Defined Contribution (DC) scheme, and a few variants of their basic pension formula, each exemplifying a stylised normative framework. Not surprisingly, the working career is the most relevant factor in determining the relative retirement income of women with respect to men; pension systems can compensate, but only upto a point. As for a comparison between DB and DC systems, taken without explicit redistributive measures, the latter can fare better than the former in providing a more equal distribution of retirement income between men and women, because it removes the greater return to steeper earnings profiles, more characteristic of men. The introduction of a minimum pension provision in the DB system improves the relative position of women with discontinuousor poor careers, while, in DC systems, a formal recognition of women’s care activities through pension credits seems less effective than neutralising their longer life expectancy in the determination of the pension benefits using unisex longevity tables
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