40 research outputs found

    Sociology of Landscape: Agricultural, Soil and Water Conservation in Calabar, Cross River State

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    The magnitude of challenges created on the human environment in different parts of the earth surface today, is alarming. This has resulted to various environmental threats across the universe which are quite visible and have a roused the concern of sociologists-worldwide. This is seen in the scale of wildlife destruction, soil erosion, deforestation, air, water, and land pollution, increased temperature levels among others. Globally, we are confronted with massive human starvation, extinction of plants and animal species, dwindling biodiversity, drought and desertification, global warming, emission of carbon dioxide from burning of fossil fuels, depletion of the protective ozone layer by lethal chemicals and concomitant bombardment of the earth’s environment by cancer-causing ultra violent radiation. Man’s attempt to convert the environment for his development had produced the highlighted and if mans activities on the environment are not controlled it would seriously rendered the world landscape uninhabitable. This paper seeks to explore the various ways in which man’s activities in the environment pose a threat to Agricultural soil and water conservation. It also highlights strategies to achieve sustainable environmental landscape balance


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    Previous studies have shown that extreme weather events are on the rise in response to our changing climate. Such events are projected to become more frequent, more intense, and longer lasting. A consistent exposure metric for measuring these extreme events as well as information regarding how these events lead to ill health are needed to inform meaningful adaptation strategies that are specific to the needs of local communities. Using federal meteorological data corresponding to 17 years (1997-2013) of the National Health Interview Survey, this research: 1) developed a location-specific exposure metric that captures individuals’ “exposure” at a spatial scale that is consistent with publicly available county-level health outcome data; 2) characterized the United States’ population in counties that have experienced higher numbers of extreme heat events and thus identified population groups likely to experience future events; and 3) developed an empirical model describing the association between exposure to extreme heat events and hay fever. This research confirmed that the natural modes of forcing (e.g., El Niño-Southern Oscillation), seasonality, urban-rural classification, and division of country have an impact on the number extreme heat events recorded. Also, many of the areas affected by extreme heat events are shown to have a variety of vulnerable populations including women of childbearing age, people who are poor, and older adults. Lastly, this research showed that adults in the highest quartile of exposure to extreme heat events had a 7% increased odds of hay fever compared to those in the lowest quartile, suggesting that exposure to extreme heat events increases risk of hay fever among US adults

    Influence of parental involvement on their children’s education and their academic achievement in English language

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    This study is an attempt to determine students’ academic achievement in English language based on parental involvement in their children’s education in the southern educational zone of Cross River State. One research question and one null hypothesis was formulated and tested. The sample consisted of 376 senior secondary two students (SS2) of the 2011/2012 academic session. Instrument for data collection were the home background variable questionnaire (HBVQ) and an English achievement test. The data gathered was analysed using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Analysis. The finding revealed that parental involvement in their children’s education significantly influenced their academic achievement in English language. On the basis of the finding it was concluded that when parents assist their children with their school work at home, children academic achievement is likely to be high. Thus, it was recommended that parents work regularly with children’s learning activities at home to facilitate achievement.Keywords: Influence, parental involvement, children’s education, academic achievement, English languag

    Challenges of Mobilization And Participation For Community Development: A Study Of The Internally Displaced Person Of Bakassi Peninsular, Nigeria

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    Mobilization and participation have extraordinary implication on the socio-cultural lives of the people of Bakassi, especially for the kind of forceful resettlement on the citizenry. This study was conducted through a participatory rural appraisal technique (survey research) in order to ascertain and evaluate the basic needs of a typical rural setting like Bakassi in Nigeria, with a view of understanding the strategies for rural mobilization and participation in a resettled environment. The study intended to explore on the social-economic, political and cultural factors affecting the internally displaced persons of Bakassi. The study was premised on invalidating contemporary resettled issues affecting a resettled area like Bakassi. The people are not appreciative of government efforts because of the frustration encountered as displaced persons. Data for this study were obtained from two hundred (200) respondents in the study area through a combined set of research instrument and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The respondents were randomly selected from the various areas under the study. Two null hypotheses were tested using the x2 test of significance. The findings of the study have among other things shown that the people of Bakassi are not properly resettled inspite of government huge resources committed to the area; majority of the people are poor and under fed, the settlers are without good drinking water, no access to good education and poor health delivery services. The study therefore, recommends that government should have the political will to design and implement policies targeted at ameliorating the plight of the resettled Bakassi people especially in the provision of affordable social services and empowering the poor to design and implement policies having the potential of meeting the basic needs of the people. Government should also embark on proper and most effective resettlement that could make the people closer to the sea, in other to continue with their normal marine occupation

    Effect of Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons on the Development of the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

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    The study was a survey of the sources of small arms and their effects on the development of the South-South Zone of Nigeria. The study was conducted in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. The data used for the project were the responses of youths, staff and adults randomly selected from the research area. The Mean and Simple Percentage Method formulae were used to analyze the data and interpret the results. The results revealed that it was not the advent of small arms but oil multinationals activities, insensitivity and long years of neglect that caused the insecurity in the Niger Delta. The Federal Government of Nigeria made no genuine effort to develop the region until the creation of Niger Delta Development Commission in the year 2000. The study concludes that rather than cause the insecurity situation in the Niger Delta, small arms aided the militants to panic the Federal Government into accepting development as the indispensible solution to the Niger Delta question. The study recommended adequate finding and supervision of Niger Delta Development Commission and accountability of the part of Commission officials to at least realize the 15 years of the Commissions Master Plan

    Social Determinants of Health in People Living with Psychiatric Disorders: The Role of Pharmacists.

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    INTRODUCTION: Social determinants of health (SDOH) affect outcomes of people living with psychiatric disorders, including substance use disorders. As experts in medication optimization, pharmacists play a vital role in identifying and addressing medication-related problems associated with SDOH. However, there is a paucity of literature on how pharmacists can be part of the solution. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to provide a narrative review and commentary on the intersection between SDOH, medication-related outcomes in people living with psychiatric disorders, and the role of pharmacists in addressing them. METHOD: The American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists appointed an expert panel to research the issue, identify barriers, and develop a framework for including pharmacists in addressing medication therapy problems associated with SDOH in people with psychiatric disorders. The panel used Healthy People 2030 as the framework and sought input from public health officials to propose solutions for their commentary. RESULTS: We identified potential connections between SDOH and their impact on medication use in people with psychiatric disorders. We provide examples of how comprehensive medication management can afford opportunities for pharmacists to mitigate medication-related problems associated with SDOH. CONCLUSION: Public health officials should be aware of the vital role that pharmacists play in addressing medication therapy problems associated with SDOH to improve health outcomes and to incorporate them in health promotion programs

    A Descriptive Analysis of Social Media Usage as Predictors of Study Habits among Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Calabar Metropolis: Implications for Inclusive Education

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    Aim: This study is a descriptive analysis of Facebook and WhatsApp as predictors of study habits among SSII students with disabilities in Public Secondary Schools of Calabar Metropolis of Cross River State, Nigeria: Implications for inclusive education. Two study objectives were stated to guide the study and achieve its goals. Two research questions were formulated. A literature review was carried out based on the variables under study, as research gaps were also stated. Method: The study utilised the descriptive survey research design. The population of Senior Secondary School II (SSII) students with disabilities in Calabar Metropolis comprises 3,814 from 24 public Secondary Schools. The study used a stratified random sampling technique. Out of 3,814 respondents, 763 respondents were sampled for the study. A validated 15-item four-point modified Likert scale questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. The face and content validity of the instrument was established by experts in Test and Measurement from the University of Calabar, Calabar-Nigeria. The reliability estimates of 0.82 for the instruments were established using the Cronbach Alpha method. A descriptive analysis of frequency, percentages, mean, and standard deviation was used to test the research questions posed for the study. Results: The results obtained from the data analysis revealed there is a high extent of the impact of Facebook on study habits among SSII students with disabilities, and there is also a high extent of the impact of WhatsApp on study habits among SSII students with disabilities in Public Secondary Schools of Calabar Metropolis of Cross River State, Nigeria Conclusion: Based on the study's findings, it was concluded that Facebook and WhatsApp utilisation significantly impact study habits among SSII students with disabilities in Public Secondary Schools in the study area. Recommendation: Based on the result of the study, it was recommended that there should be a continuity of inclusive education policies and social media usage in Cross River State and Nigeria at large

    Analyse économique comparée de la gestion forestière publique des différentes stratégies de production ligneuse au Cameroun

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    Durant les décennies 1980 et 1990, le Cameroun a connu une sévère crise économique consécutive à la double baisse des cours internationaux et de la production de ses principaux produits d'exportation (café, cacao, pétrole). Cette crise a sensiblement réduit la part desdits produits dans le PIB et a accru l'importance relative d'autres secteurs. C'est le cas du secteur forestier dont la contribution est passée de 2.3% en 1986/87 à plus de 10% depuis 1995. Cette période de croissance du secteur forestier a coïncidé avec la réapparition de l'impératif de protection de l'environnement prôné par la communauté internationale depuis le sommet de Rio en 1992. Ce sommet préconise la mise en place des politiques de gestion qui encourage la préservation des forêts. Comment concilier l'importance économique du secteur forestier et la nécessité de préserver les forêts au Cameroun est la question cruciale à laquelle est confronté tout planificateur socio-économique. Cette thèse est une tentative de réponse à cette question. Elle modélise la planification des forêts publiques soumises à exploitation industrielle au Cameroun. Elle présente une analyse économique comparée de la gestion forestière suivant trois modes de régénération : naturelle, artificielle et mixte. L'objectif de l'étude est de dégager le mode de régénération qui fournit la plus grande valeur actuelle nette (VAN) tout en assurant une gestion soutenue et par extension durable. Ceci implique de comparer la VAN, le revenu net moyen, la distribution temporelle des revenus, le volume moyen de bois exploité, la composition spécifique des volumes de bois produits, les superficies forestières naturelles préservées. Pour chaque mode de régénération nous avons d'une part, déterminé l'évolution de la production de bois et les paramètres d'exploitation et, d'autre part, développé un modèle de programmation linéaire mixte en nombres entiers. L'objectif du planificateur à travers chaque modèle de gestion est de maximiser la VAN des forêts exploitées. La réalisation de cet objet est liée aux contraintes de superficies, de croissance des essences, de gestion soutenue, de transformation, de transport, de législation, ... Des simulations intégrant la satisfaction des besoins des populations rurales en gibier et la préservation de la diversité spécifique des essences sont réalisées. L'étude montre que la régénération mixte génère une activité forestière plus intense que les régénérations artificielle et naturelle respectivement. Elle dégage la VAN et le revenu net moyen les plus élevés. Les régénérations mixte et artificielle pénalisent les générations présentes dans la distribution de revenu net au cours du temps. Les revenus générés par l'exploitation des forêts naturelles au cours des premières périodes d'exploitation sont presque en totalité réinvestis dans les plantations forestières qui seront exploitées par les générations futures. Contrairement à la régénération naturelle, les régénérations mixte et artificielle n'assurent pas la préservation des forêts naturelles et de toutes les espèces ligneuses. En effet, toutes les forêtsnaturelles sont rasées 60 ans au plus tard après l'ouverture des forêts à l'exploitation. De même, pour ces deux modes de régénération, seules les essences de courte et moyenne révolutions sont plantées. L'étude montre aussi que la matière ligneuse exploitée est valorisée uniquement sous forme de gros bois. Ce bois est transformé en parquet et mélange "sciage-tranchage-déroulage" pour les essences nobles. Il est essentiellement exporté en grume pour les essences moins nobles. L'intégration des besoins des populations rurales en gibier et la préservation de la diversité spécifique des essences foretières réduisent l'intensité de l'exploitation forestière. Elles imposent la préservation des forêts naturelles. De même la recherche de la stabilité de l'écosystème forestier par l'augmentation des diamètres d'exploitabilté actuellement appliqués au Cameroun, réduit l'intensité de l'exploitation forestière. L'interdiction par la législation forestière d'exporter les grumes réduit la valeur nette de la matière ligneuse exploitée. Les résultats de l'étude ont permis de formuler des recommandations qui permettraient d'améliorer la valorisation de la matière ligneuse au Cameroun dans une perspective soutenue et durable. De nombreuses pistes de recherche sont aussi proposées afin d'approfondir cette recherche.Thèse de doctorat en Sciences agronomiques -- UCL, 200